• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 13,601 Views, 548 Comments

Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods - The Zebra Hybrid

In a alternate universe where Lord Beerus actually destroyed Earth, Goku and Vegeta are sent in to another universe where they must adapt to their new home.

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Saga 2: The Power of a God; Evil Unleashed

Man of Steel Saga

Equestria; Twilight's Castle

Gohan was breathing hard, he didn't expect his opponent to be this strong. It confused him, at first the changeling known as Chrysalis was no problem, but then suddenly got a power boost and now was on par with him, even in his mystic form. He charged up his ki and shot toward Chrysalis, who was floating in the air, and threw a right hook which she caught with ease and sent a back hoof into the half-breed's gut causing him to cough up in pain and hunch over.

Quickly recovering Gohan dashed back and sent a volley of ki blasts, as Chrysalis threw up a green shield protecting herself from the incoming projectiles. Chrysalis smirked and teleported behind Gohan and sent a strike launching him to the ground, the purple stallion struggled to his hooves covered in scrapes and bruises as he glares at the changeling queen floating down in front of him.

"D-damn it.." cursed Gohan gritting his teeth.

"What's wrong boy?" questioned Chrysalis, "I am just warming up. Matter of fact, I am in the market of a new mate. Will you be so kind and fill the part."

Gohan spat at Chrysalis, "Not in a million years! I already have somebody close to me and I'll never betray her."

"A pity, you were so much better than that Shining Armor anyways."

"Are you going to keep talking or are we going to finish what we started?"

"With pleasure." With that said Gohan and Chrysalis shot toward each other both screaming in rage.

Meanwhile Piccolo was having his own trouble with the dark tyrant known, Sombra. The Namekian sent a yellow wave of ki at the dark stallion but Sombra materialized into a clod of smoke and rushing toward Piccolo launching a black beam from his horn striking him in the chest. Piccolo spiked his aura causing a yellow light to emit from his body causing Sombra to blind himself and go back into his solid form.

Piccolo after imaged above the tyrant and struck him on the top of the head and then kneeing him in the chin. He sent a hoof to his face but it was caught in one of Sombra's tendrils, and as fast as the Nemekian can see each of his limbs was encased in dark tendrils. Sombra then struck Piccolo in the gut making him cough up blood, he struck him again and then repeated then started to repeat the process.

Piccolo then blocked the next strike with his knee and headed butted the Tyrant letting him go and staggering back clutching his head in pain. "Something seriously is wrong. This fight should've been over by now. Where was he storing all this power?"

"Surely you must know, that you won't be winning this battle." taunted Sombra.

"I guess, we'll just have to find out." smirked Piccolo as he and the dark tyrant charged.

'Canterlot High'

The teenage saiyan god, known as Son Goku, stared down his opponent as the Man of Steel, eyes glowing red and surrounded by dark purple energy, stared back. The girls now a far off distance away from the two huddled around Vegeta's lifeless body with dried tear stains on their cheeks. They could never get used to Goku and his transformations, especially his god form. Every time he or Vegeta did it they always felt warm inside and a spark of hope is ignited inside of them.

"Just what are you?" asked Supermen his curiosity getting the best of them.

"I don't know what you want with me," replied Goku, "But you are not going to get away for what you did. So you want to know who I am.....I am the hop in the universe....I am the the one who comes for those who cry out for peace....I am the protector of the universe....I am the light in the darkness...I am truth."

Goku gritted his teeth and spiked his flaming red aura, "Allied to good! Nightmare to you!"

"Then show me what you got." taunted Superman as his eyes glowed red and fired his solar beam. Reacting quickly Goku through his arms up and held the solar power laser in his forearms, before spreading his limbs canceling the attack. Superman then rushed toward the Saiyan God and threw a right hook, his eyes widened when Goku caught it with ease and sent a right hook of his own connecting to the Man of Steel's jaw.

Superman staggered back, but Goku didn't give him time to recover as he sent a flurry of kicks and punched to his abdomen. The Saiyan God then kicked Superman under his chin launching him in the air. Growling in anger the Man of Steel recovered and stopped his launch and watch as Goku was shooting straight for him. Super yelled and and charged his purple and black ki and launched toward Goku.

The two collided in a big yellow light shaking the earth, Superman sent a fist to Goku's side as the Saiyan God returned a blow to his face. The two traded blow for blow creating thunderclaps in the air, until the two locked hands and struggled to overpower the other. Goku then noticed his opponent's eyes start to glow bright red again, he kicked Superman away from him and dodging the oncoming beam and cupped his hands to his sides.

"KAMEHAME...HA!",shouted Goku

"That won't work on me!" Superman shouted back and swiping away the blast, but was caught off guard when Goku uses instant transmission to get behind the Man of Steel and sent a kick toward his back, sending him to the ground below in a cloud of dust. Meanwhile the girls could only stare in awestruck emotion as the battle progressed.

"YEAH! Show that meanie who's boss!" yelled Pinkie pumping her fist in the air.

"Go get 'em Goku!" joined in Applejack.

Rainbow however wasn't as enthusiastic, she just sat by Vegeta's body. He looked so peaceful almost, like he was asleep, she felt a hand on her shoulder and saw Twilight giving her a sympathetic look, and hugged the blue skinned girl. Sunset, Rarity, and Fluttershy was just quiet either watching the battle or trying to cheer up Rainbow.

"I-I can't believe h-he's gone." cried Rainbow.

Twilight stayed silent.

"W-we just got back together. N-Now he's gone."

Twilight could only stay quiet, she didn't know what to say. What was there to say? To her everything just happened so fast that she couldn't even tell what happened until it was too late. She wished....she stopped her thoughts for a second and repeated the word again...wish...then it hit her.


The six other girls stopped what they were doing and looked at her with a confused expression, before all them asking the same question, "The dragon's what?"

Equestria, Twilight's Castle

Whis and Beerus were at the top of Twilight's castle observing the battle below them. The god of destruction was lying on his back while floating as Whis stood behind him with his scepter in hand.

"Hmm.." thought Whis as he watched the battle, Beerus noticed his look and turned his attention to him.

"What is it, Whis?" asked the god of destruction.

"They should've been done with this fight by now."

"Now that you say it, they are taking a while to finish these four off. And I'm getting quite bored, what's the hold up?"

"Those four didn't have this much power before."

Beerus gave Whis a confused look, "So you're saying that, someone or something is supplying them with extra power?"

"It's a possibility."

Beerus put a hand to his chin, it is a possibility. With Goku's son, Gohan, going super saiyan alone should be more than enough to overpower these four.

"In that case let's go inform Celestia down below of our findings."

Whis nodded, as the two floated down from the top of the tower.

Lord Tirek swung his massive arms once again trying to swat the blue colt away from him. Gotenks comically dodged the attack and stuck his tongue out at the centaur making him growl in anger. He charged up his horns and sent an orange wave of magical energy at the super saiyan 3, who sent a blast of his own causing the two to collide in a massive explosion.

"Wow, you're stronger than I thought." commented Gotenks., "but it's still not enough to beat me! DIE DIE MISSILE BARRAGE!"

Tirek instantly threw up a shield as he was pelted with blue ki blasts raining down on him. The super saiyan 3 didn't let up and kept firing before charging up one last powerful attack and sending it crashing into Tirek. Screaming in anger Tirek dissipated the attack and swung a fist into the colt's gut making him gasp for air. The centaur didn't let up as he grabbed the colt by the hind leg and slam him on the ground and toss him to the side.

"I will not be defeated by a mere child!" shouted Tirek

Gotenks picked himself up and wiped the blood from his nose,"In your dream stupid head! Take this! KAMEHAME-"


Tirek grinned as the the one colt in front of him just split into two, both having awestruck faces,"Uhhh.." said Goten.

"You know we were just kidding right?" asked Trunks with a nervous expression.

Tirek gave a wicked smirk as Goten and Trunks gulped and instantly transformed into their super saiyan forms. "Now your power will be mine!" yelled Tirek as charged the two colts.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Celestia as Whis and Beerus nodded.

"Yes, as much as I love the destruction this battle should've been over by now." said Beerus.

The others just looked in confusion, Videl and Dende believed every word, they might not be the strongest, but they know how powerful the others are, and this should be a walk in the park for them. So why were they having trouble? How did these guys have so much power any way? By judging from the reaction from the rest of the mane 6, Shining Armor and his parents, and the three princesses they were not this powerful before.

"So what's happenin'?" asked Applejack.

Whis turned to the Applejack and the others, "From what we believe, you have encountered these beings before?"

"Yeah! And we kicked their butt too!" shouted Rainbow.

"What Dash means," started Rarity, "is that they haven't had this much power before and Discord isn't evil anymore he's our friend."

"Wait, has anyone seen Pinkie?" suddenly said Fluttershy, everyone looked around and noticed that the pink hyper mare was gone. Dende's eyes widened as he used his guardian sight to spot Pinkie galloping across the battlefield toward the battle between Buu and Discord. How did she even leave without anyone noticing?

"There!" shouted Dende pointing a hoof out toward Pinkie, "She's heading toward Buu and Discord."

"What does she think she's doing?!" questioned Shining Armor.

Discord grabbed Buu by the throat and swung him around and slammed him on the dirt ground making a small crater. It had been amazing that Buu had last this long, thanks to his regeneration abilities, but he knows he could take so much damage before he runs out of energy. The Spirit of Chaos sent a fist into the Majin's face causing it to cave in.

Buu then popped his face out and chucked a pink ki blast toward the serpent like creature who vanished in a cloud of smoke. Taking the opportunity Buu sucked up the smoke before spewing it back out in a wave of pink ki causing Discord to turn back into his form and skid across the ground.

"You starting to annoy Buu!" yelled the majin.

"I could say the same thing to you. It takes a lot of power to defeat me." chuckled Discord before his eyes glowed red and charge his purple aura and charge Buu...

"Stop!" yelled Pinkie as Discord stopped his charge and looked down to see the pink mare, with Buu doing the same, "Discord, Why are you doing this!? Aren't we friends?"

Discord chuckled, "Friends? Please, a spirit of chaos does not need any friends."

"B-But what about Fluttershy?"

"Fluttershy?" softly said Discord as his purple aura began to die down a but and his eyes returning to normal.

Meanwhile in a far off distance Towa and Mira were watching the battle they had been quite satisfied at how they were progressing, until that pink pony came and was somehow breaking Discord of their control. "That pink one is going to complicate things if she gets through to Discord." stated Mira.

"I agree," replied Towa as she gazed at Majin Buu, "Hmm.."

"What is it?"

"I have a theory," was all Towa said before pointing her wand and firing a thin red beam of magic. It sore through the air and struck Buu causing his eyes to grow wide. Discord and Pinkie noticed this and turned to the fat pink blob as he clutched his head in anger and pain.

"Buu-ey? What's wrong?" asked Pinkie, Discord looked in fear as Buu screamed in the air steam coming from the outside of his head and covering his entire body until the two saw nothing but a cloud of smoke. Pinkie was so concerned on what was happening to Buu she didn't notice that Discord had lost the red in his eyes and his purple aura had dissipated.

"Pinkie Pie," said Discord gaining the pink mare's attention.

"D-Discord your back!" exclaimed Pinkie.

Discord didn't respond as he glared at the now pink cloud, "Get back to the castle, whatever happened to me is happening to Buu. And I don't want my friend to be caught in the crossfire."

Pinkie, looked shocked at this, since when did Discord become this serious? Doing as she told, she nodded and headed back to the castle. As he watched her go he paid his attention to the pink cloud starting to shrink down in size. It started to take form in a small, thin bipedal form with pink skin and a small antenna protruding from the top of its head. It had white baggy pants with black shoes and no shirt, but what really got Discord was it's eyes, with a black filling and red pupils.

The spirit of chaos just looked in confusion, this new form of Buu didn't look that tough but he knew better to judge a book by it's cover. The small Buu then cracked a wicked grin as it's eyes glowed red and purple aura started to surround the majin. He let out a mighty scream releasing his power and knocking Discord out of the air.

Kid Buu was now reborn.

Goku and Superman locked hands once again, causing another thunderclap through the air, the Super Saiyan God knew it would be only a matter of time before the man of steel's power spiked again. He just hoped that his suspicions were correct, "Listen to me! You're being controlled by something! You have to fight it!" yelled Goku.

Superman only growled and sent a punch into his stomach, and staggered back, the saiyan blocked a punch that was aimed for his face and caught another, "People are getting hurt! I sensed it earlier, you're not a bad person! you're just being manipulated!"

Goku sent a kick to Superman's side knocking him to the ground, Goku the charged his scarlet aura and slammed into the man of steel causing both of them to go into the ground in a cloud of dust and debris. Superman uppercutted Goku off of hi and grabbed his leg and swung him into a nearby car.

"Please, like anyone can control me." taunted Superman before spiking his purple aura and grabbing the saiyan by whatever was left on his shirt and kicked him across the concrete.

Goku felt his power spike once again, which was not good. He charged his red aura ready to charge his opponent once again but his eyes widened when the red aura dissipated leaving him in his regular super saiyan form. "D-damn it!" cursed Goku, "My time for my God form is out."

"What's wrong," taunted Superman, "Not so powerful anymore?"

Meanwhile, Twilight was explaining her findings about the dragonballs, "So you're saying that the dragonballs can grant any wish?" asked FLuttershy.

"Well, anything within the dragon's power." explained Twilight.

"Uhh, Twi' we might have some trouble.." said applejack with an itch of fear and worry in her tone.

"What is it?"

"Ya' might want to look for yourself."

Twilight looked toward the battle, she gasped to see her coltfriend gasping for breath for being to exhausted, his shirt now gone leaving only his tattered pants and wristbands and only as a regular super saiyan. Something about this scene seemed familiar to Twilight but she couldn't place her finger on it.

"You had your fun yet?" asked Superman, as Twilight realized where she seen this from. It was from her dream she had while back when she saw Goku...

Her face went pale at the thought and without a second thought started to run toward the two ignoring the protests of Sunset and the others behind her.

"I'll never back down!" she heard Goku yell as she watched him cup his hands to his sides and charge his aura. She knew what was coming she just had to get there faster.

"HAAA!!!" screamed Goku as he launched all his energy out of the palm of his hands engulfing Superman in the blue wave. Twilight now had tears start to flow from her eyes as she got closer. She could see the outline of the man of steel walking though the attack as if it was nothing, the princess of friendship pumped her legs faster almost making it to Goku.

"That's enough!" she heard Superman as she watched him grab Goku's wrist and canceling the attack, before grabbing him by the neck choking the life of the super saiyan. Twilight could see the red glow in Superman's eyes ready to end Goku right in front of her eyes. She couldn't loose another friend this day. The dragon could only revive someone one at a time, that's when she tripped on a piece of debris, she cried out in anger and sadness and reached out.

Goku turned his head to see Twilight on the ground with tears flowing down her cheeks, he gave her a sad smile. Everything seemed to slow down as the beams shot from the man of steel's eyes and towards Goku.

"GOKU!!" screamed Twilight as she thrust her hand forward and too her surprise a purple beam shot from her hand and hit Superman in the chest sending him flying backwards and into the wall of the school. Goku dropped reverting back to his base form and landed on the concrete, Twilight not caring what she did at the moment ran too the teenage saiyan.

He wasn't moving at all and she almost thought she was too late, until she saw his chest rise and lower in slow breathes. She let out a relief but instantly turned into fear when she heard the yell of Superman from the school. She watched as the man of steel burst from the school and land in front of her.

"Magic. Just who are you?" hissed Superman as he spiked his purple aura once again and is eyes glowing red. Twilight didn't know what to do, Goku was out of commission and Vegeta was gone. She gave one glance at Goku before clenching her fists, it was all up to her now she gave a peck on Goku's head and stood up and faced Superman.

"Y-You are going to p-pay for what y-you've done!" hissed Twilight as she clenched her teeth, "I am the Element of Magic, Princess of Friendship, Daughter of wonderful parents, sister of the Best Big Brother Forever.......Daughter of a God of Destruction and Goddess of a Sun.....Fillyfriend of Saiyan..."

Twilight let out a yell as she was encased in a purple light, Superman covered his eye from the brightness. Once it dimmed his eyes widened to see Twilight with large purple wings, pony ears coming from the top of her head and a glare that could melt polar caps.

"AND I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS!" She yelled before sending a punch to Superman's gut making him cough up blood.

Author's Note:

Twilight is pissed.:twilightangry2:

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