• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2017


A guy who loves Mlp, video games, anime, and Kamen Riders

Favourites 2459 stories
Found 1,091 stories in 92ms

Total Words: 91,864,951
Estimated Reading: 36 weeks



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This story is a sequel to When the Man Comes Around

The sixth story in The Journey of Graves.

Spring has come and gone, Graves remains in Ponyville, and for once, all is well. No monsters to slay, no damsels to rescue, nothing: just nice, relaxing days passing in easy leisure. Or, at least as relaxing as Ponyville ever gets. A collection of short stories, the marshal takes a break from fighting and learns a little more about his friends and neighbors, one lazy summer day at a time.

Chapters (8)

All Marcus had to do was stay with the group during the field trip. Follow the group through the museum, listen to the guide, and DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING! Too bad he isn't one for following rules and immediately grabs the handle of a mystical hammer on display. As a result he is now stranded on an unknown world with the powers of Thor, the God of Thunder.

Oh....and 'accidentally' kidnaps a pony princess. Yeah this isn't his day.

At least the hammer keeps him company....sometimes.


Edited by RockstarRacoon

The second installment of The Hybrid Multiverse. Reading previous installments is not required.

This is a displaced story
Featured 10/29/2018
Mjolnir is based off both the Marvel and Norse Mythology versions of Thor. There will be no foalcon! Flurry Heart is nineteen in this story.

Chapters (14)

What would you do when you first experience freedom in your entire life?.............No. What would you do if all your life, from the day you were created, your mind was not your own. Forced to watch as your fellow men were twisted and mutated before either being incinerated, considered "Faulted" weapons, or having their bodies further stretched from humanity.

When this freedom is granted...........So is a great power. The Creators made a fatal mistake when they placed Bio-Boosted Armor upon that Human.........

Humans.......Considered their greatest achievement, a marvel in biological weaponry, such a diverse physiology with the ability to survive practically anywhere given a stable environment. Unfortunately the Creators will pay dearly for super powering their greatest weapon and, unintentionally, giving it free will.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Continuity Disrupted

Herd Apple has gone through many changes in the last year, and now eagerly await the Grand Galloping Gala. Everything they could ever ask for will be there: Swordplay, arguing, torment, vengeance, titans, humans, pursuits, flights, true love, deus ex machinas!

The story starts in Alternate Beginnings, advances in Continuity Disrupted, with mature continuations of select scenes in (warning: mature) AB:BCD!

Sex tag is for relationship between human and ponies (no clop).

Chapters (76)

Smaug is the mightiest of all beasts in Middle Earth. No creature can match his prowess. As the last of his kind, he has no obligations to anyone being other than himself. The only thing he cares about is his hoard.

But this new creature, this alicorn, may just change that.

Chapters (52)

Planet Valhalla Nexus, a strangely large world full of each different type races of Anthropomorphic Furry Vixens. Each kind live in different law rules of kingdoms, compete in tournament hunts to test their skills, and journey to discover treasures or something else in mind. However, there's been some problems in each kingdom as things grew bad in countless years. Even worse, a huge invasion has their coordinates set on the next targets. What happens next when one of the Vixens stumble upon an abandoned space ship containing an endangered sentient? Can the human somehow change the rules and survive from the females having their eyes set on him while training to fight a possible war on Valhalla Nexus?

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Care to Buy a Lady a Drink?

You are Anonymous, aka Anon, the only human in Equestria. Last night, you happened to meet your good friend Rarity in a bar and after revealing to you her recent feelings of self-doubt, you decided to hang out with her and buy her a few drinks. After escorting her back to your place, you proceeded to engage in hot drunk sex with the fashionista and you fell to sleep in each other's embrace.

The next morning, you awake in Rarity's bed with a pounding headache and a foggy recollection of last night's steamy encounter. You then meet up with Rarity in the kitchen and decide to have a nice discussion about your drunken tryst and your current relationship, agreeing that you'd like to be an official couple. How will Rarity's friends react to the news? Will this devastate Spike?

Contains: Serious conversations, a romantic relationship between a human and a pony, scenes of inter-species love-making, the name Anon and the Feels

Cover art by Karzahnii


Chapters (9)

Eric Reed has been stuck in Equestria for months, but he had always found it too weird to look at ponies in a romantic way, so he accepted he'd never have a romantic relationship.

Until now. He finally develops a crush on a mare and wants to ask her out...except he has one little problem: he's awful at asking out anyone/anypony he really likes! But with help from his friends and their varying advice (Even she will try to help!) he tries to ask out his pony crush.

But with his nerves, will any kind of advice help him not embarrass himself?




This story takes place after my "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" story, but it's not required to read it first to understand this story, other than to learn about the backstory of the OC human character Eric Reed, how and why he's in Equestria, and how his bonds with the other characters formed. However, here's the link to it if you'll want to check it out, and it's a 18-chapter story.

A Giant Adventure to Equestria

Also, special thanks to TheHardie-Boy for proofreading chapters 1-4 of this story

Chapters (5)

A human living in Canterlot castle is given to Queen Chrysalis as part of peace negotiations between Equestria and the Hive. Celestia knew she shouldn't have let Luna finish the negotiations herself.

Cover art by jalm on Derpibooru.

Featured on 4/22/20. Thanks guys!

Now with audio readings by StraightToThePointStudio! Go check them out.
The Audio Reading Playlist

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Fallout New Vegas: Unexpected Friends

It's been a year since Twilight Sparkle returned from The Mojave Wasteland and she's having some troubles adjusting back to the quiet and peaceful life back in Equestria but she's in for a surprise when her past comes back to remind her what she escaped.

Now old faces come to Equestria and Twilight doesn't know if she's glad to see them again or worried about what else might come as well...

Pre-Read by Bum

Edited by Scootalooftw

(Looking for cover artist right now, if you are one I'm willing to pay but things will be blank until I have one made up)

Chapters (7)