• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 13,601 Views, 548 Comments

Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods - The Zebra Hybrid

In a alternate universe where Lord Beerus actually destroyed Earth, Goku and Vegeta are sent in to another universe where they must adapt to their new home.

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Saga 3: The Secret Weapons

The Frieza Games Saga

Canterlot High; Auditorium

"As I'm sure you all know," started Principal Celestia as she spoke in the microphone, "tomorrow Canterlot High School will be hosting our fellow students from Crystal Prep Academy. As we join together in the spirit of excellence, sportsmanship, and fidelity to compete in the Friendship Games."

A light applause and groans came from the students in the auditorium, as they all had bored and irritated expressions. For them this wasn't just going to be a friendly event but another year where Canterlot High will lose once again and Crystal Prep will once again throw it in their faces. Celestia and Luna noticed the attitude before the multi-colored haired principal continued.

"Since the games only happen every four years, I'm sure you're all curious on what goes on."

"You mean other than us losing!" shouted Flash standing from his seat.

"And," continued Celestia, "That is exactly why I've asked Rainbow Dash to come up and give you all a little...um...context."

On cue, Rainbow Dash stepped on the stage with a proud look on her face as she instantly too k the microphone out of Celestia's hands, "Thank you, Principal Celestia," she thanked before starting her speech, "I know a lot of you might think that there is no way we can beat a fancy school like Crystal Prep at any thing."

"Unless it's a losing to Crystal Prep Competition!" shouted Pinkie form the stands, "Because we're really good at that!"

"Ugh," Rainbow ignored Pinkie's comment, "And I know that CHS has never won the Friendship Games even once."

Rainbow floated back down on the stage and powered down, the crowd still cheering she went back to the microphone to close her speech, "And with don't forget We not only have one but two power houses on speed dial!" she announced as the crowd continued to cheer. Rainbow smirked as she left the stage and was met with her friends waiting for her behind the curtains.

"Rainbow Dash, that was amazing." complimented Fluttershy, "Even I think we can win."

"I feel like my school pride is at an all time high!" added Rarity.

"Yeah, plus we have Vegeta AND Goku on our side so this should be a cake walk,"

"Is anybody else wondering how Dash ponied up without playing her guitar?" asked Applejack.

"I know right!" replied Rainbow with a proud expression, "It's because I'm so awesome!"

"Maybe," stepped in Sunset, "I mean you are awesome, but there has to be something more to it than that."

"Well it would be nice if you girls could get a handle on it," suddenly said Principal Luna standing behind the group, "We would like magic to be as far away as the Friendship Games as possible. We don't want to be accused of cheating."

"We don't need magic to beat those hoity-toity Crystal Preppers." said Rarity as her friends cheered in agreement.

"Still the Friendship Games are a serious business and we don't want any surprises. Especially the ones that could cause us to forfeit, so that means Goku and Vegeta would not be able to attend. Sunset Shimmer, you came here from a world of magic perhaps you can get to the bottom of our magical development."

"I'll do my best." agreed Sunset as Principal Luna nodded and excused herself from the group.

"Awww man!" whined Pinkie, "Goku and Vegeta aren't going to participate!"

"It is disappointing, but that doesn't mean they cant come to cheer us on." added Fluttershy.

"Yeah!" added Rainbow, "Hey Sunset you think you could contact them?"

Sunset nodded,"Sure, but afterwards I need to do a little research on this magic thing."

"Sure thing, sugarcube." agreed Applejack as the other girls nodded in agreement,

"Thanks, I'll see you guys later."

Twilight's Castle; Library

"Och! Ouch! Ouch!"

"Hold still Goku!"

"But Twilight, it hurts so bad!"

"Maybe if you'll be more careful around Whis you wouldn't be in this mess!"

Goku winced as Twilight wrapped another bandaged around his forearm, the orange alicorn gave tried to give an innocent smile but the wounds from his training was too much. Twilight could only give a soft giggle of how one of the most powerful ponies she knows is acting like an innocent child. To be honest it kind of worries her for someone to have all that power but have the personality of a small child, but she knew Goku was more than that.

"There all done." said Twilight and Goku gave a sigh of relief.

"Thanks Twilight! Man, I sure got banged up this time did I?" thanked Goku with his usual big grin.

"Goku, you need to be more careful when training, I can't keep patching up wounds every time you come back from training from Vegeta and Whis."

"But how else am I gonna get stronger? I couldn't beat Superman and barely survived against Lord Beerus, I don't want that to happen again. I need to get stronger so I can protect you and the others."

"Goku, but that doesn't mean to put yourself through this pain, there are others way to get stronger. There is nothing wrong to ask for help."

Goku smiled, "Sorry Twilight, but i prefer to do things myself. Plus with my new trick I'm sure I won't need any help."

'New trick?' Thought Twilight as she let out a defeated sigh, "Just promise me that you'll at least tone things down with Whis."

Goku nodded, "Alright, if it makes you happy."

Twilight smiled and pulled her coltfriend into an embrace, which Goku gladly returned until the sound of something vibrating caught their attention. The purple alicorn turned to her desk and saw a lone journal glowing a bright pink and buzzing like a cell phone, Twilight broke the embrace and went toward the journal and opened it quickly.

"Is something wrong, Twilight?" asked Goku with a worried look.

Twilight smiled, "Everything's fine. Sunset just contacted us to see if we wanted to join CHS for something called The Friendship Games."

"You mean like a tournament!" exclaimed Goku as stars was now in his eyes, "Can we go! Please!"

"Well, I won't be able to. I have to stay and and prepare a speech on how to be a good friend for tomorrow."


"But you and Vegeta can still go. I'm sure Sunset will appreciate it."

"Really!? Thanks, I'll go tell Vegeta!"

"Wait Goku, maybe you should rest-" before Twilight could finish Goku was already flying out of the window at tremendous speeds. Twilight could only sigh, he could be so simple minded sometimes but that's what she loved about him. She just hoped that nothing bad happens for a while after the whole even with Starlight Glimmer and Superman she just wanted a little break.

She had to admit everything was getting better since then, it was thanks to Gohan that they had gotten their cutie marks back from Starlight. Pinkie was some what back to her usual self, but she could still tell that her pink party friend still missed the lovable Buu. Goten had been a bundle full of joy just like his father and she had noticed the amount of time he has spending with the crusaders and Trunks, especially Sweetie Belle.

Her father, Beerus, with his attendant Whis comes and goes from time to time, due to their duties of being deities, even Vegeta and Rainbow Dash has been getting along well, but that didn't surprise her. She just hoped that nothing serious happens between them, the most exiting thing is that Gohan's and Videl's daughter was finally born. It did feel kind of weird to call herself a Grandma but she doesn't mind.

"Twilight! I'm home!" exclaimed the voice of Goten as Twilight heard his voice through the castle.

"Coming Goten!" called back Twilight with a smile, as she walked out the library.

Crystal Prep High School; The Next Day


"Excuse me."


"Pardon me"


"Sorry." apologized the girl as she walked down the hallway of Crystal Prep. She wore a dark purple school uniform with her purple hair tied up in a bun, back glasses over her purple irises and small black shoes. She made her way to a lone room where she opened the door to see different kinds of graphs staple to the walls. Strings with pictures of orange and blue human shaped blurs on a board leading to a poster of Canterlot High.

"Spike!" she called out as she sat down in a chair in front of a computer.

"Bark!" called out a small purple dog from a nearby trash can and jumped in his masters lap.

"There you are." giggled the girl as she was assaulted in licks from the dog, "Ok, ok."

The girl pulled open a drawer and pulled out a circular device, "Last night confirmed it Spike, with this device I can track and contain the strange energy coming from Canterlot High."

Spike growled in response.

"I know you don't like me going over there," replied the girl as she rubbed Spike's head, "but it just couldn't wait, and soon i'll have all the time I need. All of Crystal Prep is going to be there for the Friendship Games, I just hope all that rivalry nonsense doesn't get in the way of my research. If I can collect enough data from these EM frequencies I should be able to extrapolate the waveforms to determine their origin. That would practically guarantee my entrance into the Everton Independent Study Program! Whoa!" screamed the girl as she fell back in her chair as a knock was heard on the door.

In stepped a women with pink skin with purple, pink, and yellow hair wearing a blue coat and skirt with a crystal heart pin attached, "Twilight you know the rules against pets." the woman started as she helped the girl off the floor.

"Well, Spike isn't a pet Dean Cadence," Twilight replied, "He's the focus of my research project 'Human/Canine Cohabitation: Effects and Implications."

"If you say so, but Principle Cinch is highly allergic so I suggest you put on a clean shirt."


"Because she wants to see you."

"Really!? Maybe she has news about my application to Everton!"

Dean Cadence sighed, "I've been meaning to talk to you about that. Are you sure that's what you really want?"

"Why wouldn't it be? A program that allows me to focus all of my attention on my own advanced math and science projects. What a dream come true!"

"But there aren't any classrooms with other students. You'll be doing everything on your own."

"That is why it's called and Independent Study Program."

"I just don't want you to miss out on anything, that's all. Being around other people isn't a bad thing, sometimes it's how you learn the most about yourself."

"I guess." hesitantly said Twilight as Dean Cadence gave her a warm smile, and left the room closing the door behind her.

"What's she so worried about?" questioned Twilight, "Everton is exactly what I need right now. It's not like I have anything left to learn at Crystal Prep."

Twilight then picked up her bag and said her goodbyes to Spike and left the room.

Canterlot Castle

"Aw Man! I'm so excited!" exclaimed Goku.

"What are you excited for? It's just some puny competition." scoffed Vegeta, as the two were standing in front of the magical mirror.

"You don't know that! There could be some really strong people joining, and I hadn't got a good fight since Superman!"

"Kakarot you idiot! This is no martial arts tournament! It's just some stupid competition to see which school is better."

Goku cocked his head in confusion, "If you think it's stupid then why are you going."

The saiyan prince crossed his hooves and turned around, "Because I'm going to support Rainbow."

The doors opened to reveal Twilight with Spike and Goten riding on her back, Spike was holding a stack of note cards for Twilight's conference while Goten had his usual smile on his face. "Hey dad! Where are you going?" asked Goten with an innocent expression.

"Hey Goten! I'm going to go see some friends, don't worry I'll be back at the end of the day." answered Goku.

"Just make sure you two stay safe. It seems like everytime we go back to Canterlot High something happens." stepped in Twilight.

"Don't worry Twi'! I'm sure everything is going to be fine!"

Vegeta grumbled and glanced toward the purple alicorn, "Trust me, I'm sure nothing over at Canterlot High can even compare to us, and just to be sure nothing happens me and Kakarot will be joining the competition."

"But didn't you just say it was stupid-" started Goku.

"I know what I said!"

Twilight giggled at the two saiyans, maybe she was being a little paranoid. She was already stressed out with this Friendship Conference and the fact that Starlight Glimmer was still out there. She had to remember though she was friends with the best ponies she could ask for and the offspring of two gods, so maybe things will be okay.

"Well I guess, it time for you two go. Don't want the others to keep waiting for you." said Twilight as she activated the mirror as a swirling vortex appeared on the surface of the mirror. The purple alicorn pulled the orange alicorn in a deep embrace and gave him a quick peck.

Goku pulled a away and ruffled both Spike's and Goten's head, "Don'y worry guys We'll be gone for only a day. We'll be back before you know it."

Goku then met Vegeta at the entrance of the portal and waved back at Twilight, Goten and Spike. He nodded toward the Vegeta as the two walked through disappearing form the three's sight. Twilight then shut down the portal and gave a sigh, "Come on you two we have a conference to prepare for."

Goten and Spike groaned in defeat.


Towa and Mira watched through a glass orb as Goku and Vegeta walked through the mirror. "It seems the two saiyans are going back to Universe 11." stated Towa.

"It seems that Frieza has been revived as well." added Mira.

"Hmm, this will be most interesting. If I'm correct Frieza will be most disappointed to find that Earth has been destroyed with the saiyans no longer there. I say we help 'push' him in the right direction.

Author's Note:

And there it is! Goku and Vegeta are headed back to the Equestria Girls Universe! What are Towa and Mire planning to do with Frieza? Find out next time!

Also here is a description of all the Universe so far.

Universe 11: EG Universe

Universe 2: MLP Universe

Universe 1: DC Universe

Universe 12: DC Bizzaro Universe

Universe 3: Unknown

Universe 10: Unknown

Universe 4: Unknown

Universe 9: Unknown

Universe 5: Unknown

Universe 8: Unknown

Universe 6: Alt-DBZ

Universe 7: DBZ Universe

Hope you guys enjoyed! As usual comment down below on what you think!:pinkiehappy:

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