• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 12,636 Views, 2,033 Comments

Where Is My Love? - TheMyth

Two hearts yearning for near a decade. Will fate let these two ponies meet once more... and what is it hiding from one of them?

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Chapter 9

Thank Faust this is the last pony I have to see today…

Celestia was a brilliant actress, able to hide her true emotions from others. Especially during the grueling hours of the Day Court, where she had to listen to some of the most ludicrous proposals ever. Only once or twice a week did a matter of genuine importance come her way, such as a farm suffering from lack of rain affecting their crops or a town plagued by freakish disaster and in dire need of help.

In front of Celestia’s throne was a stallion named Sly Cur and a flipboard, showing all the positives of his proposal, and he used a cane to slam at each point as he discussed his plans with the princess. “... And so, your highness… in closing with my presentation, I believe that with extra income we can really—” Before he could finish his speech, the doors of the throne room opened wide, interrupting the stallion.

His pale yellow coat stood on end as he gritted his teeth, and he turned around sharply to see who disturbed him. “Who dares to—” Sly paused when he saw Prince Blueblood standing in front of him, with mare and filly by his side. What’s he doing here? I thought he was suppose to be in Ponyville? Who’s that pegasus freak with him? Sly cocked his brow when he took a good look at the mare before him, who had the oddest eyes he had ever seen.

“Thank you for that wonderful presentation, Sly Cur… I shall get back to you on my judgment involving it.” Celestia finally spoke, looking past Sly to her nephew.

"But your highness—"

"That will be all," Celestia interpolated, looking to her guards who escorted Sly out of the throne room. Once they were alone, Celestia turned her attention to Blueblood. "My dear nephew... how may I help you?" she asked him innocently, though her subconscious knew exactly what was going to transpire.

Blueblood’s eyes glanced over to Derpy and Dinky before he approached his aunt. Here goes... "Auntie... I would like to introduce you to Derpy…” Blueblood gestured to the mare standing to the side, and she stepped closer to him. “She is the one who—”

“You!” Celestia barked out immediately, flaring her wings and glaring down upon the party. She walked towards them, locking her eyes on Derpy, who was quivering violently as she cemented herself to Blueblood. “You’re the one…”

“W-what?” Derpy uttered out, her eyes shaking under the duress of the princess’ stare.

“You’re the one who went missing all those years ago.” Celestia replied, her wings spread wide with her eyes were still latched onto the poor pegasus. Celestia’s frown suddenly turned into a wide smile as she folded her majestic wings back.

A deafening silence surrounded the room before it was broken by Derpy. “Huh?” Derpy released herself from Blueblood, her jaw slightly agape by the statement Celestia gave her.

“I have so missed your baking,” Celestia replied, her eyes looking skywards in nostalgia. “There are very few ponies whose baking skills leave an impression on me, especially those muffins you crafted back then.”

“T-thank you, your majesty,” Derpy said, still dumbfounded by Celestia’s words. Before she could say anything else, Dinky stood in front of her and stomped her hooves to gain the attention of Celestia.

“Of course they’re the best, my mommy makes the best muffins in Equestria!” she proclaimed proudly as she grinned.

“Well, it looks like you already know Derpy, auntie,” Blueblood said as he wrapped a foreleg around Dinky and pulled her to his chest. “Dinky here is her daughter… and I am her father.”

Although she already knew, Celestia used the facade of outward emotions perfected over centuries to show her surprise with her mouth agape as her pupils widened. Imperceptible to anypony unless they were looking directly at her horn, Celestia crafted a message upon the paper sitting on a desk in front of a pony out of sight.

After reading it, Raven nodded to herself, got up from her seat, and left via a side room to spread the word like her princess had asked.

Celestia looked to the company before slowly approaching Derpy and lowering her head to be on eye level with her. “So you’re the mare who my nephew loves?” Celestia asked softly, receiving a nod from the pegasus before her. A gentle smile caressed Celestia’s features as she reached out to Derpy and embraced her, her wings covering the grey mare. “You are most welcome as part of this family,” Celestia said, soothing Derpy’s worries as she felt the pegasus’ quaking ceasing.

“What about me?” Dinky asked innocently, drooping her head a little as her ears folded against her head.

Celestia turned her attention to the filly next to Blueblood as she released herself from Derpy. “How could I forget you, my adorable niece…” Celestia cooed as she lowered her head even further and softly nuzzled Dinky, who giggled in response. “And I must say, your mother taught you well.” Celestia winked at the blushing filly.

The doors of the throne room opened again, this time with Princess Luna trotting inside with a perplexed look on her face. “Sister, I was just told that we have a new family member in our midst…” Luna trailed off when her eyes landed on Derpy and Dinky, looking at the way the filly was pressed against Blueblood’s side. “Would you kindly tell me what’s going on?”

Movement to the side drew the group’s attention, where one of the guards stood. “My apologies, your majesties. We have apprehended two ponies in connection to the prince’s investigation. Their names are…”

His pace quickening through the streets, Hutch Jubilee couldn’t shake the feeling he was being followed. There was still more than half of the distance back to the Ministry of Finance’s offices, and he was unsure if he’d be able to get back safely. Spotting the glinting of armour of a Royal Guard, he moved over to the pony.

“Excuse me! I… I need help.”

The stallion, a unicorn, raised an eyebrow at Hutch, then gave a nod. There was a flash of light and the earth pony gasped out loud, for now there were shackles around his hooves. His briefcase was taken from his back by a pegasus guard that had appeared at his side, and the earth pony guard that completed the squad started to firmly guide him down the street.

“Wait, tell me what’s going on!”

“You have been apprehended in connection with a fraud case. Now remain silent, you’ll have your chance to give a statement at the castle.”

Hutch did as he was instructed, ears splayed back as he marched through the streets. He could hear voices that he recognised, and a glance showed several of his classmates; he knew then that his career would be over.

It didn’t take long to reach the white citadel that was the heart of the city, the small group using an entrance to the side. This led Hutch and his captors right into the dungeons, every cell he passed empty, save for one; he immediately recognised Breezy Haze.

She stared back in shock as the guards placed Hutch into the cell opposite her, opening his briefcase onto a desk to the side, the earth pony guard heading through a door behind it. The unicorn and pegasus took several moments to browse the files, the pegasus giving a cry of triumph before handing a stack of papers over to the unicorn.

“Let’s see here, monthly expenditure for Foal Protection Services. Well, seems like we’ve got our culprits.”

“Should we incinerate the files, sir?”

“No, they are evidence.”

“But wasn’t the instruction from Lady Vain to…”

“I don’t know about you, but I take my orders from the Princesses, not some stuck up noble. As I said, it seems like we have our culprits, but we still need to interrogate them.”

The earth pony returned, setting a tray of food in front of both cells, then walked away. Seeing Breezy was scared, Hutch waved at her and smiled, motioning to her tray. He grabbed his own, surprised to see it was not just stale bread and stagnant water, but a nice salad and goblet of cool apple juice.

As they were eating, the unicorn guard trotted in front of their cells and sat down, watching them both carefully. He floated the pile of files over, looking through them, then turned towards Hutch. “So, a pony from the Ministry of Finance is in cahoots with with a pony from Foal Protection Services, and have been caught with illegally created documents. Either of you have anything to say?”

Seeing that Breezy was going to remain silent, Hutch stepped closer to the bars and smiled at the guard. “My name is Hutch Jubilee, and I am doing a temporary internship with the Ministry, something Canterlot Business U has done for years. As to those documents, if you could please deliver them to the Minister of Finance, they will assist in his investigation.”

The guard raised an eyebrow at Hutch, then stood and walked from the room, the two other guards following. After another glance at Breezy, Hutch decided to let the mare rest, moving over to where his own bunk was, laying down and staring up at the ceiling.

As there was no clock in sight, it was hard to tell how much time passed, even though there was sunlight streaming in through a high up window, which had bars reinforcing it. The slow clip-clop of hooves made Hutch’s ear flick, the stallion listening intently as they came close, until they stopped. Assuming it was a guard, he lazily rolled over, his eyes going wide when he saw who was stood outside his cell.

“Now, I understand and know that the dorms at CBU are not that good, but surely they are better than the Canterlot castle dungeons?”

“Minister, did you get the files?”

“I did, but how did you end up in here?”

“It was Lady Vain. Well, she at least had me arrested.” Blueblood looked over his shoulder, at the mare in the other cell. “Forgive me, your majesty, for interrupting. I am Breezy Haze, the one who informed your ministry about the bits going missing.”

Blueblood rubbed his chin for a moment, then lit his horn, metallic clanking filling the room as the doors to their cells unlocked and opened. He stood up and began to walk away, then turned as he noticed the pair remained in their cells. “Well, come on then. I’m not going to carry on my investigation down here. Let’s go up to my office.”

The three of them left the cellblock and stepped into the castle proper, where several guards were gathered around something. Upon Blueblood clearing his throat, they all quickly moved back to their assigned stations for the day, revealing a smirking pegasus mare and a blushing unicorn filly.

The two of them joined the group, and they all went into a separate wing, entering the offices of the Ministry of Finance. A quiet murmur went down the corridors as they passed, and went through a large set of double doors at the end.

“There you are my boy! It’s about time you got in, we have work to do, as I understand it.”

Hutch looked for the voice, seeing a unicorn stallion sat upon a couch to the side, a unicorn mare laying down with her head in his lap, one of his hooves rubbing at her stomach. The stallion cocked his head as the small group filled in, then smiled when Blueblood walked over.

“Vice-minister, I thought you were in the Crystal Empire?”

“It’s been two weeks, Blue, and they are quick to catch on. Now, how about introducing us to your entourage?”

“Of course.” Blueblood turned back to his group, lifting a hoof and pointing it at the unicorn couple. “Everypony, this is Fancy Pants, the Vice-minister of Finance, and his wife, Fleur Dis Lee.” He looked to them, indicating two of his group. “This is Hutch Jubilee, our current intern, and Mrs Haze, an ally from the FPS.”

Blueblood smiled as he stood and walked over to where the pegasus mare waited, lifting a hoof in one of his own as he stared into her eyes. “This… amazing mare is the love of my life, Derpy Hooves.” He leaned in closer, bringing a blush to her cheeks as he kissed her softly, making the filly below them giggle. This of course drew Blueblood’s attention to her, and he snapped her up in his forelegs, giving her gentle nuzzle. “And this is Dinky… our daughter.”

“...could you say that again please?”

This should do. Wise Words thought to himself as he observed Blueblood’s suite that he had just finished tidying up for him and his visitors. When he left the quarters, Wise Words sighed in relief as he wiped the sweat from his brow with a tissue.

Working under pressure at my age… Wish chuckled heartily as he tucked the tissue back into his pocket. Just as he finished, Wise’s ears perked to the sound of hoofsteps coming towards him. He looked to see Blueblood walking towards him with the mare and filly by his side. A gentle smile emitted from his muzzle as he straightened himself for the prince. “Master Blue…” Wise bowed courteously.

"Ah! Wise, I would like to introduce you to somepony..." Blueblood gestured to Derpy by his side. "This is Derpy Hooves, the only mare I’ve loved..." Blueblood said with a fond smile, noticing Derpy’s cheek were still dyed in crimson.

Wise Words' smile faintly stretched a little more as he lowered his head once more to her. "Greetings..." So I finally meet the mare whom Blueblood gave his heart to. “T’is good to finally meet you, Ms. Derpy.” He raised himself to meet Derpy’s eyes with his.

“N-nice to meet you too, Mr W-wise…” Derpy replied in a stutter, still overwhelmed by all the ponies bowing to her as they walked through the passages of the castle whilst following Blueblood.

“And this is Dinky, my beautiful daughter...” Blueblood turned his attention to the unicorn filly, still wearing a smile on his face as he looked down to see Dinky beaming at Wise Words.

She is quite adorable… reminds me of her… Wise Words’ smile slightly diminished with his eyes softening as his thoughts turned darker for a moment. Before anypony could notice, Wise cleared this throat before he spoke again. “We meet again, Little Miss…” Wise remarked with a cordial chuckle. Before anymore words could be said, the wall clock at the opposite end of the passage struck to indicated a new hour has arrived, it now being three in the afternoon.

Derpy gasped as she placed a hoof to her head, clenching her teeth as she panicked. “I forgot about the train schedules!” she exclaimed as she turned to Blueblood. “The last train to Ponyville leaves at six, but that means we’ll get back around midnight…” Derpy trailed off as she flattened her lips whilst frowning a little.

“Then why don’t we stay here for the night?” Dinky spoke up, gaining the attention of the adults around her. “We can just sleep over here and catch the afternoon train back home!” Dinky suggested as she looked to her mother and father.

“That’s a good idea,” Blueblood agreed as he ruffled Dinky’s mane, eliciting a giggle from his daughter. “But it’s up to your mother. What do you think?” He asked Derpy, seeing the pegasus remaining silent.

Well we could always go to my parents… but there’s not enough room for me and Dinky. This castle is huge though, but… Derpy’s eyes wandered as she looked to Blueblood. Maybe we could.... “I guess we could…” Derpy finally answered with a sigh, taken by surprise when Dinky cheered, before she turned to her mother with the most adorable face she could muster.

“Can… can I stay with daddy for the night?”

After being expelled from the throne room due to the prince’s interruption, Sly Cur remained in the castle, hoping that some time dealing with her nephew and some stupid mare who most likely was there to demand payments for a bastard foal would wear down Celestia, giving him a chance to re-pitch his proposal to her.

Or so he thought. Having taken his time to walk through the castle on the off chance he was called back, Sly easily picked up on the sudden buzz that had taken over the staff, everypony he saw whispering something to another servant or guard.

Slightly frustrated that he couldn’t hear what was being said, Sly stepped out of the nearest exit, blinking as he noticed he had done so into an area he hadn’t entered before. Deciding that he’d rather make his way through the gardens instead of going back into the building behind him, he began a slow trot.

“ALL RIGHT YOU BUNCH OF COLT-CUDDLERS, LISTEN UP!” The sudden shout caused Sly’s ear to flicker, and he stepped around a long bush to find a single stallion in gilded armour facing row upon row of identical ponies. Sly shook his head as he realised he was walking past one of the Royal Guard training areas. “IT IS MY GREAT PLEASURE TO INFORM YOU OF A NEW DEVELOPMENT HERE IN CANTERLOT CASTLE!”

Sly started to trot away, but the guard continued to speak… or rather shout.


Stopping, Sly looked back over his shoulder, an eyebrow raised. There was also a filly with Blueblood, and that made Sly all the more curious, so he cantered back over to the bush, hoping to hear more. Without asking however, that was going to be hard, but he found an unlikely ally as one of the ponies in the front row stepped forward a little

“Sir? Do we know why this is to happen?”

“Yes, we do, corporal.” The stallion in charge looked over his troops once more. “THE MARE IS QUITE OBVIOUSLY THE FILLY’S MOTHER. HER FATHER, HOWEVER, IS PRINCE BLUEBLOOD!”

A murmur spread throughout the guards, but Sly had heard enough. Turning around, he did his best not to look like he was in a hurry, until he walked through the castle’s east gate, where he broke into a gallop.

Ponies in the streets of Canterlot moved out of the way of the fast moving stallion, who passed through the top two levels of Canterlot before the strain in his muscles caused him to slow down. Resting for a moment against one of the street lights, Sly caught his breath, then turned to the house to his right.

A house was an understatement, the building was a mansion, several ponies tending to the garden giving Sly a nod as he trotted up the path. He didn’t knock on the door, pushing it open and heading to the room immediately on his left, finding the pony he wanted to see waiting with a glass of whiskey hovering in their magic.

“You look like you’ve just run here from Manehatten,” came a mare’s voice.

Sly just gave a small chuckle, locking his eyes with hers. “Haha, guess you don’t want to hear what I know then…”

“If there’s something you know that I don’t, SC, then it’s not that important.”

“No, you’re right… something like Prince Blueblood having a foal, a good nine or ten years old from what I saw, isn’t important. I’m going to get a drink. Have fun, AV.”

Amber Vain watched Sly walk away, then gave a growl and sent her glass flying into the fire. “A foal? How did this get past me? No matter… I can use this to my advantage. Now, who do I know that will spread the word quickly... ”