• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 13,601 Views, 548 Comments

Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods - The Zebra Hybrid

In a alternate universe where Lord Beerus actually destroyed Earth, Goku and Vegeta are sent in to another universe where they must adapt to their new home.

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Saga 2: Return to Equestria; The Final Dream

Man of Steel Saga

'Equestria; Twilight's Castle'

"D-Damn it.." stuttered Tirek as he watched Kid Buu clutching Sombra by his throat. The centaur clutched his right arm, assuming it was now broken. He didn't know what happened to that pink blob, but it was now a monster. He knew it was hypercritical to talk about but after what this 'thing' did to him and the dark tyrant who wouldn't call it a monster. Hell, it obliterated the changeling queen with ease and simply laughed at her pain as she begged for her life.

He watched as Kid Buu began to laugh again and sent a fist into Sombra's hut making him cough up blood. the Majin then turned and chucked the dark unicorn as he tumbled across the ground like a rag doll. Tirek taking the opportunity fires one last powerful blast from his horns as it impacted the Majin in a cloud of orange smoke. When the dust cleared all that was left was pink blobs of what was Kid Buu.

"HA!" laughed Tirek, "Serves you right."

His celebration was cut short when he saw the pink blobs start to move, Tirek looked in disbelief and fear as the pink blobs came together and started to reform Kid Buu. The centaur can only look, frozen in fear as Kid Buu started right at him with a stern glare before smiling, Tirek couldn't move, he spent all of his magical energy and whatever was giving him that extra boost was gone now.

Kid Buu raised his hand toward the centaur ready to end its pathetic life, the Majin turned his head toward the castle to see the other ponies looking at him in fear. Kid Buu knew it would totally helpless for them, he knew that Lord Beerus and Whis wouldn't interfere do he would do as he please. He kept his gaze on them and charged his purple aura and eyes glowing a bright red, his hand still pointing toward Tirek who clenched his eyes waiting for death to take him.

"HOHOHOHOHOOHOHO!" yelled Buu as he a pink ball of ki formed in his palm, and thrust forward-


The sudden voice stopped Kid Buu in his tracks, he didn't know why he stopped but there was something about that voice. He turned to see a familiar pink mare, but she wasn't the same the last time he saw her, Her usual pink mane was now straight and her coat had gotten a few shades darker and tears flowing down her cheeks.

Kid Buu just looked at her with a curious expression wondering why he couldn't just ignore this pony, "B-Buu, please...st-stop...it's o-over."

Kid Buu only shook his head his glowing red eyes staring into Pinkie Pie's blue ones.

"Please! nopony else has to die! Killing is wrong!"

It was then Kid Buu knew what had been stopping him, this pink pony had made relations with the good side of him...but he was destroyed leaving only him. Could it be that he had some goo inside him too? he looked at the pink pony one more time and his eyes widened, the red glow in his dissipated and his purple aura diminished. He took a step forward toward Pinkie as she took a back in fear.

Kid Buu stopped, he knew why the other side of was so fond of her, she reminded him of a certain human with an afro. Buu held his hand out but instantly flinched it back when Pinkie whimpered. He felt a big pain in his chest, what was this feeling? he reached out again and placed his hand on her cheek causing Pinkie to look up at him, he felt a drop of liquid on his finger and looked at it curiously. he then felt something wet on his cheek and noticed that it was the same liquid.

He had never felt this before, Pinkie could only look in surprise to see the mons-..no...Buu..Kid Buu to be exact crying in front of her. His tears dropping to the ground. Without thinking she pulled the Majin into an embrace making his eyes grow wide, he hesitantly brought his arms around the pink mare pulling her close.

He looked toward the others back at the castle and saw their shocked faces, he didn't see the two saiyans from before, but he had a feeling they will be back. He broke the hug as and took a step back from pinkie making her look in confusion.

"B-Buu what's wrong?" she asked.

Kid Buu kept his head down and looked at her with a sad expression and whispering two wards, "Buu's sorry."

With that said the Majin charged his aura, but instead of it being it's sinister purple it was a bright pink. Kid Buu then burst into the air and flew into the night sky leaving the battlefield and going who knows where in Equestria.

Meanwhile at the castle everyone was dumbfounded at what just happened, even Beerus and Whis was taken back at Kid Buu's behavior.

"Piccolo, Dende! You're the ones with the god hearing and sight! What just happened!" demanded Trunks."

"H-He....apologized," stuttered Piccolo.

Gohan looked in confusion, "Apologize? That doesn't sound like him, but that does explain why he left them alive."

'What could cause Kid Buu, a being of true evil have a change of heart?" asked Dende.

Celestia and Luna looked at Beerus and Whis who had understanding looks on their faces. Did they know?

"Beerus do you know something we don't?" asked Celestia with a raised brow.

Beerus chuckled, "Really? Not even you see what just happened?"

The ponies just shook their heads as Beerus and Whis began to laugh.

'Would ya' stop beatin' around the bush and tell us already!" shouted Applejack losing her patience.

Whis composed himself, "Alright, alright. Friendship."

"huh?" the ponies said together.

"Friendship, tell me who here has given the most affection towards Buu?"

"That would be Pinkie." answered Rainbow Dash.

"And who was the one that introduced him to the ponies of Ponyville?"

"Pinkie." answered Fluttershy.

"So you're saying darling, "started rarity, 'is that Pinkie is the reason why Buu isn't that rampaging monster now?"

"That's exact;y what I'm saying."

The group stayed quiet for a few moments, especially the Z-fighters. They never knew that Kid Buu, the being that destroyed Earth and many other planets be reformed by just a small act of kindness.

"So what now?" asked Cadence.

Shining Armor let out a sigh,"We should subdue Tirek and Sombra for the time being."

"What about Twilight?" asked Night Light.

"And that Goku and Vegeta character?" added Velvet.

"Don't worry," stepped in Beerus, "Twilight is the daughter of a God of Destruction, I'm sure she's fine."

Shining and Cadence just looked at Beerus with confused looks, "What do you mean 'daughter'?" they both asked as they looked to Velvet and Night Light, who had nervous expressions.

"I guess we have some explaining to do."

Canterlot High

The girls could only watch in disbelief as they watched Gogeta beat Superman with total ease, and to see the sinister aura surrounding him slowly dissapear. The man of Steel groaned and got to his knees, hands on both sides of his head, he felt like he had just woken from a bad dream and now his head was throbbing like crazy. He glanced to see the super saiyan god fusion known as Gogeta and put two and two together.

"W-Who are you?" he stuttered.

Gogeta gave a curious look, "You don't remember?"

Superman shook his head, "No, the last thing I remember was being in Metropolis and after that is blank."

"You we're being controlled, I don't know what yet, but you managed to give us quiet a thrashing until I came and knocked some sense into you."

'Wait, us?"

Gogeta pointed a thumb behind him as Superman followed its direction. His gaze landing on the seven multi-colored girls still having shocked expressions. It then occurred to Superman that he wasn't on Earth or 'his Earth' to be exact. Things wouldn't be a problem if he still had his communicator to contact a familiar bat, but he didn't.

"I hope I didn't cause too much damage."

Gogeta chuckled, "Hehe, oh you did, but don't worry i kind of help. Which reminds me."

The fusion warrior then started to glow a bright white as Superman covered his eyes, once the light dimmed he looked to see two teenagers with black spiky hair and torn up jeans, one was even missing his shirt. And judging by the way they were breathing and how fast their heart was breathing he probably gave them quite the thrashing.

"Hi, I'm Goku!" said one of them, "and this is Vegeta, We're sorry what happened to you."

"It's fine," assured Superman, "I'm also sorry for hurting you and your friends."

"That's ok! You were really strong!"

Vegeta grunted, "But next time I'll be the one to finish it! Not that stupid fusion!"

Goku only gave a big grin and faced the girls and waved to them signaling them that everything was fine. The seven girls was hesitant at first when they saw Superman stand back up on his feet and Goku and Vegeta no longer being fused, but the smile on the teenage saiyan's face told them otherwise. They slowly walked up to the three super powered beings each of them giving the Man of steel different kinds of looks.

Applejack and Rainbow dash both glaring; Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity with a feared expression, and Twilight and Sunset with a confused one, to be honest she didn't know what to feel, this man nearly killed one of her friends and her colt friend and caused all this damage, but at the same time he wasn't in control of his actions.

Superman shifted uncomfortably, "I..I know what you seven might be thinking and I don't blame you. You have the right to....I accept full responsibility for my actions."

The girls stayed quiet until Sunset spoke up, "I..I'm not saying I forgive you...but...I cant blame you for what you've done. Trust me I know how mind control works and I don't wont to reject someone who wasn't in control of their actions."

"Sunset's right," said Twilight, "We can't blame you for something you couldn't control."

'Well, shucks. Ah' suppose we can let it slide." stepped in Applejack.

The other girls all nod in agreement, as a smile formed on Superman's face, he never knew that people could be this forgiving, but judging from what these people look like with the different color skin he wasn't on Earth anymore. Or at least 'his Earth, and no means of contacting the League or any type of transportation back home.

"Is something wrong?" asked Rarity noticing Superman's expression.

"Sort of, its just..I don't know how I got here and how to get back to Earth." replied Superman.

"Earth? You're on Earth silly!" exclaimed Pinkie bopping Superman's nose.

The Man of Steel simply shook his head, "I'm afraid you don't understand. I'm from a different Earth."

"Then how did someone like you get here?" grunted Vegeta.

"I'm just as confused as you are, but without contact to my friends there's no ways I can go back."

Goku beamed up, "Maybe not!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we have these magical orbs called the dragonballs! All we have to do is summon Shenron and he can send you home."

"He can really do that?"

"Well, his power is limited to some things, but I think he can handle this."

"So does that mean you guys are leaving already?" asked Rainbow solemnly.

Vegeta glanced at the rainbow haired teen with a sympathetic look, he chuckled to himself. He could believe that him, the prince of saiyans, was growing soft over this girl. The old him wouldn't even care for her feelings and probably wouldn't even acknowledge her presence, but ever since his sacrifice to defeat Buu, when Beerus came to Earth, and the conflict with the Dazzlings, he noticed how much he truly cared for his friends, including Kakarot.

The saiyan prince then turned to Goku and Twilight, he never did figure out why the alicorn princess would want to be with an idiot like him, but it was none of his business.

"Kakarot," said Vegeta not only gaining Goku's attention but the others as well, "I'll be staying here for a few days, so don't you go getting stronger without me. And Twilight I want you to take care of Trunks for the time being."

"Wait! Where is this coming from> Why are you staying?" asked Twilight.

Vegeta just folded his arms and closed his eyes before answering, "Because I have to to make up for lost time."

Twilight then followed his gaze as it set on Rainbow, she did an understanding nod as Vegeta smiled back, while Goku has a confused look on his face.

"So i guess this is goodbye for now, huh?" asked Goku.

"I won't be too long Kakarot, soon i'll be back to crush you." replied Vegeta with a smirk.

"And I'll be ready."

Twilight's Castle

The groups sat patiently in the castle waiting for Twilight, Goku, and Vegeta's return, none of them was happy though. Fluttershy was tending to the wounds of Discord, Videl and Rarity were comforting Gohan, Applejack was standing with Picccolo both having serious expressions, Rainbow was sitting with Pinkie trying to help her think of something other than Buu, Goten and Trunks just sat in silence not knowing what to do. The royal sisters and Dende had returned the beaten Sombra and Tirek back to Tarturus,and Shining and Cadence trying to calm down Velvet and Night Light.

Meanwhile Beerus and Whis were both sitting down thinking of the past event.

"I figured you felt the energy coming from those fighters as well Whis?" asked Beerus as his teacher nodded.

"I must say, it intrigues me that it might be him, but didn't the Supreme Kai of Time lock him away?" replied Whis

Before Beerus could answer back a sudden light from the magical mirror across the room caught his attention along with everyone else. Stepping through the mirror was the familiar purple alicorn with a frazzled and cruised orange alicorn, but instead of Vegeta stepping out a red and blue earth pony stepped through with a slick mane and tail.

"TWILIGHT,GOKU!" exclaimed there friends, minus Beerus and Whis as they they all rushed to the three ponies.

"What happened to Vegeta?" asked Gohan.

"He decided to stay for awhile, and catch up with the other girls." replied Goku.

"He'll be back, right?" asked Trunks.

"Of course he will."

"Twilight, Goku," called out Celestia, "I know you two must be exhausted judging by your looks but who is this you brought with you?"

Goku rubbed the back of his head with a nervous smile, while Twilight did the same.

"It's quite the story."

After a quick story later, the group had understood what had happened on both sides of the mirror. Dende had agreed with them using the dragonballs to send the Man of Steel back to where he came from. Goku and Twilight were concerned about Buu and how he transformed but if Kid Buu really had changed then they could save it for another time, right? They were all now in front of the castle standing in front of the seven orbs which were now glowing in a bright yellow light.

The ponies were somewhat excited to see Shenron, they had heard of him from the z-fighters but they never got to actually see him in person. They watched as Dende walked up to the balls and take a look back.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Dende, "if we use them know they'll be scattered around the globe."

"Go on Dende," said Videl, "We could just gather them again."

Dende nodded and looked toward the balls and then he spoke.


The balls then burst in a yellow light as it shot up in the sky as it started to take form, the sky darkened and clouds started to form, the light began to take form in a snake like appearance with horns and whiskers and then dimmed to reveal green scales, brown horn, and glowing red eyes. The ponies looked in awe at the dragon before them while the z-fighters chuckled at their reactions.


Goku spoke. "Shenron can you repair the damage caused here and also at a place called Canterlot high?"


Shenron's eyes then glowed a bright red and the ponies instantly noticed that the damages done to the castle and the surrounding area was as good as new! As if nothing happened! No craters,no scorch marks...nothing.

"Amazing" exclaimed Celestia.


"Golly, couldn't say please." whispered Applejack to Rainbow.

Superman walked up next to the orange alicorn and gave him a hoof shake. "I guiess this is farewell Goku, i hope we meet again under better circumstances."

Goku nodded, "Yeah, me too. And if we do I want a good fight."

The Man of Steel chuckled, "We'll see."

"Shenron!" shouted Goku, "For our final wish we would like you to send Superman to where he belongs!"

Shenron's eyes glowed bright red as Superman began to glow in a bright light the others waved goodbye as the light dimmed and Superman was no longer there.


Shenron then shot up in the sky glowing, then formed back into the seven magical orbs before dispersing across the sky in different directions. The clouds cleared letting in the bright moonlight shine over Ponyville.

"Not That was really something." said Velvet.

"You guys, do this often?" asked Cadnece tio the -fighters.

"You'll get used to it after a while.' answered Piccolo.

"Ahem," coughed Whis gaining Twilight's attention.

"What is it Whis?" she asked.

"Do you think it's time for....you know."

"O-Oh yes! i nearly forgot! Mom \, Dad, Shining, Cadence," gaining thier attention, "The reason why I brought you guys to dinner was to meet my new friends and invite them in the family with us. I didn't really know how to explain much about them since I only know about Goku and Vegeta, but..."

"Twily, say no more." said Shining, "I'll be happy if they were apart of us."

"You are?"

"Twilight," stepped in Night Light, "Your friends here just risked their lives to not only save us, but you as well. i say that's family enough in my book."

"Even Celestia and Beerus?"

"Of course," said Velvet, 'There's nothing wrong with it, as long as we all lover our little Twilight."

Twilight had to wipe a tear and sniff to control her emotions from breaking loose.

'AWWW! GROUP HUG!" yelled Pinkie as she stretched her forelegs around everyone, including Beerus and Whis and pulled them into a tight hug. The embrace laste3d a couple of mmiments before pinkie finally let go.

"Oh!" suddenly said Twilight, "Like I was saying i couldn't really explain the experiences Goku and his friends had very well so me and Whis came up with an idea."

Whis tapped his staff as the orb up top glowed, 'I'll just show you instead, if that's alright with the rest of you."

"Don't worry, it'll be kind of fun visiting down memory lane." said Gohan as the other z-fighters nodded in agreement.

"i must admit it will give us a better understanding about you all." added Luna.

"Trust me, you guys are going to love this." exclaimed Goku with a excited look on his face.

Whis then tapped his staff as he projected an in\mage on a nearby wall of the castle. "Ooh! OOh! Movie time!" exclaimed Pinkie as she rushed and sat in front of the projection. Rarity sat with Gohan and Videl, Applejack sat with piccolo, Dende stayed close the Luna Celestia, Beerus and Whis with Shining Cadence and Velvet and Nightlight joining them. Pinkie and Rainbow sat together somehow eating popcorn and finally Goku and Twilight sat side by side with her head leaning on his shoulder, with Goten and Trunks sitting in front of them.

"Now I must warn some of you. These ecens are very real and can be...dramatic." warned Whis.

"Who care!" shouted Trunks.

"Yeah! Start the movie!" added Goten.

Whis just sighed and tapped his staff as the image on the projection came clear...

The Final Dream

Author's Note:

Hey guys this saga is almost done! The last chapter should be up either tomorrow or the day after. I have to admit this was harder to write but we got through it!

As usual comment on what you think, I love the feedback! And I'll see you guys in the next saga!

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