• Published 11th Jan 2015
  • 13,601 Views, 548 Comments

Equestria Girls: Battle of Gods - The Zebra Hybrid

In a alternate universe where Lord Beerus actually destroyed Earth, Goku and Vegeta are sent in to another universe where they must adapt to their new home.

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Saga 1: The Battle of Gods

Battle of Gods Saga

Princess Twilight's Castle

The room was silent, no one dared to make a sound after hearing what Lord Beerus saying that he had a daughter, let alone it being Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship no less. Beerus just stood there with a smile on his face enjoying the reactions of the ponies around him, sure he would get scolded by Celestia about revealing the truth this way, but he didn't care about that.....at the moment.

"W-what?!" stuttered Twilight slowly backing away from the purple cat.

"Do I have to repeat myself. My name is Lord Beerus and I'm your father."

"I heard that! What I want to know is how!"

Goku and Vegeta slowly walked away from twilight surprised at her tone with the god of destruction, so did the other z-fighters. The other elements of harmony just looked in confusion and shock at how this tall bipedal cat be Twilight's father.

"I knew you'll demand an explanation, just like your mother," said Beerus as Twilight sent him a glare, "Well, you see being the god of destruction I have to own up to that title by well....destruction. So I go to planets-"

"And destroy them right? Just like you did with Goku's planet?" cut off Twilight as Beerus simply chuckled.

"My dear Twilight you make it sound like I am a bad guy. To tell you I am anything but evil, I go to planets to see if they are worth being destroyed or not for example if the planet satisfies me it is spared but if it doesn't...you knows what happens next."

"Are we going to get to the part about..."

"Yes, yes I was getting there," growled Beerus, "While exploring the universe with my associate Whis, you'll meet him soon, but I found this planet Equus, and I noticed how much peace and harmony there was on this planet than others."

"And judging by Equus still being here I guess we ponies satisfied you."

"Oh, no the ponies when I first came here pissed me off beyond belief. Thinking that they are the most superior ones on the planet and treated the other races like they were ants. Even that old fool Starswirl had his head in the clouds when it came to ponies."

"Y-You met Starswirl the Bearded?"

"Yes I did."

"But wait if Equus didn't satisfy you why is it still here?"

Beerus chuckled at this, "You have your mother to thank. If it weren't for me meeting her this planet would have been nothing but space dust."

"M-my mother?"

Beerus chuckled again and shook his head, "I'm afraid I can't reveal the identity to your mother yet, I already said too much but you'll know soon enough."

" Wait! S-so that means that I-I'm....."


"Part cat!" this caught Beerus slightly off guard, but couldn't help but chuckle at his daughter's antics, "Wait, if I'm y-your daughter why didn't you want me?"

Twilight kind of had a saddened expression but had anger and confusion built up inside of her. It didn't make any sense how could someone older than Celestia herself be her father? Why did her parents lie to her? Did Shining know? And if so......who was her real mother?

"Don't get me wrong Twilight, once I laid eyes on you when you were born I wanted to give everything to you," explained Beerus to the everyone's surprised, in a depressing tone, "but being a god of destruction has its responsibilities. It is to dangerous for a foal to be around one that destroys for a living and your mother also had the same situation, minus the destruction part of course. So when the time was right we set you up for adoption."

The room was quiet once again trying to process the information just told them. Twilight glanced at her friends who gave her worried looks, she then glanced at the new comers who were staring at her at well but instead of worry it was fear, she lastly glanced at her Vegeta who had a glare on his expression but when she saw Goku it was almost like....he was guilty.

"Goku? What's wrong?" asked Twilight as the orange alicorn walked passed her his sights trained on Beerus.

"Lord Beerus, does it have to be this way?" Goku simply said confusing everyone.

"Goku, what are you-"

"Yes, it does. She is my daughter and you know what happens if it doesn't." cut in Beerus with his arms behind his back.

Twilight was now starting to get irritated, "What the hay are you two talking about?"

"W-well" started Goku, "I sort of knew this would happen."

"WHAT!?" said everyone minus Beerus simultaneously.

"I'm sorry! All I know is that Twilight was supposed to be the next god of destruction by being trained by Lord Beerus, that's all I know I swear!" pleaded Goku.

"T-the next god of destruction," gulped Twilight, "b-but I don't like to destroy things! Plus I already have my duties as a princess already."

"I'm sorry Twilight," said Beerus as he walked toward the exit, "I'm afraid there is no other way, come we will leave when Whis arrives."

"No." stepped up Goku in front of Twilight.

"What was that?" said Beerus.

"I'm not letting you take her."

"And why not do you want her to misuse my power or not to be able to control it?"

"No I don't want that to happen, that's why I'm going to teach her to control it myself."

Beerus watched as the two alicorns gave each other warm smiles before focusing their attention back on him which made chuckle finally putting the pieces together, "Ah, I see now you and my daughter have feelings for eachother how unfortunate, but like I said I can't allow it."

"Then how about this, we never really found out who won our battle back on Earth."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying saiyan?"

"Yes, me and you who ever wins gets to keep Twilight."

"And when you lose I get to destroy this planet."

"WHAT!?" shouted everyone again at Lord Beerus' offer as Goku had a stoic expression and let out a small smile.


"Kakarot, what the hell are you thinking!" yelled Vegeta as the group were outside the castle with Beerus waiting. Goku smiled and let out a chuckle and put a hoof behind his head.

"I just want to see how strong he has gotten, plus I gotten stronger too." replied Goku.

"Look," stepped in Applejack, "Ah' don't know who you are but ah' know trouble when ah' see it. So trust me when ah' tell you this is a bad idea,"

"Dad, you don't have to do this." said Gohan

"I'll just go with him," added Twilight, "maybe it won't be so bad."

Goku shook his head, "Sorry, but I can't let you do that. I can't stand the fact that someone as kind as you would be a god of destruction."

Twilight couldn't help but blush at the compliment, she sighed n defeat as she waked up to the orange colored alicorn and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Goku blushed as well but still gave Twilight a warm smile as the rest of the group minus Vegeta stood their in shock, taken back by the sudden affection Twilight had given Goku.

"Are you ready yet?" asked Beerus growing impatient as Goku nodded toward Twilight and walked towards the purple, biped cat. As Goku left Twilight felt a hoof tap her side and turned to see the sparkling blue eyes of Rarity.

"Soooo," she sang cheerfully,"What's with you and that handsome stallion?"

Twilight gave another slight blush and looked away, "Do you really think now is the time to be talking about that?" grunted Piccolo.

"Well, if you must know it is important for a mare to find love of her life. Which reminds me Twilight what ever happened to that Flash character?"

"Look Rares, I'm with the big green guy. Our planet could be destroyed and your worried about love!" added Rainbow.

Vegeta stood quietly on top of one of the structures of the castle watching Goku face Lord Beerus as the group below him continued their argument oblivious of the battle that might be the fate of this planet. He grew agitated at the bickering, sure the ponies didn't know Lord Beerus so they don't know what he is capable of, but the z-fighters do know his power and should be getting a far enough distance as possible.

"HEY IDIOTS!!" shouted Vegeta as the group gaining their attention.

"DON'T YELL AT BUU!!!" yelled Buu.

"YEAH!" yelled Pinkie as she somehow came from Buu's stomach.

Vegeta growled, but ignored the two, "If you haven't already forgotten their two super powered beings who are about to battle, so if you don't want to be turned to dust I suggest you get out the way." The group then turned their attention back to Goku and Beerus as they just standed feet away from each other waiting for one to make the first move.

"Vegeta's right," finally said Gohan, "I don't know if you know Beerus, he is not a force to be reckoned with."

"How he doesn't look that bad?" said Fluttershy.

"Do you want your planet to be dust like ours too?" commented Trunks as Fluttershy paled.

Goku sensed his friends back away from him and Beerus, he didn't want them to be caught in the crossfire. He thought about how to explain why Twilight had kissed him, but was cut off by the coughing of Lord Beerus and decided to do that later. If he survives this fight that is.

"Let's see how strong you've gotten." said Beerus as Goku smirked.

Channeling his new found ki Goku transformed into the Super Saiyan God with his now blood red mane, tail, and eyes. Something was different though he couldn't put his finger on it, but he couldn't focus on that now. He heard the group behind gasp in surprise and shock at Goku's sudden transformation.

"Hmm, it seems you've managed to control the power of a god." stated Beerus,"Alright, let's begin."

Goku immediately got into a defensive stance as Lord Beerus still stood their with his hands behind his back. The two stared each other down waiting for one of them to make a move. After a sneeze from Goten the two deities disappeared from the group's sight.

"They vanished!" shouted Applejack.

"No, they're moving at supersonic speeds." replied Piccolo.

"And how would you know that?" Piccolo motioned to the rest of the fighters and she noticed their pupils moving in different directions like they were watching a fly hover in different directions. Could they really see those two moving that fast? Piccolo then motioed his up as Applejack and the rest of the mane six looked up to see thunder claps in the air.

Their eyes then widened to see Goku appear again in the air panting heavily as Beerus floated across from him still in the same position as before. Goku cursed to himself this body messed with his technique and made him sloppy, but that was not the problem he could feel his power growing and if he can't get control of his body his ki would go out of control.

Goku cupped his forehooves to his sides and was surprised to see a blue ball of ki in it. He was relieved that he could still perform his signature attacks those could prove useful. Yellow sparks surrounded the ball of ki as Goku charged up the kamehameha wave even farther and with a mighty scream he let it go causing a wave of blue energy to advance toward the god of destruction.

Lord Beerus simply smiled and dodged the incoming beam as it sped off toward what looked like the Everfree forest and detonating in a large blue explosion decimating half of its trees.

Lord Beerus looked at the destruction then back at Goku, "It seems with your new body you're having trouble controlling your new godly power."

"Huh, means I have to be more careful then." replied Goku, "But no matter what it takes I will defeat you!" Goku then rushed Beerus and sent a fury of punches and kicks, but Beerus with one hand behind his back blocked each strike with his other hand. Beerus then caught a kick that was sent towards his head and pushed Goku back.

"Let's see how you fair against this." said Beerus as he raised his finger and a average size of yellow, flaming energy formed. Goku brought his guard up as Beerus with a flick of his finger sent the ball of death toward Goku. Acting quickly Goku extended out his forehooves stopping the flaming ball in it's tracks.

Lord Beerus watched in amusement as Goku struggled with holding his attack with sweat covering his face. Beerus' eyes widened when he saw his attack getting smaller as Goku was now compressing the ball of energy. With a yell from Goku the ball exploded in a bright yellow light almost blinding the spectators below.

They were relieved to see Goku emerge from the smoke seconds later unharmed from the sudden explosion with a smile plastered on his face, Beerus with a smile as well. "That's not fair Lord Beerus you're not using your full power." said Goku.

Beerus chuckled, "Hehe, seems you caught me but if I recall you're not going full out as well."

"Hee hee hee, yeah sorry about that." laughed Goku rubbing the back of his head.

"Alright I think warm up is over, let's say we fight for real this time." Goku smirked at Beerus' comment, he was now starting to get better control of the new body, good thing he was a fast learner. Goku then got in a battle stance and yelled as loud as he can as the reddish-orange aura surrounded his ponified body. Goku then rushed and used instant transmission to get behind Beerus to strike his back, Beerus expected this of course ready to block, but was caught off guard as Goku used instant transmission again to be in front of Lord Beerus and struck him straight in the gut.

Lord Beerus eyes widened from the strike but couldn't recover as Goku sent an uppercut to Beerus' jaw and sending a barrage of punches in the god of destructions abdomen before delivering a powerful roundhouse sending Beerus farther into the air. The saiyan god charged his ki again and shot off toward Beerus who quickly recovered and set a punch toward Goku as he did the same. The hoof and fist collided causing a shockwave to spread through the sky knocking the spectators from below off balance.

Beerus then threw another punch towards Goku's face which he blocked by crossing both forelegs in front of his body as he now blocked a barrage of Beerus' punches. The Saiyan god acting quickly kneed the god of destruction in the stomach stunning him, recovering quickly Beerus lunged at Goku with his fist cocked back for another powerful strike.

"Here's my chance." muttered Goku as he dodged out of Beerus' way and quickly wrapped his legs around the god of destruction and one of his forelegs trapping his arms. Beerus growled in anger as Goku just laughed.

"A flick on the head!" screamed Goku as with a flick of his hoof on top of Beerus' forehead, "and a chop on the neck!"he screamed again as he did a karate chop on the back of Beerus' neck. The god of destruction growled in anger at the saiyan and with a flick of his tail he smacked Goku in his face making Goku clutch his face in pain before the tail coming back and throwing him backwards in the air.

"Wow, I didn't expect to have this much fun!" cheered Goku, "Oh and sorry about that I had to get you back for what you did to me back on King Kai's planet."

"Hehe, don't worry about, I am quite enjoying myself as well," replied Beerus, "But I have to say, you have gotten stronger the last time we fought and who knows maybe you might actually win."

"Heh, we'll see."

Goku then charged his ki again as he rushed Lord Beerus who rushed him also with the two colliding in a blinding light in the sky. The group below looked in awe at the spectacle. Piccolo, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Gohan both had shocked expressions, Goten and Trunks were laughing at how good Goku was doing, Videl, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight had a worried look, Buu and Pinkie were pointing with their mouths wide open every where the two deities appeared, while Vegeta stared with a serious expression.

"A-amazing, Goku has improved remarkably." stated Piccolo.

"Yeah," said Gohan, "At this rate we might actually have a chance."

"Do ya'll really think that fella' can do this?" asked Applejack.

"Of course!" replied Goten, "My dad is super strong and he can do anyyythiing!"

"What I want to know is how Twilight got....ahem...acquainted with the stallion." said Rarity as all eyes were now set on her. The purple alicorn gave a slight blush, she didn't really feel comfortable talking about but she would have to explain it sooner or later especially after her quick peck on the saiyans cheek.

She took a deep breathe and started from the beginning to where she met Goku and Vegeta by the statue to the battle of the bands to where they were now. Rainbow Dash couldn't help but look at Vegeta when Twilight told them that him and her counterpart were a couple, but quickly looked away with her cheeks warming up when Vegeta looked her way as well.

At Twilight finished her story she felt a tap on her hoof and looked down to see Goten, she didn't even notice how similar he and his father looked. He was almost like a mini Goku, "Uhm, Miss.Twilight does this me you're my new mommy?" asked Goten, Twilight was taken back at the question. Yes she loved Goku but....she totally forgot that had kids of his own and with his wife gone he was the only parent they had. At least Gohan was grown into an adult but what about Goten?

Twilight looked in the innocent eyes of Goten not knowing what to say, "W-well I don't know, you just lost your mother and I don't want to replace her or anything."

"What are you talking about?" said Gohan, "We've been in Otherworld for a while."

This made Vegeta's ears perk up, "Wait, how long have you've been in Otherworld?"

"Maybe a year and a half."

"WHAT!? That can't be! Me and Kakarot only been gone for a few days!"

Gohan only shrugged in response as Vegeta focused his attention back on the battle as the the others did also. Goku and Beerus were locked in a tight struggle with one trying to gain dominance over the other. Goku sent Beerus back a couple feet in the air panting heavily with Beerus doing the same.

"I haven't been this tired in ages." stated Beerus.

"I wish I could say the same." replied Goku.

"Me too," was all Beerus said before disappearing out of Goku's sight and placed a palm on Goku's back making him shine a bright yellow. Goku screamed in pain as he was sent flying and then exploding in a cloud of smoke.

"GOKU!!!" screamed the group, they were partially relieved when they saw his body emerge from the smoke and was descending out of the sky only to be caught by Beerus' palm from below making the Saiyan God shine bright yellow one again and shoot straight up and exploding again. Goku cringed in pain as his as shot open when Beerus grabbed his face as his body shone yellow again as Beerus then descended like a bullet toward the ground with Goku's face in palm. The saiyan struggled to get free but couldn't as they crashed into what looked like ruins of an old castle making it explode in a massive gold explosion leaving nothing but a crater where it once stood.

Vegeta growled as a vein came on his head, he charged up his ki and sped off toward to where the two deities crashed. The mane six minus Twilight all looked in shock that an earth pony just flew off before their eyes.

"Hey dad wait up!" yelled Trunks as he flew off toward his father.

"Wait up Trunks!" yelled Goten following Trunks as Piccolo just grunted and flew off toward the boys to make sure they didn't do anything stupid knowing those two.

D-did they just-" stuttered Fluttershy who was lost for words.

"Girls," said Twilight gaining their attention, "I'm going to to to make sure Goku's alright and..Gohan was it?"

"Yes?" said Gohan.

"Can you make sure they stay safe?"

"Of course."

With that said Twilight spread her wings flew off, following Vegeta and the others.

Beerus stood in the crater watching the Super Saiyan God on the ground breathing heavily with bruises and scrapes all over his body. He walked over to the Saiyan God and looked down at him.

"It's a shame really I thought you had more fight." said Beerus as Goku didn't answer, Beerus then opened his palm making a small purple ball of ki and aimed it toward Goku, "I guess it's time for total destruction. I'm sure Twilight would understand."

That's when something snapped inside Goku, "NO!" he screamed as he uppercutted Beerus on his back as Goku back flipped away landing on his fore hooves.

"That was a good shot," grunted Beerus as he got back to his feet.

Goku responded by charging up his godly ki and shooting up to the sky with Beerus following close behind, ascending higher and higher into the sky. Twilight, finally caught up with the group that flew, watched in awe as Goku and Beerus were now small specs in the sky. She knew how powerful they were by experience from Canterlot High, but she never knew they had this much power.

Goku and Beerus topped their ascension as they were now in the stratosphere of the planet both staring at each other, taking the first strike Goku landed a strike on Beerus' right cheek as Beerus gave one in return. The two then started to exchange strikes and blows as the other would either block or take the attack head on.

Beerus was growing agitated, he had met strong opponents but not like this one, with a mighty scream and his body glowing purple he sent a strike toward the Saiyan God, but unfortunately for Goku he wasn't fast enough as his hand penetrated the left side of his abdomen. Goku's eyes widened as everything was now motionless.

The god of destruction had a neutral expression as he slowly pulled the hand out of Goku's stomach as the Saiyan God slow closed his eyes and fell into unconsciousness and was now floating. Beerus cracked a smile finally obtaining victory over the saiyan.

Meanwhile back on Equus Twilight felt a sharp pain in her chest, she knew what it was and she didn't to believe it Piccolo was the only one that noticed this. "What's wrong?" asked Piccolo.

"I-I don't know if it is me being worried but I think something really horrible happened to Goku." explained Twilight.

"How do you know?"

"Well I was t-trying that e-energy sensing strategy and I f-felt Goku's disappear a-and-"

"Wait how!?"

Twilight was taken back by the outburst,"What?"

"How are you able to sense them? You can't sense the ki of gods unless...."

Piccolo paused as his eyes widened upon realization, "Unless what?" asked Twilight.

"Unless you're a god yourself," Piccolo said softly just for Twilight to hear, "heh, I guess their is chance of you being Lord Beerus' daughter if you could sense their ki."

Twilight gulped as tears started form in her eyes, "S-so that m-means Goku is-"

"No," cut in Vegeta, "Kakarot is alright, we'll all be dead right now if he was."

"But, I don't-" Twilight was cut off again by another feeling in her chest but this time it was warm and almost fuzzy, she looked to the sky in shock not wanting to believe how he was still alive but she didn't care.

The God of Destruction's eyes widened when he saw the orange alicorn's body start to be engulfed in it's reddish-orange aura as the wound healed up like it never happened. Goku opened his red eyes and let out a smirk as he boosted his red aura and met Beerus who had a irritated look on his face.

"How? How are you gaining so much power?" asked Beerus with a curious expression.

Goku smirked, "To tell the truth I didn't know at first but ever since I gained this power back on earth I felt my power increasing by every second I'm in this form."

"Then I guess it's time to see who's really the superior one here."

With a might yell Beerus charge up his purple aura and started to rise and held his hands up in as a giant sphere of flames formed/ Goku's eyes widened as that was the same exact attack he used to destroy the earth. And he'll be damned if he let this planet suffer the same fate. Charging up his ki he cupped his hooves to his side putting all his energy into one final attack.





Beerus let out a mighty scream and chucked the sphere of destruction at the saiyan, as Goku released his attack as well.

"HAAAAAAAA!" with a mighty yell Goku unleashed his kamehameha having it collide with the sphere.

Meanwhile Twilight, Vegeta, Piccolo, Gotan, and Trunks almost got knocked out of the air y a sudden shock wave from above. Their eyes widend to see what looked like another sun in the sky and a small pillar of blue intercepting it. "W-what is that!?" screamed Twilight.

"That's a blast attack from Beerus!" answered Piccolo.

"And Kakarot's taking it head on!" added Vegeta.

"Yeah my dad is the best!" yelled Goten.

"Oh no," said a familiar voice making the group turn around to the source of the voice to meet Celestia, Luna, Whis, and......another alicorn but he was shorter and looked kind of like Piccolo. Twilight flew to her teacher with joy in her eyes.

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna! I'm so glad you're here! You have to stop this!" pleaded Twilight.

"I'm afraid we can't do that Twilight Sparkle." suddenly said Whis making her jump.

"Wait who are you?" asked Twilight as she gazed at the other green alicorn before them, "and who are you!? What in Equestria is going on!"

"Ohohoho, You are just like your father, " Twilight stopped at this, "My name is Whis, and I am Lord Beerus' associate and might I say it is a pleasure to finally meet you." Twilight stood agape and looked at the green alicorn.

"Oh! My name is Dende, I'm....well used to be the guardian of Earth and the protector of the dragon balls." greeted Dende.

Something in Twilight's mind clicked, "Wait! Are you saying that this Beerus guy is is...."

"Your father," finished Celestia, "Yes, yes he is. i'm sorry that you had to find out so late and the way you did too."

"B-But if that's true....AHH! I have so many questions! How old am I really am!"

Luna put a hoof to Twilight's muzzle making her silent, "That would have to wait, right now we have other problems." said Luna as she motioned to the battle that as taking place above the planet. Twilight understanding that now was not the right time decided to focus her attention back to the battle at hand.

Goku had to admit it, he didn't know how long his energy was going to last, his blast still colliding with the giant sphere as it stopped advancing towards the planet but at the same time haven't been pushed back. Beerus watched in curiosity and put a hand on his chin, this was one of his strongest attacks.

And here, a saiyan none less, taking it head on and actually stopped it's decent much to his relief. Celestia would have his skin if he destroyed the planet she loved. Putting the thoughts behind him he focused back on the Super Saiyan God. "You haven't figured it out yet have you?" suddenly said the god of destruction gaining Goku's attention.

"What are you talking about?" asked Goku trying to stay focus on steadying his kamehameha.

"That I have still been holding back of course."

"Heh, I know that already, but what I want to know is why?"

"Because if i didn't care for this planet it would have been destroyed along time ago, but I have to admit it's been awhile since I had to use eighty-percent of my power in this little session."

"W-Wait. session? As in you were training me this whole time?"

Beerus nodded, "Yes, Son Goku and I still am."

"But what about-"

"Our agreement? Let's say this if you stop this from reaching the planet I'll let you train my daughter."

Goku's eyes widened, "Really?"

"You have my word."

"Then I'll give it my all!" yelled Goku as he focused the rest of his remaining energy on the sphere of the destruction causing his blue destructive wave to increase in size only moving the sphere back slightly, Goku had sweat pouring down his face, he couldn't give up now he was so close. He couldn't use the kaioken as he was to low on energy, which he used the rest on the kamehameha.

Something then clicked in his mind it was risky but it was the only chance he got. Much to Beerus' surprise he saw Goku cancel his Kamehameha as the sphere of destruction continued it's path. Goku then looked up at his horn and instead focused all his energy to it instead. His eyes widened when he glowed a navy blue. Smirking Goku then focused his attention to the giant ball of fire as it was now encased in the same navy blue aura that surrounded Goku's horn.

The sphere was still heavy and slowed its descent, which made the Saiyan God partially relieved. He could feel the magic slipping away already so if he was going to do this he had to do it fast. Goku let out a might yell as he used his new found magic to slowly absorb the sphere of destruction inside his horn. Goku could feel the energy inside him, it was too much and he had to expel it quickly before he overloaded. With another scream Goku expelled the energy in a fiery explosion that made the shy look orange for a few moments for the spectators on the planet.

Once the orange cleared everything was silent as Beerus floated across Goku who was now back to his base form, with bruises and cuts on his body and a frazzled mane. "Congratulations. You succeeded." said Beerus.

"Hehehehe, thanks. To tell you the truth I didn't think I would pull it off." replied Goku

"So what made you keep going?"

"It was.....Twilight, I thought about what would happen to her if I didn't stop it and it gave me a boost. You really do care about her don't you."

"Of course. I might not have been around like a father should have but I still miss her and I'll do anything to make it up to her."

"Trust me, I know the feeling. Hey you don't have to leave the planet."

This made Lord Beerus' ears twitch, "Come again?"

"I mean you can stay here for awhile and catch up with her since I'm going to be training her now."

"That could work," Beerus then let out a deep sigh, "I'm never going to hear the end of it from her mother."

"That reminds me who is her mother?"

"I'm sure she told you about Equestria it's two rulers named Celestia and Luna."


"Well, you see like us they are gods, or goddesses if you will, as well."

"I think I remember now the Celestia one controlled the sun right, and was also her teacher and Luna controlled the moon?"

"Correct, as I told you back in the castle when i first came here I came to care for someone very much. That someone was Celestia."

"W-wait are you saying that..." Goku stuttered as Beerus nodded as Goku just laughed before passing out. Beerus shook his head and grabbed the unconscious alicorn and descended back down to the planet. He could feel the energies of Celestia and Luna waiting for him. Oh, how he screwed up big time.

Vegeta, Twilight, Piccolo, Gotan, Trunks, Dende, Celestia, Luna, and Whis were now back at Twilight's castle with the rest of the group explaining what had happen with Goku's and Beerus' battle.

"So ya' saying that nobody won?" said Applejack with a raised eyebrow.

Whis nodded, "Mmhmm, Lord Beerus and the one called Goku actually, to my surprise, came to a compromise."

"But he won't tell us what it is!" yelled Trunks as Whis just laughed.

"Patience young one I'm am called Whis and Son Goku will explain everything. Matter of fact here they come now." the group focused their attention to where Whis was pointing to see Beerus hovering down with a passed out alicorn in hand. Beerus set him down and was met with the glare of Celestia as much as he tried to ignore it he couldn't.

"GOKU!" shouted Goku's old, and new friends, as they rushed to his aid. Before Goku could answer he was tackled by the group of ponies, minus Vegeta and Piccolo, in a bone crushing hug. Once the embrace was broken Goku looked over to Beerus who seemed to be talking to two more alicorns with his head down.

"Dende is that you!?" shouted Goku as Dende waved.

"Yeah, pretty weird huh."

"You got that right."

"Son Goku is it," stepped in Celestia with Beerus by her side. Goku nodded, "I must say you are stronger than you look, then again you are an alicorn."

"Thank you ma'm, I worked my hardest to get to where I am now."

"Interesting, I was told by Beerus that you would be able to train Twilight and you that you are.....seeing each other."

Goku gave a light blush, "Heheheh, he told you that?"

"Yes he did, but there are some things I would like to speak to all of you about." said Celestia addressing to the elements and the newcomers, "My name is Princess Celestia and this is my sister Princess Luna and we rule the land you now reside in. Of course you already met Beerus and his associate Whis."

Goku then decided to do the introductions, "It's great to finally meet you Princesses, My name is Goku, and this is Vegeta, his son Trunks, my two sons Gohan and Goten, Gohan's wife Videl, Piccolo, Dende, and the big pink one is known as Majin Buu."

" A pleasure to you meet you all, as I've been told your planet was destroyed by Beerus?"

The group nodded, "Then as an apology from Beerus and myself you are welcomed to stay here if you like."

This made the x-fighters eyes widened a bit, they had just met the mare and here she was offering a place for them to stay in the kingdom, "Thank you, you don't know how much it means to us." suddenly said Videl.

"Trust me I do," said back Celestia motioning to Videl's pregnant stomach, that was when her expression fell a bit.

"Princess? Are you alright?" asked Fluttershy.

"I hope so Mrs.Fluttershy," answered Celestia, "Twilight there is something I have to tell you."

Twilight looked a little afraid as she approached her recent teacher, "Beerus wasn't lying when he said that your his daughter."

Twilight was taken back by this, "S-so my p-parents aren't r-really......and they knew! You knew! Does Shining Armor and Cadence know!?"

Celestia flinched at the sudden outburst from her pupil, and shook her head, "They don't, but they will soon."

"S-so," softly said Twilight calming herself down, "If he really is my.....f-father, who is....."

"You're looking at her."


"Why did you think I chose you as my pupil, or how your one of the most powerful unicorn or alicorn in this case."

Twilight stayed silent and looked to the ground.

"Twilight I-" Celestia was cut off as Twilight gave her a big hug with tears flowing down her cheeks. She broke the embrace and then glanced at Beerus who had a small smile on his face. Beerus was then caught off guard as the princess of friendship embraced him as well. The god of destruction was shocked for his daughter show this much affection this early.

Looking around not knowing what to do he simply ruffled her mane like she was a child. Twilight let go of the purple cat and went back to her friends. "So what now?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I agree, where are they going to live?" asked Pinkie.

"They could leave in the castle with Twilight." suggested Rarity.

"That could work, sister." commented Luna.

"Then I guess it's settled?" said Whis.

Celestia nodded, "Yes, you all will be living with Twilight for the time being."

"Princesses," stepped up Dende, "If you don't mind I would like to stay with you two. I won't be a bother."

Before Celestia could answer Luna cut her off, "Of course, plus I'm sure these dragon balls would need protection as well, which is the main reason you would like to accompany us?"

Dende nodded, "Wait you have the dragon balls?" ased Piccolo

"Yeah," Dende replied, "all seven of them in fact."

"Wait what are dragon balls?" asked Applejack.

"Seven magical orbs from our world, that when you have all in one place you can summon the mighty shenron to grant any wish you want."

"Any wish?" asked Rainbow who was smiling devilishly.

"Don't ya' even think 'bout it Rainbow." scolded Applejack as Rainbow just mumbled in annoyance making Vegeta chuckle.

"What are you laughing at?" asked Rainbow turning her glare to Vegeta.

"Nothing." was all Vegeta said.

"Hey Princesses," said Goku gaining the attention of the two alicorn sisters, " I was wondering since you're pretty strong if we could spar sometime I would really like to see how strong you two are!"

"Hold on Kakarot how do you get two of them! I want one as well!" complained Vegeta.

"Hehe, oh sorry, I didn't really think about you." Vegeta growled at his rival as the alicorn sister gave a light chuckle at their argument.

"Maybe another time, Son Goku." said Celestia with a wink.

"Dende we are about to head off back to Canterlot. Would you care to join us." implied Luna.

"Y-yes thank you." answered Dende as he approached to be beside the Princess of the Night.

"Until we meet again, Son Goku, and keep my daughter safe or I'll show no mercy the next time we fight."

Goku paled a bit, "Y-your kidding right?"

"Possibly." replied Beerus, "Shall we be off?"

Celestia nodded, "Goodbye my little ponies and to you as well. We hope for a bright future ahead of us."

With that said the alicorn sisters spread their wings ans took to the skies with Whis, Beerus and Dende trailing behind. The group below waved until they were out of sight. "Buu hungry!" yelled Buu startling everyone.

"Now that you mention it I am pretty famished from my fight from Beerus." said Goku.

"I know!" stepped in Pinkie, "We can all go to Sugarcube Corner! We have the best sweets and goodies you'll ever taste!"

Buu eyes widened as he ran up to the pink party pony, "TAKE BUU THERE NOW!!!" he screamed with a smile on his face and a piece of drool hanging off his lips.

"Okey-doki! Just follow me!" Pinkie happily bounced along with Buu following close behind.

"Buu eat all the sweets!" he yelled.

"We better go after him and make sure everything goes alright." implied Gohan.

"Why he doesn't seem that bad, plus the town is really welcoming to new ponies." said Fluttershy.

"Yeah, but he really gets hyper when he eats too much sugar and really cranky when he runs out. " said Goten

"You guys go ahead I'm going to talk to Goku and Vegeta for a second," the rest of the group nodded and walked off into the town known as Ponyville leaving the three ponies in silence.

Before she said anythng she embraced the two in a tight hug surprising the saiyans. She stepped away and giggled at the two saiyans reaction. "What's wrong? You two act like you haven't given a hug before?" smirked Twilight.

Goku coughed in his hoof, "Sorry, we just weren't expecting that."

"That's alright but I...just wanted to say thank you. For helping my friends with the Dazzlings and for helping me when we came back here. I know we just met Goku....but I really lik...no I love you and I want you to be with me forever, but I know you miss your wife so..."

"Twilight," cut off Goku putting a hoof on the alicorn's shoulder as she had tears now in her eyes, "You don't have to say that, Vegeta already told me that Chi-Chi and Bulma wanted to live in otherworld and that they liked it there. Plus for them I've been gone for about a year and a half."

"So does that mean you're....my very special somepony?"

"I don't know what that is, but yes. Yes I am."

Twilight with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face rushed Goku and placed her lips upon his. Goku quickly accepted the affection and melted into the kiss. A stray cough brought them back to reality as the two broke off to see Vegeta standing there with an impatient look on his face. The two alicorns blushed as they broke off and gave apologized looks.

"Oh, and Vegeta," started Twilight, "I saw how you were looking at Rainbow Dash."

Vegeta stayed silent.

"Remember you can go back to see her anytime you want since I made modifications to the portal. Plus didn't you and Goku agree to go train there anyways?"

Vegeta smirked, "You know how to think." Vegeta turned around and glanced at the sky and charged up his ki, looked back at the two with a warm smile and flew off towards the horizon.

"Where's he going?"

Goku just smiled as he watched Vegeta, "To train, probably to be as strong as me."

"Is he always like this?"

"Yeah, but you'll get used to it."

Twilight laughed as she held on to the saiyan and gave him a quick peck on the cheek making Goku laugh in embarrassment. Twilight let out a giggle as the now two lovers began to walk off into Ponyville to catch up with the rest of their friends.

Not noticing the two figures disappearing behind them.

Supreme Kai's Planet

Meanwhile back in Otherworld Kibito Kai and Supreme Kai watched the whole battle on Equus between Goku and Beerus. They were surprised at the outcome and learning that the God of Destruction actually had a wife. Let alone a child.

"Goku making friends with the God of Destruction. " said Kibito Kai, "I never thought I see the day."

"It's that attitude and innocence he has," stated Supreme Kai, "With it Goku is able to make friends with some powerful allies and who knows maybe he'll manage turn evil good."

Kibito Kai looked at the Supreme Kai at what he just said, It is possible to turn someone from evil to pure, but it's not easy. He put the thought behind him and looked to the sky and smiled as he saw a star shine bright in the sky.

Nothing could go wrong now.

Author's Note:

OH MY GAAAHHHHH!!!!!! The final chapter!!!!!(well not including the epilogue) Hope you guys enjoyed the story it's been a great run! Comment below on what you think and I know this a long one so don't be afraid or surprised to find and tell me about any grammatical errors.

Oh and before I forget the fight was based off of this video right here.....

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