• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 12,620 Views, 2,033 Comments

Where Is My Love? - TheMyth

Two hearts yearning for near a decade. Will fate let these two ponies meet once more... and what is it hiding from one of them?

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Chapter 6

Up and down they went, giggling as the scenery rushed past them. Pound Cake waved at the other ponies whilst Pumpkin Cake busied himself chewing on the mane tip of their carrier. The bouncing pony suddenly stopped with a gasp, her ears perking as she turned to face the direction of the post office.

“It’s time. Ooh, I need to get some ice for that!”

Blueblood ignored the stinging on his cheek, staring on in shock as the mare started to breathe heavily. Her eyes darted to her coworkers and then to him, finally settling on the partially open door. The other mare came over and wrapped her forelegs around the grey pegasus, looking at him in confusion.

To the shock of all, another mare walked out from the ‘employees only’ area, her pink mane bouncing as she hummed and walked towards Blueblood, two foals in a carrier over her back staring around in wonder. Once she was in front of him, she took his hoof and placed a cold item in it, then moved his hoof to his cheek.

She leaned back, took a look at what she had done, gave a nod, and then bounced out of the customer door as if it was a completely normal thing during her day.

Blueblood shook his head a couple of times, then looked to the gray mare, still held tightly by the white pegasus. He took a couple of steps closer, but the goldened eyed mare began to hyperventilate, which prompted the pegasus stallion to place himself between Blueblood and the mares, looking over his shoulder at them.

“Blossomforth, take Derpy out the back and get her some air.” Blossomforth nodded to Poste Haste and began to guide Derpy out, Poste holding a hoof up to stop the unicorn stallion from following. Once the door closed, Poste sat down with a sigh and turned to face Blueblood, giving him a once over. “Listen, Derpy’s a good mare. So you showing up outta the blue like this and upsetting her… it doesn’t sit right. You obviously mean something to her, so just give her some time, okay?”

Blueblood opened his mouth to reply, but then closed it and nodded, then he picked up the parcel in his magic and left the building. He felt numb as he walked through town, the sounds of other ponies distant to him. Even when he came to the library he still wasn’t aware of his surroundings, bumping right into somepony’s flank, the startled gasp not even registering with him.

“Blueblood, there you are! I know who your mystery mare is!”

Forcing his mind to focus, Blueblood’s gaze finally settled on to something solid, and it took him a moment to realise he was staring at Rarity. Seeing that he was in a state of distress, Rarity opened the door with her magic and nudged him into the building, leading him to one of the couches.


He still didn’t respond, his gaze staring off into the ether. Taking a deep breath, Rarity sat down in front of him and lowered her head.

“Blueblood, I have some news for you.” Still no reaction, so she lifted a hoof and turned him to look at her. “The mare you are looking for is called Derpy. I would have come told you the other day, but I had to rush off to help Fluttershy with an emergency in a nearby village. Now, Derpy works at… the… post office.”

Recognition entered Rarity’s mind, the way he was being so distant like when a pony suffered from shock, and the fact he was carrying a parcel that, after a quick check, showed it had a stamp from the local post office. “Blueblood, please say something.”

He pulled his head away from her comforting touch and his eyes fixed on the floor, his horn glowed a pale blue and his mouth curled into a sad smile. From one of the rooms above came a glow of the same colour, Rarity watching with interest as a set of saddlebags floated out and over the railings, coming to a stop in front of Blueblood, who slipped his hoof in.

She gasped and held a hoof to her mouth when he pulled out a sparkling blue gem on a silver chain, which he placed in one hoof and gently stroked with the other, tears slowly starting to fall. Rarity leaned in a little closer, her knowledged of gems coming up short on what she saw, something she had only heard rumours about.

“Is that a…”

“Yes, it’s an Ice Diamond, held on a chain of platinum. It belongs to one mare, and one mare only.”

“But… that must have cost a fortune!”

To Rarity’s surprise, Blueblood threw his head back and had a heartfelt laugh, wiping the tears from his eyes with a hoof whilst carefully holding the jewel in the other. He waved Rarity closer, pulling the mare into a loose embrace.

“You have no idea, Aunt Tia almost sent me to the dungeons for it.” The two shared a laugh this time, Rarity pulling away and watching the stallion with interest as he gently brushed the gem once more, speaking in a whisper. “Derpy… you know I am here now, and here I shall remain until you are ready.”

With the skies mostly clear and the odd cloud around, one mare relaxed on her own soft cloud, glad her work was done for the day. To most observers she looked lazy, but the truth of the matter was that she was prepared to assist with any emergency at a moments notice.

Having actually slept enough for once, Rainbow Dash rolled over and looked at the town below her. From her high vantage point she could see several possible pranking prey, but her plan for such fell flat as her gaze settled on the backyard of the post office.

Sitting on a garden bench was Blossomforth, who was holding Derpy. Rainbow had not only heard about but witnessed the altercation in the tavern the previous night, as had most of the town, but even she could tell something was off.

Stretching as she stood, Rainbow took a moment to get her bearings before leaping from the cloud. Her descent was a spiral centred on the post office, and she came to a gentle stop just outside the back gate. She knocked a couple of times just to let them know that she was coming in, slowly trotting over to where her flockmates sat.

“Blossom, what’s going on?”

“Some stallion just turned up at the post office, and it upset Derpy a bit.”

Rainbow nodded and placed her hoof on Derpy’s shoulder, the grey mare keeping silent as she breathed heavily. The trio sat in silence for a time, until Derpy coughed a little. Rainbow was gone in an instant, coming back a moment later with a glass of water from inside the post office, holding it steady Derpy drank. Rainbow looked over at Blossomforth and nodded at Derpy, Blossomforth giving a sigh as Derpy finished her drink

“So… who was he?”

“He… he’s… it’s him, Blossom! Why is he here? What does he want?” Derpy began breathing heavily again, but the door opening drew their attention, Poste Haste walking out with a well dressed unicorn stallion following.

“Good morning, Miss Hooves.”

Derpy sat up straight, frowning in confusion; she had seen this stallion around town, but had never had a reason to interact with him. “Uh… y-yes, that’s me.”

“Excellent.” Using his magic he pulled out a scroll from his pocket and unfurled it, clearing his throat. “By order of the town mayor, Miss Derpy Hooves is to report to Town Hall as soon as possible.”

“She’s not going anywhere!”

The stallion glared at Blossomforth, then went back to reading from the paper. “She is to answer to charges of assault that took place last night in the The Royal Sisters Tavern. If she does not attend, Miss Hooves is to be placed under arrest until her case can be rescheduled.”

Leaving the scroll on the outside coffee table, the stallion walked through the back gate and into town, leaving the four pegasi stunned. Blossomforth looked from the letter to Derpy, and gasped when she saw the seething hatred in Rainbow’s eyes as she stared at where the stallion had just been standing.

“Looks like somepony is going to have to pay a visit to Cipher Splash.”

Rainbow went to take wing, but something latched onto her tail and kept her from flying off. She looked over her shoulder with a glare, raising an eyebrow at Blossomforth. The white pegasus spat out the multi coloured tail and gave Rainbow a glare of her own.

“Do you really think that would help Derpy? All that’s going to do is make it worse! You were there last night, so if you want to help, then you’ll come as a witness.”

Rainbow opened her mouth to argue, but her words died before they even started when she saw the pleading look she was getting from Derpy. Hanging her head with a sigh, she trotted over and wrapped her friend in a hug.

“Yeah, I’ll be there.”

“This is so wicked!” Pip exclaimed as he grinned, walking alongside Dinky as they walked the through the streets of Canterlot.

Dinky was also beaming too, literally prancing as she looked up the see the palace come into view. “I know! I can’t believe Princess Celestia and Princess Luna invited us to the castle… for lunch.” Dinky giggled uncontrollably as she heard other foals speaking about the the sudden invite.

“That was mighty kind of them…”

“Do they serve hayburgers?”

“You think we can get our cutie marks there?!”

Dinky tittered at the the mention of cutie marks, remembering what wild antics the Cutie Mark Crusaders had gotten themselves into. Looking back at her own blank flank, Dinky sighed inwardly as she had yet to discover what her talents really were. A smile slowly formed onto her muzzle though when she looked at Pip.

At least I’m not alone…

When the class finally reached the gates leading to the castle, they were greeted by two royal guards standing post outside. “Good afternoon, and welcome to Canterlot Castle,” one guard called out, raising his hoof to block the group’s progress and maintaining the seemingly disinterested look. “May I please take your name and ask your business here today?”

“Cheerilee, and these are my students… we were invited by—”

“Ah yes! The Princesses are expecting you.” The guard’s tone lightened, if only a little, as he and his colleague opened the gates leading to the palace. “We hope you enjoy your visit.” He nodded as Cheerilee and the foals walked past him and towards the castle.

The main doors opened as they approached, and Cheerilee was greeted by an elderly stallion in a tuxedo smiling courteously at her. “Greetings, my name is Wise Words. I shall be your escort during your time at the castle.” Wise Words said politely, bowing to Cheerilee as he maintained a mild smile. “Allow me to show you to the dining hall, the Princesses are awaiting your arrival.”

“Thank you.” Cheerilee replied before following Wise Words down the hall towards their destination. As she walked through the passage, Cheerilee couldn’t help but look around herself in amazement of the architectural design of the palace. I wonder what it looks like in the evening? Cheerilee’s thought came to an abrupt halt when she saw Wise Words stopping in front of another set of large wooden doors. Turning to face the crowd that was gathered behind him, Wise Words lit his horn to swing the doors open, revealing Princess Celestia and Princess Luna already seated at the table with others.

A maternal smile etched upon Celestia’s muzzle when she saw Wise Words entering with Cheerilee and the foals. “Ah, Cheerilee… glad to see you made it.” Celestia greeted Cheerilee as she waved a hoof, beckoning her to come forward. “Please, have a seat.”

“T-thank you, Princess…” Cheerilee replied nervously as she took seat not too far from the Princesses, with the others doing the same. Seizing the opportunity, Pip and Dinky hurried to the open seats close to Princess Luna, the latter pleased to see them both seated next to her.

A gentle smile etched onto Wise Words' muzzle before he bowed to Celestia. “I shall take my leave now, Princess…” Wise Words trailed off as he turned to leave, but was stalled when Celestia called out to him.

“Oh Wise, why don’t you come join us?”

I knew she would ask me that… Wise Words sighed and shook his head slightly, still smiling as he turned to Celestia. “Very well, Princess…” Wise Words looked around for an empty chair, finding one that was adjacent to Princess Luna.

As everypony was waiting for the servings, Dinky looked to Wise Words who was sitting perfectly still with his eyes half opened. “Um, excuse me… Mr. Wise Words?” Dinky spoke softly, enough to get the attention of the elder pony. “How long have you been a…”

“Butler?” Wise Words finished her sentence, receiving a nod from the filly before him. Wise Words chuckled as his eyes rolled upwards to the ceiling above. “Since I retired from the Royal Guard, the Solar Guard to be exact my dear.”

Pip’s ears flickered as he heard Wise Words speak. “You were in the guard?”

“I was Captain of the Solar Guard before I stepped down.” Wise Words finished speaking, only to have every foal present look at him in wonder. After a moment of silence, he was bombarded with questions from the foals.

“Is it true!? You were a captain?”

“How many times a day did you have to train for?!”

“Is it true you can marry a princess if you’re a captain?!”

As the questions went on, Cheerilee could only plant her face in her hoof as she sighed, shaking her head before clearing her throat out loud to gain the attention of her class. “Children! Please behave yourselves…” Cheerilee instructed her class, just as the servants were arriving with the trolleys.

“So…” Pip began to speak again, in a hush whisper. “You were really a captain?” He asked Wise Words, receiving a nod as his answer. “Is it true only unicorns can become captain?”

Wise Words chuckled as he covered his mouth with a hoof. “My boy, anypony can reach the rank of Captain of the Guard, both Solar and Lunar,” Wise Words said as he leaned into Pip’s ear. “And let me tell you, I’ve seen earth ponies who triumphed over unicorn and pegasi in combat.”


“Oh yes, in fact… my commanding officer before I took the post was an earth pony, Captain Stone Cold.”

Across the table, Celestia gazed at Wise Words conversing with the young colt as a serene smile formed on her face. Celestia’s mind lingered to her nephew Blueblood a moment, causing her to look out the window.

I hope everything is well with him…

As she sipped her jasmine tea gingerly, Rarity eyes' never left Blueblood, who merely looked deeply into his beverage that she had poured for him. A ting of sorrow and pity coursed through her, knowing the poor stallion had a lot on his mind.

“So…” Rarity trailed off, lowering her cup before continuing. “What will you do now, Blue?”

What could I do? Blueblood thought to himself, keeping his eyes on his tea before sighing and scrunching his lips. “Honestly… I don’t know.” Blueblood answered her. What should I do?

A tremor shook the books lining the walls and the china on the table, surprising Blueblood and Rarity as they looked around in every corner. “What was that?!” Rarity exclaimed, before the door leading to the basement level opened, polluting the main floor with dark smoke. Coughing violently to the offending substance, Rarity lit her horn to open the windows of the library, letting all the gaseous vapours disperse. As soon as the room was clear Rarity saw Spike walking towards them, holding a letter in his claw.

“Blue, this is for you.” Spike informed Blueblood as he handed him the letter, dusting himself off afterwards.

“Spikey Wikey! Are you okay?!” Rarity panicked, looking for any signs of injury on the little baby dragon. She knew too well the kinds of dangerous tasks he was involved in when Twilight was experimenting with something.

“I’m fine,” Spike replied, smiling a little as he was flattered by Rarity’s concern. “I can’t say that same for Twilight though…” Spike trailed off before he went to the kitchen, leaving Rarity and Blueblood to ponder his words.

The sound of hoofsteps and huffing alerted both Rarity and Blueblood, causing them to turn around and see a slightly charred and irritable Twilight Sparkle.

After what seemed like an eternity of silence, Blueblood was the first to speak. “I take it the experiment I got you didn’t go that well?” He asked sheepishly, a little scared as to what Twilight might do or say.

Twilight simply walked to the couch, planting herself hard on it whilst mumbling grumpily. Just as she opened her mouth, Spike entered the room again with an ice pack that he gave to Twilight. “Thanks…” Twilight said softly as she took hold of the pack with her magic, nuzzling Spike before placing it gently on her head.

Remembering the letter, Blueblood levitated it and opened it carefully. As he read the contents, a small scowl formed on his face and he soon clenched his teeth in rage. “Oh for Faust’s sake!” Blueblood shouted out, quickly shutting his mouth. “Excuse me.”

“What is it?” Twilight asked curiously, lowering the ice pack as she got up from the sofa and walked towards Blueblood.

“Funding for an orphanage, Silver Lining, has ceased unexpectedly and now I have to head back to Canterlot to rectify this before the establishment closes down for good.” Blueblood told Twilight as he handed the letter to her, rushing up the stairs and coming back down with his briefcase. “But the thing that really ticks me off, is that this is not an isolated case concerning an organization aimed at foal welfare.”

Rarity peered over Twilight’s shoulder, scanning the letter before looking at Blueblood. “Whatever do you mean?”

“Somepony is embezzling bits, bits that are meant to go towards the foals…” Blueblood opened his briefcase and packed a few items, the last being the Ice Diamond pendant. Looking at it for a few moments, he sighed and carefully stowed it away in a compartment inside his case. One last thing I need to do...

“I’m sorry, Twilight, but I have to dash. Miss Rarity, it has been a pleasure, I hope I can visit again soon.” Blueblood quickly bowed his head to the mares, then his horn flashed and he disappeared from the library.

Blueblood hated teleportation travel, as it always made him feel light headed, no matter the distance. Shaking his head to clear it, he looked up and smirked, then pushed the door open and marched up to the counter, where he rang the little bell.

The pegasus stallion from earlier that day trotted over with a smile, which faded as soon as he saw Blueblood. He glanced to the side, somewhere out of the unicorn’s vision, then turned back to Blueblood with the sort of contempt only a service manage could muster. “I must not have made myself clear this morning, because this is certainly not enough time.”

“But… this is important! Please… let me speak to her.” Blueblood saw no change to the stallion’s impassive gaze and he sank to his haunches, lowering his head a little. “Please, let me talk… to Derpy.” He looked up when he heard a gasp. His eyes went wide as the mare appeared on the other side of the counter as she gently nudged the stallion out of the way, although he was reluctant to move.

“Speak quickly, I have somewhere I need to be.”

Blueblood’s heart nearly burst out of his chest as his angel’s voice graced his ears once more, and it took all of his willpower not to jump the counter right there and embrace her in his forelegs. Instead, he took a deep breath and placed a hoof on the wooden work table as he looked into her eyes.

“I have to return to Canterlot, there’s an orphanage about to close down due to lack of funding, and my job dictates I must be there before the final decision is made. I only… wish to ask that you think no ill of me for turning up like this then having to leave, but I assure you, not even Discord himself can stop me from returning once my business is concluded.”

A small ray of hope came to Blueblood as Derpy worked her mouth a few times, before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Once the opened again, they we both focusing fiercely on him, and it wasn’t until her own hoof gently brushed his did he notice she had moved at all.

“What’s the name?”

“Huh?” Blueblood couldn’t help but arch his brow at that, even though Derpy tittered a little with another mare joining in around the corner. Soon the pegasus stallion joined in as he chuckled a little.

“The name of the orphanage. What is it?”

“Oh. Um… Silver Lining.” It was nearly imperceptible, but Blueblood saw the slight widening of her eyes. As much as he wanted to ask, he really needed to get moving. “I will return, I—” He was cut off as Derpy leaned in unexpectedly, planting a gentle kiss on the tip of his muzzle.

“You go do what’s right for those foals. When… when you come back, I shall try to be ready, but please be patient with me? This is going to be a difficult time, for the both of us.”

“Of course. I shall return as soon as possible.”

With that, Blueblood swept out of the post office with Derpy watching as he began galloping towards the train station. As soon as the door swung shut, she turned to find herself staring into the concerned face of her colleague and best friend.

“You didn’t tell him.” Blossomforth was ignored as Derpy went about tidying up the office, Poste Haste having hastily vacated the area as soon as Blossomforth glanced at him. Reaching a hoof up, she stopped Derpy from working. “Why didn’t you tell him?”

“He doesn’t need to know that I was there.”

“Not that… why didn’t you tell him about Dinky?”

“Blossom…” Derpy turned to her friend as her eyes became moist, albeit with a smile on her face. “The time wasn’t right. I know you don’t understand, but please trust me on this.” The two shared a brief hug as they walked towards the door together. There was one more matter of unpleasant business to attend to, yet Derpy was determined to face it with a smile for she had found something she thought she had long since lost; hope.