• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 12,636 Views, 2,033 Comments

Where Is My Love? - TheMyth

Two hearts yearning for near a decade. Will fate let these two ponies meet once more... and what is it hiding from one of them?

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Chapter 28

“Are you sure we have the right address?” Derpy asked Blueblood as they stood in front of a large mansion, which apparently belonged to Wise Words.

Blueblood nodded in response as he stood next to his fiance, overlooking the mansion that had now gone into redecoration. “This is his family’s estate, the House of Words....” the stallion trailed off as he gave the building a thorough look before cocking his brow. Though I wonder why he’s renovating this place?

“Don’t you think we should go inside now, dad?” Dinky asked her father as she approached the main gate, pushing it open with ease. Once all three ponies were at the front door, Blueblood knocked on the door three times. After a few moments, the door opened to reveal Wise Words on the other side.

“Ah! Master Blue” Wise Words beamed once he saw who stood on the other side. “So glad of you to come over,” he said as he showed the three ponies inside and closed the door behind Blueblood who was last to enter. “How are things in Ponyville, Lady Derpy?”

“You’re not my butler anymore, Wise…” Blueblood reminded the elder stallion. “There’s no need for you to call me that anymore.”

Wise Words sighed as he shook his head with a soft smile on his face. “Old habits do die hard it seems…”

“And Wise, you’re our friend… no need to use titles here,” Derpy replied with a faint blush on her face, clearing her throat before she spoke again. “As for how things are going… let’s just say, our family is growing…” she trailed off as she instinctively rubbed her stomach, where Wise Words’ eyes drifted to.

The elder stallion’s eyes widened for a brief moment before he smiled broadly. “Congratulations,” he said as he hugged Derpy, chuckling as he held onto her. “That’s wonderful news,” Wise said and saw Dinky’s beam. “Are you also excited?” he asked her.

Dinky nodded furiously. “I am! I’m gonna be a big sister!” the filly bounced on the ground as she giggled at the thought of having a younger sibling. “But I really hope I get a little sister.”

Blueblood only laughed as he ruffled his daughter’s hair. “Remember, it’s always fifty/fifty when it comes to that,” he said. “Besides, it could be interesting having a little brother in your life…”

“I guess,” Dinky shrugged in response to her father’s words. Her ears perked when she heard hoofsteps from above, the creaking of the floor alerting her to the presence of somepony. “Mr Wise… who else is here?”

“Oh, that should be Nightshade,” Wise Words replied nonchalantly, but blushed a little when he heard the filly giggling at his words. “Yes… she’s here to help me with the mansion… amongst other things…” he mumbled the last part of the sentence to himself, but his words were caught by Dinky’s ears.

Dinky galloped past the grown ponies, towards the staircase that lead to upstairs. “I’m just going to say ‘hi’!” she called out to the others behind her before proceeding up the stairs.

“Dinky! Wait!” Derpy yelled to her daughter, but to no avail. She sighed and turned to Blueblood, who only shrugged as he smiled at the antic of their daughter. “I’ll be right back,” she said to Wise Words and walked quickly out of the room, leaving the two stallions alone.

“Your daughter is very lively today…” Wise commented as he turned to Blueblood.

Blueblood nodded as he chuckled. “Yes, ever since we planned a date for the wedding… she’s been very excited about it.”

“That’s good to hear…” Wise replied as he drew his breath and slowly exhaled. “Speaking of Dinky… there is something I wish to give her, when she comes of age of course.”

The younger stallion’s ears perked when he heard those words. He cocked his brow as he looked at Wise Words’ eyes. “I’m guessing it has something to do with the mansion, seeing as it’s being renovated…”

“Very astute of you, Blue…” Wise replied as he slowly closed his eyes. “Yes, this house shall be Lady Dinky’s mansion when she comes of age,” the elder stallion lit up his horn and a rolled up parchment manifested itself before Blueblood, who took hold of it with his own magic. “This is the deed to the mansion, I entrust it into your care until the time comes.”

“You don’t have to give up your home Wise,” Blueblood replied as they walked alongside the elder stallion towards a door that lead to the gardens.

Wise chuckled as he opened the door and let Blueblood out first. “I know I don’t have to, but this is something I wish to do… in anycase I won’t be staying in Canterlot much longer,” he said, his eyes catching a glimpse of the younger unicorn’s crestfallen face. “I plan on moving to Ponyville… from what I have heard, it’s a very nice place to retire to.”

“That is if you don’t mind the occasional monsters, psychotic sorceresses, freak natural accidents and the antics of foals,” Blueblood replied offhandedly, turning to the elder stallion and staring at him blankly, before both laughed heartedly. “But then again, Ponyville has one thing that other towns don’t have…”

“And that is?”

“Us,” Blueblood answered almost instantly. “And speaking of us… there is something I wish to ask you, Wise,” the younger stallion paused for a moment. “Derpy and I were talking about it the other day, and we were thinking… would you like to be the godfather for our foals?”

Wise’s jaw gaped when he heard Blueblood’s request, with his eyes fixated on the younger stallion’s. “Blue… you’d really want me to? Even after everything my kin has done to Lady Dinky—” his words became mute when he saw the other stallion's narrowing his eyes.

“Enough, Wise…” Blueblood said as his eyes started to moisten. “You had nothing to do with what happened to my family… you were just as hurt as we were, and we don’t hate you for what happened in the past,”

Wise Words sank his head a little as his eyes began to moisten. “You really are your father and mother’s son…” he said as he drew Blueblood into a hug. “Very well… if you wish for me to be Lady Dinky’s godfather, I will.”

“Don’t forget our other foal…” Blueblood reminded Wise Words. “Still don’t know if it’s a filly or colt.” I’m hoping for a colt.

“Yes,” Wise Words let go of Blueblood and looked up to his mansion, particularly to an upstairs window. “Blue… There is something I need to discuss with you…” he paused for a moment as he rubbed his forehead with his hoof before he continued. “It’s about my daughter, Melody…”

Deep within the dungeons underneath Canterlot Castle, a whole new area had been dug out and several small cells constructed inside of it. The were only two other doors out of the room, one which was the bottom of a winding staircase that led up to the ordinary dungeons, and the other which emerged into an underground garden. Being recently opened, there was no roster for who would stand guard there, so for now it was two ponies in golden armour that were left to watch over the cell’s single occupant… and he was already starting to annoy them.

“Hey! Stick-up-your-flank! I’m hungry in here, how about some food?!” Storm banged on his cell’s door, yet his words fell on deaf ears with the two Solar Corps guards standing outside. “You can’t ignore me forever! I know my rights!” he barked at them, yet they remained unflinching to his words. Tsk! Just when I thought I was being moved to a better cell, they just put me in this tiny one…

Storm’s ears perked he heard a set of hoofsteps coming from towards him. From his years of being on the guard and from experience, he was able to discern that there were three ponies. One of them was a princess, judging by the force of each step. He was proven correct when he saw Princess Luna and two of her Shadowbolts next to her, all three glaring daggers at him from behind his cell.

“So… Nightmare Moon and her despicable bat-ponies came to visit me,” Storm sneered at the three figures, one of them baring his fangs at the imprisoned stallion. “Aww, is the little puppy angry?” he cooed mockingly at the growling Katakan stallion.

Luna placed a hoof on the Katakan’s shoulder, causing the stallion to calm down. She turned her attention to Storm, leering down upon the vile criminal. “Storm Pyro, your time has come.”

“Time for lunch, I’d say!” Storm cheered as he got up from the ground. “You keep me in here for how many hours and I had no breakfast at all… you owe me a big lunch, Mooney.”

How I so wish I could just rip his heart out! Luna clenched her teeth within her closed mouth as she drew in a sharp breath, slowly releasing it to calm her nerves. “Guards, restrain him,” she said, with the two Katakans giving a single nod before marching towards the cell’s door and slamming it open.

“Frisky, are we?” Storm snickered as he was grabbed by the two guards, who held him with ease. He blew a kiss at one of the Katakans, only to get a snarl in response. “You know, I'd normally take you out for dinner before we do such things…”


Do they really think they’re intimidating by doing that? Storm sighed as he rolled his eyes, before he looked up to see Princess Luna standing before him. “You know, I retired way before you came back to be a Sun-rump’s butt monkey… Must be a real joy to be a living trophy of her glory.”

Luna remained silent as she lowered her horn to touch his, emitting a navy aura from hers that seemed to seep into his. When she removed herself from him, the stallion’s whole body ached in the most unbearable pain ever, his breathing becoming heavy and his brow damp with sudden sweat. His eyes started to tear up as he could not contain the pain any longer. Clenching his teeth tight, he tried his best not to scream like a little filly with his legs caving in as he was still held tight by the two guards next to him.

“Bring him to his final destination,” Luna ordered her guards, who immediately began to drag Storm from his cell and out of the dungeon.

“W-where are you taking me!?” Storm demanded an answer from the guards, but received no such thing. He tried to look at his surroundings, yet he could not discern where he was going with his vision being impaired from the pain he had experienced thanks to Luna’s magic, as well as the emotional distress from what had been placed in his mind. Hearing the sound of a gate opening, he felt a cold breeze with the sound of crickets playing in the background.

Storm nearly yelped as he was propelled forward by the two guards, landing roughly on the ground and causing him even more pain with his eyes still shut from trying to ease the agony. “Enjoy your date, scum,” he heard one of the Katakan’s voices from behind, followed by a snicker from the other.

Finally regaining his vision with the pain subsiding, Storm Pyro looked up to see the face of a chicken with burning red eyes leering at him. What the? He soon panicked when he realized this was not a chicken when he saw the rest of its body. The head was a chicken, but the rest of the body was reptilian. It was a cockatrice.

Storm rocketed upwards, trying his best to get away from the abomination. His legs froze however as he could not look away from the cockatrice’s eyes. His entire torso felt cold, and the frost was starting to crawl up his neck. “Damn you, Nightmare Moo—” his words were cut off as his whole head was enveloped in stone.

The cockatrice blinked as it stared at the now petrified Storm Pyro, walking away to head into a bush nearby. The sound of wings flapping caused it to turn to turn around sharply, only to feel an immense pain in the neck as the world became dark.

Supper time… Cloudburn grinned as it held the cockatrice by the neck, her fangs penetrating the now deceased monster; cockatrices were somewhat of a delicacy for the Katakan race. She dropped the cockatrice to the ground, ready to feast upon it. Her ears perked when she sensed multiple shadow-portals opening near her, causing her to look around and see a few Katakan foals coming into the clearing.

The nearest one leapt at her kill, but she pulled it of the way, and the filly’s jaw snapped down on air. The others had reached her by then, jumping in the air and trying to catch her meal. She gave a growl in order to scare them off, but this just made them all the more eager for something to eat, and they growled back.

Cloudburn started to bare her fangs, but a cough from behind caused her to freeze. “Cloudburn…” she heard the voice of her Night-Mistress, turning around to see Princess Luna standing behind her and shaking her head. The Katakan mare sighed and whipped her head to the side, tossing the cockatrice corpse to the statue’s base.

The foals immediately gave chase, but Cloudburn knew a single cocktice wouldn’t satisfy a single Katkan foal, so she was not surprised when the lead two began to try and bump each other out of the way. It soon became a free-for-all as the foals kicked, nipped, and snarled at each other, each trying to claim the prize.

Cloudburn couldn’t help but smile at the scene, with Luna doing the same as she stood next to her. Her smile soon faded when she looked at the statue. “What shall we do with him now, Night-Mistress?”

“Take him to the portal at the other ends of the garden… I don’t want to pervert our garden with such a monstrosity,” Luna replied as she snarled at the petrified Storm. Since the one who cast the petrification on you is now gone forever, you too will be in that state forever… you

“Luna?” The voice of Princess Celestia came from behind, causing the other alicorn to gasp. “Why is there a statue of Storm Pyro here?” she asked innocently, albeit concerned as she stared at the statue’s pose that seemed to display absolute fury and utter fear. Her answer came to her when she saw one Katakan filly charge across her path, her meal held within her fangs victoriously, and the sight made Celestia slightly sick. “Luna… did you have that creature petrify Storm Pyro?”

“Maybe,” Luna replied, giving her sister off with a dismissive wave. “What of it?”

It’s a good thing Discord wasn’t here to see this… “Luna, we do not petrify as punishment, not anymore,” Celestia stated firmly, but her reprimand to her younger sister was momentarily forgotten as the still hungry Katakan foals began to stalk other creatures within the underground cavern. Celestia sighed as she closed her eyes, only to open them again and reveal annoyance on her face. “Why are there foals wandering around down here, and without their parents?”

“Pfft!” Luna rolled her eyes as she looked at her sister, hiking her tail to show one of the foals, who was beginning to munch on the lunar alicorn’s tail. “You try keeping track of voracious omnivorous foals that can move through the shadows.”

Although she had grown up in Canterlot and explored most of the city when delivering for her family's bakery, there were still some places Derpy hadn't visited. Such as the gardens she and Dinky had just entered, following a strangely quiet Blueblood, who had up until this point been pointing out things in the city quite happily. Heading through one of the bushes which had been grown to form an archway, Derpy easily worked out where they had been taken as Blueblood knelt down and cleared some weeds from in front of two vertical stones.

"Hey mom, dad," he said, his voice cracking slightly. "I know it's been some time since I lasted visited, and I'm sorry it wasn't sooner." Tears began to well in Derpy's eyes as Blueblood continued talking to the graves, speaking of what he had been doing, pausing and turning to look at the mare, his smile both happy and sad. Waving her and Dinky over, he wrapped a hoof around Derpy's shoulder and held her close. "Remember the mare I told you about? This is her, my beautiful Derpy, and this little one is our daughter, Dinky."

The trio were silent for several minutes before the filly gave a gasp, galloping from the graves back the way they had come. Derpy went to go after her, but stopped when she spotted a Katakan running along the hedge top. "Riptide?" she asked Blueblood, getting a nod for an answer. "I guess we'll have to wait for her to come back."

Derpy was content to close her eyes and lean against her stallion, offering her silent support to him, especially after the previous night. Cracking open an eye when she heard the scrambling of hooves on the cobblestones, Derpy watch as Dinky ran in with two bouquets of flowers trailing in her magic, and she carefully set one in each of the stone vases in front of the headstones.

"Where did you get those, Dinky?" Derpy asked, eying her daughter with concern.

"I got them from the glowy pony," Dinky replied, showing no worry as she played with the arrangement of the flowers. Glowy pony? Pulling away from Blueblood, Derpy stepped out onto the main path, eyes going wide at the pony she saw there... and at the same time she didn't see.

It was a pegasus mare, not much older than twenty, but her body was translucent with a strange blue glow. Her mouth moved, but Derpy didn't hear what she were trying to say, yet the smile she gave when finished filled Derpy up with warmth. The spectral mare raised a hoof and placed it against Derpy's cheek, the shape of a stallion, another pegasus, appeared, nuzzling the mare then speaking himself.

"I... I can't hear you," Derpy said, her eyes going even wider as the next voice she heard was one that was now very familiar to her.

"They wish you to know how proud they are of you," Princess Luna said as she stepped from the shadows. "Forgive me, dear Derpy. Had I known the truth sooner, I would have told you. This is Grace Springs," Luna pointed to the mare, then indicated the stallion. "And this is Gilded Aurora... They are your birth parents."

The tears that had been building since Derpy listened to Blueblood grew once more, but she didn't try to restrain them, letting them flow freely as she felt the two spectres embrace her. Derpy looked over her shoulder when she heard somepony clear their throat, seeing Blueblood staring at Luna with a frown.

"Something bothering you, nephew?" she asked, cocking her head. "Necromancy isn't illegal... perhaps frowned upon. Besides," she added with a huff, turning her face away. "They came to me. Their souls were... bound to Melody, being used to keep her from taking control."

"But why haven't they started the Next?" Blueblood asked, stepping next to Derpy, eyeing the specters warily. Grace Springs looked him over, then made Derpy blush by throwing her a wink; although it was silent, they could see she was laughing. Gilded Aurora however didn't look too happy, eyes narrowed as he looked at the prince.

It took a jab in the side from Springs for his glare to disappear, and Derpy really wished she could hear what her mother was saying to her father. Judging by the way he shrank away and lowered his head, Derpy assumed it was a warning or threat of some kind. Still, there was something on her mind. "What's the Next?" she asked.

"The Next Journey, one that we all must take eventually, even us alicorns," Luna replied. "I tried to send your parents on their way, but they resisted, for their one desire gave them strength. My dear Derpy, they wanted to see you. Hold on a moment," Luna said, Springs having approached her. The alicorn listened to the spectre, then gave a sigh. "I shall try, but I make no promises..."

Luna's horn glowed brightly, as did the glow from Springs and Aurora. After a few moments of the spell building there was a flash of white light, and standing in the specters' places were actual ponies. "Your time is limited," Luna said, her chest heaving. "Hurry."

"Derpy..." Grace Springs' voice was soft, the kind that could bring comfort in even the darkest times. "My darling daughter, we have but one request of you." She looked to Aurora, then stepped closer and wrapped her hooves around Derpy. An old memory surfaced, a foal being cradled by her mother, and Derpy found herself wishing she could make the embrace last forever.

"Don't hate Melody," Aurora said, his voice harder but still with an undertone of kindness. "She is a victim in all of this too, perhaps the biggest one. Just remember, we love you, and always will. And you," Aurora gave Blueblood a small glare. "Treat my daughter right, or I'll be waiting when you take the Next. Understood?"

"Yes sir," Blueblood replied. The two ponies started to fade once more, quickly reverting into their spectral forms, but their glow continued diminishing until they both faded from sight. Considering the event he had just witnessed, Blueblood was surprised when Derpy turned towards with with a massive smile, but he still returned the sudden passionate kiss as her lips mashed against his.

Luna felt the emotions filling the air, knowing just why Depry was so happy, as it wasn’t the first time she had helped spirits deliver their final message, thus when a scroll appeared before her she was a little startled. Taking in her magic, she unrolled it and read over she message it contained, then looked to the family before her. “I am sorry to cut this visit short, but we must go. It Is time.”

“Time?” Blueblood asked. “Time for wh—” He was cut off when Luna’s horn flashed, teleporting them from the cemetery.

Slowly blinking her eyes open, a filly awoke to find herself in a strange room, much different from the last one she saw. An itch on her forehead caused her to reach up and scratch, then she screamed when she felt the little stump where her horn should to. She had thought she had awoken from the nightmare properly, but as Melody looked down her body, she saw that she was still indeed a grown mare, and screamed again.

“Calm yourself, we don’t want to restrain you once more,” came a female voice from the side. Melody looked over and whimpered in fear, for one of the two strange ponies she remembered seeing emerged from the shadows, her slitted yellow eyes reflecting the flickering candles. “My name is Nightshade, and I am here to help.”

“W-What’s going on?” Melody asked, letting her gaze roam over the room. “How… how old am I?”

Nightshade gave a sigh, sitting next to the bed and began to gently stroke Melody’s mane. “Your body is that of a thirty eight year old, but what I want to know is how old you think you should be, and what you last remember,” Nightshade said, giving the filly-within-a-mare a soft smile; she made sure to keep her fangs hidden for the moment.

“Um… I’m eleven,” Melody said closing her eyes. “T-the last thing I remember clearly… momma said we were going on holiday to visit uncle’s family. I dunno where we went, but… momma did a bad thing.” Looking up, Melody saw Nightshade waiting for her to continue, so she took a deep breath and did so. “She took me to this park place, and had me lay on a stone table, then left me there.”

“I… dunno how long I was there, but when momma returned, she had two scared ponies with her. Can… can I have a drink please?” Melody asked, surprised when a glass floated over in an orange aura. She ignored it for the moment, taking her fill and then continuing her story. “Momma started to speak these strange words, and the other two ponies… they screamed as if they were being hurt! Momma was the one doing it! I managed to see one of the ponies, she was a pegasus mare, and she had dropped a bundled blanket…”

“Did you see what was in the in the blanket?” Nightshade asked, getting a slow nod, then briefly looked over her shoulder in to the shadows before returning her attention to Melody. “Can you tell me?”

“It was a pegasus foal, blonde mane and gold eyes,” Melody whispered, silence filling the room before she burst into tears, surprising Nightshade by burying her head against her shoulder and holding on tightly. “Momma killed those ponies to do this to me!”

Another pony trotted over and joined the embrace, Melody turning to see who it was. As soon as she did, her hooves moved from Nightshade’s neck and she pulled herself as close as she could to the other pony, knocking him to the floor. “Shh, I’m here Melody,” Wise said, his own tears streaking silently down his cheeks, a hoof gently brushing her mane. “I’m here and I’m never going to leave you again.”

Wise Words had no idea how long he held his sobbing daughter, but eventually she pulled away so she could look at him properly; thankfully her reaction was not the same as last time. “Daddy… I’m sorry! I tried to stop it, I really did, but… she was too strong for me!”

“It’s okay, Melody,” Wise said, helping his daughter stand. “We know what your mother has done, and she will be brought to justice.”

“No, daddy, I don’t mean momma,” Melody said, causing Wise to raise an eyebrow. “The… mare who was in my head.”

“You… you were aware of what was going on?” Wise asked, feeling Melody nod against his chest. “Melody, listen to me,” he said forcefully, making the mare look up at him. “Now we know the truth, we do not blame you…”

“BUT BB WAS MY FRIEND!” Melody suddenly shouted, pulling away from her father. “How… how could I even look at him again? He’ll… hate me forever.”

“No, he won’t,” came another female voice, both harsh and soft at the same time. From the darkened parts of the room came a pegasus mare, whose face showed no emotion as she approached, Melody backing away and covering her stump as she whimpered. “It seems our lives have been intertwined for many years,” Derpy said, sitting a couple of meters away. “Come closer, I promise I won’t hurt you.” Melody slowly walked over and sat in front of Derpy, but kept her gaze on the floor. “Do you know who I am?”

“Yes, you’re BB’s Wife,” Melody replied.

“Not yet, but I will be,” Depry said, giving a small giggle. “Melody… Blueblood won’t hate you. He’s actually in the next room. Would you like to see him?” Melody looked up at Derpy, and the pegasus could see the panic in the unicorn’s eyes, but she didn’t wait for a reply as she started to usher her out of the room.

“Nighty,” Wise said, as he turned to the Katakan mare. “I think I know what happened to Lady Derpy’s birth parents…”

“We guessed as much, but this confirms it. I shall inform the Night-Mistress,” Nightshade said, giving the stallion a quick peck on the cheek, then diving into the shadows. Wise took a moment to compose himself, fully expecting the worst when he emerged from the spare room of his castle suite, but that’s not what he got.

Not only were things relatively peaceful, in the middle of the lounge area were Blueblood and Melody, embracing and crying with each other, but what surprised the elder stallion even more was little Dinky, the filly having thrown herself into the hug.

“And you were worried,” Derpy said from his side, smiling softly at the scene. “Do you still plan to go through with it?”

“Canterlot has too many bad memories, the good may outweigh them, but they are still there,” Wise replied, looking to the letters that were spread across his desk. “Lady Derpy… about your parents...”

“That mare will get what’s coming to her, I know it,” Derpy said, her eyes narrowing. “Both for my birth parents and what she did to your daughter…”