• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 12,636 Views, 2,033 Comments

Where Is My Love? - TheMyth

Two hearts yearning for near a decade. Will fate let these two ponies meet once more... and what is it hiding from one of them?

  • ...

Chapter 33

Standing on the dais of the throne room, cleared of the two stone thrones, Celestia and Luna watched as the guests started to fill the room. There weren’t a lot of ponies, just those considered family and friends of the bride and groom, yet the conversation between the sisters was not about the happy ceremony.

“So,” Luna said, adjusting the forest green dress adorning her body. “Tell me again about these blood magic users.” Her head cocked as she looks her sister.

“After we... fought, a small group of ponies, mostly unicorns, showed up at the castle, demanding an audience,” Celestia said as she turned to look over the city through the window. “They said it was not fair for one pony to control the sun and moon on their own, wanted me to return it to the unicorns. When I refused, told them that they did not have enough power even combined, they got violent. A few days later, I received a letter.”

“All it said is ‘We will take what belongs to us’, so I ignored it. A few months later, several of the castle staff and some of my... close friends started acting differently,” Celestia closed her eyes, letting out a deep sigh. “After careful investigation, I discovered they were under control through blood-magic. The same group were the ones who demanded return of the sun and moon’s control.”

“I take it you hunted them down, sister?” Luna asked with a grim smile, knowing how they used to handle blood-magic users once long ago.

“Yes... but I did not kill them. I simply had the core of their horns surgically removed. They could no longer use magic.” Opening her eyes again, Celestia shook her head. “Perhaps I missed one, what happened to Melody feels the same as before... but we’ll talk more about this later. Right now, we have a wedding to perform.”

As soon as she said this, she nodded to a guard, who returned the gesture and then disappeared behind one of the many wall hangings; this one just happened to cover the entry to one of the throne room’s antechambers.

This is the day… Blueblood’s thoughts raced as he peered through the curtains, separating him and his best stallions from the throne room. The room itself was now converted into a wedding alter, all thanks to the precise planning of Twilight Sparkle and her friends who were already seated with the other guests.

I just hope no pony tries to ruin this day… They still haven’t found that Shimmer Spark yet… What if Derpy gets cold feet and runs off… What if--

“You’re sweating again.”

Blueblood shook his head as he heard Fancy Pants speak, who was dressed in his best suit for this occasion. The suit was a tuxedo adored with an insignia of a lotus on the chest pocket, the symbol of the House of Lotus he belonged to.

“Relax, this is isn’t a trial… it’s your wedding.” Fancy said as he patted his friend’s shoulder and chuckled.

“Right…” Blueblood trailed off as he readjusted his collar on his own dress suit.

Shining placed his hoof on Blueblood’s other shoulder as he smiled at his friend. “What could possibly go wrong during a wedding?” he asked his friend, only to be met by a blank stare. Shining emitted an awkward laugh as he removed his hoof from his friend. Oh… I should not have said that…

“Well with all the guards around and all the princesses at this here wedding, Ah don’t think we need to worry about some hoodlums mucking thing up,” Big Macintosh said. The red stallion looked down on to his tuxedo, which looked plain compared to the other stallions in the room aside from a white lily in the chest pocket protruding from it.

“Are you going to ask Twilight the big question here?” Shining asked Big Macintosh, wanting to change the subject of their current conversation.

Big Mac shook his head, though curled his lips into a smile when he pulled out a black small box. “Ah’m gonna wait until tonight when we’re in our room alone… don’t wanna ask her in front of an audience. Ah think Tremor’s gonna do the same,” he said as he placed the box back where it came from, his face falling into a look of deep thought.

“Something on your mind, Big Mac?” Shining asked the red stallion, having noticed him staring into empty space.

Big Macintosh waved his hoof dismissively as he shook his head. “Nothin’, nothin’...” He replied to Shining, and turned to the clock on the wall. “Ah wonder how long we are going to have to wait fer?”

“Not too long, hopefully…” Fancy Pants said as he peaked through the curtain, catching a glimpse of his wife already seated at the groom’s side aisle seats. I just hope my Fleur will be okay… the amount of paparazzis trying to sneak a picture of her carrying our daughter has become ridiculous. He sighed and let go of the curtain, turning back to the other stallions.

“How’s Fleur doing by the way?” Shining asked curiously.

Fancy curled his lips as he smiled. “She’s well, not long to go now.”

“Have you thought of a name yet?” Shining asked.

“Not yet, we will closer to the time…” Fancy said, looking upwards to the roof. “Though a few names have formed in our heads, regarding ones from our family or outside ours,” Fancy furrowed his brow a little as he turned to Shining. “Speaking of foals, have you and Cadance…?”

Before Shining could answer, the curtain of the antechamber slowly opened to reveal an elder white stallion entering the room, with him also wearing a navy dress suit with golden linings and multiple badges on his uniform. “Sorry to interrupt,” Wise Words said as he strode in into the room. “Do you mind if I have a moment alone with Blueblood?” he asked the other gentlecolts in the room, who silently nodded to his words and walked out of the room. Once the curtain was ‘shut’, Wise gave his fullest attention to Blueblood. “You’re a spitting image of your father… except for your eyes. You get them from your mother.”

“You mentioned that to me already…” Blueblood lips curled to form a soft smile, soon disappearing when Wise Words walked up to him and started de-dusting him from top to bottom. “Wise, you don’t need to do this,” he said to the elder stallion, though he didn’t mind the gesture from the pony he considered a father.

Wise Words sniffed as he blinked uncontrollably, his eyes becoming moist as he removed his hooves from Blueblood. “O-old habits die hard I suppose,” he replied, giving off a short laugh. He was caught off guard when the other stallion reached out an arm to him, bringing him into a firm yet gentle hug. Wise returned the gesture in kind, giving a nuzzle of his own.

“You think my parents would be proud of me?” Blueblood asked Wise Words as he released himself from the elder stallion.

“I know they are…” Wise Words spoke as he placed a hoof on Blueblood’s shoulder. “Know that I am also proud of you, having raised you and being there by your side since the beginning, Blue,” he said to the younger stallion. The curtains raised for a pegasi guard with magically enchanted white coat to enter the space where the two stallions were.

The guard saluted to the former captain and the prince as he kept his stoic face. “Your highness, it’s time,” he said in a gruff voice, a faint smile emitting from his face.

Both Blueblood and Wise Words looked at each other and nodded, then walked out into the throne room, where the former was guided to stand just adjacent to Celestia. Once he took his place, his eyes locked onto the throne room doors with the music from the orchestra of the troupe that played at the Gala performing in pony. Once they stopped, the doors opened slowly, with the white unicorn stallion drawing in a sharp breath when he saw the love of his life.

Sitting perfectly still, Derpy hummed happily to herself as one of the castle staff gave her mane the finishing touches, then set a blue bubble-shaped pin just in front of her left ear to make sure her hair didn’t come undone. Derpy was then present with a mirror, her breath hitching in her chest as she saw her reflection, the mare who had just finished moving over to check on the bridesmaids’ manes.

“You look really pretty, momma,” came a small voice from beside Derpy, who looked down at her daughter with a smile, picking her up into a hug. Dinky giggled and nuzzled the mare, pressing as close as she could. “...I wish this day could have come years ago.”

“So do I muffin, so do I,” Derpy replied, giving the young unicorn a kiss on the forehead, setting her down again. “Go find your friends sweetie, it’s nearly time.” She watched Dinky scramble off with a smile, then turned to the other two ponies in the room. “...so, what do you think?”

Lucky Mint said nothing, burying his muzzle in his wife’s mane and sniffling, whilst Sugary Myth simply rolled her eyes. Stepping away from her husband, she moved to sit in front of Derpy and took a hold of her hooves. “Beautiful, as you always do. Derpy,” she said, knowing she had her daughter’s full attention when both eyes focused on her. “I need to ask this... it’s been only six months since you met him again. Are you sure?”

Closing her eyes, Derpy took a deep breath. It wasn’t the image of her and Blueblood that made a smile come to her lips, but every smile she’d seen on her daughter's face whenever she was with her father... plus the times when she and the stallion were alone, which made her blush a bit too. When her eyes opened once more, they blazed with fierce determination, and it was with that she answered, “More sure than I know the sun will rise again tomorrow.”

Smiling and nodding her approval, Sugary glanced at the clock then gave Derpy a kiss on the cheek. “It’s time... Mrs Blueblood.” Both mares giggled at that, then Sugary stepped away, poking her husband in the chest. “Save your tears until afterwards,” she said, then slipped from the room.

Giving a chuckle, Lucky wiped his eyes then stepped over to Derpy and offered her his hoof. “Ready, darling?” With a deep breath she nodded and took his hoof, the small group moving out of the side room to stand in front of the throne room doors. At the front were the flowerfillies, followed by Derpy’s bridesmaids, and then herself and her father at the rear. Lucky leaned over and gave Derpy a kiss on the cheek. “I love you, my dear.”

Derpy giggled and nuzzled her father. “I love you too, dad.” All that was left was waiting for the right music to start, which did a moment later, the throne room doors slowly parting...

Once the throne room doors opened, three fillies cantered towards the altar where the groom, his best stallions and spaces for the bridesmaids were situated. Leading the trio was Dinky; in an aquamarine coloured dress as she, Twist and Diamond Tiara scattered flowers across the path they skipped on. When they finally reached the altar, the music changed and everypony seated turned their heads as they stood up.

Derpy walked down the aisle with Lucky Mint by her side, the former’s eyes locking onto the gaze of Blueblood. An everlasting smile was placed onto the lovers’ muzzles as they continued to look into each other’s eyes, their eyelids refusing to blink. Just as the grey pegasus reached the spot where her love stood, she turned to her father who kisses her cheek and passed her hoof to Blueblood’s waiting one, then took his seat next to his wife. As soon Lucky was seated next to Sugary, the chorus halted with the groom and bride facing Celestia.

“Friends and beloved, we are gathered here today to bear witness and celebrate the union of Prince Blueblood of House Platinum and Derpy Hooves of Ponyville. In the span of an annum, their love has bloomed into something greater than even these castle walls could contain.” Celestia paused for a moment, with her eyes wandering to an ever-smiling Dinky.

Celestia cleared her throat before continuing. “Once they have lost each other, but as love always finds a way… they have found each other again. Even though the road was not always smooth for these two souls, their love prevailed and has reached to this point, where they now forever bind their love in union,” she finished off her speech, signalling for Derpy and Blueblood to look at each as they turned to one another. “Now we shall listen to the vows each of them have written for the other…”

Blueblood shifted on his hooves. He began to reach for the letter in his coat pocket, but decided to speak from his heart and memory instead. “Today, as I give myself to you. My mind, my heart and my soul I give to you… with my commitment being as strong as ever,” Blueblood said, looking into Derpy’s eyes. Raising his hoof, he pressed it to Derpy’s as she mirrored him..

“I take you as my life, no... as my eternal partner, my eternal best friend and my eternal lover. I will never leave you nor forsake you for anypony else. I will spend all my days by your side, and beyond. We will share this love, now and forever…” Blueblood’s voice trailed off, his vows finished, he did his best to not release the tears of joy that were about to leak from his eyes.

Derpy tittered as a few tears escaped her eyes, not letting her hoof down as it continued to touch Blueblood’s. “Today I make the most sincere promise one heart can make to another. From this day until forever; I vow to be your constant love and support, your devoted partner, lover and my best friend…” She paused for a moment, forcing her breath to calm.

“To allow myself to grow and learn alongside you, through your remarkable love for me. I vow to be your sanctuary, to be your place of comfort and calm. To have faith when our journey may seem in vain, and when it becomes challenging. When we face adversity, we will never do so alone. Because today I promise you, my love and my best friend, that I will never give up, that I will always have faith in us. I will always love you forevermore…”

When silence fell between the two lovers, Celestia turned her attention to Pip, who was wearing a foal-sized tuxedo and standing next to Dinky, whose lips were trembling and her eyes were cascading endlessly. “May we have the ring and bracelet please?” she asked the colt, who walked over with two boxes balancing on his back.

Using her magic to encase each object in an golden aura, Celestia raised them from Pip’s back and opened each one simultaneously. Reaching inside, she pulled out a wedding golden ring for Blueblood and a wedding golden bracelet for Derpy. The alicorn closed her eyes for a moment and both objects apparated onto each of the respectable ponies.

“Love will always find a way…” Celestia began to speak to the ponies in front of her. “Only until certain events happen did I fully understand what those words meant. Even in the face of adversity or challenges, as long as there's love between ponies, a path will always be shown to those who have faith. The way may be clouded, and the road may be rough… but as long as ponies keep their promises to each other, no force in this life or beyond can alter the love that links us together.

“It is with these vows, ring and bracelet,” Celestia placed a hoof around the still-connected hooves of the lovers. “That I officially declare you husband and wife.” she blinked twice as she removed herself from the pair. “You may now kiss the bride.” she instructed Blueblood, who wasted no time to press his lips against Derpy’s own.

A thunderous applause followed soon afterwards, though it did not deter the married couple as they still remained in place with their lips together. Only after a few moments did they reluctantly release and look upon the many ponies in their lives congratulating them. Derpy turned to Blueblood, who was already looking at her. With a nod from her, they both walked down the aisle with the ponies at the end of the rows throwing confetti into the air as they pass through.

Once the newlyweds were out of the throne room, Pinkie Pie wiped the tears of her face thanks to a handkerchief Cheese Sandwich offered her. “Enough of the waterworks! It’s time to party!” she yelled out before rushing outside with her stallion following suite, along with the other guests.

Only Celestia, Luna and Wise Words remained behind as they stared out into the open doors leading to the outside world. “Now this was a good wedding…” the navy alicorn said as she stood next to her sister.

“It was…” Celestia trailed off as she looked to Wise Words, who just smiled softly at the scene he had just witness. “Shall we go before the guests worry about us?” she asked her sister and faithful ex-captain, who followed suit behind them as they entered the reception festivities.

After the carriage ride through the city, which passed by and paused at Silver Lining’s, unbeknownst to Derpy, who took time to talk with each foal there, the newlyweds finally arrived back at the castle. The sun’s light was just a few rays over Dragon Mountain far in the west now, Luna’s moon rising slowly in the east.

Stepping from the carriage first, Blueblood turned with a smile and offered his wife his hoof, who took it with a smile, nuzzling and kissing his cheek as she passed. He then picked up his daughter and helped her down, whilst Pipsqueak hopped out on his own. The two foals pressed against each other, tails entwined as they headed up the pathway to the castle, which was lined by a full honour guard stood so rigid one would be forgiven for thinking they were simply statues.

“Do you think they know?” Derpy asked as she slipped up next to her husband and wrapped her tail in his as she nuzzled his cheek, the pair following the foals down the vanguard that was in place for them. “They are both clever for their age.”

“True, they are,” Blueblood said with a chuckle, returning the nuzzle. “But let them keep their innocence... in a few years they’ll start to lose it anyway.” He smirked as Derpy shook her head at that, the couple continuing into the castle and back into the throne room, which now had a long U-shaped table set out. The pair moved down one side each, greeting guests as they passed, until they arrived at the seats in the middle.

They shared a quick kiss before Blueblood pulled out the chair for Derpy, who smiled and sat in it, the stallion joining her a moment later. The gathered guests followed, and as soon as the last pony sat down did the room become a hive of activity, the castle staff bringing in the chosen meal.

As she was eating, Derpy noticed one pony in particular looking her way, their expression seemingly a mix of jealousy and something she couldn’t quite place. The pegasus mare gave a little wave and smiled as Melody looked away with a blush, then she leaned over to her husband, whispering into his ear. “I think we should talk with her again before we leave.

Blueblood nodded his agreement, looking over at his foalhood friend to see Wise talking to her already. The rest of the meal went by with conversation and laughter, especially from the newlyweds when they spotted Dinky and Pipsqueak feeding each other; of course, the wedding photographer got a perfect picture without them noticing. Once every plate was almost or completely empty, the servants came and cleared them away, a stallion the other side of Derpy stood, the room falling silent.

Nodding his thanks, Lucky Mint smiled at his daughter and son-in-law. “Mares and gentlecolts, I thank you for coming today. Most of you don’t know me, even though we’ve talked briefly. My name is Lucky Mint, and I am Derpy’s father. When she first told me who the father of Dinky was, I couldn’t quite believe it. I was well prepared to come marching up here to give some grunt a couple of lessons,” he said, raising his forehooves into the air. Several ponies chuckled, all ones who had guard experience.

“But over the past couple of months I’ve had a chance to get to know the prince, and all I can say about him is that it wouldn’t matter what his title was, he’s the kind of stallion that would give all for my daughter, and I am happy knowing she is safe with him. Blueblood, I have on small piece of advice for you.”

“Early in your marriage you will find it difficult to get the last word in any discussion. With time, though, you will learn how to always get the last two words in every discussion; just make sure the words are: 'Yes dear.'” Lucky caught the glare thrown his way from Sugary, but chose to ignore it for now as most of the stallions in the room laughed, though quite a few of the mares did too.

As he sat back down, Blueblood stood up, waiting for the sounds of mirth to die down. “Thank you, Lucky... but I could just end the argument with a royal order.” The unicorn blinked when Derpy smacked his forehoof, but he just blew her a kiss and continued. “We’d like to thank you all for joining us on this most happy day. There are... several ponies who I wished could be here today, and I’d like to do something a little different than the usual groom’s speech. I would like you... to join me in a silent toast to those who could not be here with us today.”

As one, every adult in at the large table raised their glasses and bowed their heads; the foals, most likely not understanding why, joined in though. After a full minute, Blueblood took a sip of his champagne and the others followed, then he set his glass down again. “Thank you.” A grin came to his face as Derpy passed him a small box. “Now then, there are some ponies without whom this wedding would not have run as smoothly as it did, and we have a little something for each of you to say our thanks. First up, Miss Applejack...”

One by one he called up all those he’d personally requested to help with the wedding, finishing with a bouquet of flowers for a Dinky and a box of candy for Pip, and once all the gifts were giving out Blueblood once more thanked his guest... then took a deep breath as one of his fellow unicorns stood and smiled sweetly at the guests.

Ignoring the glare from the pink alicorn at his side, Shining Armour looked over at Blueblood and winked. “Well, what can I tell you about the groom? I’ve known him since the first year of high school; he’s handsome, intelligent, witty, charismatic... sorry, wrong wedding.” The first part got some polite laughs, and an elbow in the ribs from Cadance, but he continued on. “Anyway I read somewhere that a best man speech shouldn’t take any longer than it takes the groom to make love. So ladies and gentlemen, I give you Prince Blueblood!” Shining raised his glass at his friend, took a sip, then sat down to more laughter, and heavy blush from Derpy who knew better.

Another unicorn stood, making Blueblood relax, as he expected Fancy Pants’ speech to be so much... nicer. Then his face fell when he remembered who the biggest prankster in school was. “So,” began his friend, making the prince sink into his chair a little. “What can you say about a stallion who came from humble beginnings and is now quickly rising to the very top of his profession based solely on intelligence, grit and the willpower to push on where others might fail?”

Pausing, Fancy licked his lips, smiling devilishly. “A stallion who is beginning to distinguish himself amongst his peers and where no‐one can say a bad word against him? Anyway that’s enough about me. I’m here to talk about Blueblood.” The stallion waited for the laughter to die down before continuing, his expression one of less mirth now.

“Most of us know the things BB has been through, and to turn out as such a stallion as he has shows a strong heart and stubborn will... the latter of which we,” he pointed to himself and Shining Armour, “have a gift for Lady Derpy to help break. It’ll be waiting in your room. And you my dear, have landed one of the most considerate and upstanding stallions I have ever known. I wish you both a long and happy marriage.”

Polite clapping and murmurs of agreement filled the room, then came the next stage of the wedding, though it was out of order; Derpy and Blueblood had decided this so as not to have ill guests. Instead of cutting the large cake sitting between the tables, the couple stood once more and moved down to the open area of the room, rose up onto their hind legs, holding each other close and waited.

A moment later the music started and thus they began their first dance as married ponies, left alone for a few minutes before other couples joined them. They had just finished their second song when they sensed a pony stood near them, turning to find Melody blushing hard and staring. Smiling softly, Derpy stepped from Blueblood, hugged the other unicorn mare, then nudged her towards her husband, who was also smiling.

As Derpy went off to speak with the guests, Blueblood slowly moved around the dance area with Melody, giving her a soft nuzzle. It was a perfect opportunity for him for two reason; ask how she was, and a request only known to him and his wife. “How have you been this week Mel? I’m sorry I’ve not made time to see you.”

“It’s okay, BB,” Melody replied, laying her head on his shoulder. “I’ve been okay, it’s getting easier now.” She gave a happy sigh, then pulled her head back and looked him in the eye. “Um... I... want to ask something. Before, you were like my little brother. Can.... you be my big one now?”

Blueblood blinked, then smiled and kissed her forehead. “Of course... sis. Now I have something to ask you too. You know what a godmother is?” He got a nod in reply. “Good... Derpy and I were wondering... would you like to be our foals’ godmother.” He was expecting a stunned silence or a simple yes, not the excited squee her got, followed by a tight squeeze around the neck. Their dance finished and Melody bounced away to tell her father the news, shaking in excitement. Derpy returning to husband with a giggle.

“She said ‘yes’, I take it?” she asked.

“I think it’s safe to say that,” Blueblood replied, kissing his wife’s cheek. “Come on, let’s gets this cake cut before Pinkie explodes,” he said, pointing the the mare vibrating hard and staring at the cake. Walking over was the signal for everypony to return to their seats, and once they had, the newlyweds picked up a knife and made the first cut together, smiling into the camera facing them.

After a few pictures were taken they cut off two slices and moved out of the way as Pinkie came over to cut the rest up for the guests, Cheese assisting her. Sitting at their places once more, Derpy and Blueblood picked up their slices, offering them to one another. The pieces slowly got closer, but as they were staring into each other's eyes, neither noticed a dark blue aura surrounding the cake... and were mashed against their muzzles.

At first they were confused, but simply glancing at the other made them laugh, and they decided to throw all formalities out the window, cleaning each other’s muzzle off... with their tongues. Most of the guests saw this and laughed too, all except one, who buried her head under her hooves. “Ugh, can’t they wait until later?” Dinky mumbled to herself, but the filly’s wish wouldn’t come, as the night was young, and it wasn’t about to end any time soon...

Author's Note:

Yes, we know what you’re all thinking...