• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 13,601 Views, 548 Comments

Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods - The Zebra Hybrid

In a alternate universe where Lord Beerus actually destroyed Earth, Goku and Vegeta are sent in to another universe where they must adapt to their new home.

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Saga 1: Battle of Saiyans

Battle of Gods Saga

Canterlot High school

The six girls walked through the hallways as Goku and Vegeta, (mostly Goku) were telling them about all the adventures him and Vegeta had, like when they both met, the battle on Namek, Cell and the androids, and Majin Buu. The girls were astonished by the struggles the two boys had gone through but then all of a sudden Goku looked down in shame.

"Goku? What's wrong?" asked Sunset with concern.

"It's just how we got here." answered Goku

"What happened."

"Well, it turns out the God of Destruction, Lord Beerus, decided to destroy my Earth but I wasn't going to let that happen. So with the help of Vegeta, his son Trunks, my sons Gohan and Goten, and my unborn grandchild I was able transform into a super saiyan god."

"Super saiyan god? Is that like the another form of super saiyan?" asked Rainbow

"Kind of, unlike regular super saiyan I can't transform at will, I actually need to absorb the energy from five other saiyans to achieve my god form, but it last temporarily and after that I lose the power."

"Well that sucks."

"Yeah, but as I was saying I achieve Super saiyan god and took on Beerus head on, but while I was fighting my god powers ran out, and I let my home be destroyed, the next thing I knew I was lying in the field with Vegeta. My family and friends are all gone and I wasn't strong enough to stop it." complained Goku there was an awkward silence until Vegeta thought of something.

"Now that we have told you about us, tell what you are and that transformation you did on that track." growled Vegeta

"Well," started Sunset, "I'm not from this word either." Goku and Vegeta looked at her in shock.

"What do you mean, speak now!"

"I'm from a land called Equestria which is inhabited by ponies-"

"Wait, ponies? Are you serious? Bwahahaha!" laughed Vegeta as Sunset glared at his scoffing. Vegeta wiped a tear, still chuckling from the comment.

"As I was saying, I was banished here after a terrible mistake I made, after a while I returned to Equestria and stole one of the princesses crown and returned here to rule this world for myself, But the princess known as Twilight Sparkle followed me and managed to stop me. Ever since then I've been trying to make up for what I have done but it doesn’t seem to be working out as I expected." sadly explained Sunset Shimmer. Goku thought about Sunsets story and noticed that she kind of reminded him of Vegeta without the anger issues, they were both evil at one point, but now are trying to make up for they did by doing the right thing. Goku also wondered what this Twilight Sparkle was like also.


As the bell rang the group said their goodbyes and separated as they went to their classes. "So, Kakarot which of these pathetic classes are we going now?" asked Vegeta wanting the day to end already.

"Hmmm, it seems like we have gym next."

"Ha! At least this place has some place where we can train." laughed Vegeta in victory, he couldn't stand being in this school but he had to he wanted to at least get stronger, "Kakarot, what's wrong with you? Aren't you glad we could train and not be bothered by anyone?"

"Should we do something about those three girls that we met with Sunset? You and I both know that their power could cause a problem."

"I don’t care for these low life forms, even if they have a descent amount of energy I could take all three of them on with no sweat." Goku sighed in defeat as him and Vegeta made their way in the auditorium where, what they assumed. was their class and a man with green skin and a purple warm up suit and whistle. Goku and Vegeta made their way to the group of boys where a bald-headed boy, shorter than the others, came up to greet them.

"Hey are you guys new?" asked the boy, Goku and Vegeta just stared at him. Something about him was familiar but they couldn't put their finger on it.

"Yeah my names Goku and this is Vegeta, but if don't mind me asking have we met before?" asked Goku trying to see if his assumptions were correct.

"I don't think so? The names Krillin by the way." said the boy, as Goku and Vegeta eyes widened in shock. Krillin!? No that can't be right Krillin was killed back on earth so why is he here? thought Goku.

"Are you guys alright? You've been staring at me."

"Oh sorry, it's just that we had a friend named Krillin back where we came from." answered Goku with a smile. There attention was then turned to the coach as he blew the whistle signaling the start of class.

"Alright class, I would like to welcome you guys back from break," said the coach in a deep voice that the two knew really well, No it couldn't be?, thought Vegeta, "and to those of you that are new I am Coach Piccolo" Vegeta's mind was filled with was not only filled with confusion but also rage, First the bald one and now the Namekian, what in the hell is going on here? thought Vegeta as Coach Piccolo announced the daily workout for today and blew his whistle. The boys all went to the locker room and changing in to the standard PE t-shirt and shorts. All the boys glanced at Goku and Vegeta with strange but jealous looks towards their well toned bodies. The class then came out of the locker room to meet Coach Piccolo.

"Alright class what we are doing today is a nice, little match of kick-boxing." Goku's and Vegeta's ears perked up hearing this and were immediately glued to the coach as he explained the rules, "All you have to do is knock your opponent out of the ring and the winner moves on until he loses."

"It's kind of like the World Martial Arts Tournament." whispered Goku to Vegeta who was smiling in pride.

"Indeed, now I can show you how strong I've gotten while you've been off training with King Kai" whispered Vegeta back.

"We'll see."

"Alright class, who wants to be first?!" signaled Coach Piccolo.

The boy tackled Krillin and threw him off the ring. Krillin got up rubbing his head as he noticed his classmates cheering for the winner in the ring. Coach Piccolo walked up to him and gave a defeated sigh. "How many times do I have to tell you to dodge, Mr. Krillin?"

"A lot sir." answered Krillin with his head down."

"Ugh, who wants to see if they can knock our winner out of the ring this time." asked Coach Piccolo and without hesitation Goku's hand shot straight up.

"I'll give it a try." said Goku climbing up on the ring. Goku then turned around and smiled while giving a thumbs up to his classmates simply cheered as Vegeta was slumped on the wall giving a nod to his Saiyan comrade. Goku then faced his opponent and held his hand out. "I don't think we've met I'm Goku and it is a honor facing you." said Goku as the boy gave a cocky smile.

"It should be I've been the undefeated champ at this thing."

"Cool, then it should be a great fight. I didn't catch your name."

"Flash. Flash Sentry."

"STOP CHIT-CHATTING AND GET TO DODGING!" yelled Coach Piccolo as the two got in a battle stance. Flash took the first move and charged but Goku stepped out of the way only for him to fall flat on his face. He growled and anger as he started throwing punches at Goku's face, only for Goku to dodge and block them with ease. The class and Coach Piccolo(minus Vegeta) were stunned at Goku's performance and started chanting his name. Flash stopped and glared at his class mates, they were supposed to be chanting his name not this spiked haired student. He has been undefeated in this class since the first day of school and some monkey is not going to change that. Flash knows if he kept dogging like this he would get tired eventually and that would give him an opening to strike.

"Come on! It won't be a real match unless you fight back!" yelled Flash in anger.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you if I do." replied Goku with concern. Flash's face went red with anger, now this kid was mocking him on how he fought!

"Just do it!" Goku shrugged and walked up to Flash and held his fist one inch from Flash's chest, the class watched Goku in confusion at what he was doing, obviously there was no way Goku can win with just a single blow, especially with his fist one inch away from its target.

"What's that supposed-" and when Goku's fist came in contact with Flash's chest he went flying out of the ring and toward Vegeta as he simply stepped out the way as Flash slammed in to the wall. Vegeta let out a chuckle as the class stared in shock at Goku and his amazing strength. Coach Piccolo stood dumbfounded at what he saw as Krillin stood next to him with the same expression.

"G-g-good job Goku." stuttered Coach Piccolo, "Who's n-n-next?"

"I'll be the one to face Kakarot!" yelled Vegeta with pride as he stepped on the ring.

"It's been awhile since we done this." said Goku while stretching out his joints.

"Don't get to cocky Kakarot, I surpassed you during my fight with Beerus and now stronger than I've ever been."

"We’ll see about that." said Goku getting in a fighting stance, as Vegeta gave a smug smile and did the same. Coach Piccolo looked at both the two teens to see if they were ready and blew his whistle signaling the start of the match. The two teens charged each other, Vegeta threw the first punch and Goku countered it delivering a knee strike which was caught by Vegeta fist and forced back down. The two sent barrages of punches and kicks that was too fast for the class to follow.

Goku then put his middle and index fingers to his head and teleported behind Vegeta, kneeing him in the face causing him to step back only for Goku to appear behind him and have his knee connect with the back of Vegeta's head making him fall forward. Goku took the opportunity and appeared in front of Vegeta to strike his face, but Vegeta was ready this time. He disappeared before Goku can land the punch aimed for his face and reappeared behind him and delivered a kick to his back causing Goku to fly back and quickly recover by doing a back flip and land on his two feet before he fell out of the ring. Goku smiled at Vegeta as he wiped his mouth and charged again causing Vegeta to do the same as they both were surrounded by a blue aura flying towards each other.


Principal Celestia's Office

Sunset Shimmer and the rest of the group stood in her office explaining what happened in the library with the Dazzlings dark magic causing students to argue and fight one another, but to the six concern they don't seem to believe them.

"We're telling you those three are evil and are using some kind of dark magic to control the students around the school." retorted Rainbow Dash.

"Controlling students by singing and dark magic? Sounds bogus to me." said Celestia folding her hands together on her desk while her Vice Principle Luna stood next to her with her arms crossed.

"We're telling the truth, those girls aren't right." argued Sunset

"Maybe Sunset Shimmer, you want to blame the Dazzlings for something wrong, so it can make up for what you did." snapped back Luna causing Sunset to slumped back in her chair in embarrassment and guilt.

"Principle Celestia, with all due respect-" Celestia rose a hand cutting Applejack of from her sentence.

"Girls, the Dazzlings have been really kind ever since they arrived to this school and even sang to me and Vice Principle Luna when they asked to be part of the Battle of the Bands." lectured Principle Celestia

"Wait, they sang to you?" asked Rarity.

"Yes and they were lovely at it too, so I let them compete in the competition unless you girls have a problem with that?" asked Celestia with a disappointed glare. The girls shook their heads in defeat as they walked out of the office not noticing the flash of green in the two Principle eyes.

The six walked out the office with disappointed looks on their faces not knowing what to do next. "Well that went better than we expected." said Pinkie (literally) putting a smile back on her face.

"I don't get why won't the Principles listen to us? They did when Sunset Shimmer was evil and tried to take over the whole school," Fluttershy stopped and realized what she just said and gave Sunset an apologetic look, "Oh, sorry, no offense I mean."

"None taken." said Sunset in an annoyed tone as she crossed her arms and followed the group.

"Ideaaaa!", chanted Rarity, "We could call Twilight, and she could come here and help us with our problem and maybe Goku and Vegeta can help as well. By what those two can do they can be a valuable asset."

"Ah' agree with ya' Rarity, those boys could be useful against those girls, but how are we gonna ta' talk to Twilight? If you haven't noticed she is far off in another dimension so how in da' hay are we gonna talk to her?" The girls all thought about ways to contact their old friend, but nothing came up. Sunset then had a light bulb over her head thinking she solved the problem in contacting Twilight Sparkle, I don't even know if the old thing works, well, it doesn't hurt to try,thought Sunset.

"I think I have a solution." said Sunset gaining everyone’s attention, and opening her locker pulling out a journal with a red and yellow sun on the cover, "This is a journal Celestia gave me when I was her student, I used to write letters to her just by writing in this book, If I write the situation we are having in here, it'll show up in front of Celestia and maybe send it to Princess Twilight!" exclaimed Sunset in excitement while finishing of the letter in her journal. The book glowed a bright purple and then dimmed down as the girls eyes widened in awe.

"What do we do now?" asked Rainbow.

"We wai-" Sunset was then cut off by the ground shaking and all the girls losing their balance, a alarm went off in the hallways of the school as Principles Celestia's voice came over the intercom.

Students this is not a drill, please go outside in front of the school in an orderly fashion and get into your assigned areas, thank you

"Well ya' heard her we gotta get outta here." commanded Applejack as the girls nodded and hurried toward the exit, but Rainbow was going the wrong way, "Rainbow! Where in the hay do ya' thank ya goin'?!"

"I'm going to get Goku and Vegeta, don't wait up!" yelled Rainbow sprinting towards the gym, not hearing her friends yelling at her to come back and three girls mysteriously following her as well.

The gym was wrecked, the class and Coach left a while ago trying not to be caught in the cross fire between these the two teenage saiyans, bleachers snapped in half, cracks in the floors, walls, and ceiling and amidst it two boys dueling it out with torn up shirts and shorts with bruises and cuts all over their bodies. Goku did a round house kick aiming for Vegeta's head who simply blocked it and countered it with a quick blow in to Goku's stomach who now was gasping for air. Vegeta took the opportunity and formed a blue ki ball in his hand and tossed it at Goku who simply deflected and charged him with his fist raised Vegeta doing the same they both hit each other square in the face knocking both of them back causing a shockwave to go through the entire school. The two saiyans glanced at each other breathing heavily, Vegeta smirked and charged up his ki ascending into his super saiyan form.

"So, I take it you’re not giving up yet?" asked Goku with a smirk of his own.

"Haha! I'm not backing down until you submit Kakarot! I'm the elite and I'll prove it!" barked back Vegeta with a laugh.

"If you insist." Goku then charged p his ki and let out a mighty scream and went into his super saiyan form as well. The two charged each other causing a massive explosion in the gym knocking debris everywhere and the school to shake again.

Rainbow fell to the ground again as the school faced another massive tremor. She got up and brushed herself off and continued running towards the gym with a worried look on her face as she raced down the hall ways.

I have to find those two quickly, before stuff really starts to go down, Rainbow thought to herself as she finally reached the gym and was awestruck a what she (partially) saw. There was of course Vegeta in his super saiyan form which she remembered from their race, but Goku looked entirely different instead of his wild black hair, it was a spiked, golden that shot straight up, and his eyes were a turquoise. Rainbow put two and two together assuming this was Goku's super saiyan form he was telling her and the girls about. Snapping out of her thoughts she ran inside the gym dodging a flying table that has hurdled after her and screamed out to the super powered boys.

Goku and Vegeta grabbed each other's hands and literally knock their heads together causing and explosion of yellow aura from under them causing a crater to form even wider every time they made impact. Vegeta spartaned kicked Goku making him skid back on his feet and cupped his hands by the side of his head, Goku took noticed of this and cupped his hands at his side.







Vegeta shot a purple beam form his hands as Goku shot a blue one from his as the two energy blasts collided causing a huge explosion knocking both of them back and in to the wall and slam back on what used to be the gym floor.

(End Song)

They both reverted back to their normal forms as Goku stood shakily on his feet and Vegeta was on all fours. Goku smiled and put a thumbs up as Vegeta did the same.

"Draw?" asked Goku.

"Draw." approving Vegeta, until they saw a familiar blue girl with rainbow hair running towards them. The two saiyans got a better look and realized it was Rainbow judging by her energy signature, but by the way it felt she was not happy.

"Hey Rain-SMACK-Ow!" yelled Goku in pain as Rainbow smacked him across the face as Vegeta chuckeld only to get a glare from Rainbow in return.

"What the hell are you guys doing!" yelled Rainbow.

"We were training like our Coach said." snapped back Vegeta.

"You call beating each other up training you could've killed someone!"

"Calm down, we only used a quarter of our power, no harm done."

"A quarter! No harm done! Look around you two!" Vegeta and Goku looked around and saw the gym looking like a junk yard, Vegeta let out a chuckle and Goku rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Whoa. I guess we got carried away little, uh Vegeta?" said Goku with a smile on his face still rubbing the back of his head.

"A little!? I can't believe I was worried about you." snorted Rainbow looking at Vegeta.

"You were worried about me?" asked Vegeta in confusion.

"What! No...I mean yeah....but not for that reason! Just come on and let’s get out of here!" blushed Rainbow as she turned away from Vegeta.

"Hang on we have to get our clothes." said Goku as he Vegeta surprising found their clothes in the what used to be locker room, dirty, but un damaged.

"Come on, the whole school is outside after what you guys pulled." said Rainbow as Goku and Vegeta nodded and walked through the trash hallways not noticing the three figures known as the Dazzlings behind them.

"Hmmm, I guess those two boys can be useful after all." asked Aria

"The one with the wild hair is kind of cute." said Sonata with a smile.

"Indeed, with them under our control, nothing would be able to stop us!" ignoring Sonata's comment as they walked back through the trashed hallways and out the back door of Canterlot High.

Author's Note:

There is another chapter. Like, fav, comment, I don't care.

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