• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 13,581 Views, 547 Comments

Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods - The Zebra Hybrid

In a alternate universe where Lord Beerus actually destroyed Earth, Goku and Vegeta are sent in to another universe where they must adapt to their new home.

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Saga 3: The Disappearance of Magic; Time Travel Paradox

The Frieza Games Saga

Universe 2; Twilight's Castle

Twilight made her way through the castle with her usual grin on her face, and Spike and Goten sitting on her back. They had just returned from Town Hall from rehearsing her friendship speech. Goten and Spike both said that the speech was just fine, but she couldn't help but think that something was missing. She was deep in thought until Goten's voice broke her out of her state.

"Hey Mom, have yo found that Starlight person yet?" asked Goten with an innocent look.

Twilight's expression fell a bit at the mention of the pony, "I'm afraid not, she's very good at hiding but I have a feeling when she'll be ready when she's shows up again."

"Don't worry! Me and Trunks will make sure to take care of her!" said Goten with a confident grin.

Twilight gave him a smile, Goten was sure Goku's son, always itching for a fight, "We aren't going to try and fight her Goten, we're just going to negotiate."


"It means to become friends." concluded Spike getting an 'Oooh' from Goten.

"But Twilight," continued Spike, "What happens if she doesn't want to be friends?"

"Then we'll put a stop to her, we did it before." replied Twilight as she opened the doors that led to the Cutie Map.

"Can you stop her now?" asked Goten.

Twilight gave him a confused look,"I don't know. She's pretty powerful for a unicorn. Why?"

Goten pointed forward at the lone figure in one of the seats. She was a pink unicorn with a purple mane and tail with blue streaks, and a star shaped cutie mark with wisps around it. She laid back in one of the chairs surrounding the Cutie Map with a smug look on her face. Twilight's and Spike's blood ran cold as Goten just smiled and waved at the pony.

"Starlight!" exclaimed Twilight.

"Welcome home, Twilight!" said Starlight Glimmer with a sinister grin as she lifted a anonymous scroll with her magic and zapped it. This caused the scroll to glow and lift itself in the air and crackling with magical energy, then zapping the Cutie Map and activating it. Twilight, Spike, and Goten instantly rushed towards the map to she what the pink mare had done.

"What are you doing Starlight?!" questioned Twilight as Starlight let out a laugh.

"I'd tell you, but I don't want to ruin the surprise!" said Starlight as she levitated the scroll back and crumpled it up before throwing it across the room, "Won't be needing that anymore."

The Cutie Map then started to give off an eerie purple hue as magical energy began to surround it. Starlight started to laugh some more as Twilight and Spike started to take steps back. Goten however stayed where he was and stood on his hind legs and cocked his fore hooves back, as he summoned a blue energy orb in his cupped hooves.

"Kamehameha!" shouted Goten as he thrust his hooves forward firing the blue wave of energy. The colts eyes widened when his attack was instantly canceled out when it made contact. A strong gust of wind started to flow through the room blowing Goten back but was instantly caught by Twilight's magic. As the wind gusted a purple and dark portal opened up above the Cutie Map as Starlight gave a sinister grin before using a levitation spell and floating through the portal and it closing behind her. The winds then suddenly stopped and everything was quiet.

Spike ran up to the map and looked up to see any sign of the pink mare but couldn't, "Where'd she go?" he asked.

"I don't know Spike," answered Twilight, "But we got to find out."

"What about this?" asked Goten holding up the crumpled up piece of scroll.

"Goten!" exclaimed Twilight. "Put that down!"

It was too late as the scroll began to glow again, causing the winds to return and the magical energy surround the Cutie Map. The portal opened up once again before sucking the three inside, as they screamed, before closing. Just as it closed Pinkie was walking in with a tray of treats and looked around only to find nopony there. She shrugged and started to stuff her face.

Universe 11; Canterlot High

Everyone in the room was giving Twilight a confused look as she was staring to look uncomfortable, "What are you talking about Twi'?" asked Goku, "It's me Goku."

"And our music program has especially taken off..." suddenly came in Principal Celestia, accompanied by Principal Cinch, "Twilight?"

"This is getting ridiculous." groaned the purple skinned girl.

"I must apologize for the curiosity of my prized student." stepped in Cinch.

"Your student?" asked Celestia, with a confused look. She thought that Twilight was from another universe, but here she was claiming to be a student at Crystal Prep.

"The smart ones are always curious." explained Cinch resting a hand on Twilight's back. Goku felt uneasy, he couldn't explain in but he felt wrong on how the woman known as Cinch talked about Twilight. Vegeta noticed this but decided to question on it later, for now it was time to get answers.

"I'll return her to check in with the rest of her classmates." said Cinch as she guided Twilight away from the group and down the hallway. Everyone watched in curiosity as they left. What was wrong with Twilight? Why doesn't she remember them? It was silence for a few moments before Celestia spoke up.

"I didn't know Twilight had a twin sister?" she says.

"She doesn't!" exclaimed Pinkie in her usually hyper voice, "That Twilight is obviously the Twilight form this world since it couldn't possibly be the Twilight from the pony world since the Twilight form the pony world doesn't go to Crystal Prep or wear glasses! Also she would've came here with Goku and Vegeta!"

Principal Celestia put her hand up to speak but put it down, deciding not to question it further, "Never mind. Oh, and welcome back Goku and Vegeta. I hope you have a nice stay." she greets.

"Thanks!" exclaimed Goku, "Its good to be back! Still kind of bummed out we can't participate in the games though."

"Yeah," added Vegeta with his arms crossed, 'What's up with that?"

"Oh," started Principal Celestia, "I think you misunderstood, you two can definitely participate, but you just can't use any of your powers. We can't afford to be deemed as cheaters."

"Ooooh, that makes sense!" said Goku.

"But this isn't a martial arts tournament correct?" started Vegeta, "So what are we supposed to do?"

Celestia thought about it and her face beamed with an idea, "Well we do have a weight lifting, and kick boxing event. Maybe you two would do good there."

The two saiyans looked at each other before nodding. It was better than doing nothing, even if they have to hold back a ton of their strength at least they are not on the sidelines doing nothing for the whole time.

"Deal." they both said.

"Great I'll have Principal Luna add you two to those events. It is great to see you two again." Celestia says as she walks off.

"Bye! See ya' later!" exclaimed Goku.

"I'm sorry Principal Cinch, I was following these strange readings, " apologized Twilight, "Actually they led me to those girls and two boys and...."

Twilight," cut off Cinch, "what do you do in your free time is of little interest to me, but while you're here I...no....all of Crystal Prep in fact, require your complete focus."

"But why does everyone at this school seem to know me?" questioned Twilight. For her she just got to this school and barely knew anyone there, so why did every one there seemed to recognized right off the spot. Did she meet those girls somewhere and two guys somewhere and just couldn't remember? No there is to many of them to NOT remember. Maybe they found out it was her snooping around their school?! But why are they acting so friendly to her?

"Perhaps they are trying to confuse you." answered Principal Cinch, "Perhaps they are trying to lure you away."

"I didn't feel like anyone was trying to lure me." answered Twilight.

"I don't know what they're playing at, but I guarantee it isn't to help us win."

The group of eight made their way down the school hallway conversing about the events that had transpired. Vegeta however didn't care for he already gotten a decent explanation, from surprisingly Pinkie, on why Twilight was acting weird. Goku however couldn't help but be more concerned for this Twilight. Sure she wasn't his Twilight but she still was Twilight.

"I can't believe our Twilight goes to Crystal Prep!" exclaimed Rarity with a hint of anger in her tone.

"You're saying that Twilight is going to play against us?" asked Rainbow.

"Obviously." sarcastically said Vegeta as he got a playful glare from his girlfriend.

"Our Twilight wouldn't." stepped in Fluttershy.

"Our Twilight is a princess in Equestria," suddenly exclaimed Sunset, "and an expert in Friendship Magic. And if she was here we'd have already figured it out why magic is randomly popping up during pep rallies and costume changes." Sunset looked to see the group giving her surprised looks at her sudden out burst. Her expression fell as a tired one was pasted on her face.

"Sorry," the bacon-haired girl apologized, "I'm just frustrated that I haven't heard back from her."

"Oh I can answer that!" said Goku, "She's off preparing for some friendship meeting or conference..thing."



"Ya' gotta' remember Sunset," stepped in Applejack, " she's a princess in Equestria. Probably got problems of her own to deal with."

"We certainly can't expect her to drop everything and pop through the portal whenever." explained Rarity, "Especially if it's something minor like a few "Pony up.""

"Is that what you call it?" chuckled Vegeta, "Sounds ridiculous."

"Hey you try to come up with a name for it!" exclaimed Pinkie.

"But they aren't Minor," said Sunset ignoring Vegeta and Pinkie, "Magic came into this world when I stole Twilight's crown. It's taken a lot for me to earn everyone's trust. If we have to forfeit the games because I can't think of a way to keep it under control." Sunset now was feeling the guilt rise in her stomach. All this was her fault, because of her own jealousy and greed she brought magic into this world and the villains followed, including her.

"Oh Sunset, I'm sure you'll be able to figure things out." comforted Fluttershy.

"You're the one who helped us understand what was going on with the Sirens, remember?" added Applejack.

"I guess," mumbled Sunset, "but Twilight is the one who really figured out what we needed to defeat them."

"But don't you remember darling." stepped in Rarity, "What we needed to defeat them was you."

"Twilight isn't going to be around all the time," said Vegeta, "As much as it pains me to admit it. Kakarot was the one everyone counted on, and when he was gone everything seemed hopeless. So I decided that step up and take his place."

"Until I came back!" said Goku with an innocent grin.

"You just had to ruin it did you!"

Sunset giggled at their argument, "Alright." she says as the girls cheered as Goku and Vegeta both nodded.

"Come on guys!" said Rainbow with a confident expression, "Let's see if we can find any info on the events and come up with a strategy."

The group walked off as Sunset stayed leaning against the locker. Goku noticed her absence and turned around, "Hey Sunset, you coming?" he asked gaining her attention.

"I'll...catch up in a bit. There is something I have to do." she says with a smile.

"Okay, but if you need any help. Don't be afraid to ask okay" Goku says softly as Sunset nods.

"Okay Goku, it shouldn't take me long."

Goku nodded and went to catch up with the group, "Alright see ya' later!"

Sunset waved before turning around putting a hand to her chin, in deep thought. She beamed as an idea came to her as she went to her locker and grabbed the notebook she uses to contact Twilight with from Equestria. She exited the front doors of the school and opened the journal to the first blank page.

"Still no reply." she sighs as she puts the journal down and notices the Crystal Prep buses and their students.

Meanwhile with Twilight, the device around her neck started to go off and directed her to the nearest energy signature which was the statue. The student from Crystal Prep approached the statue unaware of Sunset on the other side.

"Maybe there is another way I can reach her." says Sunset reaching out for the stone and placing her hand on it, only for her hands to stick to the stone. Hers eyes widened when her the magic from her hands suddenly started to seep out and she started to become weaker. "Hey! Let go!" she screamed. On the other side Twilight was in shock as the mysterious magical energy flowed in to the device around her neck, on instinct she immediately closed it causing a small shock wave, causing both girls to scream and to be blown on their backs.

Sunset recovered from her daze and immediately recognized Twilight on the other side of the statue, "What did you do!?" exclaimed Twilight in a concerned tone.

Before Twilight could answer though Dean Cadence stepped in, "Twilight, you have to check in with the others."

Twilight took the opportunity to flee from Sunset and towards the group of Crystal Prep Students ans Sunset could only watch not being able to say anything. She turned back to the statue and placed her hand on it only for her eyes to widened to nothing happening. She started to place her hands everywhere desperately trying to find the entry to Equestria but couldn't.

"Where's the portal!" she exclaimed, "WHERE'S THE PORTAL!"

Universe 2; Cloudsdale

The three fellout the portal and landed on the concrete ground of Cloudsdale, "Cloudsdale?" questioned Spike, "Why would Starlight come here? She doesn't have any wings?"

"I don't know Spike, but it looked like she could fly with just magic." concluded Twilight, "You two keep your eyes opened we don't now what she has planned-" As she finished that statement a blue blue with a rainbow mane and tail flew in between them. Goten watched the blur fly off before answering.

"Wasn't that Miss. Rainbow Dash?" questioned Goten.

"Didn't she look a bit young to you two?" asked Twilight as a growing suspicion began to rise in her stomach, "And I didn't see a cutie mark, you don't think...."

"We traveled back in time when Rainbow Dash was a filly and raced the bullied who made fun of Fluttershy and performed her first Sonic Rainboom?" answered Spike.

"Spike! Only Starswirl the Bearded could do something like that and even if his spell went back a week. How could Starlight do more than the greatest wizard in Equestria?"

The scroll on the ground caught the three's attention as Goten went to pick it up again and gave it to Twilight. Her eyes went wide at reading the spell, "Starswirls spell! Oh no."

"Then let's go!" exclaimed Spike, "I don't want to miss the Rainboom."

Spike instantly fell through the clouds but was caught on by Twilight and was placed on her back. "You ready Goten? " asked Twilight as the orange colt smiled and levitated in the air with her as the two flew off. The two made it to a nearby cloud and started to watch the events. Form Fluttershy starting the race and being knocked off her cloud, to Rainbow out smarting the bullies, to one of the bullies starting to cheat. The bully was know in front as the filly Rainbow Dash was picking up speed determined to beat him.

However a familiar floating unicorn came from the cloud and zapped the fill Rainbow Dash, freezing her in her tracks and struggling to move. As she finally broke out, it was too late and the bully had won the race. Twilight and Spike looked shocked at what happened and Goten just looked confused at what happened. The three then noticed Starlight floating with a victorious grin. Twilight, with Spike on her back, and Goten both flew over to her.

"What did you do!" yelled Twilight.

"You're a big cheater!" yelled Goten, I'm going to beat you up!"

With a yell the saiyan colt charged his aura and charged the pink mare. Starlight face expression paled at the sudden burst of power, but she was saved when the small orange hoof was only inches away from her face. She let out a sigh of relief and smile as the same portal opened up above them. Sucking Goten, Twilight, and Spike once again.

Author's Note:

Hey Goku here! Wait Sunset slow down....What do you mean our way back to Equestria is gone! Just what is going on? I sure hope Twilight and the others are okay.

Next Time on Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods....

"The Games Begin; The Reign of Sombra"

Hey guys...so yeah...this is mega late! I had sooo much going on with palcement test for school, flying to Florida, and getting sick. I tried to make this as long as possible to make up on lost time so I hope that is enough.

As usual comment on what you think!:pinkiehappy:

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