• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 12,636 Views, 2,033 Comments

Where Is My Love? - TheMyth

Two hearts yearning for near a decade. Will fate let these two ponies meet once more... and what is it hiding from one of them?

  • ...

Chapter 32

Breezy Haze stood in the courtyard of Silver Lining’s Orphanage, next to Fancy Pants and Hutch Jubilee, all three watching two queues of ponies. One was coming in, foals from Canterlot’s other orphanages along with a guard and minder for each pony, carrying their luggage. The other queue also had guards... along with FPS employees who had been caught breaking the law.

There were two other ponies watching, one dressed in purple armour and the other in layers of black leather, a hood folded back. Ruffling her wings, Cloudburn huffed and punched Silent Gale’s shoulder, making him chuckle. “Now what was that one for?” he asked.

“You not telling me you were part of the Nova’s,” she replied, huffing. Luna had tasked her with overseeing both sets of transfers taking place, but neglected to mention who her partner would be. “I could be charged with treason for those times I arrested you. Anyway, as a Nova, I assume you really know why we’re here?”

“Ah, hogwash. I wouldn’t have let ye be charged on my account,” Gale said with a chuckle, leaning over to give the Katakan mare a quick nuzzle before lifting his eyes to the walls and buildings surrounding the orphanage. “As to why we’re here... there’s been a threat made against me mother. I try to keep me work and personal life apart, but this is something I can’t ignore.”

“And another thing, Gale,” Cloudburn said, her face turning into a frown as she looked around. “Last time we were here and I tackled you, we went through a shadow-portal... but I didn’t summon it. It’s something only those of Katakan blood can do... and there were no other Katakans around here that day.” The only answer she got was a shrug.

Across the courtyard, Breezy paid little attention to her former colleagues, instead marking off each foal against her list as they trotted in, to ensure they hadn’t missed any behind. “Well, that’s the last of them,” she said as a guard and minder passed with a colt, who was looking around with wide eyes. “Also, thank you for helping with the other of today’s business.”

“Not at all Miss Haze,” Fancy Pants replied with a smile. He and Hutch had been over the new contracts for the remaining and new employees of the Foal Protection Services, making sure they were water tight... and adding a few benefits. “These foals are our future, we need to look after them.”

Nodding, Breezy held out an unmarked manila envelope, which Fancy took in his magic. “That’s every scrap of information we could get on Shimmer Spark. Since she got caught fiddling the books in Ponyville and moved here, she has kept a perfectly clean record.”

“Reports have come in of a mare matching her description in Baltimare... and Detrot.” Hutch said with a frown, for the two cities were at different ends of the country. “Personally, I don’t think we’ll be seeing her any time soon, her account’s being cleared out down to the last half crown.”

Fancy Pants chuckled as he slipped the folder into his saddlebags, making a mental note to pass it to the best hunter he knew of. “Do not worry, the Relentless will find her, even if it takes him years to do so. She will pay, for everything. Hutch, we’ll go do our part back at the Ministry. A good day to you, Miss Haze,” Fancy bowed farewell, then he and Hutch turned and left Silver Lining’s, heading towards the castle.

None of the ponies saw a unicorn mare staring at the building from across the street, grinding her teeth together in anger.

This is a nice surprise from Blue… Derpy thought to herself as she was seated at the table enjoying breakfast her fiance had made for them. A stack of pancakes with blueberry sauce. Something she has not had in a very long while .

As she delved into the delicacy, a growl escaped her stomach causing her to look down with a sigh and rub the ever growing stomach tenderly. You’re very hungry too hey? She thought to herself as she looked to her fiance who was still preparing more pancakes for them. “Blue?” she called out to him, cocking her brow when she saw him jump and immediately turn to her. “Are you okay?”

“J-just fine!” Blueblood stuttered as he hastily plated more pancakes for Derpy and Dinky. “Anything else I may get you, sweetie?” he asked his mare, who only nodded with a soft smile.

“Some tomato sauce would be good…” Derpy replied, further surprised by how fast Blueblood got her requested item by simply rushing to pantry and placing the bottle before her. With a shrug, she opened it up and poured a generous portion of the red substance onto the breakfast.

Dinky gagged as she turned away in disgust, her eyes squinted shut as the image of her father’s pancakes were forever ruined. “Mom! Eww! That’s so wrong!” the filly scolded her mother.

“One day you’ll understand, Dinky,” Derpy replied before she took a bite of the newly flavoured pancakes, sighing inwardly as she chewed on her bite. Just as she was about to take another, the filly jumped out of her seat and rushed upstairs. The pegasus mare merely tittered, returning to devour her food.

A few moments later, Dinky came back into the kitchen with her saddlebag strapped onto her back. “Alright, I’m going to school now,” the filly trotted over to Derpy and nuzzled her mother’s clean cheek. “I’ll be back later today, going to the boutique after school,” she notified both her parents and proceeded in rushing out of the kitchen. When she felt her body being enveloped by a magic aura, she felt herself being lifted from the ground and placed right in front of Blueblood.

“You forgot something,” Blueblood told his daughter as he extinguished his magic and lowered his head to Dinky’s level, planting a kiss on her cheek. “Have a good day, sweetie…” he said to his daughter.

Dinky’s cheeks burned before she vigorously shook her head, trying to rid herself of the everlasting blush on her face. “I-I’ll see you later daddy,” she bid Blueblood farewell and walked up to Derpy who was still seated at her place at the table. “Bye mom,” she pecked her mother’s cheek and rushed of the house on her way to school.

That daughter of mine… Blueblood chuckled as he began to wash the dishes when Derpy was finally finished with her breakfast. Just as he finished cleaning the last plate, the doorbell rang alerting the stallion.

“I’ll get it,” Derpy said as she walked to the door, beating her fiance to it. When she opened the door, a broad smile escaped her when she saw her best friend at the other side. “Blossom!” the grey mare cried out and hugged her friend, who returned the gesture in kind. “This is a nice surprise.”

“You’re awfully calm for a mare who's getting married in a few days,” Blossomforth replied with a grin as she walked in. “I’m just here to deliver some mail to you, since you are on leave,” she said as her eyes lowered to Derpy’s abdomen. “How many months to go to find out what your foal’s going to be?”

Derpy giggled as she looked down to her stomach demurely with her eyelids half-lid. “Normally, an ultrasound can tell what the baby will be after five months into the pregnancy…” she trailed off as she gave a tender rub to her belly. “Wanna come in for some coffee?”

“I wish I could, but I really need to finish off these deliveries,” Blossomforth replied as she handed a newspaper and a few letters to Derpy. “Well, better be off now… will see you later!” the pegasus flared her wings and took off with extreme speed, leaving Derpy behind.

When she closed the door behind her, Derpy placed the letters on the table at her side and proceeding in reading the headlines of today’s newspapers. Her eyes squinted when she saw mention of SIlver Lining Orphanage receiving more funding thanks to the new head of the FPS. It looks like those foals will be okay now… she sighed in relief turning the page over. Her eyes nearly bulged out when she saw her fiance on the page.

She regained her composure and walked into the kitchen again, which was now sparkling thanks to the stallion's work and efforts. Derpy saw Blueblood seated at the table with just a cup of tea in his magical grasp. “Oh, Blue…” she cooed at her fiance, who lowered his cup to his saucer. “You mind explaining this?” she showed the page to the stallion, whilst staring at his eyes.

Blueblood choked on his tea when he saw himself in the newspaper, in a drunken heap on the Las Pegasus street with the title “Prince of Shame” on the header. “W-well, that…” he tried to form a sentence in his mind, but his lips kept blubbering out incomprehensible words. “That’s… it’s…” he paused when he saw Derpy grin and she laughed at him, causing him to tilt his head and cock his eyebrow.

“Blue, I already know what happened… thanks to Wise,” Derpy replied as she looked back at the picture of Blueblood in the newspaper. “Still, this is quite hilarious…” she trailed off she suppressed a giggle. “I wonder if I should frame this?” she thought out loud, tapping her chin in thought.

“Please don’t…”

Derpy sighed as she lowered the article and walked over to Blueblood. “You still need to be punished,” she said, smiling softly at the stallion’s ashfallen face. She lowered her muzzle to his sore ear, and gave it a soft nibble that caused her lover to shiver.

“So we’re going to our room for the day, and I’m going to nibble that ear of yours until it stops aching,” she raised her head from his ear. “And then you will massage my hooves,” Derpy pointed to the stairs with her hoof with her eyelids half-lid. “Now let’s go.”

Blueblood nodded his head slowly as he got up from his seat and made his way towards the stair, nearly yelping when Derpy playfully slapped his rump with her hoof. He turned around and saw his mare’s sly smile, generating one of his own. “Mares first,” he made way for his fiancee, who responded by swaying her flank as she walked past. Today’s going to be a fun but exhausting day…

Coming in for a landing upon the rooftops of Ponyville, Deadeye grunted as his still sore forehoof set down on the slate. Taking a deep breath, he carefully approached the other Katakan looking over the town, sitting next to them. “Why did you call me here? Your message said it was urgent.”

“You’re the best changeling hunter I know of,” Riptide replied, his gaze locked on the house opposite them as he sniffed the air. “I... lost Princess Dinky the other day, because I thought I saw her in a different location. I then later saw two of her in separate streets...”

“A changeling... why have you not confronted it yet?” Deadeye asked with a slight growl.

“It’s strong, it’s either taken love energy from Master Pipsqueak or Princess Derpy and Prince Blueblood,” Riptide answered, ruffling his wings. “I need your assistance brother. Princess Dinky will soon leave for school. I’d like you to follow her whilst I look for the other one.”

“You should have confronted it before it got too strong,” Deadeye said, standing up when he saw the front door of the house open. “I shall meet you back here at midday.” As soon as Dinky appeared and closed the door, Deadeye faded to shadow-mist and left Riptide alone.

Spreading his wings, Riptide took to one of the low level clouds in the sky, leaning over the edge to view the town to keep an eye on another house. As he expected, the door opened and Pipsqueak trotted out... with another Princess Dinky following.

Gently flapping his wings, Riptide shifted the cloud across the sky, the two foals oblivious to his presence... until somepony kicked the cloud out from under him. Whirling with a snarl, Riptide glared at the pegasus mare. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Uh, clearing the skies, duh,” she replied, blowing her rainbow coloured mane out of her face. “It’s kinda my job. What about you? Why are you lurking up here huh?”

“That is classified to civilians,” Riptide said, looking back towards the ground, spotting his quarry nearing the school. He also spotted Deadeye’s shadow-essence getting close. “Tell you what, let’s grab a drink later and then we can talk. How does that sound?”

“Sure, sounds like a good idea. Name’s Rainbow Dash.” With that, the mare left to continue clearing the skies.

Riptide watched her go, then his ears flicked upon hearing the school bell ring. Turning about, he shot to his full speed and landed in front on the red bricked building, Deadeye forming back next to him. “I know of a way to be sure,” the elder Katakan said. “We do nothing just yet.”

Riptide nodded, cocking his head as he saw both Dinkys approach down separate alleys. They left the cover of the buildings at the same time and paused, turning to look at one another. Deadeye stepped forward, standing in front of the three foals and getting their attention by clearing his throat.

The Dinky stood next to Pipsqueak turned to look at him, whilst the one on her own cocked her head. “Pip... who’s that? And why is Mr Deadeye here?”

Her answer came as growl from Deadeye, Riptide coming alongside him. “Princess Dinky, Pipsqueak, please head into school. We shall deal with our changeling friend here. Now go.” Deadeye kept his eyes locked on the imposter as the two foals scrambled along, and as soon as he heard the door shut, lifted his hoof and aimed to slam it down on the changeling’s head.

‘Dinky’ moved far too fast for him, jumping back as her disguise faltered, a green flash revealing a changeling, but this one’s colours were different to the standard drone. It had a pink, wispy mane and tail, pink wings, and the band around its barrel was also pink.

Riptide didn’t join his brother in trying to take out the changeling, something about the whole thing just didn’t seem... right. He watched carefully as Deadeye kept attacking, but the changeling didn’t retaliate, and that’s when it hit Riptide. It’s not fighting back!

“Brother, wait,” Riptide said, but Deadeye didn’t listen, forcing the changeling into an alley, where nopony could see them. Riptide closed his eyes for a moment, clearing his head so he could clearly think what to do. ...It is better to do what is right than what is ordered... Upon hearing his brother’s voice, Riptide’s eyes snapped open and he charged into the alley, taking the scene at a glance.

Deadeye had backed the changeling into a corner and was about to strike, but Riptide couldn’t allow that without getting answers. He charged in, jumping up and kicking Deadeye’s head as he passed, stunning the older stallion, giving Riptide just enough time to stand in front of the changeling and spread his wings to hide it.

“What do you think you are doing?” Deadeye asked with a snarl, shaking the last of the disorientation off. “We have our orders!”

“But it’s not right!” Riptide responded, backing up a little as Deadeye stepped forward. “It hasn’t even thrown one punch, or used magic against you! There is something different about this one!”

Deadeye stopped, looking past his brother, seeing the changeling curled up in the corner and shaking hard. “Very well... but this is on your head,” Deadeye said with snort, turning around and stomping his way from the alley.

Relaxing and closing his wings, Riptide turned around and grabbed one of the changeling’s hooves, pulling it up. He gasped in surprise when it hugged him, its body shaking hard against him. He blinked, then lifted a hoof and started to stroke its mane. Great... what am I going to do now?

“I can’t believe there was a changeling in Ponyville,” Pip commented as he walked alongside Dinky and Twist, all three leaving the school grounds as the day had ended for them.

“Did you thee how it really looked like?” Twist asked Dinky when she turned her head to her friend, curious as to the encounter her friends had with the creature. I heard creepy stories from other ponies who saw them in Canterlot during Princess Cadance and Shining Armour’s wedding, but I never thought there would be one here…

Dinky shook her head as they continued to their destination. “I just hope Deadeye and Riptide are okay…” she trailed off when they finally reached the boutique. When she opened the door, a bell rang from above signalling the entry of new ponies.

“Coming!” Rarity’s sophisticated voice emitted from the opposite end of the boutique. When she walked into the room, she was still wearing her red-rimmed glasses that she used for designs. “Ah, good afternoon…” she trailed off she she approached the trio. “Perfect timing too, I was just finishing one of the bridesmaid's wedding dresses.”

“But I thought you were already done with them, Rarity,” Dinky replied as she cocked her brow, remembering how last week the white unicorn had presented her finished work to her mother and friends, save her father who was not allowed to see it until the wedding day.

Rarity smiled and nodded to Dinky’s words. “You’re quite right, however just a few days ago I received a very urgent order about designing a dress for the newest member of your family…” Though I really wish I didn’t have to do it… Designs can’t be rushed out like this…

“For who?” Dinky asked Rarity, curiosity etching on her face as she blinked and wondered. Her answer came to her with another mare walking into the room, who had silver mane and a baby blue fur adorned with a wand and swirling magic cutie mark. “Auntie Trixie?”

The blue unicorn waved slowly at her niece. “H-hello, Dinky…” she trailed off she lowered her hoof, surprised that the filly ran up to her and launched her arms to hug her as she stood on her legs. Trixie gasped softly before returning the gesture as she wrapped her arm around the foal and nuzzled her head, avoiding the horn as best as she could.

“So you’re one of mom’s bridesmaids?” Dinky asked Trixie as she let go of her.

“Why yes, T-I am indeed…” Trixie chuckled as she rubbed the back of her head. I really need to stop using third person in my sentences...

Since returning from Las Pegasus, Trixie was surprised by how accepting Donut’s family was over the whole ‘one-night wedding’ (as her new father-in-law would call it). She was petrified when she first entered the household of her new husband.

“About darn time!” Sugary cheered as she embraced her new daughter-in-law and nuzzled her affectionately. “My little Joe is finally married, and with a very pretty mare too…”

Trixie for the most part stood stock still as she the elder mare continued to hold her. Slowy though, the baby blue unicorn lowered her resistance to the hug and wrapped her own arm around Sugary. “I-it’s nice to meet you, Miss Sugary, Tr--”

“Young lady, you call me ‘Mom’!” Sugary replied as she stuck a hoof to Trixie’s chest. “Also, I need to introduce you to your Derpy… she’s going to be so happy to hear she has a new sister in the family!” the elder mare giggled as she grabbed Trixie by the hoof and walked past a stunned Lucky Mint and Donut Joe.

“Um, honey… do you think it’s wise to introduce her to Derpy yet?” Lucky asked Sugary, who merely waved a hoof at him.

Sugary nodded as she grinned. “Our daughter had a night like this a few years ago, and she met the love of her life and was gifted with a daughter too,” she replied as she opened the door leading to the outside world. “And Donut, we’re going to have to talk about getting a new home for you two… I don’t want to get in the way of your marriage-related activities…”

And now I’m a bridesmaid for a mare I hardly know… “Well, I should be heading out now… my train to Canterlot is leaving a few hours,” Trixie said as she looked down to her niece, who pushed her lower lip outwards to make the impression of a begging puppy.

“Don’t you want to see my dress, Auntie Trixie?” Dinky asked the mare, blinking twice to reveal moist eyes. “Please…” she pleaded with her aunt, who was doing her best to look away from the eyes.

Trixie was able to turn her head to Rarity, who merely shrugged at the other’s predicament. I can’t say no to that… “Alright… I’ll stay,” she replied as she sighed. Her ears perked to DInky cheering and was soon greeted by another hug from her, which the elder mare was more than happy to return. How the heck did I get so weak to this little filly?

“I hate to interrupt the family moment,” Pip chirped in as he walked to the dressing room. “But I atleast want to get my suit ready this year.”

“Actually, your suit is ready Pip… I just needed Dinky and Twist for measurements of the final dresses for them,” Rarity replied.

Pip beamed as he heard those words. “Well then, I don’t have to be here for today,” he said as he rushed past Dinky, only to be stopped by her biting down on his tail and stopping his canter to the door. “Hey! What are you doing Dinky?”

“You’re not leaving here until you see me in my dress and tell me what you think!” Dinky spat the tail out of her mouth and pulled Pip’s hoof to the dressing room.

“But I don’t wanna!”

Dinky smirked as she eyed her coltfriend. “Alright, then I’ll tell my dad about the little game we played during the sleepover involving the closet.”

“But we never played any games during our…” Pip’s complaints died down when they reached the dressing room, leaving Twist, Rarity and Trixie behind. The white mare titled her head and turned to the filly next to her.

“Did they really do it?” Rarity asked Twist.

“No, shesh’s just bluffing,” Twist replied with her lisp.

A filly’s power over a colt can be frightening… Rarity giggled as she motioned the others to follow her to the other room.