• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 4,639 Views, 212 Comments

Zaps Apple - Electuroo

A young colt with no memories of who or what he was, with only the nightmares of the darkness that took everything away, only to find the light of escape to whole new beginning...

  • ...

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Chapter 25: Junior Ponyville Games

Zaps Apple
Chapter 25: Junior Ponyville Games


“For the twelfth time Filthy Rich yer not buyin' all of the special Zap Apple Jam. Ah already told ya yesterday that it’s one jar per customer only! We were only able to make so many jars of it! Heck, we only got about 30 and that’s stretchin' it.” Applejack complained, raising her voice at Filthy Rich as Spike and Rainbow Dash and I watched as the argument continued to play out and it was getting nowhere fast. Filthy Rich wasn't taking no for an answer.

“I'll double my previous offer Applejack, that’s more than fair for 30 jars of the jam!”

“Sugarcube, the money is more than enough, but sometimes it’s not about the money and this is one of those times. Ah’ve been tellin’ ya from the beginnin' of this talk, ah’m givin' away one jar each to a few selective ponies only. Ya’ll be gettin' two jars as it is. Ah think that’s more than generous don't yer think?” Applejack pleaded, trying her best to finally get through to the stubborn Filthy Rich.

I thought it was a nice idea that she was giving out the jars. Her friends would all be getting one each. I heard that one was reserved for Cadance and somepony would be coming to pick it up today, I wondered what guardspony she'd be sending.

I turned to Rainbow Dash. She was holding onto her jar of sparkling rainbow jam. I had sent Spike off to fetch ours. Pinkie Pie and the others had already collected their jars and I knew that Applejack had kept three back for herself.

Finally I decided to step in. “Filthy Rich, a number of the jars already been taken by us. I have one, so do Rainbow Dash and the rest my friends. You’ve already got two and the Apples are keeping three back for themselves. Princess Cadance has sent a courier especially to pick up a jar.” I stood over Filthy Rich as I spoke to him.

“That makes 11 jars already taken. I think it’s fair that the next 19 go to other buyers of the Zap Apple Jam. Granny Smith needs as many people as possible to taste her jam. It took a lot of hard work to make it and you can’t just take all of them for yourself.” I finished. Hopefully it would get through to him this time. “Don't you think that’s fair? You will still get 50 jars of normal Zap Apple Jam that you always get, plus these two for free.”

Rainbow Dash was hovering around us and raised her jar to the sunlight. “Yeah, I think it is, this jam totally rocks but even I’m still getting a few jars of the normal jam. Can't beat Sweet Apple Acres Zap Apple Jam! Right Filthy Rich?”

“Yeah it’s a pretty sweet deal as it is.” Spike stepped up beside me. “What do you say?”

He looked around us and came to a stop when Big Macintosh stood in front of him. “I suppose when you put it that way, I think it is.” Filthy Rich gave his best smile to us. “Maybe next year I could buy assortment of them?”

Applejack took a glance to her brother who nodded once and she smiled at Filthy Rich. “Sure, ah don't see why not, since we finally figured out how to make this special jam, ah’m sure we can come up with some arrangement. Think of this as a taster.”

“That I will.” He finally accepted the offer and took his two jars, placing them into his saddlebag. “Here is payment, up front of the usual.” He tossed the bag in front of them, landing by Applejack's hooves. “I bid you all a good day and expect the usual delivery of the Zap Apple Jam to my shop as normal.”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac answered and Filthy Rich left us.

Applejack sighed right away hanging her head low. “Finally... Ah thought he never listen to what ah said...”

“I get ya AJ.” Rainbow Dash gave her a hug.

I watched Granny Smith slowly walk up to the stand preparing it for the afternoon sale. “Granny, how long did it take to make this special jam?”

Granny Smith placed the sign down and looked over to me. “Long enough youngun', it wasn't easy. The zap apple was really stubborn and that bein' kind to it. Ah had to come up with a whole different approach to prepare this jam.”

“Ah say. The first batch exploded on us.” Applejack chuckled.

That surprised me. “The jam exploded!?”

“Too right it did! Right in our faces, ah’ve never met anythin' so stubborn as those apples, their magic has quite the punch.” Granny Smith threw her hooves out, trying to mimic the exploding jam. She looked totally serious but I couldn't help by laugh at how I pictured it.

“Eeyup, laugh it up, youngun' but it was quite the show when it did and the mess we were covered in. Ah found out it liked painted squares though.”

“Squares? Seriously?” Rainbow Dash raised an eye at the peculiar method by which zap apple jam was made. “Why does zap apples have to be so...”

“Strange?” Rainbow Dash nodded to me. “Beats me, the zap apple is just that unpredictable.”

“Darn tootin' it is! One amazin' and unpredictable apple, ah always like a good challenge mind you, and ah sure got it!” Granny Smith looked happy over it and I couldn't blame her. She was a one of a kind pony for sure, she might be old but she always had a surprise or two up her hooves.

Applejack turned away from us. “Ah’d love to stay and chat but ah’ve got to help finish preparin' for the Zap Apple Sale, and get the wagon loaded with Mr Rich's 50 jars of Zap Apple Jam for Big Mac to deliver.”

“Sure, no prob!” Rainbow Dash replied cheerfully and zoomed off, shouting back to us as she flew away, “See ya guys!”

“I got things to do as well, research and such.” I gave Applejack a wave and she gave one back as I and Spike headed back down to the Golden Oak Library.

“Sure thing Twi!” Applejack called out as we left, before saying something to her big brother and then heading back together to get the jam ready for selling.

We soon left the farm and made our way back to Ponyville. After a few minutes of walking I could hear sound of the children cheering from the schoolhouse. Curious, I turned to head towards the school when one voice in particular made my ears twitch. “Isn't that your...”

I cut Spike off right away. “Yes it my brother but...” Then it hit me, the pony coming to Ponyville for the special Zap Apple Jam. “So my big brother came for the jam. Why didn't he come by to say hi to me?!

“Maybe he got caught up with the children; he is a prince of the Crystal Empire after all.” Spike had a good point and I wondered what he was up to as well. “Should we go and see what Shining Armor is doing?”

I smiled. That was just what I was thinking. “Sure, let’s go and see what my BBBFF is up to.” We made our way towards the race track.

When we got there, I couldn't believe my eyes. My brother, Shining Armor, had a cap on his head and was busy watching a group of children from Cheerilee’s school race around an oval track. Cheerliee, meanwhile, was standing at the edge of the track, cheering the racers on.

“Whoa! Are you seeing what I am seeing?”

“Yes Spike I am! It looks like princely duties also include supervising school sports days. My only guess is that, with the games coming up Shining must be giving them a taste of it, a kind of Junior Ponyville Games,” I suggested to Spike as we watched Rumble, Thunderlane's little brother, sprint past Scootaloo’s frantically waving chequered flag to win the race, followed closely by Zaps in second and Button Mash in third place.

That’s when we saw Thunderlane land beside us from a cloud to give his little brother a hug. “It sure looks like that, Twilight!” Spike replied and we made our way to the track.

Shining Armor gave a high hoof to each of the ponies that had completed the race, congratulating them. “Well done colts! You all did a great job on that race, a close one for sure!” He looked up from the children and his face instantly lit up as he saw me arrive. “Twily!” He called out immediately and the youngsters parted, giving him room to come rushing up to me.

“BBBFF!” I called back and we hugged him tightly. Smiling at my brother, I pulled away. “I see you’re getting the children into the Equestria Game spirit!”

He stepped over to the children as I followed with Spike. “You bet I have Twily, at first, Miss Cheerilee just asked me to teach the children a few things about the Crystal Empire but then I learned Zaps here didn't know anything about the games in the empire that would be happening, or sports at all for that matter, so I thought this would be a good way to enjoy the lesson. They get to know a bit more about the empire and have a bit of fun too.”

He turned to all the children. “Right kids?”


I flinched at the very loud cheer from the high pitched voices from all the children, but Shining didn’t seem to notice. “I can see that. I think it is a wonderful. Can I lend a hoof big brother?”

“Sure Twily, I don't mind at all, an extra pair of hooves is most welcomed.” Shining Armor approved. “And Spike, would you like to give a claw as well?”

Spike jumped at this. “Sure!” He put the jar into my saddlebag as I took it off and placed it on the side of the track. “What would you like me to do?”

Shining Armor gave him a pad and quill. “I’d like you to keep score of everypony and see who comes first, second and third in each race or track event. I’d like to make this feel like something similar to what it will be like in the Equestria Games. Can you do that for me Spike?”

Spike saluted. “You can count on me Shining Armor!”

“Thank you for helping Twilight, Spike. We’re very grateful, right children?” Cheerilee added, and the children cheered again.

Spike raised his arms out and spoke out loudly. “Let the Junior Ponyville Games continue!”

Shining chuckled, rubbing his hoof on Spike's head. “Nice name Spike, I like it!”

“Thanks! I thought of it myself!” He proclaimed proudly, in reply I just rolled my eyes. “Typical,” I thought to myself. “That’s just like Spike.”

I took a look around at all the children that were gathered around the oval race track. “Was that the first event we saw, Shiny?”

“Indeed it was Twily, the 200 meter gallop and I’ve got to say, these colts have got some real speed behind their hooves, especially for some that have never raced like this before.” Shining Armor answered, walking over to the three colts that had got the top three positions. “Zaps, how did you find it?”

Zaps was before that talking to the other two colts Rumble and Button Mash about the race. “It was great! I really enjoyed it Mr Armor!”

“Kid, call me Shining or Shining Armor if you insist. Calling me Mr makes me sound old.” Shining Armor told Zaps as they walked over to the halfway point of the track. “Now it’s the fillies turn to race, are you girls ready to do the 200 meter gallop?”

“Sure we are!” Scootaloo yelled out.

Diamond Tiara groaned. “Do I have to? This running around the track looks totally lame...”

Shining Armor just shrugged. “If you want to miss out of the fun it’s your choice Diamond Tiara, I am not forcing you to do anything.”

“Good, I am sitting this out.” Diamond Tiara announced and sat down by the tree. “Come on Silver we don't need to do any this sports stuff.”

Silver Spoon, however, seemed unsure looking over to Diamond and the others. “I wouldn't mind trying Diamond Tiara, how often you get a prince doing this kind of stuff with us kids?”

“Well that is true but I’d rather not get all sweaty.” Diamond Tiara replied. “If you want to race go ahead.”

“And we’re still friends?”

“Yeah why wouldn't we?” Diamond Tiara replied, matter of factly, really surprising me a little, even though they were so often rude and mean to the other children or just showing off their wealth, they were still friends in some respect. I guess they learned the magic of friendship after all.

Silver Spoon smiled and raced over to the other side of the track, joining the others. I stepped up to Diamond Tiara. “So you do know the meaning of friendship.”

“Yeah, of course I do, she’s been my best friend, even after all the trouble the Cutie Mark Crusaders caused us.” Tactfully ignoring that comment, I kept as calm as I could. This blame game between the two groups of fillies was silly but wasn’t something I could take sides in. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon and the Cutie Mark Crusaders had to find some common ground on their own.

On the running track, Shining Armor was getting ready to start the race. He raised his head with a magical aura forming around his horn. “On your marks!” The fillies crouched down, getting ready to run. “Get set!” They lower themselves a little bit more and Shining Armor launched a blast of magic into the sky. “Go!” They launched off the starting line and raced around the track to the sound of furious cheering from everypony on the sidelines.

They had blasted through the turning in their respective lanes when I suddenly had a fantastic idea. A simple summoning spell later and I brought forth the microphone, levitating it close to my mouth. This race needed some commentary.

“And Scootaloo dashes round the first turning heading into the straight in first place with Silver Spoon and Twist just behind her! Applebloom and Sweetie Belle closing in with Dinky at the rear! But wait! They’re closing the gap on the straight, galloping with all their might towards the finish line! And now it’s Dinky in the lead! Wait, here comes Firelock!”

I did my best to keep up with the race as the fillies scrambled for the finish line and Shining Armor stood with the flag, ready to wave it as they passed across the finish line.

“The winner is Firelock, by the nose! Followed by Scootaloo and Dinky in third! A Close fourth for Silver Spoon followed closely by the fellow racers!” I announced the results and Spike quickly recorded them, marking the scores down.

Shining Armor stepped up to all the children. “Now that was the racing, who can give me the name of another sporting event that’s popular in the games? Who can tell me?” Zaps raise his hoof. “Yes Zaps.”

He looked right over to the straight line track with the sand after it. “What exactly is that for?” He asked, pointing directly to it.

Cheerilee stepped up beside Shining Armor. “That Zaps is the Long Jump track, you gallop your hardest and jump on or before the white lane as far as you can without magic or flying.”

“Oh so you just run and jump as far you can into the pit of sand? Could we do that?” Zaps asked. Shining Armor looked at me and I gave him a quick nod of approval.

“Sure, and after that we will do one more event before we finish up for lunch. I will let you know what that is after the Long Jump.” Shining Armor said to them as he stepped up to the side of the track. “Now who wants to go first?”

“Ah will!” Applebloom announced, striding boldly up to the start of the track. “Ah’ve watched mah sister do this plenty of times against Rainbow Dash.” On the wave of the green flag by Shining Armor she set off running down the track. She reached the white line and leapt across, landing at...

“5 meters 2!” I called out and Spike wrote it down as attempt one for Applebloom. “Not bad Applebloom, that one heck of a leap you got there for a filly.”

“Thanks Twi!” Applebloom beamed with pride.

Sweetie Belle was next and leaped leapt over the line all the way to, “4 meter 9!”

“Wow I really jumped that far? That’s awesome!” Sweetie Belle looked really pleased with the result of her first attempt.

Button Mash was next up. He ran up to the white line and virtually launched off the track. “6 meters exactly! I declared and Spike wrote it down, “The first score for the colts!”

Scootaloo set up next. With a lick of her lips she ran for the white line. Her jump surprised even me, not least because of the front flip she decided to throw in the middle of it. “Whoa! 7 meters 1! That really is something Scootaloo!”

“Woo hoo! An awesome score for an awesome pony!” She punched the air with her hoof.

Timidly Diamond Tiara stepped up to the end of the track and, to my amazement, actually started to run down the track but as she was about to jump she suddenly came to a dead stop. “What the hay am I doing?” She cried out, “I am not jumping in some filthy sand pit!”

I rolled my eyes as Spike put a no jump. “Seriously Diamond Tiara? You’re not going to score anything at this rate.”

“Doesn’t bother me, this little sports thing just seems pointless to me anyway.” She replied, walking away. I just groaned putting a hoof to my head.

“Twily, what is up with that filly?” Shining Armor asked me.

I hung my head down in defeat with a sigh. “Does stuck up sum it all up?” I whispered to him. He looked right over to her and back to me. He gave me a nod and I went back to waiting for the next Jumper.

Rumble came up to the track and made a run for the white line. He leapt right over it and landed with a tumble before pulling himself off the ground, laughing as Thunderlane flew up to meet him. “Awesome jump bro!”

“Thanks Thunderlane! What did I score Twilight?” Rumble asked me as I checked it.

“6 meters 9 Rumble, nicely done.” I said to him and looked up to see who was next. Zaps. “Ok Zaps best of luck!”

The little colt made a run for the white line and gave a mighty leap from it; he landed in the sand with a thud, sending sand flying everywhere. I waved it out of the way with my magic. “How did I do?” Zaps asked as he stepped up to me.

I checked the closest mark to the white line. “I’d say 7 meters. Hey, you got the same score as Scootaloo!”

“Right on!” Scootaloo yelled out with a hoof raised high. Zaps raised his to meet it and they clapped it against hers. “Sweet jump Zaps, you really know how to kick up the competition.” She giggled and Zaps laughed alongside her. This was turning out to be a fun event for the children, made even more special by helping my big brother put it together.

Spike continued to write down each score I spoke out as the first set of attempts were completed, followed by the second and finally the third attempts. Each jump pushed the colts and fillies a little further, making longer and longer jumps to try and beat each other. The atmosphere was still friendly though and the children were all enjoying the sporting events they were participating in. Diamond Tiara saw all of this, and finally, on the third attempt, decided to make a jump.

“Ok, here go nothing!” Diamond Tiara exclaimed, ran for the line and took a big leap from it, flying through the air and landing on all fours before turning to see how far she got, eagerly awaiting her score. Carefully I measured her jump against the bar that ran parallel to the sand pit. “How well did I do?” She asked expectantly.

“You did pretty good Diamond Tiara, 6 meters 2. For your first and only go that is rather impressive.”

Looking directly at the filly, I stepped up to her and lowered my head to her eye level. “It’s great to see you joining in the fun Diamond Tiara.”

“Well I wasn't going to look like some loser just sitting around not doing it.” She replied bluntly then walked over to Silver Spoon and, as they performed their usual chant, I just sighed heavily.

Spike put a claw on my leg, trying to reassure me. “Twi, some ponies have just got a head full of rocks.”

“Yeah tell me about it...” I muttered and raised my head to Shining Armor. “So Shining Armor, what’s the last game?”

Casually, Shining Armor strolled over to the middle of the track and held up a small coloured horseshoe. “Ok everypony, the last event will be a relay race. The object of the game is the pass on a horseshoe like this to the next runner. The track will consist of a straight run followed by a series of flag poles; you will have to weave in and out of them as you make your way to the second pony.”

He pointed to the line on the track. “The next runners will take the horse shoe and jump through all of these hoops to reach the next runner. The third pony of the team will have to run through slippery muddy water, so be careful and don't rush through it or you could trip and lose your horseshoe, this will mean you and your team are out of the race” He explained the relay course to the children.

“Finally the last ponies will be your fastest gallopers; they will run as fast as they can down the home stretch to the finish line. If the team wins, each of you gets a medal but remember it all in good fun!” Shining Armor reminded them. Throughout his speech he gradually began to get more and more excited, and it was rubbing off on the children, even Zaps was jumping up and down in anticipation. “So enjoy the race and pick out your teams!” Shining finished.

The teams were quickly decided. The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Zaps, their newest member would form one team. Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Dinky and Pip, a rather unusual mix of ponies would form the next. The final teams were Rumble, Button Mash, Firelock and Twist, and Snips, Snails, Featherweight and Archer. Four teams of four ponies.

“Thunderlane and Twilight, you two be flying above to keep track of the race. Spike, I need you to be here at the finish with me and Cheerilee.” Shining Armor told us.

I smiled and took to the air. “Sure, Rainbow Dash has been giving me some helpful tips with flying, and I’ve read loads of books on the subject, so this should be no problem.”

I flew up to a nearby cloud with Thunderlane and we landed on it. Thunderland was already absorbed in the race below as I peered over the edge, seeing the children heading off to their horse shoe exchange points on the course Shining Armor had managed to set up.

“I really hope my little brother's team win. Who are you rooting for Pr...” A sharp glare at Thunderlane swiftly dissuaded him from using my new title. “Erm... I mean Twilight, sorry about that.”

“It’s ok.” I sighed, though I still wasn’t used to people calling me that. “I just hope that everypony has fun” I replied, a perfect answer for a Princess. “Though I think Scootaloo’s team have the best chance,” I added, slightly less Princessly. Below us, Zaps had taken up his place for the muddy section of the course after Scootaloo, who had taken position in from of the hoops. Surprisingly, Sweetie Belle had placed herself at the end of the course – I had never envisaged her as much of a runner – Applebloom, meanwhile, was starting off the race for their team. “It looks like they are almost ready to go.”

Thunderlane looked down at the ponies taking place in their selective roles of the relay course. “Yeah they sure are. I can see my little brother taking up for the hoop course from here.” Thunderlane sat down and we were silent for a few moments, then a few more moments. Shining sure was taking a while to get all the racers ready.

Thankfully Thunderlane broke the silence. “I hear that a 'Trade In' sale going to happen in the next few days and you will be making sure that all trades are fair.”

“Yeah I am but I plan to be part of that action too. I have a few dusty old books I need to get rid of.” I replied looking around at the ground below. “So are you planning to go?”

“Sure am, I plan on taking Rumble there too, maybe he can get rid of some of his stuff that sits around all day long.” Thunderlane replied and then we heard Shining Armor speak.

He stood by the line giving each of the team a horse shoe each. “You can either carry it in your mouth or on your hoof. Don’t forget, if you lose the horseshoe for more than ten seconds then you and your team are out of the race. My sister, Princess Twilight and Thunderlane are keeping an eye in the sky. Finally, I’d like a good, clean race, so no pushing, kicking or pulling back. Have fun and remember that it doesn't matter who wins or loses.” He calmly told the children, magically amplifying his voice so that the children at all the various parts of the track could hear him.

“Are you all ready?”


“Get set!” Shining Armor's horn glowed and fired a beam into the sky, exploding into fireworks of colour. “GO!” He yelled out and the first racers begin the rush for the flag poles.

The race was on and Applebloom took the lead as she ran around the flag poles, followed closely by Snips, then Pip and Firelock. They weaved in and out of the flags poles but Snips tripped over one of them and Pip with Firelock had to run around him. Quickly Snips pulled himself onto his hooves, giving chase as the first ponies arrived with their horseshoes in their mouths, passing then to their friends.

Scootaloo took the horseshoe off off Applebloom and made a beeline for the hoops, she hopped through each ring running for the next checkpoint with Rumble right beside her. Silver Spoon was not far behind. Archer, who was having to play catch up seemed to be doing really well and tore through the hoops section of the course, leaping from hoop to hoop and rapidly gaining on the others.

“Go on Rumble! Keep it up! You’re doing great bro!” Thunderlane shouted, cheering on his brother.

I smiled glancing over to him and then back to the race as Archer, who had taken the lead, gave horseshoe to featherweight. He made a run for the pool of mud leaping in and wading through it to the other side where Snails was patiently waiting. As he set off, he was closely followed by Zaps, who took the horseshoe from Scootaloo. “Go Zaps! You can do it!” Scootaloo bellowed flapping her wings, excitedly hovering on the spot.

Silverspoon gave the horseshoe to Dinky and she instantly leapt into the mud splashing Silverspoon, “gah! Dinky! You’re getting me all muddy!” She waved her hooves around in the air, trying to get the mud off her fur, but Dinky didn't hear her and just kept going.

Twist took the horseshoe from Rumble, leaping into the mud to catch up on the others just ahead. “Go Twist! Go!” Rumble called out to her.

The four children wading through the mud having fun, this was one crazy race course. Most races didn’t require Shining Armor to place bowls of water at the end of each section of the rally for the contestants to clean themselves up.

I had never seen quite the race like this but it still looked like a lot of fun, maybe I could even get my friends to have a go, it was almost like an assault... Then it hit me, I put a hoof to my head. “Gah, that brother of mine! I knew I had seen something like this before!”

“Where?” Thunderlane turn to me.

“This race, it’s the sort of training guards do, some of this is exactly like it but I guess he softened it up a little for the children. I should have expected my brother do something like this. He would never let being a prince stop him putting all the time he spent training as a royal guard to use.” I began to laugh at the oddity of it all, but Thunderlane simply raised an eye at me and went back to watching the race.

The final passing of the horseshoe was about to be made for the final leg, a run to the finish line between Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, Snails and Button Mash. I could see this being close, apart from maybe Diamond Tiara, who, after taking the horseshoe from Dinky, decided to carefully wash it off in the water before starting, costing her valuable time in the race as while Diamond was cleaning her hoof the other racers had already set off running down the track.

Everypony was cheering on the runners as they galloped as fast and hard as they could to the finish line with the horseshoe in their mouths. Shining Armor raised the flag as they approached the end of the track in front of a billowing cloud of dust. Somehow Diamond Tiara retook the lead, but then Sweetie Belle pulled ahead! Button and even Snails managed to catch up. Thunderlane and I watched from high above the finish line to see who was going to win but it was so close. They were neck and neck now!

Finally, Shining Armor waved the flag with his magic and announced, “The winner is...”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay this chapter took a little longer then usual. And not for the Cliffhanger. So here it goes...

Comment on who you want to win the final race. Who be the one crossing the Finish line first?

1.Sweetie Belle
2.Diamond Tiara
3.Button Mash

Which would you like to finish? It maybe the answer you give or may not, the cliffhanger is who will win. Lets hear you votes my friends! Let see which one you would like to most likely win for their team? And why!

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