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The Mane 6 catch what they all think is a simple stomach bug, but things are not as they seem. Overnight, 6 dark trees sprout in and around Ponyville, sending the citizens into a panic, and no body can seem to find any of the Bearers of the Elements. Just to make things worse, soon after a variety of weird changeling subspecies start popping out of the odd trees, only making the panic worse!

And yet, these Changelings seem not to be aggressive? It's still very worrying though, let alone how they all keep talking about their Queens. Hopefully the princesses can handle this!

Chapters (7)

Isaac is an ordinary guy from the UK, who was living a normal life, just going through his days, playing online games, and watching good old fashioned anime. One day, a mysterious package arrives for him in the mail from something called the Lobelia Organization. When Isaac opens this package, he finds a strange looking Fruit with a swirly pattern inside. Soon after opening the package, Isaac is transported to the world of Equestria, appearing within the Royal Garden. 

Meanwhile, Princess Celestia is hosting the annual Grand Galloping Gala, when suddenly, she senses the arrival of something strange and dark, little knowing that her Kingdom is about to be changed forever. 

This is the dawn of a new age. 

The Age Of Devil Fruits.

Chapters (8)

The bustling metropolis of Manehattan has become the home of a most peculiar vigilante; an earth pony stallion of reportedly titanic strength, incredible speed, and uncanny senses. Drifting through the darkened streets of the city at night, stopping crimes and snatching ponies from the brink of disaster, this so-called "Supermane" has become something of an urban legend, an enigmatic, somewhat unsettling, but apparently well-meaning presence in the great city.

When Princess Twilight catches wind of this mysterious pony, she sends three of her most trusted friends to Manehattan to investigate the situation and answer the questions everyone's been asking; who is Supermane? What is he? And what does he really want? Allying themselves with reporters from the Daily Planet newspaper, and running afoul of the schemes of industrialist Tech "Lex" Lexicon and LexCorp Industries, the ponies are set for a high-flying adventure like they've never known before as they unravel the mystery of Supermane...who may have a few personal mysteries of his own that he's trying to solve.

Look up in the sky...

Superman adaptation. Takes place post-Season 9, set about six months or so after "The Ending of the End". Rated T to be on the safe side.

Featured on January 15th-17th, 2021 (the dates on the chapters are messed up for some reason). From the first day?! How?!

Featured again on March 9th. Chapter update notifications now restored! :D

Chapters (16)

So, ever been told you were living the wrong life? No? Well...let me tell you a thing! More like a story than a thing but regardless! It started when I died, then I got into a political debacle, prevented an assassination, then things just got crazy and really interesting.

Now I'm stuck as some weird Symbiote thing that needs ponies to host it or something. I dunno, I'm learning this stuff with you guys. What do you say? Care to join me on this weird roller-coaster with no brakes and missing tracks that is now my life?

So, this was a story that was originally made by ColumbiaGuy. However, he slapped it with the "Cancelled" tag some time ago. Now, however, it looks like he's deleted the story, and the account with it. This was a story I felt shouldn't fall to the land of the dead, and so now, I'd like to take up the gauntlet and try my hand at it. There will be a few changes though. So even if you've read the original, there may yet be something new for you here.

I plan on releasing chapters daily after this week until I've gone through the pre-existing chapters. During this week, I might not be able to do it every day, but I'll try to push through finals. ^^

Chapters (6)

Throughout most of his life, one question had been on Spike's mind since moving to Ponyville with Twilight. Who were his parents? It was something that he didn't think about too much, but was a question that happened to come back around whenever Twilight and her friends talked about family.

One day, a couple of dragons that claim to be sent by their queen arrive in Ponyville. At first glance, Spike thought that they were diplomats sent to discuss important matters with Twilight. Something that he doesn't usually take part in since he wasn't really experienced in such matters.

However, things take a bit of a different turn. For the dragons weren't looking for Twilight... They were looking for him.

It was about time I tried to write a story with Spike the dragon.

There's supposed to be a sad tag on this story but I have too much already.

Chapters (33)

Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) Crossover

Sequel: A King to a God

Equestria had only heard of legends of the Gods of Old. They roamed the world before ponies, ruled it, claimed it as their kingdom before the New Ones took it for themselves. Before a time of nations, of magic, of even friendship itself… the age of the monsters was alive before it fell into a dark, deep slumber.

That age has awakened.

When the ponies of Equestria learn of these great beasts awakening worldwide, the balance of nature itself hangs on a thread as the Gods of Old rise up to reclaim what was once theirs. Can Equestria’s greatest heroes coexist with these mythical and majestic beasts… or will they have to accept that their rule has come to an end?

For the rule of the one true king, Godzilla, has returned.

Cover art by Shrekzilla. Go give this awesome dude a follow!

*FEATURED ON 11/22/2020. Thanks everyone! :D*
*We're just gonna have this as a statement for all future features of this story. Thanks everyone!*

Chapters (51)

This story is a sequel to The Symbiote

Warning: The following description may contain spoilers for The Symbiote! If you have not yet read that and do not wish to be spoiled, please go no further.

After the events of The Symbiote, Twilight is no longer the only pony in Equestria to be host to one of the alien symbiotes captured by the Life Aura Center. Most of her friends have also agreed to host the aliens, understanding that they are unable to survive on their planet alone. This is a compilation of everyone's experiences with their respective partners! Chapters probably won't necessarily be in chronological order but I will include references to how long it's been since everyone became bonded. Most of these will take place shortly after The Symbiote and through the beginning parts of The Parasite.

Note, symbiotes will likely not have the exact same personalities and abilities as their Marvel comics counterparts! I draw largely from Sony's Venom movie along with information researched from the Marvel wiki, but otherwise my interpretations of the characters are my own. That being said I am more than happy to hear about what YOU like about each of these symbiotes and I may incorporate what I learn into future chapters. Oh and Rainbow and Pinkie's symbiotes, Slasher and Hysteria respectively, are my own OCs.

I will update with warnings and tags as I write. The rating on this may go up as well. We'll see.

Spike/Lasher - A Game of O&O contains mild fantasy violence and swearing.
Applejack/Phage - Healing and Repairs contains some swearing. No other warnings.

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Chapters (2)

Celestia and Luna announce their retirement and their plans to turn the throne and power over Equestria to the mane 6. Unfortunately, this is the last straw for Twilight, and she goes off on a rant about why this isn't a good idea.

Chapters (1)

Can the Crystal Empire survive an attack from Chrysalis' most powerful weapon?

Thanks to Speccer for some proofreading and 2ManySnacks for the idea.

Chapters (1)

Inspired by Homeward Bound and A Dog's Way Home.

After a successful performance at a charity fair, the Rainbooms were on their way home. Unfortunately, in their haste, they accidentally left poor Spike behind.

Lost, and a long way from home, Spike must learn to adapt to survive in a harsh world, where survival means everything, if he is to stand a chance to return home.

Chapters (5)