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The Great Equestrian Foam Sword Fight is a fabled event that happens once every fifty years. To win the event, one must incapacitate another pony using the most dangerous weapon known to pony-kind.

The foam sword.

The winner of the event is also said to win untold riches that nopony knows about. With everypony trying to win those riches, the strongest bonds will shatter, the dirtiest of tricks will be played and all bets are off. After all, there can only be one winner.

It is also one of the few times were a pony can legally knock out another pony using a piece of foam.

Tagged other due to fimficiton only allowing 5 characters.

Chapters (10)

Life in Ponyville is weird, really weird.
Sometimes an unlucky pony creates a satanic hell spawn muffin. Sometimes the town is threatened with Atomic destruction other times it's saved by a mare with a carton of milk. Other times it's just a bad hair day, these are some of those times.

Welcome to Ponyville

Chapters (3)

How does an immortal deal with the crushing burden of living forever? Of seeing friends, lovers, and everything else age and leave her behind? By indulging in the finer things.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Only Got 100 Years To Live

Celestia has dropped a bombshell on Twilight. Her, growing wings? How can a normal--well no, she's no longer a normal unicorn: Normal unicorns get old; she hasn't.

What is she, then?

Chapters (2)

After the changelings' failed invasion of Canterlot, Twilight tries to soothe some of Ponyville's rampant paranoia by casting a spell to prove there are no imposters hiding in the town. But her spell leaves her in an alien body, facing a mob of angry ponies who just don't believe her when she says she is Twilight Sparkle.

Or, at least, she was Twilight Sparkle, anyway...

Featured on Equestria Daily, 2/17/13
Cover art is by the awesome and amazing Conicer

Chapters (9)

Twilight discovers the true purpose for the Canterlot Royal gardens, much to Princess Celestia's annoyance. Knowing her student will seek answers with or without her permission, the Princess gives Twilight a new subject to study, the story of five of the garden's occupants, their connection to Nightmare Moon, and the dark days of the War of Night.

Warning: Comments are encouraged, but spoilers are present in the comments.

Fic is currently undergoing a very slow revision. Revised chapters will have a (R) in the title.
I've also added chapter numbers for a bit more ease of navigation. Mostly on my part.
This is a project that I will slowly be working on Bringing my first major story up to snuff. I shall also be fixing plot holes and clearing up some issues that certain parts have that may contradict the lore later on.
This will only be worked on sporadically unfortunately as I need to be in certain mind sets to do this.

Original story was posted in 2011.

Tags: Action, Historical, Sad, Humor, Roller Coaster, Violence, Singing, Some Romance

Part 2 is here.


WOOOT featured on Jan 5th 2015 at 2:47 am, 4 years after it's initial publishing!

Chapters (55)

Inspired by the story image, RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse and Trinary's "Rainbooms and Royalty", I give you my take on the alternate universe concept. Namely, a universe where Spike is the pony and Twilight is his dragon assistant.

The thousandth Summer Sun Celebration is approaching. With it will come the return of Nightmare Moon. Celestia has no student to call upon to save Equestria, and is doing all she can to make the last day of peace meaningful for her people.

Meanwhile, Spike "Purple Prose" Flail is a reporter for the Canterlot Sun. He finds himself being shipped down to the boonies with his longtime friend and assistant, Twilight, to cover the biggest festival Equestria has seen in a millennium!

But even with a visit from the princess, there's no way someplace as boring as Ponyville could ever be newsworthy. Right?

A/N: Credit for cover image goes to dzetaWMDunion on Deviantart art.

Story would also include character tags for Thunderlane and Cheerilee if not for the character tag limit.

Now has a TVTropes page!

Chapters (20)

Resplendent, gifted, sublime; these words have become synonymous with Equestria's newest and brightest star. When this beauteous manifestation of all ponies' desires touches down on Canterlot, a new era of pop culture rises. But nopony seems to know anything about her, besides the evidence of her talent and enigmatic nature.

Chrysalis hopes to keep things that way.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to When The Wind Changes

When somepony loses their nature and their element which makes them special, how far can one go to reobtain what was lost?

Discord was once a feared creature, only spoken of in whispers but now he's in the public eye as a father. But through changes, he realizes what was lost and is desperate to be found in time. But will he have enough time?

Sequel to When The Wind Changes. I strongly suggest that you read it before this one. Spoilers of both the stories can be in the comments.

Chapters (16)

Twilight has some royal business to attend too, but she must leave her friends behind. She leaves them a letter explaining everything.

*Authors Notes*

I wrote this as a sign of respect for a great man known on the internet as "Matthewmosiermusic" this was about his last original song... before he left for the army. I also wrote this for my best friend who is also in the same situation.

Chapters (2)