• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 12,636 Views, 2,033 Comments

Where Is My Love? - TheMyth

Two hearts yearning for near a decade. Will fate let these two ponies meet once more... and what is it hiding from one of them?

  • ...

Chapter 25

"...and if I hear anything about wandering hooves, I will not be happy."

Blueblood looked over to the couch opposite him, where Derpy had just finished lecturing Pipsqueak on what was and what was not acceptable for when he was alone with Dinky. The colt couldn't get away, as he was held firmly against Derpy's side by one of her wings.

Hearing a groan, of which there had been several since leaving Canterlot, Blueblood looked down to his daughter, who had buried her head against his chest and was slowly shaking it. The stallion thought he heard whispers of 'make it stop' from her, but he found the whole situation amusing, yet he kept his mirth well under control.

The door sliding open drew both his and Derpy's attention, a unicorn mare entering. Amethyst got onto the couch on the other side of Pip, her horn glowing as she floated a white box over to Dinky, then turned to face Derpy. "Um, Miss Hooves? I know she's still young, but I saw these and thought Dinky might like them."

Turning from Amethyst, Derpy watched her daughter carefully as her horn glowed, the filly opening the box; she had begun lessons with Twilight, the first of which was finer control of levitation. Setting the lid down on the seat, Dinky reached a hoof in and there was the sound of ruffling paper, then the filly gave a gasp. "Thank you Amy," she called out as jumped to the other couch, wrapping her forehooves around her foalsitter's neck. After a few moment, Dinky pulled away and looked at Derpy. "Momma, when we get home..." the filly trailed off.

Looking towards Blueblood, Derpy watched as he took the contents of the box in his magic, a pair of medium sized stud earrings being shown to the room. Turning them around, Blueblood stared at the blue gems, then glanced over at the necklace hanging around Derpy's neck. "Miss Star," he began, locking eyes with Derpy. "These are ice diamonds. How much did you spend?"

"Well... I have enough left to survive," Amethyst replied, looking out of the window. "I just might have to take on some extra foals if I want to survive comfortably."

Just as Derpy was about to chastise Amethyst for spending so much on their daughter, whether or not the pegasus knew exactly how much, the train began to slow down. All of the compartment’s occupants looked to the windows to see a thick forest save one, Blueblood simply getting up and levitating half of their luggage down. “Well come on then,” he said, turning to his family and two guests. “We’ve only got a few minutes to get off the train.”

Derpy opened her mouth to speak, but she said nothing as Blueblood winked at her. Giving him a nod, she ushered the two foals from the compartment and into the corridor, passing by several royal guards. As she neared the door to the carriage, she saw a ramp had been attached to the train allowing her easy egress, and there were a few more guards next to the tracks.

“Lady Hooves,” one said as he approached, bowing his head a little. “Everything is either set up or ready to set up, and your guests have already arrived.”

“What guests?” Derpy asked, cocking her brow at the guard just as Blueblood stepped out, coming up next to Derpy and pressing against her side.

“It’s a surprise,” he said, turning to face the guards. “Thank you, you may take your leave now.”

“But… your highness, I must protest that order,” the lead stallion said, his eyes wide with panic. “For your aunts’ peace of mind, they have assigned us to watch over yo…” He was cut off as Blueblood raised a hoof.

“It is fine, trust me,” Blueblood assured the guards, then began trotting towards the forest that lay ahead of him. “I know these woods like the back of my hoof, and nopony will be sneaking up on us here.”

Celestia will have our heads for this… and Luna our minds... thought the guard, but he relented and stayed in place as Blueblood and his entourage disappeared into the tree line. Pulling the ramp away and placing it back in the train carriage stowage, the guards jumped on board to assist their companions left with the rest of the luggage.

Back in the forest, Derpy stared at the back of Blueblood’s head as they walked on for nearly thirty minutes, the stallion carrying most of the luggage whilst Amethyst had some and Dinky carried her own; the filly was doing well with her levitation. Alongside Derpy trotted Pip, the colt’s eyes wide with wonder as the thoughts that plagued all colts in such locations ran through his head; a good place for a den, strong trees for some form of swing and the like.

“Um… Mr Blueblood?” suddenly came Amethyst's voice, causing the group to stop. “Is this place really safe? I get the feeling we’re being watched.”

Looking over his shoulder, Blueblood saw Dinky’s eyes darting around in fear, the stallion leaning down to give her a nuzzle. “It’s the animals, sweetie. Go on ahead, we’re nearly there,” he said, the filly giving a nod as she walked forwards once more. Blueblood waved Derpy past as well, Pip following the mare, leaving the prince alone with Amethyst. “Thirteen trees back, on the left.”

Amethyst counted back the way they had come, staring at the one she was told to look at. At first she saw nothing, but then something black, a shadow within a shadow, moved across to the other side of the path they had been walking. “So we are being watched!” she said in alarm, turning to glare at Blueblood. “You sent the guards away!”

“Be calm, Miss Star,” Blueblood said with a chuckle. “That is just ‘The Shadow’. He’s been assigned as Dinky’s protector, so of course he’d follow us. Now come, we really are nearly there.”

“‘The Shadow’”, Amethyst whispered to herself. Guess that’s another name for Commander Riptide… Shaking the thought from her head, Amethyst turned and trotted after Blueblood, noticing they were coming up on a clearing. As she got closer, an angry male voice made her ear flicker.

"You're in a lot of trouble, colt," it said, Amythest easily working out that the ire was being directed at Pipsqueak. "Do you know how worried we've been?"

Breaking into the clearing, Amethyst took the scene at a glance. To her left, hidden amongst the trees, was a medium sized log cabin. To her right was a small lake, the waves gently lapping against the shore near the teenage unicorn, water flowing in from a small waterfall on the far side.

In between these points was the source of the voice, a tan unicorn stallion with a dark brown mane staring at a pinto earth pony mare with a blonde mane. Upon looking under the mare, Amethyst saw Pip hiding from the stallion.

"Really, dear you need to calm down," the mare said, nudging Pip out in front of her. "You should be proud of our little colt, trying to rescue his princess."

A giggle to her left caused Amethyst to turn, seeing a heavily blushing Dinky being embraced by Derpy, the pair sitting just in front of the log cabin. Blueblood appeared behind them, without the luggage, giving Derpy a nuzzle before walking over to stand next to the mare. "Silver Spark, right?" Blueblood asked the stallion, getting a nod in return. "Pipsqueak did a foolish, but very brave thing. Be happy he is still here."

Giving a sigh, Silver Spark lowered his head and trotted over to Pip, pulling him into a loose embrace, which the colt slowly returned. Seeing his words had the effect intended, Blueblood headed back towards the cabin with Pip and his parents following.

Amethyst looked towards the building to see Derpy and Dinky had already gone inside, so began to make her way over. She paused a moment, looking in the direction she felt eyes upon her from. She briefly considered inviting Riptide into the cabin with them, but given the name Blueblood had used for him, Amethyst believed he would refuse the offer anyway.

Putting the young Katakan out of her mind, Amethyst went to join the two families already inside.

With the current disarray plaguing Foal Protection Services, they had reached out to other government agencies for help. Which is why one unicorn stallion and one earth pony stallion walked down the corridors of Silver Lining orphanage, the very place where this turmoil began.

So far the two stallions had checked in with the present population, seventeen foals in a building that could house upwards of seventy. “You know, I think we could make things easier,” Fancy Pants said, turning to face his companion. “From what we’ve gathered so far, Silver Lining could house all orphans in Canterlot and have room to spare.”

“But Vice Minister, what if there is a sudden influx of orphans?” Hutch asked, looking at the unicorn with a raised eyebrow. “If you move all of them here, I suggest retaining a few others facilities just in case we need them.”

Fancy Pants stopped his walk and said nothing, then suddenly burst out laughing, turning and placing his hoof on Hutch’s shoulder. “My boy, I think you are too smart for business,” Fancy said, grinning widely. “I know of a post that will most likely be available when you finish your studies. The current holder should be retired then.”

“Then why should I finish my studies if I’m too smart for business? That doesn’t make sense!” Hutch exclaimed, now thoroughly confused.

“Because the post requires it,” Fancy said as he started to walk again. “After all, if the pony that deals with the princess's personal investments doesn’t understand business, then what good are they at the job?”

Hutch came to a sudden stop, his eyes going wide as what Fancy had just said registered thrice with his brain, yet he still couldn’t comprehend it. Had he just been offered the chance to become the Crown Investor? “But… but what all the ponies who have more experience?” Hutch asked, scrambling to catch up as Fancy turned a corner.

“There aren’t any, I’m afraid,” Fancy answered, giving a sigh. “A post like this doesn’t openly advertise for replacements, the outgoing pony selects a possible candidate then offers it to them. and you my boy… you’re on several pony’s watch lists already..” Emerging into the lobby, Fancy looked around for one pony in particular, and upon spotting her he trotted over. “Ah, Miss Haze!”

“Vice Minister, Mr. Jubilee,” Breezy said, smiling at the pair. “What can I do for you?”

“My companion here has had the most wonderful idea,” Fancy said, giving Hutch a wink as a clipboard floated over in his magic to Breezy. “Tell me, what do you think?”

“Hmm…” Breezy looked from the clipboard and to Hutch several times, rubbing her chin with a hoof. “If we keep Tender Care's Home For Foals and Green Acres open, then we can use them for back ups. Selling the rest off, for remodelling or the land, would reduce our costs for several months.”

Before the trio could continue conversing, a dark blue pegasus stallion with a darker blue mane entered the building, waving over to Breezy who returned the gesture. From inside the building came the sounds of excited foals, who all charged at the stallion and brought him down, dog piling on top of him.

The stallion just laughed under the pile of hooves trying to cuddle him, easing himself up. “Let me be, ye little rascals.” he said, his yellow eyes sparkling with mischief as he stared down at the foals. “Now now, ye know the rules.” One by one the foals lined up in front of him, the stallion reaching into his saddlebag and pulling out a small box of sweets for each foal.

Fancy and Hutch were curious, as they had seen the files of everypony that worked at Silver Linings, and this stallion was not one of the staff. Still Breezy said nothing as the last foal in the line, a filly who looked to be around five or six, approached the stallion. “Ach, sorry lass,” he said, pulling out his hoof with nothing in it. “It seems that I miscounted. But I might have something else for ye instead.”

As he was reaching to another compartment, a shadow charged in behind him. Fancy and Hutch stepped back as a Katakan mare jumped at the stallion and crashed into him, the pair sliding along the floor. A portal appeared around them and they both disappeared.

Shouting came from just outside, Fancy, Hutch, and Breezy running to find out what the commotion was. In the middle of Silver Linings’ courtyard was the pegasus stallion, lying on his back, the Katakan snarling down at him with her hoof on his chest. Before any of the three could intervene, the filly ran out and started kicking the mare.

“Leave him alone, you meanine,” she shouted, managing to knock the hoof from the stallion. He then sat up, reaching into his bag again. From inside he pulled out a small plush dog, setting it on the ground between the mare and the filly.

“O’ fair Cloudburn,” the stallion said, locking his eyes with the mare’s. “‘tis a cold heart that would separate a filly from her birthday present, don’t ye agree?”

Giving a snort, Cloudburn looked at the filly to find big eyes and a trembling lip, then turned her gaze away. The filly screamed in excitement, giving the stallion a quick embrace before grabbing the plush, then she charged her way inside. “It is still stealing, Silent Gale,” Cloudburn said, narrowing her gaze at the stallion as she slowly moved towards him. “And I must still stop you.”

“Why?” Gale’s sudden question caught Cloudburn by surprise, and she halted mid-step. “Those sweets was being thrown away, and I found that toy in the streets. So why shouldn’t it go the the ones who need it most?"

Now growling in frustration, Cloudburn closed the distance and placed her face right up to his. She suddenly lifted a hoof and punched his shoulder, knocking him over. “Don’t let me catch you again, Gale, or I’ll have to take you in… whether I agree with you or not.” With that, Cloudburn moved into the shadow of the walls and disappeared from sight.

Looking over at the group watching him, Gale gave a wave then slowly trotted back into the streets, Breezy giving a sigh. “I can bring up foals with no parents into those that will be good, hard working citizens, but I could never control my own colt,” she said, turning to head back inside, with Hutch and Fancy following.

Upon returning to the lobby, Breezy saw that the little scuffle had knocked a photograph down, but Hutch picked it up before she even tried to bend down. Looking at it, Hutch saw a familiar mare, though somewhat younger, who was standing next to a bed which housed a unicorn filly. "Is this you, Miss Haze?"

"Indeed it is," Breezy said as she took the photo and looked at it, smiling fondly at the memories it brought forth. "This is the day that Canterlot Orphans' Facility Number Twelve, as it was known back then, was opened." Breezy placed a hoof next to the filly, her eyes starting to brim with tears. "There isn't a day that goes by where I don't miss our sweet little Silver Lining..." Clutching the picture to her chest, Breezy shuddered. "Excuse me," she said, before running off down one of the corridors.

Turning with a frown, Hutch looked at Fancy, trying to work out how to tactfully ask this question. There wasn't a way to do so, so he simply asked bluntly. "Wasn't the minister's mother called Silver Lining?"

"Indeed she was. Come, we're done here for today," Fancy said, the two stallions heading out of the building. "It caused quite a scandal, when Prince Noble Heart chose an orphan for his wife. From what I've been told, and you won't see this in the history books, there were several duels because of it."

Fancy fell silent as they emerged into the streets, the pair walking several blocks until the unicorn gestured at a coffee shop. As soon as they sat down, a waitress came over and took their orders, fulfilling them moments later. After taking a sip of his drink, Fancy let out a sigh then looked at Hutch. "Lady Lining, a title by marriage, never forgot her roots. But before her marriage... it was not a good time."

"What happened?" Hutch asked, now very intrigued.

"Oh, what the norm back then was for the nobles of Canterlot," Fancy said, waving a hoof dismissively. "Threats, kidnappings, assassination attempts... whatever they could do to keep them apart. But the mistake came when one stallion, who was the most likely to have his daughter marry Noble Heart, tried to kill Lady Lining himself."

Fancy paused to take another drink, noticing several other ponies listening in. He didn't mind, for the more who knew the truth the better. "Now most of the nobles had somepony to do such things for them, but this stallion, he liked the hooves on approach. Might have succeeded too, if it weren't for the fact he did it right in front of Princess Celestia herself."

"Wait... if I'm working this out right," Hutch said, furrowing his brow. "Then that means that the noble..."

"Was the last pony put to death by order of the crown," Fancy finished, giving a shrug. "Celestia had to do it. The 'commoners' of Canterlot, ponies my fellow noble seem to forget they'd be nothing without," Fancy said a bit louder, smirking as several heads turned away in embarrassment. "There was outrage. Mobs formed in the street, several nobles were attacked... Celestia had to do something, but she did not make the decision. After careful investigation, it turned out this stallion had had several political opponents removed, all by his own hooves. We still had the death penalty at the time, and the courts found him guilty."

"I can think of one mare who deserves that fate," Hutch said as he looked past Fancy, the unicorn turning around. From where they were sat, they could see part of the castle, which happened to be the high security wing of the dungeons.

"And if we are to act on those instincts, we would be no better than her," Fancy said, shaking his head. "Trust me, Amber Vain's fate will be much worse than simple death..."

How long has it been… since I’ve been to this place…

Wise Words sighed as he stood in front of an old manor, located on the border between the noble courts and the middle class area in Canterlot. The building itself was unattended, the walls covered in vines and and the colour drained from it as though it had been sapped of all life. The stallion could only imagine the state of the mansion on the inside, since he hasn’t set a hoof in it for nearly three decades.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Nightshade asked him as she stood next to Wise Words, clad without her Shadowbolt armour. The only things she was wearing was a simple cloak and her special goggles, which allowed her and other Katakans to function during the day without being blinded by the sun’s rays.

“If I am to give this manor to Master Blue, I must first inspect the building myself,” Wise replied as he walked towards the front door, with Nightshade following his lead. Once he got to the entrance, the stallion reached a hoof to the knob and turned it, expecting resistance with the rust that must have built up over the years.

Wise opened the doors, only to be greeted by dust that invaded his nostrils, causing him to cough profoundly at the particles that bombarded him. Once he was able to open his eyes without irritating them, the stallion looked around to see everything in its place, albeit with the dust blanketing over the various objects.

I knew Wise came from a wealthy family… but this! Nightshade starred in awe at the grandeur decorations and art pieces as she and Wise walked through the manor. The Katakan saw a number of portraits, each of a stallion who shared a resemblance to her stallion, yet they were not of him. Must be his ancestors...

When they walked into a large lounge, his eyes landed on a portrait that hung above the fireplace. Even with the dust covering it, Wise knew what was on the painting. He made his way towards it, using his magic to remove it from the wall. Once it was off, the dust started to fall as though it were water cascading from a waterfall.

A stray tear fell from Wise’s eye as he looked upon the portrait; the family painting of himself, his wife and daughter. The stallion looked remarkably younger, wearing his old captain armour from the Solar Guard. His wife wore a pristine turquoise dress that complimented her eyes as she emitted only a small smile to the painter. Their daughter Melody stood in front of them wearing only a white dress, yet she looked enthusiastic as she beamed.

When he felt a hoof touch his shoulder, Wise quickly wiped away the tear and placed the portrait against the wall, positioned so that it would to not fall over. “I’m sorry… old memories…” he apologized to Nightshade, who only nuzzled him. Once she retracted herself from him, both began to walk towards another room, which was marginally smaller than the living room they were in just now.

“Is this a study?” Nightshade asked curiously as she looked around to see an assortment of books in shelves and a desk that stood out from the other objects in the room, as it had no dust covering it. “Is that desk—”

“Magically sealed, yes,” Wise finished Nightshade's sentence as he walked towards the said desk. “Before I departed, I used an enchantment to store away certain belongings,” he said as he focused his magic on the desk. After a few moments, he stopped and reached a hoof to open it, only for it to not work. That’s odd… Wise thought as he looked down upon the desk with puzzled eyes.

Nightshade cocked her brow as she looked at Wise and then at the desk. “It won’t open?” she asked him rhetorically.

“Yes... “ That can’t be right… Only I can open this desk when the enchantment is on… Unless… “Somepony has meddled with this enchantment, it’s been changed,” Wise said as he stared down at the desk.

“Can you still open it?” Nightshade asked.

Wise cocked his brow as he hummed and tapped his hoof to his chin. “I might, but it may take a while before—”

He was cut off by Nightshade slamming her hoof against the desk, nearly shattering it into pieces. Wise blinked as he saw his journal lie upon the floor in pristine condition. “Um, thank you…”

“Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best,” Nightshade grinned as she wiped her hooves clean of any dust or shards of wood.

Indeed… Wise shrugged as he lifted the journal and opened it. His eyes scanned over a few passages he wrote since he retired from the guard.

Journal entry - Nine sixty seven of Her Majesty’s Light… Starting today, I will be the head butler for Master Noble Heart and Lady Silver Lining. It may seem like a demotion, as I was Captain of the Solar Guard, but I see it more as a chance to connect with my family better. Faust knows Shimmer has been howling at me for not paying enough attention to her nor our daughter, Melody. Sometimes I feel that Shimmer and I are drifting apart more and more lately, yet I still love her with all my heart. And Melody, she has become such a bundle of joy. If I stayed Captain, she might grow up never knowing her father.. and that is something I cannot permit…

Wise flipped a few pages as his eyes began to grow moist.

Journal entry - Nine seventy two of Her Majesty’s Light… Shimmer has left me, with our daughter. It happened so suddenly… It was like the love we had for each was just a facade… She yelled at me for ‘converting to a commoner’s life’. I tried to reason with her, but she left with our daughter… I didn’t even give chase... I was that gobsmacked. I don’t even know where they went… This house feels so empty now…

As Wise Words read out of the journal, Nightshade’s eyes lingered to where the desk was. “What’s that?” she asked as she pointed to another item that had been stored within the desk; a number of scrolls bind together with string.

“They’re not mine,” Wise Words replied as he grasped onto the collection of scrolls, pulling at the string to release them. He picked a random scroll and unfurled it, taking a look at what was written on it.

Dear Lady Spark

I just received your request… and the way you want your target to ‘vanish’... Quite gruesome, even by my standards. That will cost you extra, and double if another soul should be taken with the target.

I’ll write to you again when my job is done,

Storm Pyro

Wise Words cocked his brow as he inspected the letter, which seemed to be only a copy. “Shimmer, what have you done?” he asked himself in whisper, fearing the next scroll would answer it for him.

As he took a hold of the scroll, Wise inhaled deeply before exhaling slowly. He unfurled the letter and began to read it slowly, his features turning to that of horror when he saw the words.

Dear Lady Spark…

It’s done, Silver Lining’s dead. But I also had to take out her husband, Noble Heart. So you’re going to have to pay me double for the job. You know what will happen if you don’t pay me…

You have three days, and don’t think about ratting me out to the glorious sun-hole… my tracks are covered, yours aint.

Pay with coin or your life,

Storm Pyro

The stallion dropped the scroll and fell on his haunches as his eyes began to water and his breathing became short. He felt the gentle hooves of Nightshade and could feel her eyes looking at him with concern. His own were staring at the letter with shrunken pupils as though it were the greatest abomination Equestria had ever housed.

“Wise?” Nightshade spoke in a rather soft voice as she looked at the letter and back to her stallion.

Master Heart… Lady Lining… The fire… All planned out… By Shimmer!

“Wise!” Nightshade called out to him when she did not get a response, only to be brought to silence when she saw his eyes had become faded as he frowned.

“Nightshade…” Wise began to speak grimly as he slowly got up from the floor. “Take these scrolls to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna immediately,” he ordered the Katakan mare, who only stood there for a few moments before giving a nod and taking a hold of the said scrolls.

She opened a portal on the other side of the room and began to walk towards it. Nightshade turned around to see Wise Words standing still where he was. “I’ll be right back…” she told him before she entered the dark portal and vanished from the room, leaving the stallion behind.

Wise Words’ eyes began to circle the office as he began to feel nauseas. He began to walk out of the study, yet each of his steps felt heavy as though he was pulling something from behind.

When he finally reached the living room, he began to laugh uncontrollably as his back leaned against the wall and he began to sank his haunches. The laughter soon turned to into sobbing. He placed his hooves on his face as he cried into them. Memories of his time serving Noble Heart and Silver Lining began to play in his mind, along with a young Blueblood.

He began to remember the funeral, where the young Blueblood cried against Wise Words as they began to bury the caskets of Noble Heart and Silver Lining. Celestia was present too, with her weeping at the losses of two souls who bettered the lives of so many.

Wise Words elbowed the wall as he clenched his teeth in rage, tears still streaming down his face. He lowered his head as his closed his eyes and began to mumble to himself. “I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry… Master Heart… Lady Lining… I’m so sorry… Master Blue…” his words became quieter, before he opened his eyes to reveal a deep rage. He stood up from the ground with unusual vigor, walking towards the fireplace where a claymore was on display; the family heirloom of the House of Word. He ripped it off from its resting place with his magic, and kept it suspended in the air as he stomped towards the door, banging it open as he clenched his teeth in furious anger.

You will pay!

“Do you think Blueblood and the others are safe?” Celestia asked Luna as they both enjoyed a pot of tea with biscuits in the former’s chamber. The white alicorn sighed as she sipped on her cup, her thoughts swayed to Wise Words who had left earlier with Nightshade.

Luna nodded as she swallowed a lump of biscuit in her mouth. “I have sent Riptide to keep an eye on them for us… and knowing his skills, we have little to worry about,” she smiled at Celestia, who returned the smile in kind.

“I suppose so…” And this is just what they need, especially Derpy… Faust knows she deserves rest and relaxation… Celestia’s ears perked when she heard a knock at the door, causing her to turn her head to face the wooden structure. “Come in…” she answered. When she saw Nightshade walking in with a few scrolls, she looked behind the Katakan mare. “Nightshade, surprised to see you here… where’s Wise Words?”

“He’s back at the manor…” Nightshade trailed off as she approached the two princesses and passed on the scrolls to Celestia. “He told me to give these to you straight away…”

Celestia lifted one of the scrolls and began to read it once it was unfurled. As her eyes began to scan over the piece of paper, her pupils started to shrink until she reached the end of the parchment. She immediately reached for another scroll and read through it rapidly before dropping all of them in shock.

“Tia?” Luna called out to her sister with concern. When she didn’t get a response, she took the liberty to read the scrolls that were littered on the floor. Before she could reach the first sentence though, Celestia’s voice interrupted her progress.

“Luna… go to the cell of Amber Vain and begin the interrogation… We must know where her mother is…” Celestia’s hollow voice filled the room, causing her sister to cringe. The alicorn got up from her seat and walked to her desk, where she began to write a letter at speed that not even the best scholars could muster. When she was done, she used her magic send the scroll to an unknown destination.

“Pray tell, sister… why have you sent a letter to Twilight Sparkle?”

The white alicorn turned to her sister. “I didn’t. I sent a letter to him… since I believe we’ll need his help in getting everything from that wretched mare.”

The room’s silence was so intense, one could hear the falling of a pin. “Sister… you don’t mean to use him for a mere questioning?” Luna asked Celestia as she too got up from her seat.

“I do… for he will surely break that mare.” Celestia gave a grim smirk before it dissipated back to a frown. “Now, my dear sister… I think you should go and perform what needs to be done.”

Luna only nodded as she walked towards the door. “Come Nightshade, I will need your assistance with—”

“Night-Mistress,” Nightshade interjected, bowing her head. “I know my duty comes first before anything else, but just this once… may I please return to Wise Words’ side?” she begged Luna as she keep her head low. “I think he is in a very fragile state right now.”

“Yes, of course… Please go to him.” Luna replied to Nightshade as she was reminded of Wise Words. When she saw Nightshade disappear through a shadow-portal, she turned to her sister with a furrowed brow. “What will you do sister? Wait for… him?” she asked Celestia.

Celestia shook her head as she closed her eyes. “No…” she responded and opened her eyes that glared to open space. “I have to see somepony… pay them a little visit, ” she spoke the last word grimly, walking to the windows and swinging them open. She turned to her sister who was standing at the doorway. “Let me know the progress when I return.” She spread her wings and flew out the window, towards the city of Canterlot.

Storm! Celestia scolded in her head as she flew over the suburban ring, looking for a specific part; a gated community where retired guards would live out the remainder of their lives should they choose to. Once she found her target, she flew towards what seemed to be a security gate with two guards standing by. They immediately bowed to her once she landed, with one quaking in his hooves. “Rise, my little ponies…” Celestia’s maternal voice rang in their ears, compelling them to obey.

“Princess Celestia, this is a surprise…” One of the guards spoke as he looked up to the white alicorn, emitting a nervous smile. “How may we help you today?”

“You may help me by telling me where a certain retiree is living… Storm Pyro.” Celestia drew in a deep breath as she tried her best to control her anger.

One of the guards nodded as he smiled casually. “Oh, Lieutenant Pyro… he’s in apartment twenty one ten,” he pointed his hoof to the street leading right. “You’re the second pony to come and visit him today… normally he doesn’t get any visitors…”

“Second?” Celestia asked.

“Yes… another retiree just came in, Captain Wise Words, said to give his old subordinate a gift, looked like a giant sword of some kind… sure looked to be in a hurry, but who am I to—” his words were cut off when Celestia galloped past him, leaving him to blink at empty space. “What was that about?” he asked his fellow guard, who only shrugged.

Please let me make it in time! Celestia screamed in her mind as she galloped past many houses, some of which had ponies coming out of them to see their princess running as though she were in the Equestrian Games.

She looked around frantically and found the house she was looking for. Her joy soon turned to horror when she saw Wise Words walking towards the door, with a claymore in his magical grasp and about to hack the door without the inhabitant’s knowledge.

“Wise!” Celestia called out to the stallion, who froze just as he was about to slam the claymore into the door. “Stop what you’re doing!”

Author's Note:

Wise Words' moment inspired by this: