• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 13,601 Views, 548 Comments

Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods - The Zebra Hybrid

In a alternate universe where Lord Beerus actually destroyed Earth, Goku and Vegeta are sent in to another universe where they must adapt to their new home.

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Saga 3: The Second Day of The Games; Goku and Vegeta Show Their Power

The Frieza Games Saga

The front doors of Canterlot High burst opened as Twilight ran inside the school panting heavily with her talking purple companion chasing behind her. This didn't make any sense! Why is Spike talking! That is literally impossible! The purple girl from Crystal Prep made a sharp left as her best friend called out to her.

"Twilight! Come on!"

She covered her ears trying to tune out his voice, just hopping that she might just be going a little crazy from the stress of the games-

"Wait for me!" he called out again as she clenched her eyes, only to open them to find that she had ran to a dead end. She came to an abrupt stop as she turned around and backed against the wall with a fearful expression. Her little dog, ran up cornering her with a worried expression with both of them gasping for air after running so much. Twilight placed her self against the lockers and tried to shimmy away from the dog.

"Why did you run away like that?" asked Spike with a curious expression as he watched her movements as Twilight started to hyperventilate.

"Oh, I don't know," she started sarcastically, "Maybe it has something to do with the glowing girl or the hole in space or my talking dog!"

"Yeah, weird right?" replied Spike as he scratched behind his ear nonchalantly. Twilight then noticed something as her eyes widened. Her dog and her best friend was literally zapped by some weird energy and was now talking. He could've been seriously hurt or confused on what was happening to him, and she ran away from him. The purple girl had a guilty and worried expression as she knelt down in front of the purple canine.

"Are you ok? How do you feel? What happened? Where did you go?" asked Twilight as she grabbed Spike by his cheeks making him lick her nose to let him go.

"Hey," he started, "One question at a time. This is pretty new to me too."

Twilight wiped the saliva from her face, "Sorry."

"All I know is I chased that pointy rabbit through the glowing thing, and then I was somewhere else. Next thing I knew I was back in the nice girl's arms and I could talk. I don't really understand why I couldn't before. I mean, it's so easy-"

"Twilight!" exclaimed the voice of Principal Cinch from behind the two. Twilight looked around with a worried expression hoping that she didn't hear Spike talk. That would be VERY bad....not only did she bring a pet on campus but a talking one too. That would be a very confusing and awkward explanation. From the looks of it she hadn't noticed them yet so thinking fast and opened the locker, thanking whoever was out there that it was unlocked, and threw Spike inside before closing it.

"Quickly! Hide in here." she said in a hushed voice making Spike yelp in surprise.

"Who are you talking to?" asked Cinch with a suspicious expression making Twilight turn around with a nervous look.

"Um....myself. It's a nervous habit. Were you looking for me?"

"Indeed I was," replied Cinch straightening her posture, "Quite a coincidence that the CHS students moving on to the next event even are the same 'nice' girls, not counting the two 'unique' boys, who were so interested in you. Don't you think?"

"I'm not sure."

"Perhaps you should get to know them after all."

"But I thought you didn't want me to?"

"Let's just say that I'm covering my bases. Who knows? Perhaps the reveal to you the secret to Canterlot High's newfound success."

"I don't know. Spying feels kind of.... wrong."

Principal Cinch gave the young purple girl a deadpan look,before giving a stern expression and turning around and fixing her glasses, "Well, it's your decision, Twilight." started Cinch as she began to walk away, "It's not as if your application hangs in the balance. One second thought, yes it does."

Twilight had downed expression as she held herself, watching Principal Cinch disappear down the halls. The locker opened and Spike came back out and looked up at his companion with a concerned look on his canine features.

"Man, she's awful. What are you going to do?"

Twilight gave a deep sigh and looked down toward him and leaned against the locker and sliding down to a sitting position as Spike leaned against her side, "I don't know, Spike. I don't know."

"So Fluttershy," started Goku as he and Vegeta and the other girls were now walking through the hallways, "Me and Vegeta felt your energy drop like a rock. What happened between you and Twilight?"

Vegeta and the other girls were wondering as well as they looked at the pink haired girl for an explanation on what happened.

"All I did was hand Twilight a bunny. And then I Ponied-Up." started Fluttershy.

"I still think that term sounds stupid." added Vegeta only to get a slap on his arm and a 'shush' from Rainbow.

"I just don't get it." started Sunset, "Rarity's magic came out when she made us outfits, Pinkie's when she fixed the party, and now Fluttershy."

"And then Twilight's pendant thingy just pulled the magic right out of me. I couldn't even stand up." said Fluttershy.

"Like me at the party!" chimed in Pinkie.

"Or me, right before we met Twilight." added Rarity.

"So she's stealing magic?" suggested Sunset as the group stopped in the middle of the foyer.

"I don't know," started Applejack, "She doesn't seem like the magic stealing type."

Goku stepped in, "I agree. Twilight would never do something like this. At least not on purpose. Is this Twilight is anything like Twilight back in Equestria then I'm sure there is something else going on."

"That maybe true," replied Sunset, "But that doesn't get rid of the fact that she had something to do with closing the portal. If her pendant can pull in magic, maybe it stole the portal too."

"Then the solution is simple," started Vegeta gaining the group's attention, "We smash the pendent."

"No! Absolutely not!" retorted Sunset, "We don't know what would happen if we do that. It could cause a chain reaction and destroy the school! With us along with it."

"Don't be ridiculous you'll be fine. If worse comes we'll just bring you lot back with the dragon balls."

"And how are you going to do that without the portal?"

Vegeta paused and grumbled as he clenched his fists. The damn bacon woman had a point.

"So we're stuck here!" shouted Vegeta as Rainbow gave him a small glare.

"You make it sound like a bad thing." grumbled Rainbow.

"That's because Trunks, is on the other side waiting for me."

"Oh yeah...I forgot you had a son."

Goku slung and arm around Vegeta's shoulder, "Don't worry Vegeta! Trunks can handle himself! Plus Goten and Gohan are with him so if anything happens I'm sure they can, with the help of the others, can handle it."

The saiyan prince could only growl and take Goku's arm from his shoulder. He didn't want to admit but he was right, Trunks should be perfectly fine handling a threat by himself. He is way stronger than he was when he was his age and with the help of the others they should be fine handling Buu if he decides to show up again while him and Kakarot where here.

"Fine." was all Vegeta said.

"How did she suck up the portal though?" said Fluttershy getting the group back on topic.

"I don't know," added Sunset, "And the pony, or person, or or princess who could figure this out is completely unreachable now."

"I could use my instant transmission." suggested Goku as Sunset beamed up a but in hope.

"You can't jump between universes idiot! The space in between them blocks all our energy signatures, not to mention the distance." stated Vegeta making Goku and Sunset pout. Pinkie then appeared behind the two and wrapped her arms around both the teenage saiyan and the bacon-haired girl and pulled them close.

"Which is too bad because Twilight knows everything about magic and portals and magic portals and portalable magics!" exclaimed Pinke as she popped out of LITERALLY every corner making Vegeta look around trying to figure out how she did that.

"Wait, how did you-" started Vegeta as Pinkie fell out the back door and outside of the school. Rainbow came next to the hyperactive girl and helped her to her feet.

"For now," the rainbow haired girl started, "let's just focus on beating the Shadow Bolts. And as long as this event puts me in a playing field, I don't think we got anything to worry about."

"Oh it puts you on a playing field alright..." said Applejack looking towards to what 'used' to be the track and field. Standing before the teens was a dirt bike track, with the field being similar to something you would see on the Olympics. The score bored was a bright blue and pink adorning the symbols of Canterlot High and Crystal Prep. The two saiyans had to admit that this was pretty impressive to get together in just a day. The group marveled at the track and field until Sunset spoke up.

"Am I the only one who thinks this is overkill?" she said as Applejack walked up and gave a light kick to the dirt.

"I don't suppose you made motocross outfits?" asked Applejack to Rarity.

"Oh don't be ridiculous," said Rarity as she pulled out two suits from out of no where, "Of course I did!"

Goku and Vegeta looked at each other with confused and shocked expression. Pinkie they could understand but where was
Rarity keeping those!

A few hours later, students began coming in the stadium and taking their seats. The Canterlot High students being on one side while Crystal Prep being on the other side. The two teenage saiyans however were standing in front of the stands keeping a look out for anything suspicious, plus they wanted a good view of the girls competing. Goku especially kept his eyes out for Twilight, now that she was definitely tied with how the girl's magic disappearing, he needed to find her and set things straight.

"Kakarot," said Vegeta catching his attention,"You know what we have to do if this Twilight turns out evil."

Goku had a stern expression and nodded, "I know, but I know Twilight. She would never do all of this on purpose."

"You KNEW the pony Twilight. This is the human Twilight we don't know how she is in this universe."

"I guess you're right."

"Just keep your head in the game and stay focused."

Goku only nodded as the crowd behind them started to cheer signaling the start of the event. Meanwhile Principal Cinch was giving the game plan to her students as she held a confident but professional expression. Crystal Prep might have won the first event but it was still too close for comfort and she would not tolerate another mistake form her students.

"You will race in pairs," explained Cinch with her hands behind her back, "Indigo Zap and Sugarcoat will handle the motocross."

"Yes!" cheered Indigo.

"Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare have requested the short track."

The two girls, known as Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare, shared a high five as Principal Cinch continued.

"Since archery is a standard requirement at our school, any of you should do it. Twilight and Sour Sweet will start us off."

Twilight had a nervous expression, while butterflies began to fill her stomach as Sour Sweet had a happy grin, "Well that's just marvelous!" she cheered before her face began deadpan, "If you want to lose before we even start."

Principal Cinch continued as Twilight somewhat gained her composure and paid attention, "Given that Twilight won the last event singled-handedly, I have every confidence that she will be able to pull her weight here. Won't you?"

Twilight gave an unsure smile but nodded. Goku watched them from the stands and gave a stern expression. He knew Twilight wasn't doing this on purpose and judging from her expression she didn't want to be here in the first place. She might not be his Twilight from Equestria but she was still Twilight. He noticed the crowd start to cheer louder as Principal Cinch left the group to join Celestia. Luna, and Cadence in the judging booth.

Dean Cadence put on a bright smile and spoke into the microphone in front of her gaining the crowd of students' attention. "Welcome everyone to the Friendship Games Tri-Cross Relay!" she announced as the crowd cheered in excitement, "In this event our qualifying competitors will face off in archery, speed skating, and finally motocross. So if the competitors are ready...."

Cadence then blew the air horn in her hand signaling the start of the event. Goku and Vegeta watched with interest as the one called Sour Sweet jumped through the obstacle course and hitting the bullseye with ease. Vegeta groaned as he placed his hand over his face as Fluttershy literally put no force in her arrows causing it to go straight down to the ground. Goku however watched as Twilight started to run since Indigo hit her target. He winced when Twilight tried to hurdle over a block of hay only to land straight on her face. The purple haired girl finally made it on the platform with Sour Sweet as Fluttershy finally made a bullseye causing Applejack to run through the course with ease and meet up with Fluttershy.

"Who do you think will win?" asked Goku with a curious expression.

"By the way both teams are competing, I'm not sure."

Applejack and Twilight both started to fire their arrows with Fluttershy cheering Applejack on while Sour Sweet growled at every shot Twilight had missed. The blonde farmer took a deep breath and shot her arrow making it on the bullseye causing Rarity and Pinkie to start roller skating.

"And Canterlot is off to an early lead!" announced Dean Cadence.

Twilight's knees where shaking as she kept missing every shot making Sour Sweet's face turn red in fury. "Well that's just fantastic!" she heard the violet haired girl yell as she took a quick glance over to Fluttershy and Applejack.

"I'm sure glad I don't go to Crystal Prep." said Fluttershy, as she stroked her hair.

"You said it." replied Applejack.

"WHEEEEEEE!" cheered Pinkie rollerskating behind them and crossing the checkpoint.

Vegeta form the stands felt a tick for on his forehead, "Stop fooling around and focus on the damn race!" he screamed out scaring a few students around him as they all backed away form the anger saiyan. Goku gave a nervous laugh as he gave quick apologies to the students around them.

"If CPA doesn't his a bullseye soon they'll be out of this race!" shouted Cadence

Twilight started feel tears well up in her eyes, Goku noticed and had a sympathetic look. He look toward Applejack who had a starn expression and nodded toward the saiyan which he nodded back. Twilight closed her eyes and shot her arrow while Goku sneaky through his fist forward creating an invisible burst of ki knocking the arrow in the right direction in hitting the bullseye. The Crystal Prep side cheered as Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare started their lap on their roller blades.

"Yeah that's my girl" cheered Spike peeking his head over the platform as Twilight gave him a quick hug. She looked over and saw Goku giving her a warm smile and a thumbs up making the purple skinned girl blush and give a nervous wave. Applejack smiled, "I knew I could trust Goku." the farm girl said as she started to glow. Ponies ears came upon her head as her hair flowed down into a pony like tail. Twilight instantly looked down to see the pendant start to react to Applejack as she tried to get it under control. It was too late however as the pendant opened and started to suck the magic power form Applejack.

"Wh.....what are...you doing...." struggled Applejack.

"I-I don't know!" stuttered Twilight.

Before Goku and Vegeta could react, Twilight fell over dropping the pendent on the track causing it to glow brightly. The two saiyans got themselves ready for what ever might happen. A small shock wave happened causing a tiny portal to open and green vine to snake their way out. However no body but the four seemed to notice.

"Canterlot has two more laps to go!" announced Cadence, "But Crystal Prep is making up for lost time!"

Lemon and Sunny past Pinkie and Rarity causing the scores to be tied. One of the roller blades hit the pendent as Twilight ran across the track trying to recover it only for a green vine to block her way and try to swipe at her. She instinctively dodged and backed away. Pinkie shot forward past Lemon and Sunny and crossed the line as the two and rarity came from behind. The bikes at the hill roared their engines as they started down their dirt path. Goku and Vegeta could only keep their eyes on the plants. They couldn't jump in and see their powers in front of all these people but they would have to if those vines got out of control.

Goku noticed that a vine had grabbed Twilight by the leg and started to pull her toward the portal. The two saiyans noticed that the portals started to appear everywhere on the track and field trying to swipe at the girls competing. "Kakarot!" screamed Vegeta as Goku nodded. The two charged their ki scaring the students around them once again and shot towards the competition.

The orange teenage saiyan reached Twilight and shot a small ki blast toward the plant making it burn in pain as it let go of Twilight. He landed in front of Twilight as more vines began to advance on their position. Vegeta shot toward the track and kicked what looked like a venus fly trap before it could chomp on Rainbow Dash. The Rainbow haired girl looked back at him with a worried expression.

"Get going! Me and Kakrot got this!" he shouted before dodging another plant and blasting it into dust with a blue wave of ki. Luna, Celestia, Cinch, and Cadence could only look in shock at what was happening. A fly trap tried to entrap Indigo on her bike but was blocked by Goku who held it was open and tearing it apart with his strength. Making the crowd gasp as Sunset flew off her bike.

Goku came over and caught the bacon haired girl before she could land and shot a beam of energy at another vine. "Goku!" exclaimed Sunset as he put her back on her bike.

"No time!" he said staring at the giant plant behind them, "Go toward Dash! Me and Vegeta got this!"

Sunset nodded and rode the bike back on the track and toward Rainbow.

"Vegeta!" he called over to the saiyan prince, "Lets finish this!"

Vegeta smirked as the both screamed increasing their power and their hair turning a bright gold as the two instantly transformed in to super saiyans. Cinch gave an accusing look over to Celestia who only shrugged nervously. Goku and Vegeta was seen only as yellow blurs across the track and field as each vine was either blown apart or ripped to pieces. The two noticed the vines going toward Sunset, Rainbow, Lemon, and Sunny. Before they could catch up Goku and Vegeta appeared and stomped on them crushing them in the ground creating two craters. The two looked at the giant one as it roared at the two.

Goku and Vegeta stood side by side as they thrust their hands forward and fires two golden beams at the plant making hiss loudly in a golden light before being destroyed completely. The two powered down back to their base forms and looked around confirming that was the last of them.

"Canterlot wins!" shouted Cadence from the microphone as the crowd cheered minus the students from Crystal Prep. Principal Cinch stood from her chair as Cadence gave a worried expression and spoke in the microphone again, "Attention students. Please, proceed to the gym."

Meanwhile Twilight had finally gotten a hold of the pendent and closed it shut cutting off the portals. She had a nervous look as she looked around. Sunset and the others met up as Goku and Vegeta touched down by them, "Are you girls ok? asked Goku.

"Better than alright!" screamed Rainbow Dash, "We won!"

"Congratulations," sarcastically said Vegeta, "but some one could've gotten killed form that mess."

Sunset pulled on her hair, "The magic is going haywire and I don't know how to fix it!"

"Um, excuse me...." said a voice causing the group to turn their heads toward Twilight and Spike, "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted to learn about the strange energy coming form your school. I didn't know that it was magic or how it works."

Goku smiled and walked up to her, "That's ok! Neither do we-"

Before Goku could finish the pendent reacted again as Twilight tried to pull it down, "No, no, no!" she cried, "Not again!"

Goku stood his ground as he felt his energy literally leave his body making him collapse on his knee. He heard the girls and Vegeta behind him scream his name before rushing over. "I-I'm sorry! It just started absorbing energy on it's own! But I'm not sure how!" cried Twilight again as she desperately tried to shut the pendent.

"What do you mean you don't know how!" exclaimed Sunset as she tried to help close it only for it to shoot a beam of energy to the sky and open another portal to what looked like a night sky.

"It also causes these corresponding rifts to appear. I don't know how that works either!" continued Twilight as Sunset took a glance toward Goku who was panting on the ground trying to catch his breath. She turned toward the purple skinned girls and grit her teeth.

"Is there anything you DO know!?" Sunset screamed, making Twilight flinch back, "Like how to get our magic back?! Or how to fix the portal to Equestria!?"


"You're supposed to be so smart, but did you ever think you shouldn't be messing around with things that you don't understand!" Sunset closed the pendent and the portal above them shut closed. Goku managed to catch his breath as he was slowly supported to his feet by Rarity and Fluttershy, "S-Sunset," he called out to Sunset, "It's ok."

"But I want to understand!" pleaded Twilight.

"But you don't!" retorted Sunset,"And worst of all, you put the lives of my friends in danger!"

"Sunset that's enough!" exclaimed Goku but his shouts wasn't getting through.

Twilight teared up as she stepped back, "No...she's right. I didn't mean to!"

The purple skinned girl ran away sobbing while Spike followed after her. Sunset grit her teeth but a hand on her shoulder made her turn around to look at Goku's serious but sympathetic expression. Sunset's eyes widened as she just realized what she done and put her hand over her face in guilt. The sound of of Principal Cinch arguing with Principal Celestia caught their attention as they all walked over to see what was going on.

"To force us as being equals! I think not!" they heard her say, "That games will continue and Crystal Prep will prevail despite your antics and whatever performance-enhancing regimen your students are on!"

Principal Cinch turned her head and walked off as Sunset spoke up, "I'm sorry I couldn't stop this from happening," she apologized.

"It's not your fault Sunset." replied Celestia In a motherly tone.

"Isn't it? I should know how to control the magic I brought here. But I don't. I let everyone down, and now Principal Cinch thinks we're cheating!"

"It doesn't matter what Principal Cinch thinks."

"But it does," stepped in Vegeta, "The student's here at CHS don't just want to win. They want to beat Crystal Prep and restore the pride that they lost. And Crystal Prep won't give in to that so they won't believe that we won fair and square if their is magic and aliens around."

"And that magic around..... is because of me." added Sunset.


Twilgiht, Goten, Starlight, and Spike had appeared from another time rift. After jumping around through multiple time lines the three had finally managed to catch the pink unicorn and now were going to show her the damage that she was doing. However something didn't seem right. For starters Goten wasn't a colt anymore but back to his old half human and saiyan self.

"Goten?" Twilight and Spike asked the child as he looked at them and himself.

"Huh? I'm me again!"

"Soooo, where are we?" asked Starlight as they all looked around. It didn't look like they were in Ponyville but what looked like the ruins of a city. There were giant craters and broken vehicles from what looked alike a battle must've been here.

"I don't know, replied Twilight, "but this doesn't look like Equestria."

"It...." started Goten, "Kind of looks like West City back on Earth!"

Twilight gave the little boy a confused look, "But wasn't your Earth destroyed-"

Before Twilight could finish a yellow and black ki blast was thrown their way Twilight, Spike, and Starlight eyes widened as the blast was heading their way with no time to dodge it. Until Goten threw up a quick ki barrier as the blast connecting creating a bright explosion rocking the area of the ruined West City. A dark figure floated down on top of a building with a evil grin.

"Looks like these mortals can fight." he said as black ki swirled around him, "And it looks like that little brat is still alive."

Universe 7; Space

Frieza was shocked to say the least if not a little bit angry. He had trained for four months after being resurrected and it turned out the saiyans that bested him have been wiped out by Lord Beerus. He clenched his fist at the waste of time, he could've been putting his force back together and continuing ruling the universe with an iron fist!

"Lord Frieza," came the voice of Sorbet behind him.

"Speak underling." he replied clearly not in the mood.

"You have unexpected visitors my lord."

"Visitors? Well this better be good! I'm already in a bad mood!"

As if on cue two blue figures walked in the room. Both having long ears and, red and black clothing. The woman bowed as her male counterpart did the same, "Lord Frieza, Emperor of the Universe," started the woman, "My name is Towa and this is my assistant Mira and we have the solution to your problem."

Frieza raised an eyebrow at the two, "You have my attention. Go on."

Towa and Mira stood before continuing, "We both know you are quite upset for not getting your revenge on the one called Goku. However he is still alive."

Now the arcosian was interested, "Alive you say?"

"Indeed," replied Towa, "He is currently residing in Universe 11 as we speak."

"And how do I know I can trust you?" Frieza asked as he raised his finger toward the two crackling in red energy.

"Because like you that Goku had taken something away form me. And I know you want revenge as much as I do."

Frieza kept a stern gave at the two before putting his finger down, and chuckled, "Ohohohoho, you speak a fine choice of words. Now tell me how do we get to Universe 11?"

"Me and Mira have the ability to jump through time and universes. We can take you their willingly."

"Seem's pretty generous of you. What's the catch?"

Towa smiled, "We won't be taking your full army like you planed. Only you and one other of your choosing-"

"Commander Sorbet will accompany me. That will be all."

Towa smirked as she walked toward Frieza, her high heels clinking on the metal floor of the space ship. She stuck out her blue hand in agreement, "Are you ready for some revenge?"

Frieza smirked and shook the woman's hand, "I'll make sure that monkey and everyone he care's about is squealing like pigs!"

Author's Note:

Hey Goku here! Twilight you don't have to do this! Sunset? When did you get so powerful? And why is he here!

Next time on Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods- Midnight vs Sunset; A Emperor's Return


Hey guys a few things! I decided to speed up Twilight, Goten, and Spike's encounter to when they show her the future and she turns good due to the writing taking too long.

Also I kind of forgot about Frieza so I included him at the end of this chapter so you know how he gets to Universe 11!

Anyways! I'll see you guys next time!

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