• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 12,636 Views, 2,033 Comments

Where Is My Love? - TheMyth

Two hearts yearning for near a decade. Will fate let these two ponies meet once more... and what is it hiding from one of them?

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Chapter 16

The view out of the window changed from rolling fields with the occasional village to thick forest on either side of the track, bringing a smile to one stallion’s face as memories of when he was a foal running through them with his parents bubbled to the surface.

Giving a sigh, Blueblood tore his gaze away from the outside world, knowing that it would be at most two hours before they arrived in Canterlot. Looking around the private carriage, a small smile came to his face when he saw Dinky, who was asleep under her mother’s wing, the mare dozing on the bench as well.

Seeing Derpy shiver, Blueblood lit his horn and floated down one of the blankets from the racking, covering the mare and their daughter. I know we wanted time, but even after a week, I know in my heart what I must do. Standing from his seat, Blueblood walked over to Derpy and began to gently brush her mane, removing the stray strands that had fallen in front of her face. So beautiful…

“I remember the time I thought of myself in her position.” Blueblood turned with a frown to the voice, then smiled softly as Rarity stepped into the compartment. “Even I can see the love you have for her, clear as day, and I cannot feel anything but happiness for you.”

“Thank you, Rarity.” Blueblood returned to his seat and tapped the space next to him, Rarity taking the invitation. As she came closer, he noticed she seemed to have slight bags under her eyes and her mane was a little disheveled. “Are you okay? You look a bit tired.”

“Oh, just a late night doing final adjustments for my friends’ dresses,” Rarity said, shocking Blueblood when she lay sideways and place her head on his leg. She covered her mouth with a hoof to hide her tittering when she saw his expression. “I assure you, this is nothing more than using you as a pillow. I’ve seen mama bear angry, and do not wish to be on the receiving end of that.”

Blueblood nodded then looked to Derpy, surprised to see she was now awake and staring back. The pegasus mare wore a blank expression as she took in the scene, and after her brain registered who the other mare was, smiled to the stallion.

Loud mumbling from the corridor caused them all to turn, catching the shadow of a wide brimmed hat moving by the window. Blueblood and Derpy watched in confusion whilst Rarity just giggled. “She’s been like this since this morning,” the unicorn mare said, sighing. “I think you broke her with that offer, Blue.”

“Well, it’s a good job her brother will be there to help her with the preparations,” Blueblood replied, looking at the wall between theirs and the next compartment, knowing that the massive earth pony stallion was in there with Twilight Sparkle and Spike. “Besides, she will have others working under her, so won’t have to do all of it on her own.”

The group fell silent as the train rattled on, the woods outside thinning out as it began the steeper part of the climb to the capital city of Equestria. Looking out of the window, Blueblood saw glinting gold reflecting in the air, caused by the armour of pegasi guards as they patrolled the sky. Given the event planned for the next evening, he easily understood why there seemed to be extra guards on duty.

He spotted a small grotto in the foothills of the mountain, and began to daydream, having been there with a few friends during his college days. Heh… Shining Armour trying to impress Cadance, but she had to save him from drowning. Such a hidden treasure… I should take Derpy and Dinky… and maybe just Derpy sometime.

A loud yawn drew his attention back to the other bench, where Dinky blinked slowly as she hugged her mother’s wing closer to her. Her gaze lazily drifted around the compartment until it settled on Blueblood, and seeing him caused her to awake fully, jumping from her lying position into his lap, which Rarity had vacated just in time.

“Morning, daddy!” the filly nearly shouted, reaching up to wrap her forehooves around the chuckling stallion’s neck. After giving him his morning hug, she looked out of the window to see they were now at the same height as Cloudsdale, which was the midway point for pegasi between Ponyville and Canterlot. “Oh wow, are we nearly there?”

“Yes, Dinky,” Blueblood said as he pulled the filly close against his chest. “It won’t be long now.” Giving another yawn, Dinky snuggled down against her father and closed her eyes, the stallion staring down with adoration in his eyes. My sweet little Dinky… I am so ashamed I haven’t been there for you… but from now on, I will be, day or night.

Even the click of a camera going off didn’t make him look away, nor did he notice that Rarity had traded places with Derpy until he felt a kiss on his cheek, turning to stare into the mare’s shimmering golden eyes, righting her mistake by softly kissing her lips, another click of the camera filling the room.

Good morning travellers. We will be arriving in Canterlot within the next twenty minutes.” Blueblood sighed as the voice of the announcer came from the corridor, the stallion wishing he could have longer with his… Are they my family? Longer with Derpy and Dinky just relaxing like they were. “The weather is nice and clear, and the temperature is a nice two hundred and ninety nine Coltvins in the Mountain City right now. Please enjoy your stay.

Rarity was the first to move, using her magic to get all of the luggage down as Blueblood was still holding a tired filly. They heard thudding from next door, knowing their companions in there were getting ready as well. Not much longer later the rocky scenery disappeared as the train passed through a long tunnel, which ran through the outer wall to the city.

The train slowed down, and once out the other end of the tunnel was surrounded by several large warehouses, before slowing even further as it entered the station. When it finally came to a stop, Blueblood transferred, amidst much struggling, Dinky to her mother’s back and picked up their bags, letting the two mares go first before making his way onto the platform.

“Are you sure? I can carry my own belongings if it is too much.”

“Not at all, madame. I assure you, this is nothing.”

Blueblood chuckled when he heard the second voice, turning to see Wise Words hefting not only Rarity’s, but also Twilight’s groups luggage, and he knew it wasn’t even testing the elder stallion’s abilities. “Rarity, trust me. You won’t win this argument.”

“Fine,” the female unicorn huffed, then stepped closer to Wise Words and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you for your kindness, sir.” It wasn’t often Blueblood got to see something that made Wise Words freeze for a moment, but it made those times when he did all the better.

“Still got it with the mares, eh Wise?” Blueblood asked, getting a glare in return.

“You are needed at the Ministry of Finance as soon as possible, Minister,” Wise stated flatly. He wasn’t so much as angry with the prince, more annoyed with himself for not expecting the friendly taunt. “I shall ensure your belongings get to the castle. Miss Derpy, may I escort you?”

Derpy looked over her shoulder at Dinky, then remembered a promise she made on her last visit to the city. “Actually, there’s something we need to do.” She turned to Blueblood, nuzzling under his chin. “We’ll see you later, okay?”

“Sure,” Blueblood replied, returning the nuzzle. He then looked up and kissed Dinky’s forehead, making her giggle. “And you behave for your mother.”

“I will daddy!” the filly shouted, a wide grin coming to her face as Blueblood winked at her and lifted Derpy’s muzzle, kissing the mare passionately. He left her gasping when they broke apart, the stallion giving a nod before turning and walking towards one of the exits.

Dinky and Derpy said their farewells to the rest of the group on the platform then headed to another of the large doorways, in a different direction Blueblood had gone. Neither took note of Big Mac trying to pull his stubborn sister from the carriage.

As the company dispersed from the train station; Twilight, Big Macintosh, and Spike began to walk down the main street of Canterlot. A few ponies bowed in the presence of the princess, yet also glared at the earth pony stallion. The alicorn mare groaned as she trotted onwards, ignoring the snide remarks made about her stallion, who remained stoic inspite of the obvious insults.

Big Macintosh noticed Spike was lagging as they were walking, prompting the stallion to crane his neck down to the dragon and lift him up and place him onto his back.

When she saw her stallion performing such a kind act, Twilight couldn’t help but smile warmly at the scene. "So what should we do first? We could go to the museum!" she suggested as she walked alongside Big Macintosh with Spike on the stallion’s back.

“Shouldn’t we go tell your parents the news first… mom?” Spike asked.

Twilight giggled as she blushed sheepishly at her boy’s question. “You’re right, we should stop by them first…” she said as her eyes lingered on Spike as he began talking to Big Macintosh about certain sights around Canterlot. I wonder what mom and dad will say when I tell them they are grandparents?

Since the baby dragon's revelation, Twilight had written to Celestia about altering the guardianship papers regarding Spike. When the paperwork was finalized, the dragon had officially been deemed as the son of the Princess of Friendship.

“... and Donut Joe sells the best donuts here in Canterlot. He also makes good hot chocolate in case you—” Spike paused for a moment when he saw Big Macintosh looking down at his chest, which was for one of the rare times bare, the stallion missing his signature yoke. “What’s wrong d-Big Mac?” the little dragon asked, quickly correcting himself from using a word he thought would upset the stallion.

Big Macintosh looked back at Spike and gave him a smile, rubbing at an itchy spot of fur that hadn’t been exposed to air in a long time. Ah really should remember to take it off at night. “Sorry Spike, just feeling a little exposed here without mah pappy’s yoke.” Ah know Granny’s looking after it, but still…

“I’m sorry you had to leave it behind, but Rarity said it would ruin your suit.” Twilight stated, leaning her head to the stallion’s chin and nuzzling it. “Besides, it gives me a chance to do this.” The alicorn planted her lips on Big Macintosh’s neck, kissing it and biting on it softly.

“Eeyup.” Big Macintosh replied, reaching for Twilight’s ear and nibbling on it gently. Both ponies paused when they Spike groaning on the stallion’s back, doing this best to cover his eyes and ears but to no avail. “I think we should continue this in private…” the stallion whispered to his mare, earning a nod from her.

Poor Spike… Deciding to take her stallion’s advice, Twilight shook her head and resumed her trot, a grin appearing on her face as a mansion came into view at the end of a small cul-de-sac the group had just entered. “Well, we’re here.” she said as she looked at her stallion, whose eyes nearly dropped out of his sockets, causing her to giggle at his reaction.

“You used to live here?” he asked Twilight, who nodded in response. Ah know Twilight’s parents are nobles… but Ah never thought they were this wealthy.... Just as he was about to speak again, Spike got off his back and made his way to the double doors, where he rang the bell twice.

The doors opened to reveal a scarlet unicorn with ebony mane in a maid outfit. “Good afternoon, how may I be of ser—” her words were cut off when she saw Spike beaming at her, causing her to forsake her professional image as she let out a high pitch scream and scoop the dragon up in her hooves. “Oh my gosh! Spike! Oh I missed you so much!” she exclaimed as she administered a barrage of kisses on the dragon’s face before nuzzling him furiously.

“I missed you too, Poppy.” Spike replied as he hugged the mare before he let go of her.

Poppy Merry’s eyes landed on Twilight and Big Macintosh. “Twilight!” she called out to the princess, walking over to her and enveloping her in a hug. “You’re becoming more and more beautiful everyday…”

Twilight blushed as she looked away from the maid. “Poppy…” she said meekly, earning a giggle from the scarlet mare.

“And who’s this magnificent stallion?” Poppy asked as she eyed Big Macintosh, who was trying to suppress his laughter at the sight he was seeing.

“This is Big Macintosh, my special stallion.” Twilight answered as she walked next to the stallion and nuzzled his naked neck.

As she looked at Big Macintosh and back at Twilight, Poppy’s grinned expanded as she tittered at the couple. “I always knew you would find yourself a proper stallion Twilight, especially one as handsome as he is.”

“Poppy? Who’s at the door?” a mare called out as she walked towards the entrance, gasping when she saw her daughter. “Twilight!” Twilight Velvet ran up to her daughter and embraced her. “If I knew you were going to visit, I’d—” her words were cut as her daughter’s hoof was pressed against her lips.

“Mom, it’s okay… we just thought we’d drop by since we’re going to the gala tomorrow.” Twilight said as she removed her hoof from her mother.

“Oh alright,” Velvet replied before she turned Spike. “And how’s my favourite baby dragon?” she asked as she lifted him from the ground and nuzzled him before putting him back down.

Spike smiled broadly at Velvet before he hugged her leg, causing her to crane her neck to reach his head. “I’m good here, Miss Velvet,” he replied. When he removed himself from the mare, he saw her turn her attention Big Macintosh.

“And how are you, Big Macintosh?” she greeted him, surprising the stallion with a hug.

Big Macintosh felt fortunate that his fur was red, or else his blush would have been seen by everypony present. “A-ah’m doing well, Miss Velvet…” the stallion said, but froze when the elder mare glared at him.

“None of that ‘Miss Velvet’ nonsense here! When you’re in my house, you call me ‘mom’. Is that clear?!” she ordered Big Macintosh, who meekly nodded to her words. “Now then, let’s go inside.” she said, being the first to enter the household with the others following her in.

Once the doors were closed by Poppy, Velvet lead her guests into the living room where she gestured each of them to sit on a lavish couch whilst the maid went to fetch tea and biscuits for them. “I’ll be right back, just going to fetch your father.” she said before disappearing from the room.

After Poppy came in with the tea, Night Light and Twilight Velvet entered the room with the stallion marching right up to his daughter. “Twilight!” he greeted her with a nuzzle and a kiss on her forehead. “This is a pleasant surprise.”

“We thought we’d drop by and tell you… about some important news.” Twilight mumbled as she shuffled her hooves, looking away from her parent’s peering eyes.

“Did Big Macintosh propose?” Twilight Velvet asked, leaning forward with a wide grin on her face. He did ask our permission when we first met. When she saw her daughter shake her head, the mare cocked her brow before she gasped. “Oh my gosh! You’re pregnant!”

Twilight Sparkle spat out the tea she had in her mouth with such velocity it created a rainbow. “What?! No!” the mare cheeks burned furiously as she regained her composure and wiped her mouth clean from the residue. “Well… it has to do with family…” she continued with her eyes lingering on Spike who trying his best to suppress his laughter.

“What is it then?”

“What Twilight is trying to say, is that she adopted little Spike here as her son.” Big Macintosh chimed in, taking a sip of his tea as silence took invaded the room they were sitting in. The stallion could swear he heard something break in the other room Poppy walked into earlier after leaving the refreshments for them.

Twilight Velvet and Night Light turned to each blinking before they looked back at their daughter. Their eyes drifted to Spike who was playing with his own tail as he nervously. “Spike? Is this true?” the mare asked him.

“Yeah…” Spike trailed off as he continued to fumble with his tail, gulping down a lump that was forming in his throat. “It’s true, Miss Velvet… I’m—” the little dragon yelped as he was pulled towards Twilight’s parents with magic before he was brought into a group hug.

“That’s ‘grandma’ to you Mister!” Twilight Velvet said as she nuzzled the baby dragon. “And no more Mister Night Light either, he’s grandpa now.” she continued as she started to tear up with a trembling smile.

Night Light nodded as he ruffled Spike’s scales. “That’s right... “ the stallion replied. “Who would have thought our daughter would be the first to give us a grand foal? Oh, grand-dragon.” the stallion corrected himself as he grinned. “I mean I can’t blame Shining for the amount of times he’s tried to—” he was cut off as the baby dragon pulled away from the group hug and ran away into another room, covering his ears as he babbled something incomprehensible to the others. “What was that about?”

Twilight sighed as she planted a hoof to her face. “Sorry, Big Mac… do you mind?” she asked her stallion, receiving a kiss to her cheek before he got up and walked to where Spike headed off, leaving her alone with her parents. “Well, Shining and Cadance came to visit this week and they…”

As he reached the gates leading to the castle, Blueblood was greeted by two guards who stood by the entrance, both nodding in the presence of their prince. The stallion stepped into the castle and began making his way down the corridors, his ears perked to the sound of murmurs and whispers as he walked past other ponies inside. Entering the offices of the Ministry, he greeted his workers cheerfully as he approached the double doors at the back of the room.

Once he reached the doors and opened them, he caught sight of two stallions already seated inside. Both ponies stood up when they saw Blueblood enter the office. “Ah, good to see you again my boy…” Fancy Pants greeted Blueblood as the latter made his way towards the other.

“Good to see you too, Fancy.” Blueblood replied. “Good afternoon, Hutch… I hope things weren’t too stressful here whilst I was gone.”

Hutch shook his head as he grinned at Blueblood. “Aside from Lady Vain being gobsmacked about me being as free as a bird, the work here has shown progress, albeit with some bumps in the process.” the earth pony noted, reaching for his saddlebag and pulling out some files. “These are the records of the interview we conducted with Lady Vain.” he said as he passed them on to the unicorn stallion.

Blueblood used his magic to flip through each paper he was reading, his frown intensified as he continued. “Are these accurate?” he asked Hutch, receiving a nod from the earth pony stallion. “So you’re saying that Shimmer Spark has spontaneously disappeared?”

“More likely, she made a run for it… once we realized somepony was keeping bits for themselves.” Fancy Pants remarked, adjusting his monocle as he looked at Blueblood. “I have sent someponies to locate her whereabouts as we speak.”

“Good... “ Blueblood trailed off as he finished the report and handed it back to Hutch. “Anything else to report?” he asked Hutch.

Hutch shook his head after he placed the files back into his saddlebag. “Aside from Lady Vain claiming she has no idea of the embezzlement going on, nothing right now.” he said. “I just find it strange how a mare like that can ever be in charge of an organization responsible for the well being of foals.”

“My boy, there are someponies who would do anything as long as it contributed to their avarice.” Fancy Pants replied as he shook his head with a weary sigh. “Even though it saddens me how far someponies will go just to get that one extra bit in their wallets at the end of the day.”

Blueblood nodded as he listened to his predecessor’s words. “Still it’s a good thing that there are ponies out there stopping them, like us.” the stallion said as he looked to Fancy and Hutch. “I’ll take over from here and investigate this myself… in the meantime, why don’t you take a few days off Hutch? You’ve certainly earned it after what you’ve been though.”

“Thank you, Sir…” Hutch replied as he smiled.

“If I remember correctly, your mother will be making an appearance at this gala, am I correct?” Blueblood asked, receiving a nod from Hutch.

Hutch scrunched his lips as he looked away and forced a smile. “Yes... “ the earth pony trailed as he rubbed the back of his head. “Though she has already sent forth her supplies for the gala.”

“That’s good to hear,” Blueblood replied, heading towards the doors and opening them to let his colleagues out first. “Oh, Fancy… mind if I have a word with you?” he asked the other unicorn before he departed.

“Of course.” Fancy replied as he stayed behind whilst Hutch walked onwards.

As both unicorns waved farewell to Hutch who turned a corner, Fancy was the first to speak after he cleared his throat. “So what can I do for you, my boy?”

“You know I am as old as you, Fancy?” Blueblood remarked as they both walked through the passages. “We were even in the same class together in college… you, me and Shining Armour.”

“The three ‘White Knights’ we were…” Fancy interjected as he and Blueblood laughed in nostalgia. “I still remember when Shining was still socially inept, whilst dreaming of becoming a captain of the guard just like his grandfather…”

Blueblood chuckled as he looked upwards. “And then he met my cousin and had a new dream in his life… yet so did she.” the stallion said as he remembered the two ponies when they started dating.

“And right after we finished college, I was married to my highschool love.” Fancy grinned as his eyes softened in nostalgia, remembering seeing Fleur in a magnificent wedding dress she crafted herself as a final project at the end of the year, which also elevated her in the fashion industry. “I can’t wait for our filly to be born.”

Blueblood’s ears perked when Fancy mentioned the baby. “So it’s confirmed you are going to have a filly for a first born?” The stallion asked his friend.

“Indeed… just like you.” Fancy replied as he grinned. “Is your daughter going to attend the gala tomorrow?” he asked

“She will, but I am unsure how long she’ll stay up.” Before Blueblood could expand on his statement, his ears flickered to the sound of hoofsteps coming towards them. When he turned around, he saw a white unicorn mare approaching them slowly.

“Darling…” Fleur greeted Fancy with a kiss on his lips. “I need your help with a few things.” she said, gasping as she felt a kick to in her abdomen. She looked down to her swollen stomach, smiling demurely at it. Her attention turned to Blueblood who was standing next to her husband. “Ah, it’s good to see you again Blue.”

“Likewise Fleur,” Blueblood greeted the mare, his eyes lingering to her stomach. “How many months more to go?” the stallion asked.

Fleur looked back at her abdomen before she turned back to Blueblood. “Roughly four months.” the mare replied, giggling as her husband placed an ear on her stomach. “Fancy…”

“Shh… I’m hearing our daughter speaking…” the stallion teased his wife as he squinted his eyes and pressed his ear firmly to Fleur’s stomach. Fancy was surprised when he felt a bump against his head, causing him to flinch away from it.

“I’ll see you both at the gala tomorrow.” Blueblood bid farewell to the couple, making his way outside of the castle. I wonder where Derpy and Dinky are right now?

“Thanks for your order, come again,” Donut Joe said, smiling to the pony on the other side of the counter. The only ‘customers’ left in the shop after the lunch time rush were his parents, most other ponies having headed back to work. Turning away from the counter, Joe set a fresh batch of donuts into several ovens and the dirty dishes into a large washer.

Hearing the bell above his door ringing, Joe turned around to greet the pony, but his mouth remained open with no sound as he saw an empty space. The sound of a foal giggling brought a smile to his face, for he knew that laugh even after only hearing it once, the stallion crouching down behind the counter.

He slowly shifted along to where there was a gap which allowed access to the kitchen, and when he poked his head around the side, he saw a unicorn filly doing the same. When their eyes met, they slowly moved back, then out into the open again. They did this several times, until when Joe went out the filly didn’t, the stallion frowning in confusion.

Something then landed on his back, giggling, and he looked over his shoulder into the beaming face of the filly. “Uncle Joe!”

Joe rolled over, holding the filly in his magic until she was on his chest and he could wrap his forehooves around her. “Lil’ Dink! What are ya doing here on your own?” the stallion asked, slightly worried.

“I’m not, momma’s here too!” Dinky replied, pointing her hoof to the seating area. Tilting his head back, Joe had an inverted view as he saw Derpy sitting between their parents, smiling over at him. “Oooh, and I found my daddy!”

“That’s great, Dinks,” Joe said as he sat up, hugging the filly tighter before setting her down and getting up, then walking over to Derpy and embracing her too. He leaned in a little closer so that Dinky wouldn’t hear his whispers. “Does the prince know?”

He felt Derpy nod then pulled away, helping Dinky into one of the high seats then sat down himself. Lighting his horn, he brought over two metal teapots, pouring a cup of coffee for his sister and one of hot chocolate for his niece. Ignoring Derpy’s glare, for she knew what was next, Joe topped Dinky’s drink with whipped cream and marshmallows.

“So, sis, back in town for some time?” Joe asked, watching as Dinky tried to take a sip of her drink and came away with cream on the tip of her muzzle. “Last visit was pretty quick.”

“Yeah, we’ll be here until Sunday lunch time,” Derpy replied, watching as Dinky tried to lick the cream off, Sugary Myth shaking her head with a sigh before picking up a napkin in her magic and using it to clean her granddaughter’s face. “Speaking of… are you doing anything tomorrow night?”

Lucky Mint and Sugary Myth looked between each other then turned to their daughter and shook their heads, Joe following a moment later and making Derpy smile. The mare turned and routed around in her saddlebags, pulling out a nearly plain white envelope, a half moon-half sun symbol where the address should be.

“Derpy, what’s that?” Lucky asked, recognising the mark from the official business edicts that had come from the castle.

“I, and by extension, you, are invited to attend the Grand Galloping Gala… as the guests of honour tomorrow night.” Derpy grew slightly worried, for the family sat around her remained silent, Dinky looking between them with another blob of cream on her nose. “Where are you going, dad?” Derpy asked when Lucky stood from his seat and stretched his back out.

“If we’re going to be in front of the snobs, I want to look good,” Lucky said as he nuzzled Dinky. “I need to get some silver polish for my medals.” He moved closer to Derpy and pulled her in for a hug, kissing her forehead. “I’ll see you two later, okay?”

He walked out of the shop, leaving the other four behind. Looking over at his counter, Joe took note of what else needed baking when an idea suddenly hit him, and he turned to Derpy with a grin. “Say sis… how about making some muffins for the shop?”

Instead of the mare answering, her filly did for her. “Yeah, let’s make some of momma’s muffins!” Dinky shouted, jumping from her seat and running into the kitchen, where the sounds of pots and pans being banged together came from.

Giving Joe a sheepish smile for her daughter’s seeming mistreatment of the cooking utensils, Derpy followed after Dinky and grabbed a spare apron, wrapping it around her body. “Okay Dinky, let’s give some of the snobs from Canterlot a reason to smile.”

Having left Dinky with Princess Luna, Derpy slipped through the doors one of the castle staff had just led her to. The room she emerged into was quite spacious, almost large enough to host a party if one so wished. She stepped further in, mesmerised by the decor of the room.

She didn’t notice the door being closed behind her, nor the stallion making sure that his hooves made no sound as he approached her. Once close enough, he cleared his throat, making the mare yelp in surprise and jump into the air, wings flapping wildly.

“You!” Derpy said harshly, glaring at the grinning stallion. “How could you do that to me?”

“Well, it has been nearly an exact ten years since you did that to me when we met,” Blueblood replied, giving the mare his best puppy dog eyes. When she drifted back down to the ground he pulled her close and nuzzled her cheek. “I trust you had a good day?”

“Yes, we did. I’m not sure if my parents believe me about you, but they’ll see the truth tomorrow,” Derpy answered, sighing as she tried to press closer to Blueblood’s chest, but he moved back. She looked at him with a frown, but that changed when she saw the sparkling of his eyes. “W-what are we doing here?”

Blueblood didn’t answer, instead the next sound in the room came from the side a piece of classical music playing. Taking Derpy’s hoof in his own, Blueblood slowly rose up to his rear hooves, bringing the mare up with him until they were barrel to barrel. “Place your hooves around my neck.”

Derpy did as she was told, feeling the stallion’s wrap around her back, the pair swaying back and forth. Taking careful steps, Blueblood moved the two of them around the room, doing nothing too strenuous as Derpy got used to moving on two legs.

“Very good, Derpy,” Blueblood said as his horn glowed a little. “Now we can begin properly.” Taking her left forehoof in his right, her extended their legs to the side and pulled her closer against him. “Don’t look at your hooves, look at me, and you’ll be fine.”

Derpy nodded just as the music changed, following the same theme but with a higher tempo. Next thing she knew, Blueblood began to glide across the floor with her, their rear hooves tapping the ground in time with the faint beat from the music.

At first it was just moving about, but after around twenty minutes Blueblood added more, using their momentum to spin Derpy in place as he moved around her, placing her back in his hoof and stepping away. Derpy knew in the back of her mind that he was giving her a dancing lesson, but all she could focus on were the two blue orbs staring back at her.

Hearing the music reaching its crescendo, Blueblood pulled Derpy closer and gave one final spin, before finishing with a dip, leaving Derpy looking at the room upside down, the stallion using the opportunity to close in and kiss her neck, making her giggle.

“Well, your hoof work could do with some more practice,” came a voice to the side, and when Derpy was allowed to stand on four hooves once more she saw it belonged to Rarity. “But you’ve done well for a beginner. Now, it’s rather late, so I think we should all turn in for the night.”

“Agreed,” said Blueblood, going to take Derpy’s hoof when it was slapped away by a an aura of light blue magic, causing the stallion to turn to the other unicorn. “Miss Rarity?”

“I require Derpy to be well rested tomorrow, which means a night without frivolous activities,” Rarity said sharply, facing away from Blueblood. “Save them for tomorrow night. Now, be a good colt and run along.” Seeing he wasn’t moving, Rarity gave him a moment to give Derpy a parting kiss then picked him up with her magic and forced him from the room, slamming the door shut as she turned to Derpy. “Now then my dear… the real part can begin!”

Derpy was confused as to what Rarity meant, until Twilight and Applejack appeared from another doorway, several bottles of wine held in the alicorn’s magic.

Outside the room, Blueblood pulled his ear away from the door and gave a sigh. Whilst he wanted to spend more time with Derpy, he was happy that there were some mares in the castle with whom she could have fun with.

He began to make his way back to his quarters, going just three corridors before he ran into an lost looking pony. “Big Mac, are you all right?”

Mac turned to look at Blueblood, giving a sigh. “Ah can’t find Twi anywhere. She said she’d be in her… our room.”

“...blame Miss Rarity.” As soon as he said that, Blueblood saw Mac knew exactly what he meant. “Tell you what, why don’t I show you one of the castle’s many secrets…. Celestia’s private bar?” The two stallions stared at each other in silence, then began snickering as Blueblood motioned for Mac to follow and moved down one of the other corridors.

Sitting on her throne, Luna giggled like a filly as Dinky ran from one pillar to the next, screaming in delight and laughing from a near invisible assailant. As the alicorn also had shadow magic, she could see Deadeye’s ‘essence’, watching as the stallion dived into the shadows to creep up on the filly.

He’d occasionally get her, the room then being filled with Dinky’s giggles as Deadeye held her still and tickled her ribs.

Luna’s ears shot up as she saw another Katakan’s essence sneaking up behind Deadeye, yet all of the other guards on this particular shift were visible. The alicorn knew the other hidden pony, but was unsure exactly who it was until they became corporeal and pounced at the distracted stallion.

“Now, little princess,” Nightshade said with a giggle, her forehoof pressed against her son’s chest and keeping him on the floor. “This is how you deal with a Katakan foal.”

It took all composure every other guard could muster for them not to burst out laughing as Nightshade lowered her head and began to blow raspberries on Deadeye’s stomach, making the stallion laugh as his limbs flailed about in an ineffective attempt at breaking free.

Nightshade, after several minutes, relented in her assault, stepping away from Deadeye, yet the stallion remained lying on his back. This proved to be a bad idea as Dinky quickly trotted over to the prone stallion and jumped on his chest, filling the room with his guffaws once more as she sent her hooves over his ribs.

Letting up her assault on the stallion, Dinky ran towards the thrones and jumped up next to Luna, an area she classed as a safe zone. She watched as Deadeye rolled over and shook himself off, glaring at snickering coming from some of the other guards. Remembering a little bit of what she was told about the Katakans, Dinky looked between Deadeye and Nightshade before turning to the mare she was pressed against. “Auntie Luna?”

“Yes, little one?” Luna replied, looking down at Dinky with a soft smile.

“If Captain Deadeye was the only Katakan you found at the colony,” Luna’s smile faltered a little as the filly’s question brought forth memories of the alicorn's reunion with the species, but she managed to keep her attention on Dinky instead. “Then how is his mother here?”

“Oh, that’s easy. When Katakan colts came of age, before I found what had become of them after a thousand years, it was common for them to seek out other colonies.” Luna saw the confusion on Dinky’s face, but with not knowing just how much she knew couldn’t really tell her why. “It is like a pony moving to another town to set up a business which was already present in their home.”

“I… I think I understand,” Dinky said as she watched Deadeye walk around the other guards, inspecting their uniforms and talking with them. The filly giggled as the stallion paused when he saw the next guard had been replaced with his mother, shaking his head. As Nightshade skipped ahead of his path again, another question formed in her mind, and she turned to face Luna. “How come you didn’t tell Captain Deadeye off?”

“‘tis simple, Captain Nightshade was present.” Seeing the confusion on Dinky’s face, Luna’s horn began to glow and she made the several images of ponies appear. “The guards you have seen before are the Lunar Guard, they deal with minor disputes.” Luna pointed at the next image. “The Katakan, or most of them, make up the Lunar Corps, who take care of more… intense situations. Deadeye is the captain of the Corps.”

“And Nightshade?” Dinky asked as she looked at the spectral pictures, the third having several Katakans but in different uniform to the others, and the final one containing Nightshade.

“She is the captain of the Shadowbolts. After hearing from my sister how the Bearers of Harmony met, the idea of the Shadowbolts intrigued me,” Luna said, giving a sigh. “Alas, I found nothing when I looked into it. So I made my own. Nightshade, being both the captain and a Shadowbolt herself, ranks higher than Deadeye. If she had not been present in Ponyville, then I would have dealt with him myself.”

Luna sat up straight when several of the Katakans began growling and moved from their assigned spots, Deadeye and Nightshade amongst them. Wrapping a wing around Dinky, Luna pulled the filly closer to her side as she watched more of her guards move into the room, a small smirk playing at her mouth as soon as she saw it was mainly Shadowbolts.

Turning from the seemingly empty space they were glaring at, Deadeye and Nightshade quickly trotted the throne, the mare looking back over her shoulder as Deadeye gave his report. “Night-mistress, that was shadow magic. A Katakan was probing the castle’s defenses.”

“Then dispatch patrols, apprehend anypony wandering the halls this late at night,” Luna commanded, Deadeye nodding to another guard who slipped into shadow-cloud and disappeared from the room. “Deadeye, get Dinky back to her parents, and do not leave Blueblood’s quarters ere the sun rises.”

“Yes, Night-mistress,” Deadeye said, whipping his hoof to his head in a salute, then looked to Dinky. “Come, my princess.” Kneeling down, the stallion let the filly climb onto his back before heading for the doors, two more Katakans joining at his sides as they left the throne room.

Luna waited until the doors were closed before clearing her throat and getting Nightshade’s attention, the Katakan unusually spooked with her ears splayed against her head. “Something wrong?”

“I am… unsure, Night-mistress,” Nightshade replied, frowning. “I know that shadow essence… but it is impossible. That Katakan is dead.” Or I at least hope he is.