• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 12,635 Views, 2,033 Comments

Where Is My Love? - TheMyth

Two hearts yearning for near a decade. Will fate let these two ponies meet once more... and what is it hiding from one of them?

  • ...

Chapter 4

“Now remember, don’t charge around, lest another pony gets hurt… again.”

Dinky felt sorry for the three fillies and one colt who had to stay within Miss Cheerilee’s sight at all times, but the troublesome trio had already sent one museum worker to the hospital just prior to lunch.

Turning to her friend, Dinky blinked when she saw that Twist had already walked off with Rumble, leaving her to stick with Pipsqueak. Using what little magic she had she levitated her small clipboard in front of her and looked at the questions.

It was only to distract herself from the colt next to her, but as she looked down the list, she noticed that her answers wouldn’t provide much information. A sly peek at Pip’s paper showed questions that matched up with hers, meaning they’d have to work together.

“Shall we get started then, Dinky?”

She moved her gaze up a little and met Pip’s eyes, her cheeks turning slightly pink, but she still managed a small nod. Their task took them into one of the side rooms, where Rumble and Twist were flitting from display to display.

Deciding to get her answers then confer with Pip later, Dinky read the first question, then looked around to find the answer. Of course, that could be anywhere, so she had to read all of the information in order to find what she needed.

Her group’s task was to look at how the costs of living in Equestria changed throughout the years until the present day, something not many primary school foals would normally do, but Cheerilee thought it would be a good idea to get them to learn about saving money from as early as possible. They’d have the weekend after their trip to put together a presentation for the rest of the class the following week.

Finding her first answer on the fourth plaque she looked at, Dinky wrote down the information and went to move onto her next question when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked around to find Pipsqueak giving her a smile, holding his clipboard up for her to see.

Taking it slowly with her magic, she hid her face from him with them and willed the burning sensation trying to make its way up her face to go away. Once she had copied the information from his sheet to hers and vice versa, she passed back his work and went to find answer two when Twist came running over.

“Dinky, you have to thee thith!”

Not giving her unicorn friend a chance to ask what ‘this’ was, Twist grabbed Dinky’s hoof and pulled her past Rumble to the other side of the side room. Dinky looked up at the sign, wondering what was so important about the ‘Timeline Of Ministers Of Finance’, but she would trust her friend.

She found a more recent entry, dated some thirty years prior to Princess Luna’s return, a description of the life of somepony called ‘Peanut Brittle’, but that pony had long since passed. Dinky turned to Twist with a frown, but the red maned earth pony just grinned from a couple of photos down, beckoning the unicorn over.

Dinky did as asked, ignoring the the picture for now and instead looking at the description, reading aloud; “'Current Minister Of Finance Prince Blueblood has held the position since the relatively young age of twenty eight. Born in the Year Of Her Majesty’s Light Nine-Sixty Eight, the son of two unicorn nobles, right here in Canterlot.

He only knew his parents for a few short years, for just after his fifth birthday, tragedy struck when the family home was lost in an accidental fire. The young colt was left alone but for the family butler and one small glimmer of hope.

Our Radiant Majesty, Princess Celestia, took in her young nephew (please visit the royal bloodline display for more information), housing him within Canterlot Castle. She treated him no differently from any other foal and, with her guidance, he became one of the best Ministers Of Finance Equestria has ever seen.’ Twist, why show me this?”

“Look at the picture.”

Dinky cocked her head as she did so, seeing a young white unicorn stallion with blonde mane and blue eyes. She recognised him, but the suit he wore sitting at the desk made him look… wrong, like he didn’t want to be wearing it. But then she looked underneath at another picture, of the stallion slightly older and standing next to Princess Celestia, and Dinky let out a gasp of surprise as Twist nodded.

“Yeth, we had a princth buy uth ice creamth. Mithter Blue ith Princth Blueblood!”

A giddy feeling crept up the young unicorn’s back, a grin coming to her face as her horn glowed. Using a spare sheet of paper, she rapidly, but not neatly, copied the description down, then tried to copy a picture.

Her first couple of attempts failed, and she squeaked in surprise as another sheet of paper was slid in front of her, a near perfect copy of the images upon it. Dinky looked up to see who had passed it to her, blinking slowly as Pip scuffed a hoof on the floor and looked to the ceiling.

“You… um looked like you were having trouble. I hope you don’t mind.”

Dinky gave a delighted squeal as she darted forward and wrapped her hooves around Pip’s neck, and it took the flash of a camera going off to make her realise what she was doing. Twist and Rumble were snickering to the side, but they weren’t the only ones that saw.

“Oh look, Silver Spoon, little Dinky has found a coltfriend. A useless filly for a useless colt.”

“I know, Diamond. Let’s just hope they keep well away from us better ponies.”

Dinky tried to take her hooves away from Pip, but he held her in place as he glared at the two earth ponies that had just appeared. He could feel Dinky shaking, his anger rising because his friend was upset, yet his reply was calm and cold.

“Dinky has more worth than both of you put together. The only reason you’re well liked, Diamond, is because your father’s business brings a lot of money to the other foal’s families. And Silver Spoon… I don’t even know what your parents do. Face it, you two are nothing on your own.”

Twist and Rumble looked on in shock as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon fought for something to say, but the pair just turned and walked away with their muzzles high. Pip waited until they were gone before pulling away from Dinky. He was about to ask if she was okay, but she spoke first.

“Thank you, Pip.”

Dinky moved with a blur, Pip holding a forehoof to his cheek where the filly that was now bouncing away had kissed him. He remained standing there for a few moments, just blinking, before turning towards Rumble and Twist with reddening cheeks.

Making the wise decision not to open himself up for teasing, Pip went to pick up his clipboard when he noticed it had gone missing. He looked around the floor for a few moments then glanced to where Dinky had returned to the section that held the information they were after, two clipboards held by her magic.

Rumble and Twist moved back to where they were working, whilst Pip slowly walked over to where Dinky was sitting, the unicorn humming happily. Swallowing nervously, the colt sat down quietly next to her as the twin quills in her magic scratched away, leaving matching trails of ink on the papers.

Edging his hoof closer, Pip froze when it hit Dinky’s, and she turned to look at him. Fearing that he had made her angry, Pip went to apologise, but Dinky just giggled and leaned into his side. There they remained, Pip occasionally helping when Dinky couldn’t find an answer, but otherwise silence settled over the young foals.

As he opened the door of the library, Blueblood was greeted by the sun’s rays shining down upon him. Taking a whiff of the fresh air, he began walking towards the market place, hoping to find more clues on the mare he was looking for.

“Blue!” Twilight called out to him, just before he ventured any further. “Where are you going?” Twilight asked him curiously, but had a faint idea of what he was going to do.

“I’m just going for a quick walk around the town.” Blueblood answered her plainly, giving off a light smile to Twilight.

Twilight cocked her head for a moment before blinking twice as she took in his answer. “Why don’t I come with you? I could show you around and maybe we could look for her toget—” Blueblood raised his hoof to stop Twilight from finishing her sentence.

“I appreciate your willingness to help me, but you have more important matters to deal with at the moment…” Blueblood informed Twilight, knowing about her studies and her new roles as a princess of Equestria. “You don’t want to leave all the work to your little boy now, do you?” Blueblood asked her as he smirked, receiving a nervous giggle from Twilight as she rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.

“Oh alright,” Twilight replied as she sighed in defeat. “Have fun, at least…”

Blueblood waved to Twilight as he nodded. “Will do, see you later.” With that, Blueblood marched onwards to his destination. It sure is beautiful here… Blueblood thought to himself as he walked past through the road leading to the market, seeing all the variety of flowers in the gardens he passed along. I wonder what kind of flowers she likes?


As he was pulled out of his reverie abruptly, Blueblood saw the sight of an elderly mare pulling a cart with all her strength. Or at least, she was trying to. The sweat on her forehead was abundant as she pulled hard to get the cart moving, but it hardly budged to her will.

“Excuse me,” Blueblood immediately walked towards her, both shocked and amazed what this frail old mare was trying to do. “Excuse me, madam… but do you—”

“That’s Granny Smith to you, youngling!” Granny Smith replied proudly, coughing a little when she spoke her words.

Blueblood only nodded in response. When in Ponyville… “Granny Smith, do you need some help with that?” Blueblood asked politely as he pointed to the cart Granny Smith was pulling.

“Well ain’t that sweet of you!” Granny Smith chuckled as she unhooked the contraption from her back. “With my grandchildren out on deliveries, Ah thought Ah had to do all the work by myself today!” Granny stretched her legs, emitting cracks from the bones inside. “Ain’t seen ya around here… what’s yer name Sugar?”


“Well the name suits ya, Ah’d say. Definitely came outta the blue to help a mare out.” Granny Smith cackled as she and Blueblood came to a stop just shy of the markets. Turning to her saddlebag, she pulled out a shopping list before inspecting it thoroughly. Squinting her eyes a little, she let out a groan just as she grabbed a pair of reading glasses from her bag. Old age! “Well, looks like we got our work cut out fer us!” Granny Smith beamed at Blueblood, who was still standing with the cart harnessed to his back. “Still think ya can help me out fer today, Blue?”

Blueblood shrugged as he smiled at Granny Smith. “I don’t see why not?” Besides, how difficult can it be?

My back is killing me!

After finally leaving the market square, Blueblood was now struggling to pull the loaded cart strapped to his back. Even though he was beginning to feel the strain, he tried his best to hide pain that was coursing through his body.

“Ya alrigh’ there youngin’?” Granny Smith asked Blueblood softly as she walked next to him, becoming slightly concerned.

Blueblood forced a laugh as he was clenching his teeth, wiping the sweat off his forehead before speaking. “I’m alright, thank you…” he trailed off as he looked towards the road they were now walking on. “How far is your destination from here?”

“Right there Sugar.” Granny pointed to the entrance of Sweet Apple Acres, with the red farmhouse coming into view. “Say. Ah never asked… ya like apples?” Granny asked Blueblood curiously as they neared the front door of the house.

“Well, apples are my favourite fruit,” Blueblood answered her honestly, but couldn’t help frown a little as he was reminded of a stunt he pulled back at a certain gala a few years ago. That took my best acting, considering how delicious those treats were...

Granny Smith cackled as Blueblood finished his words, helping him unbuckle the straps on his back. “Well, yer in luck… Ah’m making Apple Pie fer lunch today,” she leaned into Blueblood’s ears, giggling a little before speaking. “Recipe Ah haven’t taught my grandchildren yet.”

Reminds me of a certain butler I know. Blueblood thought to himself, being reminded of Wise Words and his special tea recipe, one which he hadn’t taught Blueblood yet. “So, um… Granny Smith?” Blueblood cleared his throat as he spoke. “Anything else you need help with?”

“Well ain’t ya sweet as a sugar cane,” Granny winked at Blueblood as she tittered. “Why don’t ya get some apples from me fer making some pie?” She pointed to the orchard, before giving him a basket that he took hold with his magic. “Also, some eggs from the chicken coup will be needed,” she handed him a carton for carrying the eggs. “And some milk from the ladies over there.” Granny finished as she placed a dairy milk can in front of him.

Blueblood cocked his brow a little as he looked to the equipment he was given, feeling a little dreaded with the new tasks. Well, it surely can’t be anymore difficult than dragging a cart from the market to here… “Right, I’ll first get the apples for you.” Blueblood replied as he picked the basket up from the ground before turning to face the acres and scanning it with squinted eyes. “Which trees are ripe at the moment?”

“Pick any, they all bear perfect apples. Just need to give the right buck.” Granny Smith told Blueblood as he went towards the orchard. “Good luck.” Granny waved him off before she went inside to the kitchen. Ah wonder if I should have told him about the Zap Apple Trees?

Reminder to self; stay away from dark apple trees.

Blueblood walked towards the other side of the orchard that wasn’t mysteriously covered in clouds, where the trees looked healthier. His coat was slightly sizzled and his mane was standing on end from trying to buck an apple tree that gave him a shock rather than fruits.

Coming to a stop in front of a tree, Blueblood looked up and saw to his delight large red apples dangling from the branches above. Focusing on his magic, he tried to seize the treasures it was bearing, but the aura barely formed around the orb.

Huh? Blueblood was stumped for a moment before trying to concentrate on his magic again, yet it wouldn’t work. I suppose I’m going to have to do this the Earth Pony way. Blueblood thought to himself, snorting a little in amusement as he smiled, remembering a certain letter from Twilight Sparkle about her Winter Wrap Up experience in this town.

Blueblood turned around, rearing his legs to buck the tree as hard as he could. Taking a few deep breaths, he pushed hard against the ground with his arms and kicked even harder with his hind legs on the tree’s base. Only one apple fell onto the grass.

“Oh c’mon!”

Grinding his teeth in frustration, Blueblood once again attempted to buck the tree for the apples it beared, but nothing left the branches. How strong do you have to be get a few apples from these blasted trees?!

After an eternity of kicking the same tree, Blueblood was finally rewarded with a few apples in the basket he was given. Blueblood huffed as he was sweating profoundly, barely able to get the basket strapped to his back. I hope these are enough for apple pies… At least the eggs and milk won’t be as exhausting as this.

I have a newfound respect for farmers across Equestria…

As he limped towards the farmhouse carrying everything he had gathered from his assigned tasks, Blueblood did his best to not let any egg fall to the ground as the basket was balanced on his back, with his mane ruffled and tarnished with feathers. He also made sure not to spill any milk that he had gotten from the cows, who were not very welcoming to a pony who wasn’t an Apple.

Opening the door leading to the kitchen, he found Granny Smith at the oven humming a tone as she was cleaning it thoroughly.

Granny Smith’s ears perked to the sound of hoofsteps behind her, a soft smile forming on her wrinkled face as she turned around. “Oh good, yer finally back. Just put all thei—” Granny gasped when she saw the state Blueblood was in. “Landsakes! What happened to ya?!”

“A few disagreements…” Blueblood mumbled as he placed the eggs, milk and apples on a table adjacent to Granny Smith. Blueblood nodded walking back to the door leading outside. “If that is all, I’ll be on my wa—” He was cut off when he was pulled back by an unknown force, that was revealed to be Granny Smith, the latter’s lips scrunched as she looked down in disapproval at Blueblood.

“Ya go straight upstairs to the bath and get yerself cleaned up!” Granny ordered him, before leaning into his ear. “The bathroom is on the right on top of the stairs.” She whispered to Blueblood, who nodded wordlessly at her. “And after that, ye come downstairs fer some lunch! Ah ain’t leaving any pony hungry, especially when they helped me out on my farm.”

Blueblood paused for a moment before trying to speak. “But Ii—”

“Hush now!” Granny put a hoof to his mouth, smiling warmly as she removed herself slowly. “Ya earned it, now git!” She shooed him off out of the kitchen, seeing him go up the stairs and into the right room. Poor fella, think Ah’ll give him some of the Apple Family Cream fer them bruises… Granny sighed before returning to the oven and looking to the supplies that Blueblood gathered for her. At least these are more then enough fer some good wholesome pie!

As Granny was done making the batter of the pie, she heard the front door of the house opening and closing, the sound of hoofsteps coming towards her. “Granny, Ah’m home!” A familiar voice called out to her, belonging to her granddaughter Applejack.

“Welcome back, Sugar.” Granny greeted Applejack as she placed the batter inside the oven and went over to nuzzle her granddaughter, who barely had a sweat on her yet still looked dishevel from her work. “Yer home mighty early…” Granny commented as Applejack walked towards the sink and poured herself a glass of water.

“Ah hope ye didn’t have a hard time with me and Big Macintosh away on deliveries.”

Granny Smith chuckled as she was beginning to set the table for lunch. “Well today was a lucky day fer me; a nice young stallion came to my rescue and helped me do my shopping. He also got some apples, eggs and milk fer the pie Ah’m baking now.” Granny winked at Applejack, who was tilting her head at Granny’s words. “He’ll be joining us fer lunch too.”

“Where is he?”

“In the bathroom,” Granny replied before sighing and shaking her head. “The youngin’ looked like he went through a hornet’s nest. He most certainly ain’t from Ponyville either…”

Before Applejack could ask any further, her ears perked to the sound of hooves coming from the staircase. When she turned to face the entrance of the kitchen, her jaw became agape when she saw the stallion that helped her grandmother.

Blueblood stared at Applejack for a moment, before waving nervously at her. “Um… Hi.” Blueblood greeted Applejack, feeling a chill course through his body as the mare continued to eye him suspiciously.

“What are ya doing he—” Applejack yelped when Granny started pushing her towards the table, forcing her to sit down before she could finish her sentence.

“Enough chit chat, it’s lunch time!” Granny Smith spoke out loud just as she approached Blueblood. “Blue, you sit over here.” Granny pointed to an empty chair, opposite Applejack.

As he took his seat, he felt the green eyes of Applejack still boring into him from the opposite side. Well, I guess she still remembers that night… Blueblood thought to himself as he looked away from Applejack’s glare, forcing a smile when Granny left them alone.

“So… um,” Blueblood began to speak, pausing as he fiddled with his hooves and looked to every corner of the room. “You sure have a fantastic grandmother.” Blueblood commented as he chuckled, but the laugh died when Applejack continued to stare at him.

“Why are ya here? In Ponyville of all places?” Applejack questioned him in a voice laden with hostility as she continued to leer at him, her teeth starting to grind. Don’t think Ah forgot about ya spitting in my face that night ya vermin!

Blueblood sighed as he sagged his shoulders, resigning to his fate. “I assume you remember that evening?” Blueblood rhetorically asked her, not expecting an answer. “Well about that…”

Dinky and Pip were sitting on one of the museum’s benches, pressed against each other’s side and looking over their work. They had told Miss Cheerilee where they would be, and the teacher had allowed them to scamper off.

They had actually finished working a short time ago, and were now just relaxing in each other’s company. The unicorn filly was pressed against the earth pony colt’s side, her forehooves wrapped around one of his.

Pip’s ear twitched as he heard a strange sound, a frown appearing on his face as he looked around for it. He didn’t see anypony around, and the noise went away, but came back a few moments later. Pip worked out where it was coming from and stared through a doorway, quickly stealing a glance a Dinky, and he decided to find out if he was hearing things.

“Do you hear that?”

Dinky followed Pip’s gaze, looking towards one of the side rooms and perking her ears. She then heard it, the sound of a pony crying, and a glance at the colt next to her showed Dinky he felt the same concern for the upset pony.

Pip was the first to get down from the bench, offering his hoof to help Dinky after him, then they slowly trotted towards the sounds of sobbing. It was coming from a section set years before the part they were studying, and they hadn’t seen any of their classmates in that area, yet they pressed forward.

The room they entered was quite dark, the lights dimmed down, but the sound of the upset pony was close. Dinky shivered as she pressed closer to Pip, but he just looked towards the sounds and cleared his throat.

“Um, hello? Is anypony there?”

A cool blue glow came from one of the corners, and the two foals spotted a unicorn mare, her dark blue coat almost black in the low light. The pair trotted forward slowly, and as they did so, more features came into view, mainly the wings upon the mare’s back, Pip recognizing her immediately.

“P-Princess Luna?”

The mare sniffled a few times, wiping her eyes with a hoof before she lay on the floor so that her head was level with them, increasing the glow from her horn to provide more light. As soon as her gaze fell upon them she gave a sad smile.

Pulling away from Pip, Dinky crept forward, still frightened of the mare from when she visited on Nightmare Night a few years ago. Luna watched with curiosity and the odd sniffle as the filly approached then gasped in surprise as the unicorn threw her forelegs around her neck.

“A princess shouldn’t be left alone when they are sad.”

Pip walked over and joined Dinky from Luna’s other side, the alicorn sitting up and holding them with her forelegs, wrapping her wings around them, just leaving their heads exposed.

“‘tis good to see you, young Pipsqueak.” Pip blushed as Luna nuzzled his cheek, and the alicorn then turned her attention upon the filly. “And whom is your friend?”

“M-my name is Dinky Hooves, your majesty.”

“Dinky Hooves. A pretty name for a pretty filly.”

“Why were you crying, Princess?”

The alicorn gave sigh, using her magic to put the lights back up to the full brightness. As she did so, a range of paintings on the walls came into view, the one she was sat in front of showed both her and Princess Celestia covered in safety gear normally worn by construction ponies, laying a large stone slab onto the ground.

“I come here every so often to remind myself what I have missed for the past thousand years. This is my sister and I laying the foundation of our first castle. It brought memories of happier times forward.”

Luna began sniffing again, Dinky and Pip squeezing her a bit tighter, making her smile once more. Luna started to hum, gently rocking back and forth, not stopping until she heard a snore. Turning the her right, she watched as Dinky moved a forehoof and scratched her muzzle, then shifted her head a little. A glance to Luna’s left showed that Pipsqueak was also asleep.

There the trio remained, the two foals sleeping peacefully with the lunar alicorn, until a rather energetic mare slid into the side room. Her green eyes darted around the room, until they settled on an unusual sight, and she raised a hoof to cover her snickers.

“Um Princess Luna? Could I have my students back now?”

“... and that’s when I decided to come to Ponyville.”

After telling Applejack everything, Blueblood took a few deep breaths as he was trying to remain composed. Closing his eyes for a moment, he opened them again to see Applejack look at him differently. Very differently.

Applejack had removed her signature hat from her head and was holding it against her muzzle as her eyes became moist by Blueblood’s words. She could tell he wasn’t faking the story about how he met the mare of his dreams, nor the love he still had for the said mare. “Gosh… ya really been through a lot?” Applejack asked Blueblood, but received only a slow nod from the stallion before her. Scrunching her lips, she placed the hat next to her before clearing her throat. “Well, Ah can understand now why ya acted like a jerk back then… and Ah forgive ya fer that... but if ya really didn’t like those treats—”

“Oh, believe me when I say this, those treats were the best food at that Gala. Took all my willpower to just get them to leave my mouth.” Blueblood laughed for a moment, surprised that Applejack joined in.

“So, Granny tells me ya helped out on the farm today?” Applejack asked him curiously as she was waiting for her grandmother. What’s taking her so long?

Blueblood groaned before he snorted out a laugh. “Yes… and to be fair, I’m not made for this kind of work.” He told Applejack, still feeling the stinging pain of trying to buck an apple tree without much success.

“Eeyup,” Applejack answered Blueblood, using her brother’s signature phrase whilst trying to imitate him. “It ain’t easy managing a farm this big, but we manage as family.” Applejack winked as she tittered. Her eyes landed on Blueblood’s arms, which were covered in bruises, causing her to flinch for a moment. “I take it the ladies at the barn weren’t welcoming to ya?”

“Not exactly a warm reception.”

“Sorry Ah’m late!” Granny called out as she brought in lunch via dining cart. “Had to look fer some of our cream fer Blue here.” Granny placed a tub of cream right in front of Blueblood before she gave her daughter and guest freshly baked pie. “Well? Dig in!”

The aroma of the delight invaded Blueblood’s nose when he took a whiff of it. He was able to lift a fork with his magic, carefully taking a piece of pie and placing it in his mouth. His eyes immediately dilated as his taste buds were conquered by the delicious treat. This is downright the most delicious apple pie I have ever tasted… I wish Wise Words was here to have a bite of this…

Derpy stared down at the mug between her forehooves, the amber liquid returning her gaze in defiance and offering a challenge. It was the first time in a decade that she had even looked at alcohol, as all it did was remind her of wonderful nights and crushing mornings, yet she was still on her fifth mug.

The pegasus mare sat next to her was on her ninth mug of cider, giving a happy sigh as she set her drink down. Blossomforth glanced sideways at her friend and coworker, sliding closer along the bench and wrapping a forehoof around her shoulders.

“So, you finally gonna tell me about him?”

Taking a deep breath, Derpy picked her mug up and took a deep draught, letting out a belch as she set the drinking vessel on their table, a few other patrons of the tavern looking over. All they received was a deathly glare, before Derpy turned away from them and lay her head upon her friends shoulder.

“He's sweet, caring, and has the most amazing blue eyes I've ever seen. He spent the night ensuring I was happy, and when our gazes met he ignored my eyes, looking at me instead.”

Blossomforth was surprised as Derpy eagerly reached for her drink and downed the rest, then got off of the bench, looking towards the door. She understood, Derpy had said she'd only come for a few, so the white furred mare quickly gulped down her drink and followed Derpy. The stallion behind the bar waved as they made their way to the front door, but Derpy stopped and her ears perked as she caught the conversation at another table.

“...and she hides the bottles from Dinky.”

“She's using her bits from the crown for her booze. Couldn't keep a stallion so now she drowns her sor—”

Nopony in the tavern expected the unicorn mare sat in the booth near the door to be punched full force on the muzzle, nor to be pulled from her seat and thrown to the floor. All conversation ceased and all gazes were drawn to the angrily snorting grey pegasus being held and dragged back by Blossomforth.

“Come on, Derpy, let's go!”


She tried to continue her rant, but Blossomforth had managed to get her outside, where she now had her muzzle buried into Blossomforth's shoulder, sobs escaping into the night air. After a few minutes Blossomforth managed to get Derpy to stand and guided her through the streets to one of the houses.

Derpy was just sniffling as she stepped into the door and into her lounge, Blossomforth following. She frowned when her dejected friend climbed onto the couch and picked up a frame, so she followed and sat next to Derpy, looking at the photo.


“This was the happiest day of my life, when I had my little muffin, and it could only have been happier if he was there. Do... do you think he ever thinks about me?”

Offering a silent prayer for skipping out on the date with her potential coltfriend, Blossomforth pulled Derpy into a near bone crushing hug, giving her a supportive nuzzle.

“I'm sure he does, and if he doesn't then I'm going to kick his flank from here to Vanhoover.” A warm feeling welled up inside Blossomforth as Derpy giggled, setting the photograph back down and returning the hug. “So I gotta ask, what would you do if you ever saw him again?”

“I... I don't know. But he's the only stallion I've ever felt comfortable around. I... think I still love him, and I hope he still feels something for me.”

Blossomforth felt Derpy wiggling a little, and soft snores followed moments later. She was surprised to even persuade her friend to join her, as Derpy had worked double shift that day, so she must have been exhausted before they even left for the bar.

Carefully cradling the snoozing mare in her forehooves, Blossomforth carried Derpy to her room and set her down gently on the bed, pulling the covers over her friend. She planted a friendly kiss on her cheek then returned to the lounge, curling up on the couch like she had done on many a night where she was too drunk to fly to her cloudhome.

Who ever the hay you are, get your flank to Ponyville.