• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 12,636 Views, 2,033 Comments

Where Is My Love? - TheMyth

Two hearts yearning for near a decade. Will fate let these two ponies meet once more... and what is it hiding from one of them?

  • ...

Chapter 7

Stepping off of the train into Canterlot station, Blueblood’s features turned into a scowl as soon as he saw one of his aides waiting for him. He knew it wasn’t this earth pony stallion’s fault that he was back in the capital so soon, but he intended to make it clear to others that he was not happy with current events.

The stallion stepped forward and went to speak, but Blueblood just stepped past him and headed for the exit, the stallion following. Ponies in the streets quickly moved out of the way for the clearly irate unicorn and the nervous earth pony, but the crowd slowly decreased in density as the pair moved through to the ‘lower’ class areas.

Blueblood’s scowl hardened as he heard the sounds of foals crying, and he rounded a corner just in time to see two stallions place a colt into a carriage and bolt the door. He could hear the voice of a mare shouting for them to stop, but as he got closer, Blueblood saw two more stallions about to enter the building, and a distressed mare trying to stop them.

With a flash of his horn, Blueblood teleported the short distance and ignored the momentary feeling of vertigo, turning his foul mood onto the stallions and took a moment to clear his throat.

“Excuse me, but I do believe what you are doing is illegal.”

The two stallions turned and faced Blueblood in confusion, then looked towards the waiting carriage. Blueblood followed their gaze, where upon he saw a well dressed pegasus watching over proceedings, a clipboard held in one wing and a pen in the other. Floating his suitcase over to his aide, Blueblood calmly walked over to the stallion.

“I insist you cease all activities this instant, and return the foals to the care of the Silver Lining Orphanage staff.”

“I’m afraid I can not do that, Minister.” The stallion flipped to a page and passed the clipboard to Blueblood, who read it over, his eyes going wide. “As you can see, funding for the premises has ceased, therefore the building has been shutdown. We’re moving them to another FPS facility.”

“You know who I am, so you should also know that you can’t shut down a public service without approval from my office!”

“We have approval. Form number three-twenty eight.” The stallion reached over and flipped to another page, pointing it out to Blueblood, whose scrutiny only increased as he read it over. “As you can clearly see, we have approval to close this facility due to cessation of funds. There is nothing I can do to help, Minister.”

In the middle of the scroll was the official account for the building, which stated that the sum of three thousand bits had been cut from the Foal Protection Services’ budget, the exact amount Silver Lining Orphanage received from the crown, which is why it had been chosen to be closed.

Wait… Three thousand bits? ...Are they connected? Scanning the documents once more, Blueblood searched for something that would save the orphanage, but as he went back down the page he grew disheartened, until he saw the very bottom.

“Cease and desist all actions taken here today. This form was signed by my office this morning.”

“I know, that’s why we’re he—”

“By me, apparently. But I was in Ponyville this morning, and there are several ponies that can attest to that. This signature is a forgery, and therefore invalid. Who gave you these orders?” Blueblood smirked smugly as he watched the pegasus squirm, taking back the clipboard and flicking through page after page. He stopped after a moment and glanced at his crew, then back to Blueblood.

“It uh… look, the task was just placed on my desk, Minister. I don’t know who authorised it.”

“Then I suggest you to put everything back where you took it from, and release the foals back into the care of the staff here, don’t you agree? I also advise you to return to the FPS and inform them there will be an independent investigation.”

The stallion stared at Blueblood for a minute, then whistled over to his staff and shook his head. The two standing just outside the entrance to the orphanage turned towards the carriage, where they helped the others get the foals back out of the carriage. Blueblood’s foul mood was ruined as all of the foals rushed to him and gave him a hug each in thanks as they went back into the building, and he stayed in place until the FPS agents left the area.

Once the young ones were all safe, Blueblood, having kept hold of the clipboard, walked over to his aide and slipped the documents into his suitcase, then began to walk away, his aide trotting along at his side. Blueblood glance at the earth pony, finally noting that he seemed a bit nervous.

“So, you’re this year’s Canterlot Business University intern?”

The stallion jumped in his tracks a little, his ears shooting up as he turned to face Blueblood. “Yes, sir. I’ve only been with you a week.”

“I see. Tell me, do you know who delivered the message to Celestia so that she could send it to me?”

“Oh… um, that was me, sir. Something just didn’t add up when I saw the ‘actioned’ forms.”

An amused smirk came to Blueblood as he continued walking, making a mental note to keep an eye on this pony, then ensure he came to work for the Ministry of Finance once his education, or at least the part done by the university, was complete.

Entering town hall, Derpy took a deep breath, then noticed the unicorn that had delivered the letter stood next to a desk that had been set out in the stage, giving the mare a small smile as she walked towards him. There were two more set in front of the stage, and the stallion waved Derpy towards one of them.

Derpy did as instructed, taking her seat and watching as Rainbow and Blossomforth sat down on the seats set out to her side. Slowly, other ponies began to fill in, Blossomforth noting that the majority of them were present in the tavern the previous night.

The last pony to enter through the main doors before they were closed was Cipher Splash herself, and Blossomforth found herself holding tightly onto one of Dash’s hooves to prevent her friend from causing further trouble. The slight swelling and bruising around the unicorn’s left eye was enough… for now.

Derpy felt a shiver along her spine as she turned to face her opponent, who glanced back with a smug smile plastered on her face as she sat at her own desk, then faced the stage. A door in the back opened and Mayor Mare walked out followed by her two assistants, and they all sat at the main desk. They were followed by another unicorn stallion, whom Derpy recognised from somewhere, and Princess Sparkle, the pair of them taking seats just to the edge of the stage.

Looking around to check all required ponies were present, Mayor Mare tapped her hoof three times on the desk to signify the beginning of the proceedings.

“Court is in session. Miss Hooves, you are here to answer charges of assault against one Miss Cipher Splash, in the Royal Pony Sisters Tavern last night, of which there were several witnesses. Do you wish to dispute this?”

“No, I do not.”

There was a stunned silence in the impromptu courtroom, the three most shocked ponies being Blossomforth, Rainbow Dash, and Cipher Splash.

“I… I see.” The mayor looked to the stallion at her side, then back down at Derpy, and finally to the folder that was waiting on her desk. The room was silent as she opened it up and read the report inside, giving a sigh as she looked at the two ponies in court, taking off her glasses. “I have here a statement from Whiskey Stone, owner of the property where the incident took place, and I shall read it to the court.”

On the night in question, Miss Hooves did indeed punch Miss Splash, and whilst some may say the attack was unprovoked, it , in my opinion, was. I have heard, like others, the rumours surrounding Miss Hooves, and all somepony needs to do is look at how she is with her daughter to know that’s horseapples.

Mayor Mare looked down at Derpy, who was doing her best to remain calm, then across at Cipher, whose smile was smaller and her eyes a bit wide, and she returned to the statement.

During the evening when Miss Hooves was present, I heard several of my patrons whispering such rumours to each other, and I am honestly surprised nothing happened before the event. It wasn’t until I heard mention of Miss Hooves’ daughter that any action was taken by the mare.”

“There are a few choice words after that, which I will not repeat out loud. Now then,” the mayor turned her gaze to the golden sand coloured unicorn. “I am not much for the rumour mill in this town, but there are several witnesses that corroborate this account. I would like to know what it is that you said prior to being struck.”

Cipher’s facade finally began to crack as her smile fell completely, her ears flattening back. Her gaze briefly flicked from Derpy to the mayor, then to her desk; she refused to look anywhere else.

“We… I was in a discussion about Miss Hooves using money from the crown meant for her daughter to fund her drinking habit.”

“I see.” Mayor Mare conversed with her aids for a moment, whilst Rainbow Dash, who had been subtly trying to do so, managed to catch Twilight’s attention. The alicorn slowly shook her head, sadness present in her eyes. The trial was just and only Major Mare could decide. While the royal sisters had power to issue pardons, being the highest authority in Equestria, they did so scarcely, only in cases that gravely warranted it. Twilight couldn't do anything at all.

Rainbow slumped a little in her chair, but looked up again when she felt Blossomforth’s hoof around her shoulders, seeing Mayor Mare had finished conferring.

“Miss Hooves, for your assault upon Miss Splash, the court finds it was not unprovoked. However, you response was not proportional to the provocation. Therefore, the court finds you guilty of assault, and I hereby sentence you to…”

Blossomforth hugged Rainbow closer to herself as she stared at Derpy with worry.

“...twenty hours of community service.”

Derpy dropped her head a little, whilst Cipher Splash’s grin grew wider. As far as she was concerned, she had won and was no longer needed, so stepped from her desk and began to walk towards the exit. The voice of the mayor continuing made her steps falter.

“Not so fast, Miss Splash. Take your seat once more.” She did as bid, frowning in confusion as the stallion seated next to Twilight got up and walked over to Derpy when the mayor pointed to him with a hoof. “It seems like there is something else we must discuss today, which is why Mr Typecast, Ponyville’s resident representative for Foal Protection Services, is present. If you would, Mr Typecast?”

“Of course, Mayor.” He turned to Derpy and smiled, laying his folders out in front of her. There were several written files as well as a few pictures of her with her daughter. The one that really caught her eye was the one about a filly with no mention of a mare or stallion present at all. “It’s been some time, Miss Hooves.” He turned to face the court.

“As some of you may know, Foal Protection Services watch what we consider vulnerable foals closely. This includes those with a single parent. But what I am here to do today is put to bed certain rumours about this mare.” He opened one of the folders and pulled out a sheet of paper, holding them in front of Derpy. “Miss Hooves, could you confirm that what I have here is a legitimate copy of your bank account and the separate account for which all funds you receive for Dinky are held within?”

Derpy took a good look and then nodded. “Yes, that is correct.” Typecast gave her a wink and turned to the mayor, passing the paper over to her.

“As you can clearly see, madame mayor, every single bit sent by the crown is accounted for in a separate fund, one which I assume is set aside for Dinky when she gets older?”

Derpy gave another nod when he looked at her, the stallion hopping back onto the stage and turning to face the gathered ponies.

“In conclusion, I find no basis in reality for these rumours to exist, nor understand how or why they started in the first place. Was there anything else, madam mayor?”

“No, thank you, Mr Typecast.” Giving a sigh, the mare turned her gaze upon Cipher Splash, who was shaking lightly her seat. “Miss Splash, it turns out you are guilty of slander, the punishment of which is usually compensation paid to the offended party. But I think that shiner you’re sporting is enough to remind you not to do so again, don’t you?”

“Yes, madam mayor. And… if I could say something?” With a confused frown the mayor nodded her consent, her eyes catching the Royal Guards hidden in the shadows preparing to intervene as Cipher walked over to Derpy. The entire court fell silent as she bowed down in front of her. “I’m sorry, Miss Hooves. I know it isn’t much, but I don’t know what else I can do.”

Watching from the side, Blossomforth felt Dash tense up as Derpy stood from her seat and moved in front of Cipher. They both gasped and blinked in surprise as Derpy pulled the unicorn to her hooves and into a hug, which they held for a few moments.

Seeing things had resolved themselves, the mayor dismissed the court, ponies starting to slowly shuffle their way out of town hall until only Derpy, her firends, and one other remained. The trio of pegasi began walking towards the door when their path was blocked by another pony.

“I’m glad things worked out okay in the end. Could you speak with me in private for a moment please Derpy?” Giving a nod, Derpy waited for her friends to leave before taking a seat, Princess Sparkle hopping up next to her. “I’m sorry I couldn’t step in, Derpy, but I can only go against the laws for the safety of Equestria, not one pony no matter my personal feelings on the issue.”

“It’s okay your majesty, it’s only twenty hours.”

Twilight gave a sigh, then lay a hoof on Derpy’s shoulder. “There’s something I need to ask. A guest of mine came back from the post office earlier today, a little shook up…”

“You know Blueblood?”

Twilight was a little taken back, but smiled and gave her a nod. “I sure do. He went to Canterlot High with my brother. But… does that mean… he’s Dinky’s—?”

“Um… yes, he is.”

“You’re a lucky mare, Derpy Hooves, and Dinky is a lucky filly. I wonder if they’ll run into each other in Canterlot?”

With the outer gates of the Castle ground coming into view, Blueblood sped up his trot to a canter. The two guards present at the entrance stepped aside and went to salute, but checked themselves as they remembered that he prefered not to be afforded the same salutations as his aunts, so simply gave him a gracious nod.

Blueblood cracked a smile as he walked past the guards, looking back at them for a second as they resumed their posts. Turning back to the palace, his eyes landed upon the sight of Wise Words standing at the bottom of the steps leading to the castle.

“Impeccable timing, Wise Words…” Blueblood joked as he came to a halt before Wise, who only laughed heartily at the minister.

“Always be on time or be early, common butler etiquette.” Wise Words said as he straightened his tie, still wearing a gentle smile on his muzzle.

Blueblood arched his brow as he leaned his head a little forward. “Are you sure that’s not what comes with military training?” Blueblood asked as he remembered a few butlers in the past not having the same skills as Wise Words, let alone the same decorum.

“I suppose so, the lessons you learn in the guard do not exactly fade away.” Wise Words replied solemnly, frowning slightly as he lowered his head. Though I wish it didWise Words sighed briefly before stepping aside for Blueblood, bowing as he gestured towards the doors. “After you, Master Blue…”

Wise… Blueblood slowly made his way up the stairs, his ears perked as he heard Wise Words following him. “Are my aunts present, Wise?” Blueblood asked as he looked over his shoulder. “I need to report to them about the Silver Lining incident.”

“They are indeed, and forgive my curiosity… but what happened exactly?”

Blueblood grimaced as he growled for the briefest of moments. “Somepony thought it wise to forge my signature on an official document.” Blueblood said as he turned his head sharply towards the doors and opened them with his hooves instead of his magic, immediately regretting it as he felt a sharp pain that caused him to wince.

“Master Blue?” Wise Words came to his side, carefully taking hold of his one hoof and inspecting it. Bruises, burn marks… “Were you in a fight back in Ponyville?” Wise asked, concerned about Blueblood’s welfare.

“I got struck by lightning,”

“Did she do this to you?” Wise Words asked curiously, albeit worried that the reunion between her and Blueblood did not go so smoothly.

“No no, she didn’t do this. However...” Blueblood quickly replied, pointing to his cheek that was tinted slightly red. “She did do this…” Blueblood said as he still felt a stinging sensation from the slap. “And then...” Blueblood gently brushed a hoof over the tip of his muzzle, and the far off gaze in his eyes made Wise Words smirk a little.

Mares are truly complex beings… “Well at least that’s progress,” Wise said as they continued to walk onwards. “Did you give her the—”

“No,” Blueblood cut him off before he could finish. “Wasn’t the right time to do so… not with what is going on right now.” Blueblood muttered as he frowned deeply. And I'm not ever sure when that will be… As they turned a corner, Blueblood felt something bump against his forelegs. Looking down, he saw a familiar unicorn filly before him.

Feeling a little dazed, Dinky vigorously shook her head before looking up to see the same stallion she had met in Ponyville and in the paintings of the museum her class had visited. Gasping for a moment, she quickly got up to her hooves and bowed her head apologetically. “I’m so sorry, your majesty! I didn’t mean to run into—”

“It’s alright, no harm done…” Blueblood paused for a moment before cocking his brow at the little filly. “You know who I am?” Blueblood asked curiously, seeing as he did not introduce himself in Ponyville properly when he first met her.

Dinky beamed as she nodded. “You’re Prince Blueblood,” Dinky answered him excitedly. “I saw your painting in a museum yesterday! It says you’re also a direct descendant of Princess Platinum! And you’re also—”

“Woah woah, timeout.” Blueblood interjected as he raised his hoof, almost instantly silencing Dinky as she stopped bouncing around and sealed her lips. “Well, to be honest… I’m only a Duke by power, and the Minister of Finance.” He leaned into her ear before whispering. “The Prince is just a name really…”

“Oh…” Dinky blinked twice before beaming again. “Okay!”

“By the way, where’re you going in such a hurry?”

The smile on Dinky’s face instantly vanished as she gasped and started to tap her hooves nervously to the ground. “I got lost from the group! I tried to find them, but this castle is huge and I can’t find them anywhere.” Dinky’s eyes started to water unexpectedly, causing her to wipe them furiously before looking down in defeat.

“Wise,” Blueblood looked over his shoulder to face the elder stallion. “Please escort our guest here until she finds her desired party.”

“Delighted,” Wise Words closed his eyes as he nodded, walking past Blueblood and standing by Dinky’s side. “Shall we go find your group, Miss Dinky?” Wise asked politely as he lowered his head to face Dinky’s eyes.

Dinky felt her cheeks burn brightly before she giggled enthusiastically. “Yes please.” She replied as she nodded, walking off with Wise Words. Just as they had taken a few steps, Dinky froze again. She abruptly ran towards Blueblood and nuzzled against him. “Thank you, Prince Blueblood.”

Taken by surprise, Blueblood’s shock subsided as he reached an arm around the filly and hugged her lightly. “Always a pleasure to help a lady.” He answered Dinky, his eyes catching a glimpse of Wise Words smiling fondly at the scene.

“Bye Prince Blueblood!” When they were gone from his sights, a sigh escaped Blueblood as he laughed and rubbed the back of his head. Such a sweet filly… His eyes lingered on the path they had taken as the thought came to him. Before he could think any further, he heard a set of hoofsteps coming from behind him causing him to turn around and be greeted by the two ponies he needed to see.

“I see you have met one of our guests,” Celestia spoke as she wore a smile looking down on her nephew. “And I must say, that was very kind of you to help her like that…”

“Wise Words is the one that is helping her,” Blueblood shrugged as he replied. “So I guess this was your doing, Auntie Tia?” He cocked a brow at her as he smirked.

Celestia merely shook her head. “Actually, Luna asked them to the Wonderbolt Derby first before we decided to invite them to the castle.” She answered as she looked to her little sister, who looked away with a blush.

Should have known, Auntie Lulu is favoured by the foals of today… His smile vanished as he cleared his throat. “Anyhow, I’ve come to tell you that I have partially sorted the issue of Silver Lining Orphanage. Apparently, somepony thought it clever to forge my signature on an official document.”

“T’is a serious matter.” Luna spoke as her eyes narrowed. Not only do ponies do such atrocities to the foals in need… but they use my family’s name as tools for their avarice! Luna huffed as she stomped her hoof. “Whoever is responsible for this, they must be stopped.”

“Agreed,” Celestia replied sternly as she looked to her sister. “I will not condone such actions taking place in our country.” I will not let matters get out of hoof again… but I will let Blueblood do what he can before I step in this time. Just as she thought of Blueblood, Celestia’s curiosity got the better of her as she smiled gleefully looking at her nephew. “By the way, how was Ponyville?”

Blueblood rubbed the back of his head as he chuckled nervously. “Well, you see…”

“And that's when Mr Wise Words showed me around the castle before meeting up with all of you.” Dinky finished her story as she was hugging her pillow, gleefully giggling when asked where she was during most of the day.

Scootaloo groaned as she flopped to the floor. “You’re lucky! All we did was see some more paintings of some old geezers nopony really cares about.” Scootaloo muttered as she stared at the ceiling. So wish I could have met some of the Wonderbolts when we saw them in the castle…

“It wasn’t that bad,” Sweetie Belle replied as she combed Apple Bloom’s mane. “And tomorrow we’re going to see more of the city.” I wouldn’t mind seeing more of the Princesses though… Sweetie paused when she heard Apple Bloom groan, her hoof being swatted away by the earth pony.

“Don’t brush so hard!” Apple Bloom reprimanded her as she took hold of the brush herself and continued on without Sweetie’s assistance. “Ah wonder if we’ll meet Prince Blueblood?” Apple Bloom asked out loud, only to be greeted by the sound of two fillies snickering across from her.

Diamond Tiara smirked as she eyed Apple Bloom nefariously. “Like a prince would ever want to meet a bunch of low life losers from a backwater town like you girls.” Diamond mocked Apple Bloom and her friend, shortly before being joined with Silver Spoon’s laughter.

“Well you’re also living in the backwater town.” Sweetie Belle retorted, silencing Diamond Tiara almost instantaneously just as the other fillies started to laugh at her. A knock at the door alerted the girls, who remained quiet until Dinky got up to answer it.

Peering through the crack of the door, Dinky beamed when she saw who was on the other side. Opening the door wide enough, she was surprised to see all of the colts, who instead of being in their own room across the corridor, were waiting outside. At the front of the group stood Pip, who carried a packet of marshmallows in his mouth.

“S’mores time!” Pip declared through his teeth, looking behind to see the others nodding in approval. “You mind?” He asked Dinky curiously, albeit hopefully as his smile broadened.

“Sure!” Dinky replied, almost immediately, as she made way and gestured the colts inside. Once all the boys were inside, Dinky took one last look outside as she scanned the area before silently closing the door. I just hope Miss Cheerilee doesn’t come in and punish us for the s’mores…

Many of the fillies who saw the colts coming in looked upon them with suspicious eyes, before being shown the packet of marshmallows and biscuits. A chorus of cheering soon escaped from the girls as they rushed towards the treats, though some stayed behind in the back observing the others. When the s’mores were done however, all the fillies charged towards the sweet treasures.

“Hey! Let’s play a game!” Sweetie Belle suggested as she finished her third s’more, though not in a manner Rarity would approve of as she had chocolate smudge on her lips and cheeks. “How about we play Truth or Dare?” She suggested as she looked around, seeing mixture of eagerness and hesitance from her peers. Sweetie Belle planted her hoof on her face as she sighed. “Alright, how about we play Spin the—” she started to say, but was cut off when another set of hooves knocked against their door. All the foals in the room remained silent, afraid to answer it. Sweetie tipped hoof to answer it, shocked at who she saw on the other side as she looked up.

What’s with all this ruckus?

Just as she entered her bed in the chamber she was shown to by Celestia herself, Cheerilee heard the sound of laughter emitting from the room across hers… Where the fillies were. Furrowing her brows in frustration, she groggily got out of her comfort zone and marched straight towards the door leading to the fillies’ room. She immediately let herself in instead of waiting outside, gasping at the sight she saw.

Next to the fireplace, Princess Luna was sitting in the center of a half circle that was made of several colts and fillies as they were staring in awe at the pictures Luna conjured with her magic. Whilst she was casting her magic to form starlike images, she used her hooves to dramatize her storytelling to the children before her, who were in turn captivated by the tales.

Cheerilee blinked before she heard a round of laughter on the other side of the room, gaping her jaw even wider when she saw Princess Celestia jumping on a giant bed with other fillies. The bed itself looked like it was a fusion of all the other beds in the room. Some of them decided to have pillows fights whilst in the air, but failed miserably as gravity would halt their matches abruptly.

“What’s going on here?” Cheerilee asked out loud, gaining the attention of everypony in the room. A chorus of nervous giggling came from all the foals and Princesses.

“We were just partaking in the foals games.” Luna replied, still sitting on the ground as she looked towards Cheerilee, who slowly walked inside of the room.

Before Cheerilee could speak another word, Celestia got up from the giant bed and trotted towards Cheerilee as she craned her head to meet Cheerilee’s eyes. “Why don’t you join us?” Celestia asked cheerfully, a hint of mischief stained in her voice as she winked.

Cheerilee stared at Celestia for a few moments before lowering her head. Don’t do it Cheerilee… you must keep professionalism at all times! Cheerilee thought frantically, her teeth clicking as she felt the presence of Celestia still looking at her. A sigh escaped from her muzzle before she launched her head upwards.

Oh forget it!

In a flash, Cheerilee catapulted herself on the bed, starting a chain reaction as the other foals who were already on the makeshift trampolene returned to their playing. As she was laughing joyfully in the excitement, a pillow flew into her face causing the feathers of its interior to fly. Cheerilee blinked before she looked to the culprit, who was none other than Celestia herself. An idea soon came to Cheerilee, causing her to grin maliciously as she pointed a hoof to the princess.

“Get her girls!”

Celestia faux panicked as the fillies assaulted her with pillows of their own, some even going so far as to tackle her onto her back. As soon as she was down, every foal piled onto her as they all were giggling uncontrollably in the ecstasy they were in.

Watching from the sidelines, Luna rose from her seat before looking down on the remaining foals as they gazed upwards to their princess of the night.

“What say ye, brave knights? Shall we partake in the battle yonder?” Luna pointed to Celestia and the others as a small smirk emitted from her. Luna was greeted with a cheer from every foal as they rocketed themselves from the ground, leering at their target. “Charge!” Luna commanded as she flared her wings, soon running with the other foals to join in on the fun.