• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 13,603 Views, 548 Comments

Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods - The Zebra Hybrid

In a alternate universe where Lord Beerus actually destroyed Earth, Goku and Vegeta are sent in to another universe where they must adapt to their new home.

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Saga 2: The First Dream; The Man With Red Eyes

Man of Steel Saga

The brightness of the moon bloomed over the town known as Ponyville with all of it's residents sound asleep. The streets were empty and no sound was made but the wind. Meanwhile a certain alicorn princess princess twisted and turned in her sleep, unlike other ponies her dream was not as she expected.

Twilight was standing back in the human world but instead of the bright blue skies it was blood red and covered in clouds causing up a storm, the town was nothing but ruins and no body could be heard. That was when a she heard a sudden groan only a few feet away from her, she quickly followed the moan and gasped at what she saw.

There was the saiyan, or teenage saiyan to be exact, struggling to his feet his orange and blue gi torn and battered, Twilight gasped and try to help him to his feet but only for her hands to go right through him. Goku stood to his feet and set his gaze on the sky paying no heed to Twilight, who followed his gaze to see a dark figure floating in the sky ,she couldn't make him out but all she could gaze on was the burning red eyes.

"You had enough fun yet?" said the dark figure as he landed in front of her and the saiyan.

Goku gritted his teeth and transformed into a mere super saiyan, "Never! I'll never back down from a fight!"

Twilight took a step back as Goku cupped his hands to his sides as the familiar blue energy started to form in his palms as he started to chant his signature attack. The dark figure though didn't move an inch almost like he didn't care if the attack hit him or not.






Goku let lose his signature as the blue beam engulfed the dark figure, but Twilight could only watch in horror to see the figure walking through it like it was nothing and was heading straight for Goku. Thinking fast Twilight tried everything in her power to catch the young saiyans attention but all she did was phase right through him.

"I will defeat you!" yelled Goku as Twilight now had tears in her eyes as the dark figure was now on top of Goku. She could only watch helplessly as the figure grabbed Goku's wrist canceling his attack and landed a solid blow to Goku's stomach knocking the wind and the super saiyan out of him making him revert back to his normal form.

The dark figure then grabbed Goku by the throat cutting off his flow of oxygen and hoisted him up in the air. "Goku!" screamed Twilight but her screams landed on deaf ears as the figure eyes glowed an even brighter red.Twilight felt time slow down as she saw the red beams shoot out of the figure's eyes and through Goku's skull.

"GOKU!!!" yelled Twilight as the saiyan's body went limp and was dropped on the ground. Twilight rushed over to the down saiyan and saw that his eyes were a pure white and totally lifeless. She stretched a hand and was surprised to actually touch him. Tears started to flow down her cheeks as she started to embrace Goku's lifeless body.

"You should have never have come here." said the figure in a deep voice causing Twilight to turn her head to see the dark figure staring right at her with his eyes glowing brightly again. Twilight clutched onto Goku as she waited for death.......

But it never came.

When she opened her eyes, the first thing she noticed was that she wasn't back in the human world anymore, but in a white void. The dark figure was gone and so was......Goku! Twilight looked around trying to find the saiyan's body but to no avail. She didn't even know that she was an alicorn again which caused her to fall on her face.

"Ms.Sparkle," said a familiar voice causing her to stop in her tracks, "Can you please calm down."

"W-Whis?" called out Twilight as the god known as Whis appeared in front of her.

"Hello Mrs.Sparkle, trouble sleeping I see?"

"Wait, I'm asleep?!"

Whis let out a chuckle, "Of course you are, thanks to Ms.Luna and her ability I was able to interfere with your dream before it got too......graphic."

Twilight let out a sigh in relief," S-so that means-"

"Yes, Goku is fine."

"B-but it all felt so real! Like I was actually there!"

Whis put a hand to his chin and thought for a minute before setting his gaze back on Twilight, "It seems you had a.....premonition Mrs.Sparkle."

Twilight was shocked at the information, she had a vision? She had never had visions before."How? I never had a vision until now. How do I even know it was just a nightmare?"

"Your father, Lord Beerus, also has these visions as well Ms.Sparkle. SO it doesn't surprise me for you to get the as well. Matter a fact it was how he met the Saiyan God."

"But who was the figure with the red eyes?"

"I'm afraid that's something you'll have to find out on your own, but in the meantime you should get your rest." said Whis as he turned to leave.

"Wait!" called out the purple alicorn making Whis stop in his tracks, "Can you um, maybe give me a good dream."

Whis smiled at Twilight, "Of course, what would you like?"

Twilight shifted nervously as her cheeks started to warm up, "Uh, I was thinking maybe one about Goku and his adventures? I know he told me everything but....I want to see it for myself."

Whis nodded, "That is fine, but I'm going to have to separate the dream."


"Yes, you see a lot has happened with Goku and his friends and would be too much for one night."

"I understand," said Twilight before wrapping her forelegs around Whis' waist, "Thank you."

"It is not a problem Ms.Sparkle" replied Whis as he patted her on the head, "And have a nice sleep."

Whis then tapped Twilight on her forehead as her world started glow a bright white blinding her until she was in the dream that she asked for.

Twilight's first dream

Twilight slowly opened her eyes due to the sun's rays coming through the windows of her room, she sat up and let out a yawn and glanced to her right and noticed that Goku was not there. She dismissed the fact and climbed out her bed and headed to the bathroom to get freshened up by taking a nice warm shower and brushing her mane.

Once that was finished she headed to the kitchen for a good breakfast, but the dream from last night still plagued her mind, who was that man with the red eyes? Was Whis right about that being a vision? At least the other dream had calmed her down a bit, yeah she knew about Goku's life due to him explaining it to her but to see it for herself? It was unbearable.

Also that there is more as well, Twilight started feel her heart speed up kind of excited on what would she see next. As she finally made it to the kitchen she saw her number one assistant Spike humming a delightful tone as he cooked something on the stove.

"Good morning Spike." Twilight greeted gaining the purple dragon's attention.

"Hey Twilight, you got up late. It's almost one in the afternoon." replied Spike as Twilight scolded herself quietly for waking up so late.

"What are you cooking? And where's Goku?"

"I'm making me some grilled cheese! Goku already ate and is outside training with Vegeta and that Whis guy. He was going to wake you but decided that you needed some sleep."

"Oh my gosh! Their training outside in front of the castle!" screamed Twilight as she rushed out the kitchen as Spike chuckled to himself and continued to cook his grilled cheese sandwich.

Whis dodged another punch thrown by Goku and blocked a kick by Vegeta, the god of creation smiled at the two. He found it funny at how competitive the two were. He grabbed both hooves of Goku and Vegeta, them with a movement of his arms made the two saiyans bump heads. Goku and Vegeta groaned in pain and sent a glare to one another.

"Why don't you watch where you're going, Kakarot!" scolded Vegeta.

"Come on Vegeta, that was totally not my fault." shouted back Goku.

"Just stay out of my way!" shouted Vegeta as he charged up his ki making the orange alicorn jump in surprise, "Whis is mine."

Vegeta shot toward Whis who only smiled in response, the saiyan prince launched a flurry of strikes toward the deity, but not one met its mark. Vegeta then brought both hooves up and launched a barrage of bue ki blasts at Whis who just stood there and took the attacks head on, causing a moderate size blue explosion to erupt and shake the earth.

Once the smoke cleared Vegeta's eyes widened when he didn't see Whis in the rubble, he looked desperately around trying to find his opponent, only for a tap on his to clear him from his thoughts. His blood ran cold and slowly turned around to meet Whis floating behind him with a smile on his face. Whis then poked Vegeta's head as his eyes became motionless and plummeted to the ground.

Whis then focused his attention on Goku who got in a defensive stance, Whis made the 'come on' gesture with his hand as Goku charge his ki and sped toward Whis. Goku threw a punch toward the god's stomach, but Whis spun dodging the attack. Goku aimed a kick towards Whis' head but only to feel air as the god ducked from the attack.

The saiyan then cupped his hooves to his sides as he charged up his kamehameha and then released it with a mighty scream, only to watch in shock as Whis stopped it with a single finger before flicking it to the sky and disappearing in the distance. Whis then teleported behind Goku and gave him a swift chop to the neck causing him to collapse to the ground right next to Vegeta

"Alright I think that's enough training for today." stated Whis as Goku and Vegeta got to their hooves and bowed to their new teacher.

"What in Equestria is going on!" shouted Twilight standing at the entrance as the two saiyans jumped at Twilight's outburst.

"H-Hey Twilight!" nervously said Goku with a smile, "Me and Vegeta were just training with Whis."

"Did you have to do it in front of the castle!" Goku flinched again at Twilight's rage, "You could have hurt someone! Or yourself in that matter!"

"Don't worry Twilight we were being careful."

"You blew up the front yard!"

"Don't look at me that was all Vegeta!"

"Oh, don't go pointing fingers now, Kakarot!" shouted Vegeta.

"Do you mean hooves?" asked Goku tilting his head.

"You know what I mean!"

Whis chuckled and walked over to the Princess of friendship, "I'm sorry for the disturbance Mrs.Sparkle."

Twilight let out a sigh and let a small smile creep on her face, "That's fine Whis, and how many times do I have to say it...just call me Twilight."

"Anyway MRS.Twilight," scoffed Whis as Twilight gave him a playful glare, "have you told Goku about....your 'dream' from last night."

Twilight's happy demeanor instantly fell as she gazed back at her coltfriend currently arguing with Vegeta, "I-I..no I didn't. How do I tell him though?"

"Just tell him what you saw. I don't see what the big deal is."

"But that's the thing if I do tell him he'll want to face that monster anyway. And...I can't think of the idea of losing him. No I can't tell him...not yet anyway, Whis do you think think I could get another dream about not just Goku's life but his other friends as well?"

"May I ask why Mrs.Sparkle?"

"It's a theory, if I can just find something from his or one of his friends past , maybe...just maybe.... I can find something that could prevent my 'dream' from happening."

"It's worth a shot."

Twilight then focused her attention to Vegeta who charged up his ki and flew off toward the Everfree, she watched as Goku walked up to them with that innocent smile she always loved.

"If you'll excuse me I must make my why back to Canterlot. I sure do hope Lord Beerus isn't trying to destroy that Blueblood character." stated Whis.

"Alright, thanks for the training Whis." thanked Goku as he waved with Whis nodding in response before tapping his staff on the ground and shooting in the air in a pillar of light. Goku turned to Twilight only for her to turn around and do a cute grunt in response.

"Are you still mad?" asked Goku softly.

Twilight gave no response.

"I'm sorry Twilight, I promise me and Vegeta will train somewhere else for now on. Please don't be mad."

Twilight let out a defeated sigh, she couldn't stay mad at him. Mostly because of his innocent charm, she turned around and gave him a peck on the cheek. "I'm not mad Goku," She stated, "I'm just worried that's all."

"Twilight," said Goku putting a hoof on her shoulder, "You've just been stressed with all your princess duties and also the training we've been doing."

"I-I guess you're right," Twilight then tried to change the subject, "Hey how do you think Goten is doing at his first day of school?"

"Huh, I'm sure he's fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, if he's anything like me when I was a kid he'l be just fine!"

"But, what if-"

Goku put his hoofs on Twilight's shoulders making her stop her sentence as he stared into her violet irises, "Twilight, what has you so paranoid? You haven't been this on edge since the Dazzlings."

"I-I it's just-" she tried to say it....tell the saiyan god about her dream from last night, but she couldn't if he knew there will be no stopping him from facing that monster. So the best thing to do is to keep quiet.

"Twilight you need to relax, look how about me and Vegeta continue training without you so you can relax."


"No buts, how about this you relax while me and Vegeta are off training in the human world and when we come back me and you can you do anything you want."

Twilight pondered on this, she, Goku, and Vegeta had agreed to go back to the human world for her training, so they could keep in close touch with Sunset and the others, since the last time they were there was when they were facing off against the Dazzlings. This was supposed to be her first lesson with Goku and now it has to be put on hold because she was paranoid, but maybe Goku's right maybe she is just overreacting and her 'dream' was nothing more than a regular nightmare?

"Alright," she says as Goku pulled her in a tight hug as Twilight gave him a smirk, "make sure to tell the girls hello for me."

Goku nodded and broke the embrace before starting back inside the castle, "Are you sure Goten's fine" she asked one more time.

"It's okay, Twilight I'm sure he's having loads of fun!" replied Goku.

"This isn't fun anymore! I told you this wasn't Shenron!" shouted Goten as he and Trunks zipped through the sky with a dragon on their tales. Trunks dodged another ball of fire sent his way as Goten dodged another swipe from the giant flying lizard. If only they stayed on school grounds during recess this wouldn't have happened.

The two saiyan hybrids charged their ki and shot off even faster as they saw the town of Ponyville coming back into their view. "Wait Goten! We have to take care of this guy before we head back!" shouted Trunks.

"Right! I really don't want to explain why we brought a mean dragon to school." replied Goten.

With a nod from Trunks the two saiyan colts stopped in mid air and sent a barrage of ki blasts toward the massive lizard, the dragon howled in pain as they collided into his scales in a puff of smoke, but that wasn't stopping him as he let out a fume of flames at the two. Goten and Trunks quickly dodged the incoming flames and charged the dragon.

Trunks rammed the dragon straight in the stomach knocking the wind out of it as Goten delivered a powerful uppercut to the dragon's chin. Trunks circled around ready for another head butt to the dragon's gut but was swiped away from the dragon's massive claw and sent him sprawling through the air.

Goten quickly caught his friend and helped him back a float, with a roar the dragon flapped his mighty wings and rushed the two colts. "I think it's time for the dragon to go back to sleep." said Trunks.

"Alright!" happily agreed Goten as the two charged up their ki and transformed into the golden warriors known as Super Saiyans. The two cupped their hooves to their sides as the dragon got closer with it's mouth wide ready to fire another fume of flames. Goten and Trunks focused as a familiar blue ball of ki formed in their hooves.






The two saiyans thrust their forelegs forward unleashing the destructive turtle wave as the dragon unleashed it's flames only for it's eyes to widen when the blue wave of ki pierced it's flames into nothingness and headed straight for him. The dragon had no time to react as the beam struck his chest sending it back into the Everfree causing a massive blue explosion.

Goten and Trunks powered down when they didn't sense the ki of the dragon anymore and bumped each other hooves together. "Goodnight Mr.Dragon!" screamed Goten innocently. The two started to laugh and fly around each other oblivious to the crowd of ponies below with their eyes literally bulging out of their skulls. Goten noticed this and motioned Trunks over.

"Hey Trunks, why are they looking at us like that?" asked Goten pointing toward the crowd of awestruck ponies.

"Probably got blinded from all this awesomeness." replied Trunks raising his head in pride.

"Yeah! We we're pretty cool"

Trunks eyes widened, "OH NO!"

"What is it Trunks?"

"We were supposed to be back before recess ended! Were in so much trouble."

"Then what are we doing here then? Let's go!"

With that said the two colts sped off toward Ponyville school house hoping they weren't late.

'Crack of Time'

"Lord Demigra?" called out Towa.

The demon god stayed silent for a few moments as he stared at the possessed man of steel in front him floating like his own personal bodyguard with his eyes a glowing red and a purple, black aura surrounding his body. Demigra chuckled to himself before answering to Towa who had Mira standing next to her, "What is it?"

Towa gulped, "It's just that are you confident enough that this man will beat the saiyans?"

"I hope you aren't doubting my methods."

"N-no, it's just that he doesn't look that strong."

"Trust me, this man here could destroy the saiyans in a blink of an eye."

"Then why not send him there now?"

"Patience Towa, it is not the Man of Steel's time yet, but it soon will be."

"But I have a task for you and Mira, in the meantime."

Towa and Mira perked up at this, "What is it Lord Demigra?"

"I want you two to do what you do best." the two looked in confusion at this, "I want you to go to this Equestria and cause as much chaos as you can, but do it discreetly we don't want those saiyans interfering with our plans."

The two nodded and then bowed, "We'll leave at once."

Once he heard the two leave through the portal they opened up Demigra smiled to himself as he glanced back to the Man of Steel that was under his control.

He was so close to his goal.

He was so close to escaping.

He was so close to revenge.

(opening credits)

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