• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 12,636 Views, 2,033 Comments

Where Is My Love? - TheMyth

Two hearts yearning for near a decade. Will fate let these two ponies meet once more... and what is it hiding from one of them?

  • ...

Chapter 11

Dinky waited patiently as the stallion acting as her escort slipped a set of ear defenders on her head, checking to ensure they were snug. Once he was happy, he grabbed his own pair then pushed open a large metal door, letting the filly step in first.

She looked around in wonder at the surprisingly cavernous space, then her gaze was drawn to one of the larger machines as she saw a flash. Looking above it, she saw a unicorn stallion send a jolt of magic into a second machine, which rumbled to life.

This caused the air in the room to grow thick, and Dinky’s horn began to tingle but she didn’t find it harmful, more like a tickling sensation. Seeing her escort step next to her, they began to walk around the room, never getting in the way of the ponies at work, but they all paused their tasks to bow politely at the filly.

Feeling a nudge, Dinky turned to look at her escort, who pointed towards a window. Giving him a nod, she made her way over and looked out of the room. From her new vantage point, she could see one of the SS Dreamcatcher’s engines, the vessel being Princess Luna’s private aircrusier.

Dinky gasped when the engine changed position, turning so that the flame coming from the back was pointed downwards as well as backwards. She felt her stomach get unsettled for a moment, turning with a wide smile to the stallion behind her, who nodded back the way they had entered.

She gave a final look around the room, which was the last on her tour of the Dreamcatcher, then headed back to the large metal door. She stood still as the door was closed and her ear protection removed, then beamed up at her escort.

“This ship is amazing. Do you get to travel on here all the time, Mr Deadeye?”

“Not always, my young princess.” Deadeye smiled at Dinky when she giggled, knowing she was still not used to her new title. It had taken most of the weekend, at least when their paths crossed, for the stallion to convince the filly that he wasn’t going to eat her, and she had followed him around when ever she could afterwards.

Thus, when she asked to look around the Dreamcatcher, Luna had happily sent him with her. “If our tasks are not urgent, we use the trains. Now come, we’ll be landing soon, so let’s get you back to your parents.”

“Okay…” Deadeye led Dinky back to the nearest stairway and up to the main passageway, which ran from stem to stern of the Dreamcatcher. They reached the main deck, where Deadeye picked up a thick cloak and wrapped it around Dinky, then pushed open the door the outside of the ship.

Upon going outside, Dinky saw they were just passing Dragon Mountain, and it was getting higher. Spotting her parents near the front of the ship, Dinky went to run over, but a hoof being placed in front of her and a raised eyebrow from Deadeye made her stop. “Please, princess, be careful out here. The winds are stronger than you think.”

Giving him a nod, Dinky place herself between the stallion and the ship’s wall, slowly shuffling along until the wall ended. Fortunately for her, her father turned and saw her, using his magic to float her over and place her onto his back.

“Hello, Dinky. Did you have fun?”

“I did daddy. I really like this ship!” Giving a nod, Blueblood turned back to face the direction they were travelling, Derpy reaching up and making Dinky giggle when she ruffled her mane. The filly’s eyes went wide when she saw the lights of the town below in the distance, having never seen her home from such a height before. “Wow… Ponyville’s beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as my two mares,” Blueblood casually remarked as he turned and kissed Derpy’s cheek, making the mare blush brightly, much to Dinky’s amusement. A sudden rumble went through the ship, Dinky holding on tightly to her father’s neck. Several minutes later it stopped, and that’s when Dinky noticed the Dreamcatcher had gone silent. “Well then, let’s get you two home.”

Hopping down from Blueblood’s back, Dinky ran in front of him and looked up at him with her eyes wide and ears splayed back. “But… does that mean you’ll be going back to Canterlot tonight daddy?”

“No, I won’t be. But I need to give your mother some space to think about things. I’ll be staying at the library with Twilight Sparkle, so anytime you want to come see me and it’s okay with Derpy, then you are most welcome.”

“Oh… okay.” Dinky watched as the crew carried her and Blueblood’s luggage down the gangplank, as well as a few bags of presents her grandparents had gotten her. Once it was all placed at the edge of the field where the Dreamcatcher had landed, the three ponies thanked the crew for the ride home and stepped to the side, watching as the aircruiser raised itself into the air. Heaving a cavernous yawn, Dinky blinked and looked around. “Um… where exactly are we?”

“A little ways outta town, youngin’.” Stepping from behind a tree with a lantern, Applejack smiled at the group, but that fell when her eyes locked onto the stallion. “Er… Blueblood… is… is Derpy ‘ere the one you were lookin’ for?”

Returning her smile, Blueblood pressed against Derpy’s side whilst wrapping a foreleg around Dinky and pulling her to his chest. “She most certainly is, Applejack, and please, call me Blue. All of my friends do.”

“Ah see. Well, Ah’ll take y’all to the path that leads to town. T’ farm can be a mite dangerous at night.” Seeing the pile of things they had to carry, Applejack walked across the field a little into the darkness, returning a few minutes later with a cart hitched to her back. “On second thoughts, Ah think Ah’ll help ya back to town. An’ Blue? Just call me AJ, like mah friends do. Oh, an’ the next time y’all wanna land an airship, don’t do it round ‘ere, Ah need mah beauty sleep.”

“But you’re pretty without it, Miss Applejack.”

Blueblood chuckled at the farm mare’s red cheeks from the comment of his daugher, using his magic to lift the bags into the cart. He then lifted Dinky onto his back and fell into step next to Derpy as Applejack began to pull the cart. The short journey was silent, but he didn’t mind, just being near the one his heart had yearned for and his daughter was enough.

Soon they stopped outside a two storey building, Derpy giving a frown as she looked at one of the windows, which was showing illumination from behind the curtains. “That’s strange, I’m sure I turned all of the lights off.”

“Wait here, I’ll take a look,” Blueblood said as he passed the nearly asleep filly to her mother. His horn glowed a little as he pushed open the unlocked door, which caused Derpy even more concern,and he stepped into the house. He returned a few moments later with a grin on his face. “I’ll let you see for yourself.”

Now curious, Derpy brushed past Blueblood and made her way to the lit room, which was her lounge, and she couldn’t help but giggle at what greeted her. Upon her couch in the most unmarelike pose imaginable and snoring loud enough to rival that of an express train, Blossomforth remained blissfully unaware that the homeowners had returned.

Derpy stepped forward slightly and sniffed the air, blanching when she smelt her friend’s breath, which proved to be a sign there’d be no waking her in such a state. Having had Blossomforth stay many a night after a drinking session, Derpy just shook her head and moved back into the hallway, where Blueblood and Dinky were waiting, the luggage already piled in the hall. “It’s alright, I’d rather Blossomforth crashed on my couch instead of flying home. Now Dinky, say goodnight to your father, it’s time for bed.”

Dinky went to argue, but the stern glare from her mother struck down her words before she could say anything. Just as she was about to turn around, she let out a gasp. “Mom, your communibity service tomorrow… you won’t be able to come to school, will you?”

“Community, Dinky, community service, and no I won’t be able to. I’m sorry.”

Derpy was surprised to see Dinky wasn’t upset by the news, watching with a raised eyebrow as the filly turned to face her father. “Daddy...we have this thing at school called Family Appreciation Day. Mommy was gonna come, but she can’t make it… so can you come?”

Blueblood thought about it for a moment, then looked at Derpy and saw the hopefulness in her eyes. Not only will it make Dinky happy, but Derpy too. Plus, more time with my daughter. Looking down, he gave Dinky a nod. “I’d love to come, just tell me what time I need to be there.”

“Eleven o’clock usually, but it might run a bit late.”

“I’ll be there ten minutes before, just to be safe. Now, I believe your mother said it was bedtime?” Dinky gave a groan, but readily accepted the hug and kiss from Blueblood, even if she made the embrace longer than it needed, and it didn’t help the stallion was reluctant to put her down as well. After a few minutes, Blueblood eventually put Dinky down, and she beamed up at him.

“See you tomorrow then, daddy! I love you.” Dinky bid Blueblood farewell, pecking his cheek and giggling at her father’s dumbfounded face.

“I… I love you too, Dinky.” Blueblood watched in adoration as the filly ran up the stairs, unaware Derpy’s gaze was on him until he felt a gentle kiss on his other cheek. He blinked and stepped back in surprise, putting himself outside once more, his eyes landing on the mare. “So… I guess this is good night?”

“Yeah… listen, why don’t you spend the afternoon with Dinky tomorrow? I get the feeling that’s what she’ll want to do,” Derpy suggested, a warm feeling filling her up when Blueblood nodded. Leaning out of the doorway, she nuzzled the stallion affectionately, then slowly closed the door, falling against it with a happy sigh.

Outside, Blueblood hummed happily as he headed towards the library, but in his distracted state walked snout first into the cart.

“Blue… ya might wanna watch where yer goin’,” Applejack casually remarked with a snicker.

“Ha ha, AJ. Let’s just get back to the library before Twilight decides to send your brother to find me because I’m ‘late’.” Upon hearing the wagon screech to a halt, Blueblood to see Applejack had a frown on her face. “Something wrong?”

“...why would mah brother be at Twi’s?”

“Quiet down now class, please…” Cheerilee trailed off as she instructed her students in front of the classroom, pleased to see all of her studies listening to her as silence emitted from them. “Now then, Dinky, I believe your mother is coming in today?"

“Well… she can’t make it.” Dinky sheepishly replied as she looked away from her teacher’s gaze.

Cheerilee sighed before she shook her head. “Dinky… you should have told me before we started school today.” Cheerilee told her feeling a combination of disappointment and sympathy, knowing about the community service Derpy received not so long ago.

“But Miss Cheerilee, I have another family member for my presentation!” Dinky beamed as she got up from her desk, making her way to the exit of the schoolhouse and leaving a confused Cheerilee behind.

After a few seconds, Diamond Tiara snorted as she rolled her eyes. “Great, she gets to play hookey now while we have to sit here!” Diamond sneered as she glared towards the door, ignoring the reprimanding gaze of her teacher. Before Diamond could say another word, she felt something wet hit behind her head, immediately causing her to yelp in disgust and surprise. Reaching a hoof to retrieve whatever it was that hit her, she saw a small paper ball in her clutches; a spitball. Immediately turning around, she saw a few foals snickering at her and Pip radiating a smug grin. “Why you—”

“Sorry about that!” Dinky came rushing into the class, followed by a unicorn stallion who was smiling with half lidded eyes at her enthusiasm.

“That’s okay Dinky… but can you tell us who this gentlecolt is?” Cheerilee asked curiously, as she eyed the stallion next to Dinky with a little wariness. I think I recognize him… but from where?

Dinky beamed again as she stood in front of everypony and gestured to the stallion. “Everypony, I’d like to introduce you to Prince Blueblood, the Minister of Finance for Equestria… my daddy!” Dinky exclaimed the last word with all the glee she contained in herself, not realizing everypony’s jaw went agape at her words.

“That’s a good one!” Diamond Tiara cackled in her seat, pounding her hoof on her desk as she tried to regain her composure. “So your dad’s a prince… that’s rich!”

Just as Dinky was about to retort, Blueblood placed a gentle hoof on her shoulder before leaning down to her ear. “Leave this to me…” he whispered in her ear, then stepped forward to address the foals. “I assure you, little lady… this is no joke.” Blueblood replied to Diamond Tiara, clearing his throat as he continued. “I am indeed her father, and the Minister of Finance for Equestria.”

“No way!” Scootaloo shouted out from her seat, her wings flaring as she literally jumped forward. “So you’re, like, in charge of financial repairs?” She asked curiously, her ears flickering to the sound of Sweetie Belle groaning.

“Financial affairs…” Sweetie Belle corrected her friend.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes as she looked away. “Whatever.”

“To answer your question, yes I am in charge of handling the assets of Equestria and the bills proposed to our office…” Blueblood trailed off, pausing when he saw the blank stares of the foals before him. “In other words, when a pony requests funding from the government, we are the ones they come to.”

Apple Bloom raised her hoof before she spoke. “But yer also a prince too?” She asked Blueblood curiously, receiving a nod from him. “Ah thought royalty don’t do work like that.”

Blueblood chuckled before speaking again. “Even princes and princesses need to do work, especially in helping the ponies of Equestria.”

As Blueblood continued with his explanation of his responsibilities, Pip leaned towards Dinky’s desk. “Is he really your father?!” He asked his friend, only to receiving vicious nodding from her.

"Yes!" Dinky whispered loudly, maintaining the grin on her face whilst Pip's pupils dilated. "What's wrong?"

Pip shook his head vigorously before he gave a nervous laugh. "Nothing..."

“... Are there any questions?” Blueblood asked the class as he finished his speech, greeted by the waving hooves of numerous foals. He cocked his brow when Diamond Tiara raised hers lazily, with a blank stare on her face. “How about you, the one with the toy tiara?”

A round of laughter came from all the foals, even Cheerilee suppressed one as best as she could. Why you..! Diamond Tiara huffed before she spoke. “No really… is this a joke?” She asked Blueblood as she smirked a little in satisfaction of her remark.

“... Are there any constructive questions from anypony here?” Blueblood ignored Diamond Tiara as he looked around to the other foals. He noticed the filly turning red as she started to shake in her seat, no doubt furious about her words being neglected. “You there… Sweetie Belle was it?”

Sweetie Belle grinned before she lowered her hoof to speak. “That’s me yes! Is it true you’re a direct descendant of Princess Platinum?”

“Why yes… In fact, my aunts Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are also—”

“Oh c’mon!” Diamond Tiara shouted out as her rage took her over, as she jumped out of her seat and marched right up to Blueblood. “You can’t just ignore my words and instead answer to some dumb blank flank who isn’t worth a bit in life! Do you even know who my daddy is, huh!?” The earth pony filly barked out her words that were tainted in venom as she stared up at the prince before her.

Blueblood smirked before shaking his head. “His name is Filthy Rich, a well respected business pony… and the one who I will inform has to teach his daughter proper manners, especially towards her elders.” He lowered his head, closing his eyes once and opening them again to reveal a powerful glare that made Diamond Tiara fall on her haunches. “And hiding behind another pony’s status to inflict misery upon others… your words will never reach me.”

“Diamond Tiara, outside! Timeout till recess and detention after school for a month!” Cheerilee ordered the defeated filly, having had enough of her antics to last her a lifetime.

As Diamond Tiara slumped towards the door,she gave one last withering look at Blueblood before leaving the class. Another round of applause came from the foals, this time even louder. Silver Spoon was the only one not laughing, though a smug smile was present on her face as she reclined in her desk.

Scootaloo bumped Dinky’s shoulder as she grinned in joy. “You’re dad is so awesome!”

“I know right?!”

Cheerilee sighed as she rolled her eyes upwards, though smiling in relief at having some peace in the room for now. “Quiet down now class, please…” she clapped her hooves together, ushering the foals into silence. She turned her attention to Blueblood as she gestured a hoof towards him. “Please continue, your highness…”

Blueblood nodded before looking to the faces of the eager foals again. “Now then, as I was saying about Princess Celestia and Princess Luna…”

Poste Haste looked up from his desk as the back door opened for the sixth time in an hour, Derpy trotting with a happy smile, humming a cheery tune… and yet another empty mail sack. Like the active post mare herself a few days previous, Blossomforth was sleeping off the night before in the back room.

Looking around the office, Poste Haste gave a low whistle, for there was no mail left to go out, Derpy having delivered the entire town’s that morning alone. She had been exceptionally happy when she started that day, and after much pressure from both Poste and a hungover Blossomforth, told them what had taken place in Canterlot that weekend.

“Anything left, boss?” Derpy asked as she hung up her bag on the wall rack.

Shaking his head, Poste turned to Derpy and sighed. “Nope, you’ve outdone yourself today. It’s finishing time for you anyways, so you’d best get over to town hall.” Poste waited until Derpy left the building, then got out of his chair and stretched his back. After hanging up a sign stating the post office was closed for lunch, the stallion crept into the back room as silently as he could. Pleased moans from a surprise massage soon filled the building.

Out in the streets of Ponyville, Derpy happily trotted along, a wide smile on her face. Strangely, ponies fell silent as she walked by, lowering their heads a little. Choosing to ignore the curious issue, she forged on, arriving at Town Hall.

Entering the building, she saw it had changed from her last visit, now decorated for the coming Harvest Festival in two weeks. Not knowing which way she had to go, Derpy chose the only corridor with a light to enter, walking slowly down it.

“Ah, Miss Hooves.” Turning to face the voice with some slight hesitation, Derpy sighed in relief as she faced Typecast, who was stood in the doorway to one of the offices. “Please, come join me for a moment.” The stallion waved Derpy over, stepping back into the room, and she followed, setting herself down on a chair opposite Typecast.

“Is… is this going to take long? I have somewhere to be.” Derpy asked, fidgeting slightly.

“No, not at all. It is my understanding that Dinky’s father has been located, and,” Typecast slid two sheets of paper across the desk, along with a quil. “In accordance with Equestrian law, he now has to repay all of the bits that have been provided through the FPS.”

“Well, I could just give the money back,” Derpy said after reading over the paperwork.

“That… is a very complicated process, Miss Hooves,” Typecast replied, taking his glasses off and scratching the bridge of his nose. “One that is even more so right now with the official investigation by the Ministry of Finance.”

That made Derpy perk up, and she slid the papers back to Typecast, the sheets remaining unfilled. “A sum of a hundred and twenty eight thousand, two hundred and twelve bits would seem enticing to a pony willing to take money from Silver Lining, wouldn’t it?”

Frowning, Typecast closed the door with his magic, a click following in the silence letting Derpy know it was locked. “And how would a mailpony down here in Ponyville know of what is going on all the way in Canterlot?”

“Simple,” Derpy said with a hint of smugness, but mainly with pride. “As you clearly said a moment ago, Dinky’s father has come forward. He also happens to be the pony in charge of the Ministry of Finance.”

Typecast worked his jaw a few times, trying to figure out a way to respond, but no words came to mind. Standing from his chair, he walked to the door and unlocked it, holding it open for the mare. “If you could ask Prince Blueblood to visit me at some point, I am certain we can come up with a plan of action to catch the ponies responsible.”

“Thank you.”

“Well, they still need to set up your tasks for the sentence…I’ll inform them about you coming in.” Typecast said to Derpy, seeing her off as they both walked towards the door. “Have a nice day, Miss Hooves.”

Derpy nodded to Typecast as she walked away, giving a wave to him. “Thank you again, Mr Typecast.” She bid him farewell as she trotted back into Ponyville proper, stopping when her stomach let out a rumble. It’s a bit later for lunch and too early for dinner… maybe I should go get a cake for now...

“Let me ask you again, Twily… how long have you been together?” Shining Armour asked his little sister for the hundredth time since he found out she was in a relationship with a stallion he didn’t know.

Twilight groaned as she sat on the couch adjacent to her brother’s leering eyes. “For the last time, over a year now Shiny…” She replied in frustration, frowning at her brother interrogating her.

“And you couldn’t bother telling me about this? I’m your brother for pony sake!”

Is he serious? Twilight cocked her brow as she pursed her lips at him before she replied. “This coming from a stallion who only tells me he’s going to get married in a day and I have to plan out the wedding?!” She retorted bitterly at Shining, softening her eyes a little when she the guilt on her brother’s face.

“T-that’s not fair, Twily... you know that was—”

“But she has a point, dear…” Cadance’s melodious voice came from the kitchen as she walked out with a tray of tea and biscuits held in her magic. “Besides, if Twilight’s happy with this stallion… I see no reason to object.” She winked at her little sister-in-law, releasing her grip from the set of china.

“Thank you!” Twilight exclaimed as she sighed in relief, happy that Cadance was taking her side in this ridiculous argument.

Cadance levitated a frame towards her, containing a photo of Big Macintosh kissing Twilight. “Also, he is quite the catch and a very lucky stallion to have you in his life.” She said with a giggle, seeing her sister-in-law’s blush becoming a darker shade of red.

“Still, I’d like to—”

“Shining, I forgot the sugar in the kitchen… mind fetching it for me?” Cadance planted her lips to her husband’s cheek as the grin on her muzzle grew even bigger when he was gone from the room. Almost instantly, Cadance jumped from her seat and landed next to Twilight, beaming mischievously. “So, how far have you gone?!”

Twilight’s eyes boggled before she could speak again. “C-Cadance!” The alicorn spoke through her teeth, fearing her brother would hear them from where he was.

“It’s just us ladies here,” Cadance giggled as she leaned her ear closer to Twilight. “Come now… I’m dying to know here.” She said as she eagerly awaited the alicorn’s answer. She heard a sigh before words were whispered from the younger mare’s muzzle, followed by an everlasting grin on the elder mare’s. “Oh my! No wonder you radiated so much when we saw you.”

And here I thought you were more wholesome…”Just don’t tell Shiny about it please!” Twilight begged Cadance, displaying her puppy eyes on the elder mare as she did when she was younger and still foalsat.

“My lips are sealed, besides…” Cadance looked back to the kitchen, seeing no sign of Shining. “If he pesters you about that, ask him what we did before he proposed to me.”

Before Twilight could respond to Cadance’s words, she heard the door of the library being opened and closed, indicating somepony’s arrival. Must be Spike, I thought he would be home later cause of Ruby… Her thoughts were cut when she saw Blueblood entering the room, with Dinky on his back. “Oh! Hi Blue!”

“Hey Twi, how was your—” Blueblood was cut off when he felt a pair of hooves encircling him, bringing him into a tight hug before he was released. He was surprised, yet happy to see who it was that embraced him. “Cadie?”

“Blue! It’s been a while.” Cadance nuzzled her cousin before removing herself from him. “What are you doing all the way down here?”

Blueblood shrugged, feeling Dinky hiding her head in his long mane. “A lot of stuff has been happening lately, you see—”

“Hey Blue!” Shining called out as he walked out of the kitchen, bumping his hoof against the other stallion’s. “Great to see you again, been too long what with...” His words trailed off when he noticed the head of a foal sticking out from behind Blueblood. “Hey, who’s the filly?” He asked curiously.

“Oh yes, she’s—”

“You’re foalsitting? Well I’ll be…” Shining shook his head in disbelief, before he winced as he felt Twilight’s elbow sticking into his ribs.

I guess Auntie Tia hasn’t told them yet… Blueblood chuckled as he looked back, nudging the filly softly as she stuck her head from behind. “This is Dinky, my daughter.” He said proudly, though Cadance and Shining were silent after he said that. He lowered his back enough for the filly to jump off. “Go on, say ‘Hi’.”

Dinky shuffled her hooves as she nervously looked up to the princess of the Crystal Empire and her husband. “Um… Hello…” she barely uttered out, leaning into her father’s leg as she tried to hide her face from the onlookers.

After a few moments of silence, Cadance was the first to step forward, her eyes never leaving Dinky. “She’s…” she began to speak, only for a high pitch scream to follow as she kneeled down to be on eye level with the filly. “Oh my gosh, Blue! She’s adorable!” The alicorn exclaimed, though confused when the filly was scooting further away. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you…”

Mustering all the courage from within, Dinky stepped out into the open again. When she looked at Cadance, calmness began to surge through her as a smile began to etch onto her muzzle.

“Woah woah!” Shining blurted out, bringing the attention of the others unto him. “If she’s your daughter… does that mean you found… her?” The stallion asked Blueblood, shocked to see him grinning as he gave a nod to reply.

“Indeed so, and her name is Derpy by the way.” Blueblood said before he looked to Cadance and Dinky, as they were getting acquainted with each other.

Cadance’s ears perked to the name of the mare Blueblood loved for over a decade, causing her to rocket upwards and approach her cousin with yet another hug. “I’m so glad you finally found her! I would like to meet her.”

“If you’re staying overnight, sure.” Blueblood shrugged, suppressing a laugh at Cadance’s cheer. “Would also give me more time to tell you everything that’s happened.”

And it gives me more time to teach this filly my special greeting! Cadance looked down to face Dinky, beaming at the irresistibly cute filly. Her eyes lingered to Shining who stood next to her, with her muzzle coming closer to his ear. “Shining, I think it’s time we discussed something… in private.” She whispered to him sultry, her eyes glistening as she looked at her husband


As Cadance and Shining were talking on one side, Blueblood took the chance to speak to Twilight with Dinky by his side. “When did they arrive here?” He asked her, as he glanced to the married couple.

“This morning, after you left,” Twilight responded before she smiled at Dinky. “You’ve got to tell me about your Family Appreciation Day presentation. I bet the foals were all surprised when you came in. Reminds me of a certain presentation where Granny Smith had to fill in the spot for Applejack when she couldn’t…” The lavender pony trailed off when she saw the colour drain from Blueblood’s face. “Blue?”

Oh no… “Um, Twilight… about Applejack…” Blueblood swallowed a lump forming in his throat before he could continue. “I may have told her something about you and Big Macintosh last night…”

“You didn’t—”

The door of the library banged open, revealing an orange earth pony mare standing in the doorway. “Twi, we need to talk about something…” Applejack said as she marched towards her friend, ignoring the others as she advanced forward.

“... Applejack, come back here righ’ now!” Big Macintosh came running in, stepping in front of his sister to bar her way towards Twilight. “This is getting ridiculous how ye—” The red stallion froze when he saw Shining Armor and Cadance were present. Aw ponyfeathers!

The entire library was silent, with everypony looking at each other as though some kind of catastrophe was about to transpire. After the tense moment, Dinky tugged on Blueblood’s tail to gain his attention. “Why don’t I show you Sugarcube Corner, daddy?” Dinky insisted as she pulled her father out of the library, leaving the others behind.

“So…” Shining began to talk menacingly as he glared at Big Macintosh, initiating his own form of interrogation. “So you're the stallion who’s dating my baby sister?”

Big Macintosh felt Twilight pressing against him, no doubt offering him silent support as he was faced with a former Captain of the Royal Guard. The red stallion sighed as he closed his eyes, opening them again to reveal a spark of defiance as he faced the unicorn.
