• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 4,635 Views, 212 Comments

Zaps Apple - Electuroo

A young colt with no memories of who or what he was, with only the nightmares of the darkness that took everything away, only to find the light of escape to whole new beginning...

  • ...

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Bonus Chapter: Zap Apple Surprise

Author's Note:

This is the story of Zaps’s encounter with the time travelling pony, Doctor Whooves. It takes place during the period between the zap apple picking and scootaloo’s POV scene. It will not directly affect the story line! Have fun reading! Also thanks to Edowaado for the awesome drawing that inspired me to write this bonus chapter!

Zaps Apple
Bonus Chapter: Zap Apple Surprise

Big Mac was still back at the super large zap apple tree so I was making my way there to join my new awesome big brother, everything was amazing. I felt happier then ever! I remembered that darkness that was all around me and Luna helping me out of it but thanks to my family, it all felt like a distant memory.

I wished Scootaloo and the girls were around to help with the zap apple picking, but they were at that school and with that Diamond Tiara. I really disliked her, she was so mean to me and...

“Huh?” My ears were twitching to some strange sound in the distance and above, I turned towards the unpicked zap apple trees. “What is that strange sound?”

'Vworrrp Vworrrrp'

I kept looking around for the strange sound, looking up and around me. “Where is that coming from?”

'Vworrrp Vworrrrp'

It was getting louder. “Hello is any...” Suddenly, I heard branches snapping as something fell from the sky, through the tree, followed by a mighty...


I yelped in shock and the the next thing I knew I was on my rump, something had landed on my head, I pushed it up with my hoof to see it was a long, black top hat. I was confused, where could it possibly have come from?

Then I saw him. Hanging above me in the tree was a grey earth pony with a darker grey mane and tail, wearing a bow tie. His cutie mark was of a hourglass I think.

“Well, hello there! Sorry for dropping in!” He spoke, waving his hoof at me. I just stared back at him with a confused startled look on my face, holding the hat up from falling over my eyes. “By the way, good catch with my hat.”

I blinked a few times sitting there. “Erm... Sure. Are you ok, mister?”

“Never better! I’m just a bit embarrassed to say that I fell out of my TARDIS.” He slowly pushed back, hanging now with his front hooves on the branch. He let go and landed on all fours in front of me. “Did I just say that out loud?”

I just nodded a few times finding this weird stallion very weird. He said he fell out of something called…

“Erm... Tar-Ta... Whatever you say mister, how did you fall out of something from the sky?” I glanced up and looked at the Zap Apples above me. I licked my snout and took one, then threw it up and caught it in my mouth, munching it down.

The strange stallion gave me a frown and whipped out from his collar some kind of strange metallic stick. He pressed it and it glowed, and made a strange buzzing noise. “Now that’s a first! You just ate it as if it were nothing!”

“Why does everypony find that strange? I love zap apples! They’re so tasty!” I ate the other one that was beside me, happily munching on the fruit.

“I don't find it strange, I find it wonderful. You’re body is showing incredibly high levels of internal magic, more than I have ever seen in an Earth Pony. That really is something!” He declared, still waving that weird stick around at me.

I was confused. “That’s what Doctor Stable said to me yesterday! He used his magic to scan inside me I think, so did Twilight. What is that thing? Some kind of hoof magic stick, like a unicorn’s horn?”

He laughed and my curiosity changed to shame. I’d done something silly again... “What’s the matter?” He stopped laughing and put a hoof under my snout, looking at me in the eyes. “You can tell me and I promise not to laugh.”

“Oh ok... I kinda don't know very much, only what’s happened in the last few days. I woke up alone in the Everfree Forest not long ago with no memories of anything before that. Since then, Luna has helped fight off the endless darkness in my nightmares and Scootaloo gave me my name too. And now I’m part of the Apple family! It happened so fast and I feel so happy!” I beamed at the end. “Oh... I didn't tell you my name, did I, mister?”

“Nope you didn't.”

I rubbed my head a little, remembering I was still wearing his hat on my head. “Do you want this back, mister?”

“Thank you kid.” He took the hat, putting it back on his head. “Now what should I call you by then, other than kid?”

I smiled. “My name is Zaps, mister! Zaps Apple! Big Macintosh and Applejack signed some papers that Twilight gave them and now I am their little brother!” I beamed, jumping up and down with joy, I paused landing on my hooves laughing a little. “Sorry, I didn't get your name, mister.”

“The Doctor”

“Doctor huh? Do you have a last name like Doctor Stables?” I asked, tilting my head.

He look a bit disappointed for some reason. I didn't get it. Suddenly he smirked and rubbed his hoof on my mane a little. “Another first, you really are something, Zaps...” He seemed to pause looking at the large zap apple tree in the distance where Rainbow Dash was zipping all over the place, picking apples and darting down the tree. “Wait, Zaps! No it couldn't be! Zaps Apple!? THE Zaps Apple!?”

“Erm... Doctor mister sir... Why are you looking at me like that?” I felt rather nervous at his sudden interest in my name. I backed up a little.

“Today you just became a Apple?” I nodded. “Oh, this is fantastic! No wonder my TARDIS went crazy! That tree must have thrown off so much magical energy that the TARDIS was knocked off course! What a great way to meet you Zaps! I’ve read so...” He paused and I tilted my head in confusion. What was he blabbing about? “Never mind that. It’s a pleasure to meet you, young Zaps, now to answer your question.” He held up the stick thing again. “This is my Sonic screwdriver, I scanned you with it, like a unicorn horn...”

“I was right!? I’d guessed that it was magic and I was right!”

“Well it’s not quite like that, tec...”

“Oh wow! That is so awesome! Can I try it please!” I cut off the Doctor pony stallion. “Please can I try your magic Sonic screwdriver!”

Doctor put his hoof out, handing me the metallic device, I took it and looked at it. “You won't be able to...” I pointed it at him and it was making the same buzzing noise. “Use... It...”

I looked at it and tilted my head. “Where is the stuff it says about you?” I looking up and down the little .

“You won't be able to find...”

“Wow, it says you got two hearts! And you’re over 9...” He took it off me instantly and looked at it, then at me. “Did I do something wrong?”

The Doctor chuckled. “Wow, that zap apple magic really is something, somehow it mimicked...” He paused again. “Never mind that, but I am impressed, you are full of surprises. Well, I’d better get going. I think I hear somepony calling you.”

I turned my head to the sound of Big Mac. “That’s my brother, what is your second name Doctor?” I turned to him as he walked away.

He turn to me with a warm smile. “Doctor Whooves, Zaps Apple. It’s entirely possible I might drop in again some time, but not like this. It’s been a pleasure meeting you.”

“Same to you Doctor Whooves! Bye!” I waved my hoof happily and darted off to the large zap apple tree to help Big Macintosh. Behind me, I heard that weird sound again.

'Vworrrp Vworrrrp'

I just shrugged and went back to help my big brother, I decided not to tell him or any pony this, I thought they might just think I was making up stories. A stallion with two hearts and that old!? That was just crazy to think about it! But it was really fun meeting that strange stallion Doctor Whooves! I wondered if I would meet him again! He said he might drop by, so maybe I would.

“There yer are Zaps, what yer doin' over that part of the zap apple orchard?”

I laughed nervously. “I kinda found some zap apples on the ground and ate them!”

Big Macintosh chuckled. “Ok, fair enough Zaps, like to help me put these in the barrel?” He tapped his hoof on the barrel.

“Sure! Big brother!” I beamed and he gave me a very warm smile. I looked back towards the tree, but there was no sign that the eccentric doctor had ever been there.

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