• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 4,639 Views, 212 Comments

Zaps Apple - Electuroo

A young colt with no memories of who or what he was, with only the nightmares of the darkness that took everything away, only to find the light of escape to whole new beginning...

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Party Crash: Vinyl's Great Escape

Zaps Apple
Party Crash: Vinyl's Great Escape

“Finally! Having something to eat without Twilight annoying the heck out of me!” I sat back, feeling really chilled and relaxed, eating at the café within the Crystal Empire. It all might have been a little unexpected but man, I was happy to discover that I could teleport super long distances with this teleport spell.

I munched down happily on my sandwich. “Well isn't this a surprise!” I turned my head and, looking through my glasses, saw Shining Armor standing above me, next to some orange pegasus guard. “Vinyl Scratch, right?”

“Yep, that’s me, how’s the prince life, Shines?” I drunk my juice and relaxed into my chair, leaning my free foreleg on the armrest, giving him a cool, chilled, awesome look.

He chuckled, rolling his eyes. “It’s either Shining or Shining Armor, how many times do I have to tell you?”

“Million.” I replied, dismissively, getting a laugh from the pegasi who quickly put a hoof to his snout. “So?”

“It has it perks and of course, I love Cadance with all my heart. But what bring you all the way up here anyway?” Shines asked me, “I didn’t think you had any gigs in the crystal empire coming up.”

I shook my head, pulling up my shades to look at him in the eyes. “Nope, I’ve been trying to get away from a particularly crazy mare who won't leave me be, because of my new spells.” I charged up my magic and, with a quite crackle, cast a flickering blue shield across Shines and myself. Instantly the noise of the busy city was cut off. “That’s one of them, sound proofing, pretty rad right?”

Shines turned to his guard and said something to him, but the guard simply stared blankly back, he clearly hadn’t heard a word Shining Armour had spoken to him. “I say, that’s quite a spell you’ve got there. Most muffling spells can only only dampen sounds; very few can completely cut out noise like that. I am impressed.”

Shines stuck his head out of the shimmering soundproof bubble and talked to his guard before popping back in. “So, I have a feeling that since you’ve put this up there’s more to your story?”

I rolled my eyes. “Two words...” I sighed. “Twilight. Sparkle.”

Shining groaned. “What did Twily do?”

“She’s been after me for two days! Ever since the party! I don't get a single moment to myself in Ponyville without her following me around, pestering me about these spells! I got so stressed off and wondered how far I could teleport to get away from her and would you believe it! I teleported all the way to here!” I said giving a massive grin. “Nice huh?”

Shines blinked. “Did you just say that you teleported all the way from Ponyville to here?” I nodded. “Holy Celestia! That is huge! You teleported all the way from there to here, without a sweat!?”

“Yeah? What’s the big deal?”

“Vinyl that is, by far, the longest range teleport any pony has ever done!” Shines exclaimed. Oh, here we go again... “But if you knew this spell, then why not just tell her?”

I put my glasses back over my eyes. “Simple Shines, I promised to someone very important that I wouldn’t share this knowledge, not even to the princesses. Who knows what what would happen if the wrong pony got them...” I muttered. “I might be a DJ but I still have standards. You should very well know those Mr Ex Canterlot Captain!” I poked him in the chest with my hoof.

Shines rubbed his chest with his hoof and sighed. “Fine, I get why you want to keep it private.” He smiled. “That’s why I won't tell anypony about these two spells. I’ll make sure that Flash behind me keeps your sound proof spell to himself too.” Shines put his hoof out to me. “Is that fine?”

“I knew I had a reason for liking you, Shines! You really understand what a mare needs.” I teased with a smirk and clopped my hoof against his. I lowered the sound proof spell and sat back again in my seat. “Nice chatting to you Shines, and nice to meet you too Flash!”

Then it hit me, I remembered Twi had mentioned a pony called Flash. “Hey, by any chance is your name Flash Sentry?”

“Erm... Yes it is, why?”

“Oh no reason. Just thinking about something Twilight told me.” I replied, cooly. “Now if you don't mind boys, I’d like to finish my meal in peace.”

“Sure thing Vinyl, let’s go Flash.” Shining Armour and the now red-faced Flash sentry turned to leave. “Be seeing you around Vinyl,” Shines called out with a smirk.

I waved my hoof. “No problem, Shines! See ya around too buddy!”

I finished my lunch off and paid. The time had come to return to Ponyville... Gah! I really hated this part. “I hope I get my aim right this time...” I closed my eyes and pictured my home in my mind. My horn lit up and I began to cast the spell. “Please work... Please...” In a flash I appeared and felt air running through my fur. With a scream, my eyes snapped open.

“OH SWEET CELESTIA! NOT AGAIN!” I cried out, free falling right for Ponyville's lake!


I landed right in the middle of the lake. Surfacing and coughing, I swam over to the shore and checked my head with my hoof. Thankfully my glasses were still firmly attached. I shook off some of the water from my fur but it still dripping off me. “Stupid aiming... No matter what I do, I’m always off target by miles!” I stomped my hoof in annoyance as I realised I was still at least a five to ten minute walk from Ponyville… Again!

Eventually I made it back home, I open the door to find... “Twilight, what the hay!?”

“Hey Vinyl!” Her face look creepy as heck! Her eye was twitching too. “I’ve been waiting for you!” She grinned.

“Erm... Sparkle are you ok? You look freakishly whacked out...” I had seen this before, and it was not good.

She was grinning like some crazy pony as she walked right towards me. “Now let’s find out those spells! I... Must... KNOW!” She charged right at me.

I quickly reacted by teleporting and appearing on the roof facing my house. “What the hay man!? What the heck are you doing Sparkle!?”

“I must know! Get back here!” Twilight’s crazy look was really whacko, almost the same as the look all those ponies had, after Twilight put a spell on that old doll. Luckily for me, my shades filtered it.

With a flash, Twilight teleported right in front of me.

“Ah!” I turned and slid down the roof, jumping off it, landing on my hooves and making run for it. “Twilight chill! You’re going crazy!”

She laughing as she chased me. “No I am not! I will get those spells! I will!”

“Sparkle get away from me!” I yelled back, using my teleport again, I appeared behind her running after her now. “Ahh!” I slid to a stop and turned to run the other way.

I hid by the alley wall. “Where did she go!?” Some of the other ponies were looking a bit creeped out, I couldn’t blame them... “Vinyl I will find you!”

“In your dreams...” I muttered and shuddered, I recalled I had that spell too. “Harmony these spells might be awesome but when you have a crazed purple princess on your tail…” I stomped my hoof in annoyance.

“There you are!” I turned and yelped. She had found me. “Come here Vinyl!”

“NO! Keep away from me you crazy alicorn!” I turned and made a break for it. This purple pony was crazier than Pinkie Pie!

I found a new place to hide and there she was again! Right there, with those crazy looking eyes, I ran for it, in any direction, as fast as my hooves could take me, I had to get away from her. I jumped into the lake, she couldn’t possibly find me there. But there she was again! Right on my tail, I jumped out the water, screaming like a filly and dashed off back to Ponyville.

I was a blur to most ponies by now. I just shot past them and dashed to Sweet Apple Acres and dived into a pile of hay. Looking around panting, I was in a panic, this wasn’t the way an awesome DJ like me should live! I needed to do something to just keep her from going completely insane!

“Hi Vinyl, care for some tea?”

“Sure why...” I heard the voice and my head slowly turned to come face to face with the mentally shattered Twilight. “AHHHHH!” I burst out of the hay bay and fled again, with her giving chase. I ran in and out of the trees, trying my best to lose her.

“What in tarnation is going on out...” I heard Applejack shout and come out to see me running for my life from Twilight Sparkle. She stared at us for a few seconds, completely dumbfounded and just went back into the house to do whatever she was doing. Couldn’t she see I needed help?

I ran up to the mountains outside of Ponyville and up the mountainside path, jumping over rocks and a landslide that had happened a while back. I got to the cave and slid inside coming to a stop as I was met with mountains of gold coins, jewels and all sorts of treasure. “Whoa... How the hay did anypony miss this?” I raised my shades up and stared at the treasure in front of me.

“Oh, that’s just something left after Fluttershy asked the dragon to leave.”

I rubbed my head a little. “Really? All this treasure just sitting here? Do you think that dragon will come back for it?”

“Beats me, he seemed pretty anxious to leave, but that’s not what’s important right now...” I gulped when I heard that, my ears flattened and I turned slowly to see Twilight once again. “Right, now I must need those spells!”

“AHHH!” I leaped up over Twilight as she dived at me, leaving her lying dazed from the impact into the gold. “Sparkle, cut this out! You’re going completely ins... Ah!” I dodged a cage falling right where I was. I stared at it seeing the purple magic, then turn to see Twilight holding up two more gold cages. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!”

“Vinyl there’s nowhere to go!” I turned around to see the entrance was blocked off by a mountain of gold. “Now tell me your spells!”

“Never!” I dodged the cages falling at me, I knew she was crazy, but this was beyond crazy!

“You will tell me the spell to guide those out of the Mists of Misdirection! You will!” She yelled out at me and I saw it a flash of sapphire blue in her eyes for a split second.

My eyes must be playing tricks. It must be... “Twilight! What the hay’s gotten into you!? This isn't you! Look at what you’re doing!”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “I know perfectly well what I am doing Vinyl Scratch!”

“You’re not Twilight! You’re that fear pony! The one from the pitch black!” I yelled at her, lowering my glasses. “Sorry Twi but I got to do this!” I ran right at her and tackled her. Using my magic we teleported into the Golden Oak Library with a thud.

“You think doing this is going to help! I will take you and get...”

I had to do something fast, I zapped her with the dream walking spell, hitting her right in the face. “AHHHHH!” She fell over and next thing I knew I was in pitch black.

“Well done...” I turned to see a pure black pony, the outline was shadowy at most. “It seems you’ve caught up to me. It’s been too long since I was able to see the outside world.”

“You’re that crazy fear pony!” I sneered at her.

“Indeed I am, The Pony of Fear... I had so much power! So much fear I fed on! But Harmony ruined it all by trapping me in that cursed place!” She sneered at me.

“Good for you! Now you can stay there for another 1000 years or so!” I spat at her.

“Oh I won't for long, but you won't remember this encounter. You’ve won for now and I put my hoof down to you. I won't be able to do this again, but I have other ideas how. This has been the closest I’ve ever gotten to getting out of this prison Harmony Rose placed me in. I have some beings that have been fooled by my graceful hoof to aid me in my escape. But you can't remember any of this, not after I wipe your mind completely clean of everything you have and had! You won’t even remember your own name!” She grinned darkly and I felt her magic at work, my memories started to fog up.

I was trying to fight her magic, but it was so strong... I couldn't hold out much longer...

The only thing I could think of to get away from this monster was one pony... Octavia


Suddenly I was falling, right towards Octavia. How did I get here? I was teleporting away from Twilight, I think!

She wasn't happy at all... “Hehe... Hey Tavi, hope you don't mind me dropping in like this?”

“Vinyl! What the hay are you doing!? She snapped at me. “And did you just teleport!? When did you learn that!?” Octavia yelled out at me. Opps I didn't tell her that. Hehe my bad...

But one thing that was going around in my head was... Why was I so relieved to see Tavi? Why did I just feel that I had just made the grandest escape ever, but why would I be trying to escape from Twilight? She’s my friend. Man, this was so confusing... I remembered being in the Crystal Empire talking to Shining Armor about her but what else was I missing?

I got off Tavi “Oh it’s a little something I’ve kept hidden, and for good reason too.”

“It had better be a good reason; this party has only just started and you are already crashing it!” Octavia tapped her hoof firmly against my chest. Boy this is going to be a long night, but a fun one from the look of things, seeing this awesome party and that’s when I knew what I would be doing next...

Our talk lead to me playing… the accordion. Why did it have to be the accordion, I hate that thing. Oh well, it could be worse. I decided to start it off, making the best of this less than preferable situation!

The ponies began dancing enjoying the music. Heh, I guess good things come to those that drop in, hay? “Don't you think?” I winked behind my shades.

“Who are you talking to Vinyl?” Tavi tilted her head to me as we played.

“Oh just bunch of fans.” I whispered with a snicker and got a shake of the head. I just smirked and continue to play the music on this accordion, enjoying the party I just crashed.

Author's Note:

Alrighty, here is the next side chapter to the story of Zaps Apple, this time following Vinyl all the way to the party. It leaves a deepening mystery as who this Pony of Fear is and what happened at the Kingdom of Harmony so long ago. What secrets do the Princesses know? Well you will have to wait and see!

Also had fun with this chapter with Vinyl.

Till next time!

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