• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 12,620 Views, 2,033 Comments

Where Is My Love? - TheMyth

Two hearts yearning for near a decade. Will fate let these two ponies meet once more... and what is it hiding from one of them?

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Chapter 17

The Grand Galloping Gala. The most prestigious event if all of Equestria, if not the world. Only accessible by invitation, it was steeped in tradition, a time when the nobles used to gather to discuss the politics of the day, until one pony brought some wine from a far off land with them, and the event eventually turned in the high classed party it was known as today.

The current event was being held in the less used larger ballroom for the first time in a century, the only entry from the castle interior a grand staircase at one end, which commanded the middle of the room, and had a small set of stairs on either side; mares coming in from the left and stallions on the right.

Of course, there were still some nobles who used to event in their attempts to further their own plans, one such mare lavishing the attention that was being afforded to her. Amber Vain ate up all of the compliments on her new dress with smiles and thanks, but on the inside she just wanted them to be done so she could start the first phase of her plan. She breathed a sigh of relief as Princess Celestia’s herald appeared on the staircase, the crowd instantly falling silent.

“Presenting Our Radiance, Her Majesty Princess Celestia, and Our Moonlight, Princess Luna,” the stallion half said-half shouted, the alicorn sisters appearing in a flash of gold and blue respectively, nodding to the room after their guests bowed. The herald waited for the princesses to descend the stairs, then quickly glanced to his sides to ensure the order of his introductions had not been changed at all. “Presenting Our Love Eternal, Her Majesty Princess Cadance, and her husband, Prince-consort Shining Armour.”

The pink alicorn and white unicorn stepped into view, moving down to the the mezzanine and sharing a nuzzle, then descending to the ballroom floor pressed against each others side. The herald waited for them to finish greeting ponies before clearing his throat, his chest swelling with pride for his next introduction. “Presenting for the first time to the court, Princess Dinky, and her guest, Master Pipsqueak.”

That got Amber’s attention even more than the princesses appearing, her eyes narrowing slightly as the unicorn filly drew her gaze when she appeared, being escorted by Captain Deadeye, who was dressed in his best uniform. Giving a quiet huff, she looked across at this ‘Pipsqueak’, her eyes doing opposite and going wide when she recognised him. That damned colt from the Wonderbolts derby! Blueblood, you have a lot to answer for, bringing those even lower than servants here!

Amber then looked at the chaperone of the colt, now worried about her plans; she was one of the few nobles who not only knew who the mare was, but knew what Captain Nightshade was capable of. As the group made their way down the staircase, Amber forced them from her mind; the filly played no part in her plans, just the mare that had yet to appear… for now. She focused her gaze on the left of the stairs as she noticed the herald preparing to speak again.

“Presenting Our Lady of Harmony, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and her consort, Sir Macintosh.”

“Ah ain’t no ‘sir’, sir,” replied the stallion, whilst Twilight’s face turned to one of horror. It then changed to one of sheepishness as polite laughter set in, the crowd falling silent once more as they awaited the herald to announce the last of the important guests, but the stallion simply bowed towards the princesses and left the stairs to the right.

As he did so, he was passed by another pony, who carried himself with the air of somepony who had found all they wanted from life. Blueblood stood and surveyed the room, dressed in a blue dress jacket with gold trim and collar, the colours of House Platinum, which reached just far enough down his back to keep his cutie mark in view. Spotting his aunts, he dropped to one knee and inclined his head, then stood back up.

“Good evening, my fellow nobles,” he said loudly, catching Dinky’s adoring gaze and throwing her a wink. “You have already been introduced to my daughter, little Dinky, and it does me great honour to introduce you to her mother, the Lady Derpy.” Blueblood turned to his right and the guests’ left, bowing once more.

From the entry there came the pegasus mare, taking shaky steps as she moved towards the stallion. She kept her eyes locked with his, and that helped her fight down the nerves of being in a room full of ponies whose social status was much higher than her own, and it was easier this time around thanks to the stallion she now stood in front of.

Blueblood, having seen her in her dress for the first time when she appeared, was frozen. A slightly lighter blue than what adorned him, the dress flowed down her back and covered her tail and rear legs. There was a saddle-esque shape on her back, with holes allowing her wings to come out, and it was completed by a piece that come between her forelegs and covered her barrel. Her forelegs were covered by long blue gloves, adorning her hooves were golden shoes, and around her neck hung a band of pearls.

Suddenly becoming aware of all the eyes on her and of the fact that the gala would not continue without them, Derpy bent a knee and bowed to Blueblood, both of them then standing. In a move they had been practicing all morning, Blueblood took her left forehoof in his right and pressed against her side, the pair walking down the stairs.

When they reached the bottom, the whole congregation, including the princesses, bowed before them, looking to Derpy expectantly. Blueblood had told her they would expect her to say something, and had said to just speak what was in her heart, but those were not the words that came from her mouth. “I… I need a drink.”

The gathered nobles glanced between each other, confused at first until one started to snicker, more following until the room was filled with laughter. Waving a hoof, Blueblood signaled them to rise, then pointed Derpy towards the refreshments table, the nobles parting to allow them passage, some following her and others turning their attention to either each other or the two foals stood in front of the alicorn sisters.

All but one mare, that is. Amber Vain was the only one who didn’t join in with the mirth that had filled the room, and she ignored all of the main points of focus as she slipped through the crowd. Spotting her brother, she walked over and nudged his side, then nodded towards the refreshments table.

Giving a sigh, Sly Cur made his way over, but unlike his sister he was genuinely interested in the mare, wanting to know more about her. It seemed the crowd he eased his way into had lost their tongues, as they were all staring at her without saying a word, so he stepped forward and cleared his throat. “My Lady Derpy, my Lord Blueblood, might I borrow your Lady for a few moments?”

Blueblood turned to see Derpy looking at him, her eyes asking his advice, to which he nodded and gave her a gentle nuzzle, eyes on her as she slowly trotted forward towards Sly, the other nobles closing in behind her path. Sly isn’t that bad, he just has some braindead ideas. I just hope his sister won’t accost...

“Well, hello Prince Blueblood.”

Faust damn it! Turning around, Blueblood found himself looking upon Amber Vain, a constant thorn in his side for as long as he could remember, although, and he hated himself for it, he had to admit to himself she did look quite radiant tonight. He’d humour her for a few moments, then figure out some way to get away. “Lady Vain, always a pleasure,” he said, the last word dripping with sarcasm, but the mare ignored it if she noticed.

“Isn’t it? So, have you given any thought to my proposal?” Amber asked, filling herself a glass of punch. “Of course, I’d let you have your bit of fun on the side, Celestia knows everypony here is doing it.”

“I do not think you understood me the last… I’ve lost count how many times,” Blueblood said as he looked up at the ceiling, showing her and the other nobles how bored he was getting with her. “But I am not interested, and I have never been interested. I am sorry, Lady Vain but you yearn for something that is out of your reach. If you’ll excuse me.”

Amber watched as Blueblood slipped into the crowd, feeling the heat in her cheeks from both anger and embarrassment. How DARE he blow me off in front of everypony! If you want to play hardball, Blueblood, you will regret it! Turning around, Amber stalked off, the other ponies moving out of her way. She made her way up the stairs and along the corridors until she left the castle proper and the grounds afterwards.

Moving into a back alley, she approached the pony she had told to wait there for her, pulling out a pile of bits from the purse she carried. “Two hundreds bits. I want to know that bitch and her little half-blood’s movements in Ponyville. Watch them for a week, report back to me, and I will tell you when to strike. And when you do, what will you do?”

“Capture, not kill unless no other choice is given. Take to family mansion,” replied the pony in the shadows.

“Good. Now go, whilst they are here you can get the layout of that hicktown.” Amber watched with a smug smile as the pony gave her a nod and flashed her a fang-filled smile, their body fading into a fine mist and then they were gone. She then left the alley and galloped home, glad to find her parents had gone out.

Soon she was back in the streets, adorned by a golden cloak and her saddlebags, then made her way towards the train station.

Placing her hoof upon the colt’ back, Nightshade calmed some of her ward’s excitement. A glance to her left showed the young princess was Pipsqueak’s polar opposite, hiding from the ponies she didn’t know behind Deadeye’s forelegs. Catching her son’s eye, Nightshade threw him a wink and blew him a kiss, causing the stallion to narrow his gaze at her.

Several of the nobles came closer, wearing soft smiles as they looked to the unicorn filly, the mares fawning over the way she tried to hide herself further. Not liking the attention that was being given to her in the slightest, Dinky tapped Deadeye’s leg, waiting for the stallion to lowered his head to her before speaking. “Can we go somewhere else? There’s too many ponies here.”

Deadeye leaned over to Nightshade and whispered the request in her ear. Just as she was about to reply, she caught movement to the side in her eyes, and she looked over to see Princess Luna summoning her. Leaning over, she whispered her response to Deadeye, “To the upper garden with them, like we planned.”

The stallion gave a nod, waiting for his mother to leave before stepping between the foals and covering them both with his wings, getting disappointed ‘awws’ from a few of the mares. “My apologies, my lords and ladies, but Princess Dinky has requested some air. Fear not, she shall return soon.”

Kneeling down, Deadeye allowed Dinky and Pip to climb on his back, the filly hiding her face in his thick mane as he carried them to the far end of the hall. Slipping through the open double doors there, he ignored the torch-lit plaza and turned to a set of steps to the right, taking his time. When he got to the top, he chuckled when he heard a gasp behind him, knowing Pip had spotted the other Katakans stood around.

Moving to one of the benches by a fountain, Deadeye crouched a little to allow the foals to slip off his back. Once he was unburdened, he made his way over to where a table was set up, grabbing a cup of water and nodding to the Katakan who had just come on break.

Over on the bench, Pipsqueak barely sat still, his head turning every which way as he noticed more and more Katakans. Dinky simply gave a sigh, knowing how much the colt was interested in them ever since seeing Deadeye collect her from school. “Is something wrong?” Pip asked, turning to look at Dinky.

“I… thought there’d be more foals here. But it’s full of prissy ponies who just want to stare at me,” Dinky said loudly, throwing her forehooves into the air. “I don’t like being stared at!”

“Even by me?” Pip giggled when Dinky’s cheeks turned pink, and she quickly averted her gaze from him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“You didn’t,” Dinky replied, using the colt’s moment of pause to slowly lean over, gently pressing her lips to his. It was only a light touch, but she bit her lip and smirked when she saw the flustered state she had let Pipsqueak in.

“Princess Dinky?” The filly looked around to see had spoken her name, her gaze settling upon on the unicorn mare she had seen with Celestia several times. “I apologize for interrupting, but Princess Cadance is looking for you.”

Dinky gave her a nod, quickly kissed the still stunned Pipsqueak on his cheek, then hopped down from the bench, following the mare back into the ballroom. So distracted was the colt that he didn’t notice the pony coming up next to him until a hoof was placed his back.

“Your first kiss with her?” Deadeye asked, getting a slow nod in reply. “How was it? Did it meet your expectations?”

Pip frowned a little, then looked up at the stallion. “It was… wet.”

So this is what a Katakan guard looks like…

Just as his wife decided to treat herself with a few tarts at the table, Lucky noticed a Katakan royal guard standing just by the entrance leading to the gardens. He walked towards the stallion and began to thoroughly inspect the Katakan. I’ve never seen one up close before…

“Is there a problem, Sir?”

Lucky’s thought were interrupted by a stallion’s voice from behind, causing him to turn around. “Oh no, nothing’s wrong at all, I was just—” he paused when he saw who he was addressing. “Captain Wise?”

“Fluke?” Wise Words replied immediately, before he cleared his throat straightened himself. “I mean, Sir Lucky Mint… it’s good to see you again.” the elder stallion bowed a little in the presence of his former subordinate.

What the? “I should be the one to call you ‘Sir’, Captain… you technically outrank me, since I retired as a private when you were still my commanding officer.” Lucky replied, frowning a little when he was greeted with a laugh from Wise Words.

“That was a long time ago, Lucky… many things have changed since.” Wise said as they both began to walk amongst the crowd of ponies. The older stallion noticed the younger unicorn limping, causing the former to grimace. Though somethings don’t… “I take it that injury still affects you?”

Lucky cocked his brow a little before he looked down to where Wise was gazing. “Oh! Oh this old thing, not as much as it did the past when I had to retire… still a few spasms from time to time and occasional spikes of pain, especially in the cold.”

“I’m so sorry…” Wise replied solemnly, looking away from Lucky.

“Captain, we’ve been over this… It wasn’t your fault, it was the zebra that tried, and failed, to spear Celestia on that so called peaceful mission,” Lucky responded. “Anyhow, I’m just curious… if you’re not in the guard anymore, what are you doing at the castle?”

“After I retired, not long after you, I became a butler for House Platinum…” Wise Words said as they faced the dancefloor. “After Prince Noble Heart and Lady Silver Lining’s untimely demise, I became the guardian of Master Blueblood.” he finished and looked to the stallion who was dancing with Derpy in the centre of the dancefloor.

Wait a second! “Blueblood as in the Prince and Minister of Finance Blueblood?” Lucky uttered out, turning his attention to where Wise Words was looking.

“The same.” Wise titled his head. “Is… is something the matter?”

“Well as long as he doesn’t break my daughter’s heart,” Again… “Then no, nothing is the matter at all.”

It was Wise’s turn to be surprised as his pupils dilated ever so slightly before he spoke again. “I beg your pardon? Is Lady Derpy your daughter?”

“Sure is,” Lucky replied proudly, grinning at his former commanding officer. “Sugary Myth and I adopted her after I retired.” he said as he turned to Wise, who started to laugh and shake his head.

“Even at this age, life throws so many surprises at me…” Wise said as he sighed with a smile. “Who would have thought your daughter would be the one to capture my master’s heart?”

That and more… “By the way, how is your family doing?” Lucky asked Wise, but stopped when he saw the elder stallion’s eyes looking downwards and becoming a little moist. “Captain?”

Wise quickly wiped the build up of tears from his eyes before he cleared his throat and tucked the tissue back in his suit’s pocket. “My apologies… just memories. To be honest, I don’t know… I haven’t seen my wife or child in over three decades.”

“Oh… I’m so sorry.” Lucky uttered out, looking away in shame before he felt a hoof on his shoulder.

“Be at ease, you didn’t know…” Wise assured Lucky, before both of them looked to the couple still dancing. After a few moments, the elder stallion looked around yet saw no sign of the pony he was looking for. “I wonder where Lady Dinky is?” he asked out loud.

Lucky furrowed his brow as he too began to scout out the ballroom. “I don’t know… but she was with some colt earlier.”

“Ah yes, Master Pipsqueak… admirable little colt, if I do say so myself.”

“So long as he doesn’t do anything funny to my sweet little grandchild…” Lucky said before his eyes landed on Sugary Myth, who was walking towards him with a frown upon her face. “What’s wrong, Sugary?” he asked when she finally came to a halt before him.

Sugary shoved a hoof against his chest. “Who do you think you are just leaving me all alone?!” she barked out at Lucky, causing him to sweat a little.

“It’s my fault, Sugary…” Wise Words intervened, causing the mare to lower her hoof and turn to the older unicorn. “I was just having a friendly conversation with your husband.” The mare narrowed her eyes at both stallions, leaning in close.

“You’d better behave yourselves, I know what you colts are like when you get together,” Sugary warned, then gave them both a warm smile and trotting off back into the crowd, the two stallions letting out the breaths they didn’t even realised they were holding.

“So…” Lucky began, looking towards his friend. “Silver Lining… that’s the name of an orphanage here in Canterlot. That’s where we got Derpy from.”

“It was renamed after the fire at the Platinum household,” Wise said, giving a sad sigh. “Lady Lining made many reforms as the head of FPS, including using her own funds to renovate that very orphanage.”

“Now that’s a mare deserving to be called a noble. A drink to her memory?” Lucky asked, giving Wise a wink as he pulled out a silver flask from inside his jacket...