• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 12,620 Views, 2,033 Comments

Where Is My Love? - TheMyth

Two hearts yearning for near a decade. Will fate let these two ponies meet once more... and what is it hiding from one of them?

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Bonus Chapter

That should do it! Spike smiled proudly as he sealed a letter and wrote the recipient's name on it. “Now just to show this to mom,” Spike said as he got up from his desk and walked out of his room. When he was at the bottom of the stairs, he looked around until he spotted Twilight Sparkle in the living room reading a book as she reclined on the couch.

“Hey, mom…” Spike called out to his mother as he walked towards her, seeing her raise her head from the book and smile at him. “I finished it,” he said as he raise the letter in his air.

Twilight saw the letter and used her magic to levitate it to her. Too bad it’s sealed, otherwise I would have checked for it myself… but this is his work, and I don’t want to spoil it… “Good work Spike,” she replied as she gave it back to him. “I’m sure this will work when—” she trailed off as she heard the front door opening, a large red stallion walking in with a basket held with his mouth.

“Oh hi Mac!” Twilight greeted her stallion as she got up from the couch and made her way towards him. When the basket was placed on the table, she proceeded to plant her lips against his his and nuzzle into his neck afterwards. “Surprise to see you here.”

“Well Ah thought Ah’d come by and show ya something,” he said as he removed the cover from the basket to reveal ripe strawberries.

Before Spike could enquire about the fruit, Twilight gasped as she grasped one of the strawberries with her magic and inspected it thoroughly with a large grin on her face. “Are these from the hydroponic experiment you and I did?!” she asked Big Macintosh, who nodded with a soft smile on his face.

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh replied using his signature catchphrase.

“It’s the middle of Autumn… how could you have fresh strawberries?” Spike asked curiously as he picked one up and bit into it, unleashing the flavour and freshness in his mouth.

Twilight cleared her throat after she too had tasted one of the strawberries. “Well, normally yes… but with hydroponics, it is possible to grow fruits and vegetables that would normally be grow in a certain season,” she said as she walked to Spike. “What hydroponics does is to grow plants using liquid or gravel as a substitute to soil,” she finished her explanation and looked down to her son, who was staring at her blankly.

“In other words, it uses water instead of the ground to make plants grow,” Big Macintosh simplified Twilight’s explanation as he chuckled.

“Oh I get it now!” Spike smiled at the stallion, not noticing his mother planting her hoof to her face as she groaned. “Wait… so that big greenhouse you and Mom were working on last year… that’s where you grew these?”

Big Macintosh nodded as he helped himself with a few strawberries. “Eeyup…” he trailed off as he winked at Twilight. “That’s also when yer Mom and I found each other,” the stallion added in as he nuzzled his mare, giving her a quick nibble on her ear.

“Oh, you!” Twilight giggled as she pecked his cheek, stopping when she saw Spike’s back turned to them, most likely not wanting to see their display of affection. Her eyes lingered to the clock and immediately she gasped as she removed herself from Big Macintosh. “Oh no! I’m going to be late, for my spa date!”

The alicorn ran towards the door, only to stop abruptly and turn back to plant her lips against Big Macintosh’s. “I’ll see you later,” she spoke to him before turning to Spike and giving him a hug and a kiss on the forehead. “I’ll be home by sunset,” she nuzzled him and leaned to his ear. “Mommy loves you very much,” she whispered to him in a maternal voice and ran out of the library, leaving the males behind.

Big Macintosh shrugged as he shook his head and smiled at the space where Twilight was a moment ago. Something never change… His attention turned to Spike who was also looking at him. “So Ah take it ya don’t have anything planned fer today?” he asked the dragon, who shook his head in response. A small smile crept onto the stallion’s muzzle and he proceeded to pick the whelp up and place him on his back. “Then Ah guess we’ll have to do something together,”

“What do you mean?” Spike asked as he and Big Macintosh walked out the library.

“Ever been bowling, Spike?” Big Macintosh asked Spike, who was clinging onto his neck as he trotted down the street. “Been a while fer myself to be honest,”

Spike shook his head again. “Never,” he admitted to Big Macintosh.

“Well this should be interesting…”

The boy’s a fast learner… Big Macintosh thought to himself as he and Spike walked back to the library, with the latter resting on the stallion’s back.

“Bowling’s… difficult…” Spike muttered as he slouched on Big Macintosh’s back, exhausted from the activity he and the stallion did earlier.

“Well you did beat me,” Big Macintosh replied as he chuckled. “Still surprised how ya were able to keep up with the others though,” he said, remembering how they joined a game with three other stallions, who were town wide renowned pros at the game.

Spike shrugged as he sighed. “Beginner’s luck,” he said as they entered the library and he got off the red behemoth’s back. He stretched his muscles as he yawned before looking up to face Big Macintosh’s eyes. “But I had an awesome time today,”

“Glad ya did,” Big Macintosh replied as he bumped his hoof against Spike’s claw. “Ah don’t think Twi’s back yet, but ye’ll be okay on yer own right?” he asked rhetorically as he walked towards the exit.

“Wait! Big Mac!” Spike called out to the stallion, whose hoof was touching the door knob as he paused to the drake’s words. “I want to give you something,” the dragon said as he walked towards desk and reached for the letter and gave it to the stallion.

What do we have here? Big Macintosh opened the letter and began reading it, gasping at the words.

“Big Macintosh, I never had a father figure in my life... but ever since you and Mom have been together, you've taught me so much and spent a lot of time with a me too... and that's why I came to see you as my father... I guess what I'm trying to say/write to you is, I love you dad…

Happy Father’s Day,


When he finished reading the letter, he looked down at Spike with his hoof shaking and his breath becoming short. “Spike…”

“I’m sorry if you don’t feel that way about me… but that’s how I feel about you, and Mom told me I say it sooner than latter… or write it in this case.” Spike said as he looked into the stallion’s eyes that were shaking. “Again, I’m sorry for—” he trailed off when Big Macintosh’s hooves encircled him and brought him into the gentlest hug a stallion his size could muster. What surprised the dragon more was the fact that the stallion was shaking.

“Never apologize for speaking yer heart out, Spike…” Big Macintosh trailed off as he sniffed, a few tear drops falling onto the dragon’s head. “I love you too… my boy…”

With that, Spike returned the embrace as best he could, leaning into Big Macintosh as he closed his eyes. He felt more teardrops landing on his head, causing him to look up. “Is that liquid pride?” he asked jokingly, receiving a laugh from the stallion.


“I’m sorry I wasn’t able to get you a gift for—” Spike’s words were muted again when Big Macintosh lowered his head to nuzzle Spike.

“Ya already gave me the greatest gift of all, Spike… fer being my son, that’s perhaps the best gift of all,” Big Macintosh said as he smiled softly down at the dragon, whose eyes were becoming moist from the words.

“Dad…” Spike said as his lips trembled and he buried his face into Big Macintosh’s chest.

As the stallion held onto his son, Twilight stood by the opened door with a hoof against her muzzle as she was weeping tears of joy.

Walking slowly through the woods, Blueblood watched his daughter running through the tall grass and around thick tree trunks. He couldn’t help but smile as she got to be an excited foal once more, free of the fear from the dark events the weekend prior. Looking up as he broke into a clearing, Blueblood saw the sun had passed its zenith, meaning that he and Dinky had been away for a good seven hours.

Fortunately they had taken a picnic with them, which they had eaten just before noon, the stallion chuckled as he remember the way the filly curled up against him after taking her fill and drifting off to sleep. He had followed a moment later, and when he woke up decided it was time to head back.

Bringing his gaze back down to eye level, Blueblood found he was alone, but he wasn’t worried. As he expected, he heard the sound of Dinky giggle’s, and he walked around a tree to find the filly trying to hide from him. Using his magic, he made the filly squirm and squeal as he tickled her ribs, easing off and letting her get a safe distance away.

The two resumed their journey, soon arriving into the clearing that housed the pool and the cabin. Even though it was mid autumn, the weather still made it feel like the height of summer, thus when he got close enough, Blueblood shed his saddlebags and waded into the water, letting the cool liquid wash over him.

“Um… daddy?” Upon hearing Dinky’s voice, Blueblood turned around, see the filly looking at the water, a strange look in her eyes.

“Why don’t you come on in?” he asked, sinking down so that only his head was above the water. “The water’s refreshing.” Blueblood knew something was wrong when Dinky looked away with her ears splayed back, and it took him a few moments for the wheels to click into gear.

Dinky looked up as she heard movement in the water, Blueblood having come closer in the shallows and offering her a hoof. Taking the offered limb, Dinky slowly walked forward until all of her hooves were in the water. “I don’t know if I…” she began, only to be cut off when Blueblood leaned down and kissed her forehead.

“I’ll be with you all the time, sweetie,” he said reassuringly, giving her a soft smile. “I won’t let anything happen to you.” With a deep breath Dinky began to move deeper into the water, until it was just below her chin. She felt her father’s hoof slip under her stomach, and she looked up to see him give her a nod. “Just imagine you’re running for now,” he advised.

Closing her eyes, Dinky did just that, putting one forehoof out followed by the other, and kept going. When she opened her eyes a few moments later, she was a quarter of the way into the pool, and with a giggle she kept going.

Blueblood supported her as she got used to the movements and how to turn herself in the water, then he suddenly removed his hoof. Dinky at first panicked, but when she tried to turn and approach him he just backed away, the smile never leaving his face.

Wait a minute… I’m swimming! Dinky suddenly realised, smiling back at her father as she calmed down, the splashing from her fierce attempt to paddle to Blueblood disappearing. She began to practice turning in the water, going round and round the stallion and doing small widths. Eventually she ended up on her father’s back, her chest heaving from exhaustion as she laughed happily and wrapped her hooves around his neck.

“Hold tight, Dinky,” Blueblood suddenly said, turning towards the deeper parts of the pool. “And take a deep breath.” The filly did as told, sucking in a lot of air a moment before Blueblood suddenly lurched forward, diving under the water. Dinky slammed her eyes shut as they went under, feeling the water tugging at her coat and threatening to pull her from her father, but she held on tight.

Taking a chance, she opened her eyes, surprised at the clarity of the water, everything around her now bathed in a strange shade of blue, the world below the water looking totally alien. A few bubbles escaped her mouth as she giggled when she looked at her father, who was having no trouble moving through the water. Just as Dinky’s eyes caught sight of some fish, Blueblood began to rise quickly, breaking the surface where the filly gasped for air.

Swimming in a small circle where he was, Blueblood looked over his shoulder at his daughter, taking in her beaming smile and finding another reason to love her. His thoughts darkened briefly as how close he came to losing her crossed his mind, but he shook the thought away and turned back to the shore, the stallion having seen Derpy sat there watching.

As soon as she could, Dinky ran to her mother and jumped into her hooves, laughing wildly. “Momma, I was swimming! Did you see?” she asked excitedly.

“I did, and I’m very proud of you,” Derpy replied as she nuzzled the filly. “And I’m sorry I couldn’t find the time to teach you before.” Leaning down, Derpy cast a glance at Blueblood, her eyes drinking in the way he shook the excess water from his body. Focus, Derpy, focus. “Dinky, head on inside and get dried. Amethyst is waiting for you,” Derpy said, releasing the filly, who just gave a nod and scampered off towards the cabin.

“Did I do something wrong?” Blueblood asked as Derpy stalked towards him, her face clear of any hint as to what she was thinking. The stallion’s answer came not in words, but in the form of a passionate kiss, which left the stallion breathless when Derpy pulled away.

“Go inside,” Derpy whispered, stepping to the side so Blueblood could pass. Now curious, the stallion did as told, passing a smiling Amethyst and Autumn as they exited the building, saying nothing. Upon entering the cabin, Blueblood heard movement in the lounge, but took a moment to use a towel just inside the door to dry off.

“Dinky?” he called, entering the room, where his eyes went wide. Next to the lounge fireplace a single chair had been set up, with a table next to upon which rested a glass, a bottle of amber liquid, and a white envelope simply marked ‘daddy’.

Wary of any possible pranks that might be coming, Blueblood trotted over and picked up the envelope, opening it up. Inside he found a card, the outside of which was a hoof drawn picture of himself and Dinky, sitting watching the setting sun; it was clear his daughter was no artist, but Blueblood didn’t care, it was perfect the way it was. Opening the card, he read the message inside out loud.

Daddy, whilst I wish you could have been with me and mommy from the start, I am really happy you are here now. You’re the best father a filly could hope for.

Happy father’s day, lots of love,


Blueblood reached up a hoof and wiped his eyes clear of the tears that had gathered, turning around to see his daughter in the doorway. Waving her over, he climbed into the chair and sat back, lifting Dinky with his magic and setting her down next to him, holding her close with a hoof. “Thank you Dinky, I love you too,” he said, giving her a gentle squeeze.

The filly said nothing in response, lighting her horn and taking the bottle in her magic, pouring some of it carefully into the waiting glass. She then passed it to her father, who gladly accepted it, before she pressed against his side. Dinky tried to fight her eyes closing, but it had been a long day, and the exhaustion soon won out.

Hearing soft snores, Blueblood looked down his side at his slumbering daughter, not bothering to wipe the tears away this time.