• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 13,601 Views, 548 Comments

Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods - The Zebra Hybrid

In a alternate universe where Lord Beerus actually destroyed Earth, Goku and Vegeta are sent in to another universe where they must adapt to their new home.

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Saga 1: The Return to Equestria

Battle of Gods Saga

Battle of the Bands

The Super Saiyan God saw the battle between the Rainbooms and the Dazzlings in front of him as he flew with Vegeta laying on his back. From the looks of it, the Dazzlings seemed to show their true forms and sending magical blasts towards the Rainbooms, who were in there Rainbow forms, sending magical blasts back at the Dazzlings.

Goku gave a grin and stopped his flight and just hovered in the air watching the spectacle, he had never felt this kind of power before and it made him excited. His focus was more on the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, he never knew how beautiful she was when she transformed and her energy it wasn't like any other energy signal he had felt but more like a....god.

Goku had a burning feeling in his chest as his cheeks started to warm up and his grin started to increase in size. It has been a long time since he felt this way about a girl, the last time Goku felt this way was when he fought in the World Martial Arts Tournament against.......Chi-Chi. Goku shook his head and descended to the ground and laying Vegeta gently on the ground as he thought of a question that almost everyone else has been thinking.

"Do I have feelings for Twi-"

"Kakarot." Goku turned his head behind him to see Vegeta slowly rising to his feet clutching his right arm in pain, "How are the girls fairing?"

"Their doing fine, at this rate it'll all be over soon." replied Goku.

"Kakarot, what are we going to do after this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play games, I've seen the way you look at her." Goku sighed in response, "You and I both know Twilight has to return to her own world, the question is will you follow?"

"I-I don't know Vegeta, Twilight is special, but I made a connection to this world too." Goku's red irises then went wide, "Of course!"

Vegeta was taken back by the saiyan god's outburst, "What is it Kakarot?"

"Why didn't I think of it before! Twilight had to get here somehow AND she's been here more than once right."

"Where are you going with this Kakarot?"

"Vegeta, don't you see? I can be with Twilight and at the same time protect this world as well!"

"Your planning on using that mirror that Twilight talked about to travel back and forth are you?"

Goku only laughed and gave a thumbs up to Vegeta, who chuckled in response, he never thought about using the mirror to travel back and forth. He thought it was only a one time thing, then again back in Sugarcube Corner Twilight did explain how she modified the magic portal to open to this world and hers when ever she pleases. This would be perfect for his training to also becoming a god like his rival.

The two saiyans faces immediately went serious when they felt the Dazzlings energy spike. They snapped their heads back to the battle to see the Rainbooms energy depleting, while the Dazzlings became even stronger. The two saiyans watched as the Rainbooms lost their magical aura and were on their knees.

Acting quickly the two saiyans powered up and flew straight for the girls, Goku's eyes widen when he saw the Dazzlings fire another magical beam at them. Using his instant transmission he teleported in front of them and took the blast head on and redirected it into the night sky. The three sirens glared at the god as he uncrossed his arms and glared right back at the three.

"G-Goku!" screamed the girls as Goku gave them a thumbs up as Vegeta came descending down.

"Vegeta!" screamed the girls again.

"T-that is you right?" stuttered Rainbow.

"What do you think?" said Vegeta in a mocking tone as he was caught off guard when Rainbow tackled him in a bear hug crying in his chest.

"I-I'm sorry!"

"For what?"

"F-for being a selfish jerk! I-If it weren't for me none of this w-would be happening."

"Rainbow you need to shut up and listen," snapped Vegeta causing everyone to look at him in shock, "You are going to make mistakes in life, but that doesn't mean to cry like a baby. All you need is to move on." Everything was silent as Rainbow sniffed and nodded with Vegeta doing the same.

Goku if you don't mind me asking what happened to your hair!" screamed Rarity.

The Super Saiyan God chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, "Well, remember when I said I can turn Super Saiyan?"

The girls nod, "Yeah, but isn't Super Saiyan hair supposed to be yellow and spiky?" added Sunset.

"Yeah, but this is a different transformation. You see this is my Super Saiyan God transformation I told you guys about."

"So this is Super Saiyan God?" asked Pinkie.

"I like this one better than the other ones." added Fluttershy.

"Hey what happened? You girls were evenly matched with the Dazzlings?" asked Goku.

"It's their spell the more they sing the stronger they get all of six of us can't do it alone." explained Twilight.

Goku put a hand to his chin and thought for a second, he looked toward the Dazzlings still singing and feeling their power growing. He could end this quickly with his god-like powers but he didn't want the hypnotized crowd to be caught in the crossfire. His brain then clicked and glanced at Sunset who was looking right back at him in confusion.

"If all six of you couldn't do it, then that means we need seven!." Goku said as the girls gave him a confused look, "Sunset Shimmer they need you."

"M-me?" asked Sunset with a even now confused expression, "W-what can I do? I don't have magic like the rest of them."

Goku put a hand on her shoulder, "Yes you do, Me and Vegeta sensed it inside you ever since we met you."


Sunset, me and Vegeta can't take them on, there's too many innocent people here and they'll be caught in the crossfire. It's all up to you, you're our only hope."

"What if it doesn't work?"

Goku smiled, "Then we'll deck them in the schnoz."

Sunset looked into Goku's red irises and saw them burning with emotion and passion. Sunset nodded as Goku did the same looking over to Vegeta who tossed a microphone at Sunset Shimmer's feet. She picked up the microphone and walked toward the girls and taking off her jacket.

Meanwhile; Canterlot Castle

Whis walked in the throne room with a small smile on his face, he loved Equestria, it always brought some joy to his heart everytime he came here. It was a shame Earth was destroyed it had so many similarities to Equestria minus the food, as he walked he noticed Celestia and Luna sitting on their thrones.

"Hello, Princesses," said Whis as he walked up to the alicorn sisters and bowing in respect.

"Whis, where is Beerus?" asked Luna.

"He went over to Twilight Sparkle's castle, I believe to introduce himself when she returns."

Celestia furrowed her brow, "I thought me and Beerus was supposed to go together."

"I'm sure he was going to meet you there I'm sure if we leave now we'll make it just in time."

Before Celestia could answer a bright light filled the room the alicorn sisters covered their eyes as Whis was unfazed. When the light dimmed a small green alicorn with pointy ears, two antennae on his forehead, and a white robe with a satchel hanging at his side. What caught the eye of the sisters and WHis was not only the mysterious young alicorn in their throne room but the seven starred orbs spread out around him.

Luna being the first to act quickly went to help the mysterious alicorn to his hooves. "W-what happened?" asked the alicorn as he rubbed his temples, "and why am I a horse!"

"Calm thyself stranger, you are in good hooves." comforted Luna, "Are thou alright?"

"I-I'm fine just a little shaken up. If you don't mind where am I?"

"You are in Equestria," stepped in Celestia, "My name is Princess Celestia, goddess of the sun and co-ruler to this land with my sister here, Princess Luna, goddess of the moon."

"What is thy name?" asked Luna.

"Dende," said the green alicorn replied as he noticed the seven orbs, "What are the dragon balls doing here?"

The two sisters gave him a confused look, Dende then looked at his hooves piecing together it was going to be hard to pick up the dragonballs. Focusing his telekinesis his horn glowed a white as a magical aura enveloped the seven balls causing them to rise. Dende's eyes widened at the sudden ability as the seven magical orbs floated into his satchel.

"Dende, it you don't thy asking, why did thou appear before us?" asked Luna.

"I don't know I was living peacefully in Other World, then all of a sudden I'm here."

"Other World you say?" asked Whis as Dende's blood went cold.

"W-what are you d-d-doing here?"

"Me and Lord Beerus always come here to visit his spouse."

"L-Lord B-Beerus is married?"

Celestia gave Whis and the alicorn a confused look, "Whis, how do you now this alicorn."

Whis chuckled, "Oh, that's because he isn't what you think he is. He is what you call a Namekian, a special one at that who was the guardian of planet Earth and it's dragonballs."

"The Earth my husband destroyed?" asked Celestia as Dende's eyes widened.

"Your husband is Berrus the Destroyer!?" exclaimed Dende as he was looking around nervously for the god of destruction.

Whis chuckled at the Namekian-turned-pony's antics, "He is not here at the moment, he went to go see his daughter and two of your friends as well."


"Goku and Vegeta."

"No no no no!" Dende's sudden outburst caused the alicorn sisters to take a step back.

"What is wrong?" asked Luna.

"Goku and Beerus cannot meet!"

"Why not?" asked Celestia.

"Because they are the reason that my home was destroyed and the same fate will happen to this one if those two cross paths again!"

Celestia and Luna looked at each other worriedly, "Luna we must go to Twilight's Castle and make sure this doesn't happen," Luna nodded, "You should come too, Dende was it?"

"Yes." was all Dende said before flapping his new wings with sisters doing so as well, Whis just levitated, and the four flew out the balcony of the throne room and headed of quickly to Twilight's Castle.

Battle of the Bands

Goku and Vegeta slowly opened their eyes to see the girls back to their normal forms and the Dazzlings on their knees on the stage as the crowd was in complete silence. The Dazzlings looked in horror as the gems around their necks were now cracked and broken, not wanting to believe what happened the three sirens looked at each other and began to sing again only for the crowd to cover their ears and boo them off the stage.

The two teenage saiyans saiyans watched as the three sirens ran of the stage and the girls cheering beside the stage. Goku and Vegeta then flew over to where the girls were and descended down.

"Hey! That was amazing!" exclaimed Goku as he and Vegeta descended down toward the girls.

"I have to admit, that was some show you girls put on." added Vegeta as the girls blushed.

"What are we all standing around for?! Group hug!" yelled Pinkie as she stretched her arms around the girls including Goku and Vegeta bringing all of them into a massive hug. The group laughed in happiness, minus Vegeta who just scowled in annoyance with his face a bright red.

Pinkie let go allowing everyone to breathe, "What now?" asked Applejack.

"Well, me and Spike have to be heading back to Equestria in the morning, I do have my responsibilities as a princess after all." Twilight then looked to Goku and her face instantly fell she walked over with a guilt look on her face, "G-Goku there has been something I wanted to t-tell you."

Goku tilted his head in confusion, "What is it?"

"W-well, I-I know we've known each other for a short time n-now."

"Twilight why are you stuttering so much?"

"I just wanted to say..."

The rst of the group looked in wide eyes hoping for the princess of friendship to say what they wanted her to say to the Super Saiyan God. Twilight gulped as she stared into Goku's red irises and she was hypnotized for a few seconds.

"Oh for pete's sake!" yelled Rainbow as she gave Twilight a little push causing her to crash in the teenage saiyan causing both of them to fall over and cause their lips to touch. The two teenagers went red in embarrassment not only from the sudden kiss but that either of them were rejecting it. Twilight slowly parted and got to her feet with Goku doing the same.

"Rainbow Dash! That was uncalled for!" yelled Rarity.

"What? It was taking too long." Rainbow replied.

"Now their all flustered!"

"Actually it was nice." said Twilight suddenly as Goku's eyes widened in shock and all the attention to turn to Twilight, who took a deep breathe, "Goku, I....I.....I love you."

Everything was silent for Twilight as she said those words, she watched as Goku still had that surprised look on his face. Did she just ruin their friendship? She knew this wasn't a good idea-

"I love you too." Twilight's ears perked up at the sound of Goku's voice, the girls all gasped in shock as Vegeta just chuckled with his arms crossed. Twilight with tears in her eyes wrapped her arms around Goku and pulled him in to a passionate kiss. The girls all d'awwwed as Vegeta averted his gaze noticing a certain blue haired guitar player stomping away in anger.

Vegeta felt something by his leg he looked down to see Spike leaning on it and with a smile on his face. "Where have you been?" asked Vegeta.

"Eh, places. So does this mean you guys are coming back to Equestria with us?" answered Spike.


"But what about Rainbow?"

Vegeta glanced at Rainbow, who glanced back and gave him a thumbs up, "We'll be back to visit."

After Battle of Bands; Morning

The group all stood in front of the Canterlot High statue for the departure of Spike, Twilight and the two saiyans. Goku had reverted back to his original form and was now holding hands with the princess of friendship.

"So will you guys ever come back?" asked Fluttershy

"Of course! Me and Vegeta has a lot more stuff to do here! Plus Sunset can keep in touch with that book." replied Goku.

"But when we do come back we'll mostly likely be training so try to catch us at a good time." added Vegeta

"What if we train with you." asked Sunset.

"You sure you girls can keep up?" mocked Vegeta.

"Hey we beat the Dazzlings right, I'm sure we could handle you two." added Rainbow.

"Heh, at least you got pride." chuckled Vegeta, but was cut off guard as Rainbow kissed him on the cheek.

"You better come back soon." Vegeta nodded as he made his way over to the portal.

"Are we ready?" asked Twilight as the group nodded, "Well, we'll see you girls soon!"

"Until we meet again!" waved Goku as the girls waved back as the four walked through the portal. Goku felt his body get thrust through the portal making him let go of Twilight's hand he felt his body changing again as he flew through the vortex as a bright light consumed him. Goku slowly opened his eyes to see a group of..ponies? They were staring at him with worry.

"Kakarot, get up!" yelled the voice of Vegeta,as he opened his eyes and were shocked to see Vegeta.....as a pony. He was a navy blue earth pony with his saiyan hair as his mane and spiky black tail.

"Vegeta what happened to you! What happened to me!" Goku looked down to himself, he had a bright orange coat he had his same spiky hair but with a spiky tail, and feathery wings. He put a hoof to his forehead and felt a bump, but only to realize it was a horn. He gave Vegeta a shocked expression as Vegeta motioned his head toward the other group of ponies. He saw five similar multi-colored mares similar to the girls back in Canterlot High, which meant the purple one must have been Twilight. He saw the other group of ponies and Buu standing-

Wait, Buu!?

"Guys! Is that you?!" yelled Goku as the group of ponies ran up to the saiyan.

"Goku!" they said as they all shared a group hug, Goku was glad to see the new forms of his friends and family, "Where are the others he asked?"

"They wanted to stay in Otherworld," said Gohan, "So we all came here to see you."

"Plus, the baby kind of wants to meet her grandfather too." replied Videl.

"Daddy!" yelled Goten as he jumped on Goku's back causing both of them to laugh. GOku then noticed the serious expression of Piccolo.

"Piccolo? What's wrong?" he asked.

"Before you got here we ran in to trouble." Piccolo stated.


"He means me." said an all too familiar voice as Vegeta's and Goku's blood ran cold and the rest to turn their heads to Lord Beerus standing on the other side of the room.

"Goku and Vegeta, it has been a while." he said with a smirk.

"Who are you?" asked Twilight stepping in front of her friends with a confused expression.

"Twilight, my have you grown." he said taking a step towards Twilight.

"You haven't answered my question."

"My name is Beerus, the god of destruction.......and your father."

Author's Note:

There is another chapter! Sorry for the late update but this was a pain to write, also I kind of rushed this so if there is any typos I am sorry.

Yes I made Dende and Goku alicorns, because technically speaking they are both gods so yeah.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter leave a comment below!

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