• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 12,636 Views, 2,033 Comments

Where Is My Love? - TheMyth

Two hearts yearning for near a decade. Will fate let these two ponies meet once more... and what is it hiding from one of them?

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Chapter 14

The sound of screaming foals caused the ponies in the streets of Ponyville to look up, just as a large black shadow passed overhead. They looked between each other and saw the mutual confusion, turning to follow the flying thing. It led a large crowd to the local park, where they saw it was a large, strange stallion when he landed.

Some of them slowly backed up, but stopped when they watched the stallion lower himself to the ground and three very happy foals jumped from his back, turning to help a fourth, and very shaken, foal down.

Seeing there was nothing to be worried about, the crowd slowly started to disperse, but some remained, curious to see how the event would unfold. The stallion stood up and turned, noticing his audience, looking to Dinky with a cocked head. “Are they always like this?”

“No, not really,” Dinky replied as she rubbed Pip’s back, the colt moaning away as he lay on his side in the grass. “They normally run away from strange things. Maybe they remember seeing Katakans during Nightmare Night.”

The was the sound of a pony coughing a little, causing Deadeye to snort in amusement as he looked at the crowd once more. “If you wish to be a guardspony, master Pipsqueak, you must get used to such events. Having a weak stomach will do you no good.” Deadeye’s ear flickered a little as he heard the sound of a pony violently expelling the remains of their lunch.

Whilst the three friends looked after their fourth companion, Deadeye noticed a stallion heading right for him, and he didn’t look too happy to see the Katakan. Movement behind and below the stallion drew Deadeye’s gaze, where he saw the pinky filly from the school yard, letting out a low growl when they were close enough, making them both pause in their steps.

“Excuse me sir, might I have a word?” the stallion asked, quite amicably and civil, which put Deadeye on guard; in his experience, ponies that spoke well like that were not to be trusted. Using a foreleg, the stallion nudged the filly into the open and gave Deadeye a small glare. “My daughter here told me what happened with you at the school. I demand you apologise.”

Deadeye remained silent, eyeing the stallion carefully. He noticed the filly begin to shake a little out of the corner of his eye, snorting once in annoyance as his gaze met that of the stallion’s, uttering his response. “No.”

“Let me rephrase that; I am Filthy Rich, owner of Barnyard Bargains,” Filthy Rich could see the other stallion was not impressed by that statement, and it was when his eyes settled onto the group of foals he had another idea. “Diamond Tiara tells me that you threatened her after school. Is this true?”

“Your name means nothing to me,” Deadeye said as stepped towards Filthy Rich with a growl and spread his wings, knocking his cloak aside to reveal his guard armour, the white crescent moon shining brightly in the afternoon sun. “And as to your daughter, she is nothing more than a bully. I merely used a language she’d understand.”

“I… I see,” Filthy said, his brow furrowing a little as he turned to look at his daughter. “You know, your stance is rather aggressive, and I don’t recognise that armour at all. Why should I believe you?” He failed to notice Diamond Tiara slowly backing away from the small meeting, and she managed to slip into the crowd.

“This, Mister Rich, is the armour of the Lunar Corps, and we answer only to our Night-mistress, Princess Luna.” Deadeye said, finally stowing his wings and relaxing a little. He waved Dinky over to him closer and patted her back gently. “Dinky here is indeed the daughter of the mare Derpy Hooves and Prince Blueblood. She has royal blood flowing through her veins, which your daughter does not believe to be true. Now go, deal with you foal and correct her misconceptions before she gets into further trouble.”

Filthy nodded, then turned and walked away. The crowd parted to let him through but didn’t reform, the ponies bowing to the floor like a Mexicoltan wave as a pink alicorn walked towards Deadeye, her white unicorn stallion husband trying to keep a straight face as he walked behind her.

“Captain Deadeye,” the mare began, not showing any hint of fear as she stepped in front of him. “Whilst I cannot fault you for protecting young Dinky here, I do not condone your attempts to goad a concerned parent into a hoof fight with you.”

“I did no such thing, Princess Cadenza, I merely informed him of the truth,” Deadeye replied nonchalantly, turning to look over his wards. Pip was finally on his feet, his eyes wide, and Deadeye could see more questions brimming within the colt. Cadance stepped past him to talk with the foals, Shining Armour coming up next to him, and Deadeye gave a small chuckle when he sniffed the air. “You could at least shower first, Gleaming.”

“That was one time!” Shining shouted, going to glare at the Katakan, but chuckling instead when he saw the grin he was being given.

“I wonder if Spike is alright?” Twilight thought out loud as she looked up to the stairs, where Spike disappeared not too long ago, leaving her and Big Macintosh alone in the living room. “You think that explanation we gave him was too… graphic?”

Big Macintosh sighed as he shrugged. “Well… it was better than telling him about the ‘birds and bees’... a poor analogy if Ah do say so mahself.”

“I suppose... “ Twilight trailed off as she got up from the couch, feeling the numbness in her hooves before she willed them back to their senses. “Sorry Big Mac, but do you mind if I—” Her words were cut off when a hoof was pressed to her muzzle.

“Say no more, the little guy needs yer attention more than me now.” Big Macintosh finished his sentence as he got up and planted a gentle kiss on Twilight’s lips. “Ah’ll see ya later.” The stallion walked past, but stopped when he felt a slight sting on his flank. He looked back to see alicorn’s tail mischievously swinging with her grinning at him. “Very funny…” He said before he turned around and playfully swatted her rear, eliciting a yelp from the mare. “Now get going, yer boy’s waiting.”

Twilight rolled her eyes before seeing Big Macintosh walk out of the library, leaving her with her baby dragon upstairs. After ascending to the first floor and walking along the balcony, Twilight began trotting upwards on another staircase she had recently built in, leading to Spike’s new bedroom. Once she was in front of his door, she gently knocked on it, only to find it slightly ajar.

“Spike?” Twilight peered in his room, seeing the baby dragon lying on his bed with his head facing away from the doorway. The alicorn opened the door further to let herself in, gently placing sitting on the edge of the bed. “Are you okay?” She asked meekly, not expecting to get a reply.

“Just dandy…” Spike grumbled as he turned to face the alicorn, frowning deeply before sitting up right. “I finally know now where foals come from…”

Twilight caressed Spike’s spines as she looked down on him. “It’s not that bad… really, it’s just something you learn sooner or later. Just unfortunate you had to see it when Cadie and Shiny were—” Her words were cut off when she heard screaming and turned to see the dragon covering his ears.

“I’m trying to forget what I saw! Please!” Spike groaned as he removed his claws from his ears, grunting as Twilight giggled at his antics.

“Just trying to lighten the mood.”

Spike looked away from Twilight’s cheerful face. “Yeah well, thanks… mom.” The dragon quickly closed his mouth with both claws, but it was too late. The room was silent for a few moments before the alicorn spoke again.

“What... what did you just call me?” Twilight stuttered slightly as she asked Spike, her chest becoming tighter as she waited for a response.

“I called you ‘mom’, okay?” Spike replied as he looked away with his arms crossed and his eyes moist. “I’m sorry if you don’t feel that way about me, but that’s how I feel about you…” He trailed off as he turned to face Twilight, who was staring at him without even blinking. As he sighed, he shook his head. “Again, I’m sorry for—” Twilight wrapped her arms around the dragon and pulled him into an embrace, where she commenced nuzzling him slowly.

Twilight lifted her head from the dragon’s and sniffed as she looked down on him with tear threatening to spill from her eyes. “Never apologize for saying that,” she said as she kissed his forehead gently before caressing his cheek with her hoof. “Spike, if you really feel that way about me, I don’t mind you calling me your mother.”

“Really?” Spike asked, only to receiving a nod from Twilight. A joyous smile was soon present on the dragon’s face, before he leaned into the alicorn’s chest as he tried to return the hug she was giving him at that moment. “Thanks… mom.”

Just as Twilight was to speak, another voice interrupted her, which came from downstairs. “Spike?! Are you home?” A young filly’s voice called out to the dragon, who went rigid when he heard her.

“Ruby!” Spike fidgeted as he clenched his teeth and fumbled with his tail. “Mom, do you mind telling her I’m sick with… the cutie pox!” The dragon suggested, smiling nervously only to receive a blank stare from Twilight.

“Just go… nothing bad will happen to you or her now, okay?” Twilight pushed her son off the bed with her head gently, giggling when she saw the dragon pout at her as he walked to the door. As she sat there on the dragon’s bed, she could hear Ruby speaking about seeing a movie at the cinema with Spike. When she walked downstairs, she found herself alone in the library.

I guess I should write to Princess Celestia about Spike… see if she can give me the proper documents. Twilight thought to herself, before a flash of light appeared above her. When she looked up, she saw a piece of parchment slowly floating down to her. Once she grabbed the letter with her magic, she began to read it slowly with a grin emanating from her muzzle.

The Gala Tickets! I have to send them to my friends… Twilight took a few of the tickets and levitated them just above her horn, where they started to form a circle in the air. Six envelopes joined them, the golden sheets of paper slipped into them. Twilight focused her magic further, the envelopes starting to shimmer before disappearing from sight.

Good thing I learned how to do this in case Spike isn’t around... Twilight’s head began to fill with thoughts of what it would be like to have a proper family for Spike, wondering if Big Macintosh wouldn’t mind being called ‘dad’, seeing how well things had gone for Dinky. The alicorn turned and looked out the window, giving a sigh. I wonder how Blueblood and Derpy are doing?

“I think ponies are staring at us, Blue.” Derpy whispered to her stallion as they both walked down the main road of Ponyville, the mare leaning against him as they continued trotting along. Blueblood looked over his shoulder to see someponies smiling at them, seeing Amethyst staring at him and Derpy with accepting, but slightly envious eyes.

“At least this isn’t Canterlot. If you’re royalty, the paparazzi take any chance they can to get a picture of you,” he replied, smiling at his daughter’s foalsitter. Fortunately since auntie Lulu brought back the Katakans, we haven’t had any desperate fools breaking into the castle for a mere photo, lest they wanted to meet the Lunar Corps…

“Well there’s only one photographer who is known for being a little intrusive here in Ponyville, but he won’t be taking pictures of us.” Not since Cheerilee had words with him about respecting others’ privacy. “Besides, it’s not like anything big happens here in Ponyville.” As soon as she said that, both ponies stopped in their tracks. Blueblood and Derpy looked to each other, blinking twice before laughing merrily at the words the mare had just spoken. “Oh! I almost forgot… Typecast asked me to inform you about meeting him… regarding the investigation.”

The stallion’s ears perked when the investigation was mentioned, causing him to furrow his brow for a moment as he sighed. “I guess I’ll have to meet him then,” Blueblood said as he looked up, with his eyes becoming fixated on a building behind Derpy. A smile soon formed on the stallion as an idea came to his head. “In the meantime, why don’t I treat you?”

“Huh?” Derpy cocked her head before she was dragged by Blueblood to the Spa that was right behind her. When they entered, they were both greeted by the mares in charge of the establishment.

“Welcome!” Both mares bowed to the newly arrived ponies, raising their heads and beaming when they saw who they were exactly. “Ah, Prince Blueblood! Eet’s so good to have you come in again. ‘ow may we be of service to you?”

Blueblood shook his head as he smiled politely at the mares. “I’m not here for myself today,” he answered as he turned his attention to Derpy. “I’m here to spoil my mare with your treatment.” He said he grinned at the pegasus’ blush.

“Awww…” Both spa ponies sighed before Aloe cleared her throat. “And what treatment package will she be ‘aving?”

“Platinum,” Blueblood answered immediately, receiving a gasp from Derpy. “What? Can’t a stallion please his mare?” He asked her rhetorically, kissing her on her lips briefly before walking to the door. “I’ll see you when you’re done with your spa package.” He winked at the pegasus before leaving the building.

Just as Derpy looked back to where the spa ponies were, she was pulled into another room by the same two, where a large bath was present. She saw two other mares were already present in the tub, who did not open their eyes to the noise of other ponies coming in.

Once she was in the bath, both spa ponies made their way to a side door. “We will come and get you once we ‘ave everything ready, darling. Enjoy~!” Aloe and her sister walked out to another room, leaving Derpy in the bath.

“Derpy, darling! So good to see you here.” Rarity beckoned her hoof towards the pegasus. “Scoot a little closer dear.”

“Okay,” Derpy complied as she moved closer, sitting next to Rarity before sighing as the bath began to massage her senses. It’s been forever since I had a spa session… always so expensive.

“Quite rare to see you here,” Rarity commented casually, before she waved her hooves frantically. “N-not that I wouldn’t mind seeing you in here more! It’s just with—” The unicorn’s words were cut off when Derpy raised her hoof to silence her.

When she lowered her hoof, Derpy sighed again before she spoke. “Rarity, it’s okay… this is much a surprise to me. Blue just brought me in her to—” A loud gasp escaped the unicorn mare, causing the pegasus to cock her brow in confusion.

“That is so sweet of him! To treat you to a relaxing spa treatment... “ Rarity trailed off when she blinked a few times before looking at Derpy. “Say, what package are you on?”

“Platinum.” Derpy replied, receiving a giggle from Rarity.

Blue won’t recognize her when she is done with her package! Rarity’s thoughts were cut off when a bright purple light flashed from above them. The unicorn squinted her eyes a little, able to make out two envelopes. Just as they began to fall, a grey blur shot into the air and caught the envelopes, creating ripple that splashed against the unicorn’s face.

Derpy stood on the tub’s rim with both envelopes in her mouth before she shook the water out of her wings and levitated just above the bath to see who the letters were for. “Hey Rarity, Fluttershy… these are for you.”

“Oh…” Fluttershy got up from the bath and took hold of her envelope, opening it to find a ticket inside. “Ah, it’s a ticket to the Gala.” She said, her eyes looking upwards as she remembered her first gala experience, which caused her to shiver from the memory.

Rarity took hold of her ticket and scanned it thoroughly, with a grin escaping her features as she used her magic to tucked it away in her saddle bag, which lay across the room. “Seems like we got extra tickets… for dates.” The unicorn said the last word with a little mischief tainted in her voice. “Wait… what about you Derpy, aren’t you going to the gala?”

“Well, Blue has already invited me and he says I don’t need a ticket… so I guess that’s why I didn’t get one of those letters.” Derpy dropped back into the water, reclining against the tub’s edges. “I guess all I need right now is a dress for the Gala, good thing I have a few in my closet from—” Her words were cut off when Rarity pushed her hoof against her muzzle.

“Not. In. This. Lifetime!” Rarity gritted her teeth before she removed herself from Derpy. “There is absolutely no way you are wearing an old dress to the Gala, especially when you have been reunited with your soulmate!” The unicorn swooned as she looked upwards dreamily. “It’s the most romantic thing ever, to be reunited with a long lost love of your life… and I will not have you pervert it with wearing old dresses. You are getting a dress from me, for you are going out with style!” When she finished, she used her magic to left the pegasus in the air and began walking towards the exit, before she was stopped by Fluttershy who had to bite on Rarity’s tail to hold her in place.

“But Derpy’s platinum package is not ready yet… you wouldn’t want her to miss a gift from Blueblood, would you?” Fluttershy spoke through her teeth, letting go just as Rarity paused. The unicorn then turned and jumped back into the water, Derpy splashing in a moment later..

Blueblood walked through the corridors of town hall, oblivious to the curious stares he was receiving as he searched for one department in particular. Spotting a sign above one of the doors, Blueblood approached and knocked on the door, waiting until a voice bid him enter.

Stepping into the room, he saw a unicorn stallion stood at a filing cabinet, his horn glowing as he looked over some paperwork. Blueblood took one of the two empty seats on one side of a desk, looking around the office. “So, Derpy said you wanted to speak to me?”

Blueblood’s voice caused the other stallion to turn around, looking at Blueblood with a raised eyebrow as he slowly trotted to his desk and sat down. “Prince Blueblood, welcome. My name is Typecast. The reason I asked for this meeting is I believe I can help your investigation.”

Typecast opened the top drawer of his desk and pulled out a half full bottle of amber liquid plus two tumblers, pouring the drink into them and pushing one to Blueblood who picked it up in his magic. The pair took a sip and both sighed in appreciation of the taste, Typecast locking his door with magic before continuing.

“I know where the bits are going.” That got Blueblood’s attention, the prince putting his drink down and nodding for Typecast to go on. “My predecessor here in Ponyville, she was investigated for fraud several times, but there was never any solid evidence. Well… now she’s one of the higher ups of FPS. I suggest you start there.”

“The name,” Blueblood said, now quite angry but keeping it in check. “What was the name of your predecessor?”

“Shimmer Spark,” Typecast replied, giving a shrug. “There was always something wrong with her. Still, you have a decent lead now. Shall we drink to success?” He asked, lifting his glass with magic.

Blueblood did the same and knocked his glass against Typecast’s, the stallions downing the rest of the drink in one go. Hearing the door being unlocked, Blueblood nodded to Typecast and stood up, going to leave the room. He was about the close the door behind him when Typecast’s voice made him pause.

“Oh, Prince Blueblood?” Typecast waited until the prince turned around, giving him a grin. “You owe us a hundred and twenty eight thousand, two hundred and twelve bits… and three half crowns.”

Blueblood’s eyes went wide and his ears splayed backwards as he heard the amount. ...Auntie Tia is going to kill me.

Derpy stepped into the streets of Ponyville alongside Rarity, feeling a small breeze playing with her still slightly wet mane. The pair trotted through the town, the pegasus noting that she seemed to be get more looks than usual, and she did her best to ignore them until they reached their destination.

“Well, here we are darling,” Rarity said as she opened the door to her home and business, letting the pegasus in first, turning the lights on when she followed. She indicated where she wanted her guest to stand, then turning to gather her supplies.

Waiting on the podium, Derpy watched as various types and colours of material began to swirl around the room, each item surrounded by a light blue glow. Every now and then one would float over to her and press against her coat, the unicorn mare working with a eyebrow raised in concentration.

Not getting any natural inspiration, Rarity grabbed one of her latest fashion magazines and began to flick through it, growing increasingly frustrated as nothing seemed to fit. That is until she ran across a picture of Blueblood himself, the stallion dressed in his best formal wear for Princess Cadence’s birthday. Looking between his clothing and what she had available, an idea began to form in her head, selecting one particular colour and material and draping a length over Derpy’s back, along with one that would compliment the main body of the dress when used for the trim.

After checking the magazine again to be sure of her choice, Rarity set her chosen material down on her work bench and picked up her tape measure, stepping towards Derpy. The unicorn began to size Derpy up, from her withers to her dock, and added her tail. She took note of where to make slits for Derpy’s wings, then moved to measure her forelegs up to the elbow, and her rear legs to the hock.

“Okay darling, you can get down now. Come into my lounge, I want you to see some preliminary designs.” Just as the pair were about to step into the next room, the ringing of the bell above the main entrance caught their attention, the pair turning to see who the visitor was, Rarity giving a happy gasp. “Coco, darling! Just in time!”

The light-amber grey earth pony barely had time to utter a greeting herself before she was dragged by the unicorn towards Derpy, the trio entering the lounge. Indicating to her guests to take a seat, Rarity trotted through another door, leaving the others in an awkward silence. Thankfully she returned a few moments later, three glasses filled with red wine on a tray in her magic, and she passed two to her guests.

“Coco, I know you came for a social visit, but how would you feel helping me on a sudden project?” Rarity asked, seeing the spark of curiosity in her friend’s eyes as Coco looked over at Derpy. “You see, Derpy here is attending the Grand Galloping Gala this weekend, and will be the guest of honour. It’ll be up to us to make sure her attire is up to scratch, as it were. So…”

“Sure, that sounds fun. Do you have any designs yet?” Coco asked, getting a head shake in response. A smile came to her face as she looked over Derpy’s form, a hoof reaching into her bag and drawing out a sketch pad. “I do my best work when no inhibitions are there,” she said, just before downing her glass in one go.

Picking up a pencil in her mouth, Coco began to work rapidly, making several sketches in mere minutes, each one taking in Rarity’s magic so the unicorn could appraise them. Derpy just sat there, happy to let the other two mares work, watching as the designs were separated into two piles.

She jumped in slight shock when Rarity gave a triumphant cry, a single sheet held in front of her. Derpy tried to get a look, but Rarity pulled the paper away. “Ah ah ah, this is a surprise for you, Derpy. You can’t see it until it is ready, and seeing as I will be going as well, final adjustments can be made on the day.”

“Oh… okay. Well, thank you Rarity, for your generous gift,” Derpy said as she stood up, stretching her legs. “I best get home so that I can start our dinner.” Coco and Rarity got up as well, walking the pegasus to the front door. Upon opening it, all three were surprised to come face to face with a brown stallion, his hoof poised to knock, but instead of greeting him Derpy offered a glare. “Mr Rich…”

“Miss Hooves,” Filthy said as he stepped back and allowed to pegasus mare past, watching her go with her head held high. Once she was out of sight, the stallion turned back to the other mares, his ears splaying back as he saw the unicorn’s less than amused face. “I think I know what it is you wish to say, Miss Rarity, and that is something I wish to speak with you about myself.”

“Let us speak in private. Come inside,” Rarity said, letting the stallion in. She gave a nod to Coco and pointed to the stairs, the earth pony returning the gesture and heading up them with her luggage in tow. Rarity led Filthy to the desk she had recently installed in her showroom, the pair sitting down on opposite sides of it. “Well?”

“Before we begin, Miss Rarity,” Filthy said as he glanced over his shoulder to where the base of the stairs was. “Who was that young mare?”

“Oh no, Rich,” Rarity warned as she used her magic to make him face her once more, giving him an icy glare. “You get any thoughts you have about Coco out of your head and speak to me about the reason you came here; your bully of a daughter.”

“Yes… Diamond…” Filthy said as he nervously rubbed the back of his head with a hoof.

As he sat on his favourite chair in his room, Wise Words was again enjoying music being played via the gramophone that was located at the edge of the room. A new song started to play, one that brought the unicorn out of his reverie as the notes started to bring back memories. Memories of a life that had seem so different to the one he lived now.

Wise Words pushed himself off his chair and walked over to a stand where an assortment of photos were located. The stallion looked at each one thoroughly, many of them containing himself and Blueblood from when the prince was still a colt. A proud smile graced his lips when he thought of his master, who had finally found the mare he gave his heart to.

When his eyes drifted to a very old photo, Wise Words took a hold of it, carefully bringing it closer. In the photo was himself when he was still a young stallion, with a auburn mare holding a filly who had the most beautiful red eyes. As he stared at the frame, the stallion was unaware of the buildup of tears forming in his eyes as he continued to blink.

Wise Words hugged the photograph close to his chest as tears began to slide down his cheeks. There were very few who knew of this mare and filly, and that select group, with the exception of one alicorn, were not much longer for the world.

Melody… I know you’re out there somewhere, and one day I’ll see you again…