• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 13,601 Views, 548 Comments

Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods - The Zebra Hybrid

In a alternate universe where Lord Beerus actually destroyed Earth, Goku and Vegeta are sent in to another universe where they must adapt to their new home.

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Saga 3: Crystal Prep and Training

Author's Note:

Hey guys I am so sorry for the late chapter. I had a huge writers block and had to rewatch both movies to make sure I didn't forget anything.

I hope this chapter makes it up.

As usual leave a comment on what you think of the story it really motivates me to keep writing.

The Frieza Games Saga

Canterlot High Library

Sunset and Rainbow was now with the rest of the girls, conversing about today's events. The six of them talking about classes and how boring they were or what they had planned after school. The six girls were glad that over the past few months nothing has happened since the whole 'Man of Steel' situation, and Vegeta had returned back to Equestria to train with Goku. Sunset Shimmer though was thinking about the figure by the statue with the strange device, what was she doing there? She couldn't see their face, but from the looks of it, the person knew something about the statue.

"Sunset darling are you okay?" asked Rarity.

"Huh," replied Sunset as she was snapped from her thoughts, "Yeah, it's just I saw this weird person by the statue this morning. Who ever it was looked very suspicious."

"Really? What were they doing?" asked Rainbow.

"I don't know, they jumped back on the bus to the city before I could say anything and that worries me. What if they know about the magic stored in the statue and that it's actually a gateway to Equestria?" said Sunset in a worried tone.

"Ah' sure hope not," added Applejack, "Ah'm enjoying the break from all this magic stuff."

"Yeah," stepped in Fluttershy, "It is quite relaxing."

"Hold on a sec!" jumped in Pinkie, "You said they got on a bus to the city?"

"Yeah?" replied Sunset.

Rainbow sighed and groaned, "DUh! If they got on a bus to the city instead of from then it is obvious who was by the statue."

"Crystal Prep." the five girls excluding Sunset groaned out.

"Crystal Prep?" asked Sunset.

The five girls nodded, "Yeah," answered Rainbow, "And with the Friendship Games starting tomorrow, they're probably trying to prank the Wondercolts statue to deface us!"

Sunset Shimmer still didn't buy it though. There had to be another explanation, it didn't look like a prank when she saw the person. It was almost like they were studying it, like an archaeologist would study an artifact. Her head started to feel dizzy a little bit as all her theories started to rush through her head, none of this was making any sense.

"Why would Crystal Prep come all the way from the city just to prank us?" asked Sunset.

"Because the Shadowbolts at Crystal Prep are our biggest rivals." replied Applejack.

"Because that's what students at Crystal Prep will most likely do." added Rarity

"And because they beat us in everything, soccer, tennis, golf. They still have to gloat!" complained Rainbow as she showed Sunset a book filled with pictures of the Wondercolts being defeated at each athletic event while the Shadowbolts had proud faces. Sunset ave a confused expression as she looked toward the five girls.

"Seems kind of silly to me." said Sunset as the girls gasped in shocked.

"So you think the Friendship Games are silly?" asked Rainbow with a stern expression.

"Well, it's not like we'll be fighting against an all powerful being."

Fluttershy shook her head and put a hand on Sunset's shoulder, "No we'll be fighting, against a school full of meanies Not everything has to be magical to be important."

"I guess you're right. I guess it really is important."

Rarity nodded, "That's quite alright darling. They're still renovating the playing field for preparation."

"I still don't get why there is such a huge rivalry," stated Sunset, "Isn't the Friendship Games supposed to be about the two schools getting along."

"Well, it's kind of hard when the school beats you at everything." replied Applejack.

"Not this time! Don't worry this year will be different!" excitedly said Rainbow.

"Really? What do you mean?"

"Oh you'll see."

Ponyville; Equestria

High above the town of Ponyville thunderclaps littered the sky knocking away clouds in the process. Whis dodged another strike from Goku by spinning like a top before ducking from a kick from Vegeta. He blocked another orange hoof from Goku and another from Vegeta, the angel smile at how well the two saiyan ponies were doing. If they keep this up they might actually land a blow on him.

Whis then teleported higher in the air, avoiding both strikes from Goku and Vegeta causing both of them to strike each other in the face instead. Whis chuckled from the air as the two ponies rubbed their cheeks.

"Damn it, Kakarot! Watch where you're going!" yelled Vegeta.

The orange alicorn frowned, "Hey why is it my fault! You weren't paying attention either!"

"Yoohoo." called Whis from above gaining the two saiyans' attention. Vegeta grit his teeth as he charged his ki causing a white aura to surround his body.

"He's just mocking us! Step back Kakarot I got this!" roared the blue earth pony as he shot off toward Whis and sent a barrage of punches toward Whis' head. The teacher of the God of Destruction simply moved his head from side to side dodging each strike with his eyes closed and a smile on his face. Vegeta growled as he sent a powerful kick toward Whis' abdomen only for him to disappear again and reappear behind Vegeta and chopping him on the base of the neck rendering unconscious and falling to the earth below.

Goku watched his rival fall before looking up at Whis who was now in a defensive stance. Goku yelled and charged his white ki and shooting off toward Whis and swinging a hoof toward him. Whis simply dodged the strike and flew backward as Goku chased him through the clouds, Whis sighed and grabbed Goku by the neck stopping his movements and canceling his ki.

"Agck! I-I can't move.." struggled Goku as Whis let him go before releasing a burst of strong wing toward making him descend to the ground in a cloud of smoke. Whis descended back down to where the two saiyans had landed and watched as the two both struggled back to their hooves panting violently.

"Alright boys that's enough for today, we don't want to destroy Mrs. Sparkles castle would we?" said Whis as Goku and Vegeta looked back and noticed that they had landed right in front of Twilight's castle.

"Wow! A few inches off, and me and Vegeta would have made two new windows! Hehehe." laughed Goku

"Hmph." grunted Vegeta.

Whis let out a small chuckle as he motioned the two to follow him around the castle. The two saiyans nodded as they followed their teacher as Whis began to criticize their performance for today.

"I'm quite disappointed, none of you require the necessary speeds. I even signed both of your foreheads." stated Whis.

"W-what!?" the two saiyans yelled as they both looked up to see a symbol on both of their foreheads as they wiped the marker from their foreheads.

Whis giggled before continuing, "You two are thinking before moving, instead of just moving. I'm afraid this habit is especially strong with you Vegeta, this overthinking is limiting your fighting speed," stated Whis before grabbing a random bee by its wings before letting it go, "messages can only travel through your nervous system so fast, when you rely on thoughts for physical action you lose precious fighting time."

Goku laughed and rubbed the back of his head, "Yeah, you really like to overthink everything Vegeta."

Vegeta growled and sent a glare toward the orange alicorn, "Oh shut your face! You're only thinking less because your an idiot!"

"Your end goal should be able to allow each part of your body to think and move independently to the other parts," stepped in Whis, "but I admit this is very difficult, in fact not even Lord Beerus has mastered it and he's a god. If you could overcome the learning curb you can avoid any danger, however sever. So allow me to take you through every step of the training required in the most meticulous fashion...in exchange for delicious foods of course."

"You mean your body reacts without having you to think." questioned Vegeta.

"That's exactly right."

"But, uh..Mr.Whis," stepped in Goku, "It looked like you stepped in some poo."

Whis looked down and saw that his foot was firmly planted on a pink gooey substance in the grass. Whis let out a disgust cry as he wiped his shoe through the grass trying to clean off his foot. He turned back to the duo laughing nervously at himself or making a simple mistake like that.

"Well my feet do think for themselves, but I said nothing about my shoes," laughed Whis before regaining his composure, "Anyways let's get back to you Vegeta."

"Yeah, what about me?" growled the saiyan prince.

"You are clearly an extraordinary fighter on your own, and yet you are always one step behind Goku am I right?"

"Tch, you just had to bring that up didn't you."

"Do you know why your Goku's lesser?"

"Please, teach me old wise one." sarcastically said Vegeta.

"You walk through your life with a chip on your shoulder and your nerves to tight. This tension allows it hard for you to move and fight at your full potential, so your first lesson is learning to relax. When there is a chance to rest you must take it, like Goku does."

"Hahaha! ," laughed Goku, "Whis is right! I do love me a good nap!"

Whis' face suddenly became serious, "But you have problems too."

"But I- ack!" Goku coughed as Whis' fist instantly struck his stomach making him keel over in pain, "W-What was that for!? That was a total sucker punch!"

Whis clicked his tongue and shook his head before continuing, "Being too relaxed can also be a weakness, and don't even get me started with your issues of over confidence. No matter how strong you are physically, if you let your focus waver your set up to fail. I've noticed many times when you're so sure of yourself you let your guard down in battle."

"Heh, he's got that one right." chuckled Vegeta.

"W-Well I still think it was a cheap shot!" grunted Goku as he got back to his hooves.

"What is going on here!?" exclaimed a familiar voice, the three turned their heads to see Twilight herself, along with Lord Beerus by her side. Goku laughed nervously, Whis bowed, and Vegeta only turned his head with a scowl on his face. Twilight instantly teleported beside Goku and looking over his wounds.

"Hey Twi'! Me and Vegeta was just doing a little sparring lesson with Vegeta and Whis!" said Goku with a happy grin.

"But you're hurt!" exclaimed Twilight.

"I'll be fine, nothing a little rest won't fix. Which reminds me did you ever find that Starlight person?"

it had been a few months since Twilight and her friends had encountered Starlight Glimmer and stopped her plan form stealing cutie marks. Ironically it happened a few weeks after they dealt with Superman. Ever since she escaped though she was nowhere to be found even Whis couldn't locate her.

"No we didn't," she replied, "but we'll be ready when she shows up again."

"Great," answered Goku, "What were you doing with Lord Beerus?"

"OH! He's making up for the lost time he was gone by coming with me on some errands."

"Which reminds me," stepped in Beerus, "Whis, what made you think that you can train these two?"

Whis gave a nervous smile, "I simply wanted to do something kind my Lord."

"They gave something high in calories didn't they?"

Whis gave a defeated sigh, "You know me all too well my Lord."

"If you'll excuse us Twilight, I think it's time that me and Whis head back to Canterlot."

Twilight nodded, "Same time tomorrow?"

"Of course my dear." replied Beerus who placed a hand on Whis' shoulder, who summoned his staff as the two shot off in the sky toward Canterlot. Twilight smiled as he was about to greet Vegeta but he was already in the air and flying off himself. Probably going to go check on Trunks and Goten.

"Come on Goku let's get you fixed up." said Twilight as she supported Goku up beside her as the both of them walked inside the castle.

"Alright," replied Goku,"Did you see little Pan today?"

"Yep! She's just a cutie! She could give the Cake's twins a run for their money. But Goku please be more careful when you train, I don't like healing you every time you get beat up."

"But how am I supposed to get stronger when I don't push my self?" whined Goku.

Twilight gave out a cute giggle at his childish behavior, "Trust me Goku, besides Vegeta, Whis, and my father you the strongest thing on this planet. So there is no need to push yourself where you're about to pass out."

"Well, I guess you're right."

"Of course I am. Trust me everything is going to be fine."

Sorbet and Tagoma both smiled sinisterly as they watched the green pod go to work on the beaten body of Frieza. Mending together bone and tissue and reforming limbs. They watched as the soldiers on the consoles began typing away turning knobs and pressing buttons making sure that their emperor made it back alive.

After a few moments the full body of Frieza was reformed, in his purple armor and horns protruding from his head. A bright light filled the pod as the glass and shrapnel exploded outward causing the soldiers in the room to get to cover. From the pod came the revived Frieza standing in his glory. He glanced around at the soldiers and watched as everyone of them was on their knees.

"You," he ordered pointing to Sorbet, "Who are you and where am I?"

"Well, Lord Frieza, I am Sorbet and I have been in command of your forces while you've been gone. And you're in Frieza sector 419."

"Interesting." replied Frieza.

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