• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 4,639 Views, 212 Comments

Zaps Apple - Electuroo

A young colt with no memories of who or what he was, with only the nightmares of the darkness that took everything away, only to find the light of escape to whole new beginning...

  • ...

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Chapter 9: Saddlebags and Suits

Zaps Apple
Chapter 9: Saddlebags and Suits

“Welcome to the toy store Zaps!” Scootaloo pushed open the door to the store, I entered through the doorway to see the store wasn't too big. Inside, a few ponies were looking at one section of the store and at the far end sat a large stallion behind the counter, eyeing them, as the browsed the various trinkets on display. Curious, I entered the toy store to get a good look around. I had never seen anything like these ‘toys’ before... 'were my memories that badly affected or is it that I never had any toys that looked like these things?'

My thoughts were interrupted by a nearby mare and colt “Mum please!”

“For the last time no, Button! Pick something that is 20 bits and no more” the mare replied, giving the colt an angry look.

“Please! It’s latest in the series and I need it to see what happens next!” he pleaded.

His mother shook her head “No and that’s final, if you’re not going to pick something then we are going home now”

“Fine...” Button grumbled and looked up at her “Could we hold on to the bits and wait till next time though? And get it then?”

She groaned “Button Mash...” and turned to us, seeing the girls and I watching. “Very well... let’s go home...”

“Oh ok...” they left the shop and I stepped up to the display glass looking at the game he wanted.

“What exactly is that?” I asked the girls.

Scootaloo chuckled “A video game, Button Mash loves playing them... a bit too much if you ask me” Scootaloo rolled her eyes a little at this.

Sweetie Belle put a hoof to her head “Tell me about it, he came to school and fell asleep and started snoring in the middle of Miss Cheerilee’s lesson. She wasn’t too happy with him, but it was kinda funny” Sweetie Belle giggled a little.

“Ah recall yer with hooves out like this,” Applebloom lay down and put her front hooves over her each side of her face with a dreamy look. “And looking all dreamy.”

“I was not!” Sweetie Belle protested.

I watched this but couldn't get a clear idea what they was saying... “Suuuurrrreee,” Scootaloo teased.

Sweetie Belle glared at her “Seriously I wasn't!”

“Whatever you say” Scootaloo waved her hoof and turned to me. “What do you think of video games?”

I looked at the strange box showing a character moving around with coloured bars and icons above its head. “It’s kinda strange... what’s causing the moving pictures?” I tilt my head a little, trying to understand what I was seeing.

“It’s called a TV, it’s kinda of new to Ponyville, Babs says it’s quite common in Manehatten since they have all the techo stuff and the biggest buildings around,” Scootaloo explained to me.

I was even more lost by this. “Babs? Manehatten? Biggest buildings?” I asked, trying my hardest to get my head around it.

Applebloom noticed me putting my hoof on my head trying to get to grips with what what was being said. “Babs Seed is mah cousin and she lives in Manehatten, she says the buildin's there are huge, as tall as mountains.” As Applebloom explained I pictured it in my head... A house-like building tall as a mountain and about four times as wide, reaching into the sky...

“Do yer get it?”

I turned to her and nodded “Yes... I can imagination it... erm... one question how big is that town?” I got laughter from them.

Scootaloo put a hoof to her snout trying not to laugh any more, calming down a little “Hehe Zaps... it’s not a town, it’s a city.”

Applebloom continued, “Towns are like Ponyville and Appleloosa, they’re kinda this size. But cities like Canterlot and Manehatten are bigger and have way more ponies.”

I tilted my head at this and thought about my dream “What about a place with twenty or so homes surrounding a market with a castle close by, next to a farm and an orchard of Zap Apple trees?” they seemed a little confused with what I said.

Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo “You heard of such a place?”

“Not that I know of” she replied. “But didn't that book talk about somewhere like that?”

“Yeah I think it did,” Sweetie Belle said, tapping her hoof on her snout, thinking about it.

I sighed and turned to another display “Hey, this has a scooter and helmet in it, but what does 'sold out' mean?” I asked.

Applebloom stepped up beside me looking at the scooter “It means somepony’s bought it and is pickin' it up later on,” she replied.

“With these bits right?” I raised a coin up and she looked at it.

“Eeyup, where’d yer get that from?”

I look to the coin then back to her “On the floor just now… Wait. How do I know what money is?”

“Beats me, yer seem to know some thin's without reason right?” I nod “maybe it’s just thin's yer know without rememberin' why.” I understood what Applebloom meant. It had been happening time and again for the last few days, I knowing things without reason or knowing how I knew it in the first place so I just went with it now.

“We should pick up some things while we’re here girls, we still got our school project to finish,” Sweetie Belle said as I turned my head to see Applebloom join them.

“Good idea Sweetie,” Applebloom replied.

Scootaloo hung her head “I left my bag back at Sweet Apple Acres...”

“Don't worry we got ours,” Applebloom showed her bag. “What do we need?”

“I think it was pencils, paper and colouring pencils,” Scootaloo said tapping her head a little with her hoof thinking about what they needed.

I left them to it and looked around, seeing the papers and pencils they spoke of “Sir...” the unicorn with cream yellow fur with dull purple mane and tail looked at me. “Why is there stuff like this in this store? They’re not toys are they?”

“They sure aren’t young colt, they’re just something youngsters like yourself like to use for things other than just playing games, sometimes you find it fun to draw things.” I looked at him as he spoke. “We sell saddlebags to young ponies too, for school and stuff.”

“Oh?” I thought about it now, looking at the others then back at him. “Guess I would... but I only got this one bit, the one I found in this store.” I showed him it.

The unicorn look over to my friends then to me “They called you Zaps right?” I nod “My name is Comet Tail, I am doing a favour for a friend by helping out for the week, but I was told that this bag was on sale.” Comet Tail lifted it up with his magic, showing me the bag. “This is at a 'Wonder Deal' for the week and today is the last day, this is the last one and usually it’d be two bits on sale, but I will let it go to you for just that one bit.”

I looked at the coin, then the bag and finally at Comet Tail. “You’re changing how much it costs? Why?”

“Does there need to be a reason? Usually it’d be the customer haggling for the price to be lowered, but you seem to be all new to money.” Comet Tail lowered the bag onto the counter looking me in the eyes.

I look down to the ground. “Yeah it’s true... I don't really understand this whole coins for items thing very well... I know somehow what it means but don't really get it...”

Comet Tail just gave me a warm smile. “Then this’ll be your first buy?” I nod. “Then it sells for one bit,” he lowered the bag to me and took the bit off my hoof. “Good doing business young sir.”

“Thank you Comet Tail.” I beamed and looked at what I’d just got from him. For the first time I got a real good look at the bag, holding it up with my hooves. It was blue apart from a yellow strap where it went over my back. The flaps on each side had yellow lightning bolts with wings sticking out them. “Wow this is awesome!”

Comet Tail used his magic to place it on my back and put a mirror in front of me, I wasn’t sure where that mirror had come from but I got a good look at myself wearing my own personal saddlebag, and it was awesome. “It does look awesome on you, why don’t you go and show your friends?”

“I will!” I ran up to them “Hey Girls! Look what I just bought! Isn't it awesome?” I stood before them showing off my new saddlebag that I had just bought with the bit I found.

“Whoa that’s sweet Zaps” Scootaloo beamed with delight. “We also got what we need, maybe you can help carry some of it.” Scootaloo trotted off to the counter to pay for the supplies they’d just bought.

I looked at my new bag and back to her “Sure, I don't mind, it will give me a chance to try my new saddlebag out!” I was really excited about getting something that really belonged to me. I felt so proud of it.

Applebloom giggled and I turned to her “Yer sure are happy with that bag Zaps, ya lookin' good.”

“Wouldn't it be more ideal for a pe... ow!” Applebloom nudged Sweetie Belle. She glanced at Applebloom then looked back to me “Yeah it looks good on you Zaps.”

I wasn't sure what that was about but Scootaloo returned to us with the items in hoof “Stuff’s bought girls.” She shared the supplies out between our three bags. I ended up with a bit more but I wasn't bothered by it. In fact I felt glad to help out with carrying something for them in return for their kindness.

I guess a toy store wasn't really what we wanted; sure, there was lot of toys, but in the end we only got stuff that seemed to help with the girls project and something that I can use to carry things. Not that I was bothered, though I was curious about who had bought the scooter and helmet.

We soon left the toy store but not before I gave Comet Tail a wave and he returned it with his own hoof “Have fun children!” he called out to us.

Scootaloo called back “We will!”

“Next stop is the Carousel Boutique! My sister’s home and shop!” Sweetie Belle said with delight in her voice as she trotted ahead of us, happily leading the way to the Carousel Boutique.

We made good time getting to the Carousel Boutique the home of Sweetie Belle's sister and that’s when it hit me, I didn't even know her name…

“Sweetie Belle?”

Sweetie Belle came to a stop and turned towards me just as she was about to knock the door “Yes Zaps?”

I rubbed my head a little with my hoof “With all the excitement of you all giving me this amazing tour of Ponyville, you didn't tell me your sister’s name...”

She put her hoof to her snout “Oops... I didn't,” she giggled. “Her name is Rarity and I should warn you...” Sweetie Belle seem to get nervous all the sudden, what could be so worrying about a brother or sister? “She’s kinda... well...”

“She’ll make ya model for her dress or suit designs,” Scootaloo blurted out, rolling her eyes. “I've been there...” she groaned. “Never again... those dresses were sappy as ever...”

Sweetie Belle knocked on the door “That only happened once and your idea to ask Rainbow Dash about her cutie mark meant we found out after a whole day of talking our sisters and their friends that they were all connected.” Sweetie Belle reminded Scootaloo.

Applebloom giggled “That was a fun day though, some of the stories was a little strange but in the end we did learn that they all shared an amazin' connection between them.”

I wasn't sure what they were talking about but I just interested in hearing this.

Scootaloo huffed a little with her front legs crossed “Yeah your right... but Rainbow Dash's story was the best.”

“Ah agree.”

“Same here.”

I heard the door open and turned to see a white unicorn with a curly dark purple mane and tail standing there looking at us. “Oh hello girls what brings you to my Boutique today? Another one of your crusades?”

“Kinda sis, we’re showing Zaps around,” Sweetie Belle pushed me in front of Rarity. “Zaps, meet my big sister Rarity.”

I looked at Sweetie Belle who pushed me giving a big smile then I turned my head to her sister Rarity. “He-hello Rarity...”

Rarity looked right at me when she started speaking “Hello to you too Zaps...” then she stared at me before letting out a hysterical scream that made me jump back in fright.

Startled, I began to slowly step back from her “Wh-what... what did I do!?” I was scared by this sudden reaction.

“Oh no my dear it’s not that... I just got a huge idea!” she said lowering down to look at me. “Will you be a dear gentlecolt and help me?”

“He-help... what? Help with what?” I was rather lost at this point seeing the girls giggling and almost laughing.

Rarity flickered her eyes a little “Pretty please!”

I recalled what Sweetie Belle and the others had been talking about. “Is this something to do with your dresses and suits?” I asked, somewhat apprehensively.

“Oh my stars it is my dear Zaps, will you help me out?” Rarity asked, in a way that almost sounded like a plea for help...

I wasn't sure where to go on this so I just nodded. “Erm ok... if it doesn't take too long, Pinkie Pie’s setting up something called a party for me... it’s going to be my first.”

Rarity gave me a funny look “Your first? My dear you look old enough to had at least a few... how could you not had been to a party?”

“I don't remember really having gone to any...” I diverted my gaze away from her eyes feeling a little embarrassed over not knowing what parties were or what to expect...

“Not even a Hearth’s Warming Eve one?” I shook my head. I had no idea what that was. “Nightmare Moon night?” I shook my head again. “Oh my this calls for some major work! I must design you something that will make you absolutely dashing for your first ever party! I can not let this go unanswered! No, I must do something splendid! Something remarkable! Something OUTSTANDING!!!!” She shrieked the last part... I wasn't sure if Sweetie Belle's sister was crazy or just overstating something... but she scared me a little when she spoke out that last set of words...

Scootaloo put a hoof to her head with a grumble “Now you've gone and done it...”

“Done what? I was only being honest...” I was a little unsure of what Scootaloo meant by it.

Rarity opened up her door with her magic “Now Zaps, be a dear and come with me, I’ve got to take some measurements to make sure I do this right, it shouldn't take too long.” I glanced at the girls but they only gave me a nod back. “Come along Zaps time’s awasting!”

“Ok...” I answered and followed her inside with the others close behind.

I heard Applebloom first “Ah wonder what she’ll make him.”

“Beats me, I hardly see my sister making suits,” Sweetie Belle replied.

“Ah got to see this,” Applebloom spoke next. I was keeping an eye on where I was going as I followed Rarity to a room.

Scootaloo was next to speak “Whatever girls... you know what Rarity’s like, this will take forever...”

“But Scoots, have yer ever seen Rarity make a suit before?”

“Not that I’ve seen, Applebloom, mostly outfits for mares... a bit too girly for my taste,” Scootaloo answered.

“Nopony’s forcing you to stay Scootaloo,” Sweetie Belle said to Scootaloo.

“I know but our plan was to explore the town with Zaps so he gets to know things,” Scootaloo answered back. “So I’m sticking around since we all gave our word to Applejack.”

“Eeyup,” Applebloom replied.

Rarity stopped in front of me and put a hoof out to some round platform. “Now stand on that and don't move ok?”

“Ok Rarity...” I answered and walked up to the platform and stood on it. “Like this?” I turned to face her.

Rarity had put on a pair of red glasses. “Yes dear Zaps, now be a good gentlecolt and don't move, I am going to use this measuring tape to take some measurements of you.” I gave a short nod and saw the blue magic appear around the measuring tape. “While I work on this, why don't you tell me a little about yourself and where you’re from.”

I wasn't sure how to answer it and was sick of telling the same thing over and over again, but I knew she didn't know so I just had to tell her the same thing as the others... “I don't really know where I am truly from... I woke up from a pitch black nightmare in the middle of the Everfree Forest... those are my first clear memories… being lost and confused... not really knowing I was a pony at first or how to use my limbs...”

Rarity gave me a really odd look when I said this while she took measurements with the tape of my back, around my forelegs, my neck and even the underside of my body, carefully recording each one in her notebook. “Well that is rather strange... You really have no memories before that?”

“I don't really know Rarity... it’s the same story I’ve been telling to so many... it’s kinda annoying...” I closed my eyes with a heavy sigh then opened them. “I didn't even have a name till Scootaloo gave me one.”

Rarity was floating some sheets of cloth over me, held together with pins, carefully working it with scissors, needle and thread. “Oh my, I wouldn't even be able to figure out how that felt... no idea of why you were there or what reasons somepony would have for leaving you in the middle of that dreadful forest...” she smiled warmly at me. “But you found yourself to Ponyville though.”

I glanced at Applebloom “I have... Applebloom's brother and sister agreed to take me in until they could find my real family... if I still have a real family...” I turned to Rarity, looking away a little. “Everypony’s been so kind to me since I arrived at Sweet Apple Acres... I’m really grateful for everypony’s help... it really means a lot to me.”

“I’ll bet it does darling and if it counts for anything I will do what I can to help you too, I have some high class contacts and could call in a few favours to find out if your family’s looking for you Zaps,” Rarity said in a graceful tone of voice. She seem genuine in her offer to help me out and that made me happy to hear.

Sweetie Belle came up to Rarity “Sorry to bother you sis but Pinkie Pie just dropped this off for you.”

Rarity took the piece of paper and open it. “Well it seems I’ve been invited to 'Zaps’ First Amazing Birthday and First Time Party Party.' Dear, I didn't know it was your birthday as well.”

I blinked “it is?” I was lost by this. “I think I know what a birthday is... it’s erm... the day you were born right?” she nods “But I don't know when I was... why would Pinkie Pie say something like that?”

Scootaloo spoke and I turn my eyes to her. “Because what better way to have a first ever party than to make today your birthday as well. After all, it really could be your birthday and you wouldn't know it right?”

“I guess that would be possible...”

“Then don't argue with Pinkie Pie's logic, she’s one crazy pony you can never underestimate!” Scootaloo smirked at me. “And I think it’d be awesome for it to be your birthday party too.”

I frowned a little and smiled afterwards “I guess it kinda makes a bit of sense...”

Rarity shook her head softly “Pinkie Pie is a rather energetic mare but she always comes through for us and has done things that I wouldn't dare argue about!” Rarity continued her work pressing some different clothes over my forelegs. “Hmm...”


“I’ve got it!” she shrieked “Why didn't I see this before! I have the perfect outfit in mind for you Zaps, now stay perfectly still and this will be done soon as possible!” Rarity seemed to be energetic now, pulling around all sorts of sheets of clothes. “Girls do you mind going outside the room please, I am in the zone!”

“Ok Rarity,” Sweetie replied.

“Fine...” Scootaloo grumbled and left with the girls.

“We’ll just be in the next room,” Applebloom added and they were gone.

Rarity smiled at me with a big toothy grin. “Now let’s make you look fabulous Zaps!” All I did was nod in agreement to this, not sure of what was about to happen now that I was under the scope, pins, needles, thread and eyes of Rarity... I felt really nervous at this outcome...

Author's Note:

Thanks again for Joesephius_Loewe for proof reading this for me, I am happy with this story so far, it been a interesting experience working something like this ^_^ Also help from Joesephius I am slowly seeing my mistakes and making a little less of them slowly but surely.

The next thing is that I need help is any ideas of what type of outfit should Zaps wear? I like to hear your views or any pictures ^^ so please be free to suggest something good ^_^

Well next chapter you all should figure out and it his party that Pinkie Pie set up, any ideas would be grand ^_^

Till next time guys and girls!

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