• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 4,639 Views, 212 Comments

Zaps Apple - Electuroo

A young colt with no memories of who or what he was, with only the nightmares of the darkness that took everything away, only to find the light of escape to whole new beginning...

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Chapter 37: A Book of Adventure – Part One

Zaps Apple

Chapter 37: A Book of Adventure – Part One


“Urg...” I groaned from the impact of landing without any control of my body. I laid on what felt like grass, slowly opening my eyes between the leaves rustling from the wind, and I could see a comic book resting not to far from where I laid.

Reaching out to it with my hoof, I saw not a hoof but a strange yellow claw-like hand sticking out. That's also when I noticed my snout wasn't a snout, but something rounder and bending down. “Wh-what...” I still sounded the same, but the mouth felt different when speaking.

“Are you all alright?” Daring Do sprung up onto her claw hands and paws in an instant, checking up on all of us. “The magic of the book turned us all into griffons upon arriving in whatever comic story Shadowless set up for us.” Daring Do put her claw hand out to me. I rose mine up and she took it.

It felt so strange feeling these digits move around her claw hand. With a slight lift I was standing up, unsteady at first with the fact I stood on these and the soft pads I could feel: paws I think they were called. “Wh-what happened to our costumes?”

“Not sure, guess they were removed as part of the magic.” Daring Do took a careful look around.

“What is it with magic in the last two weeks doing weird things to us?” Scootaloo stood up, ruffling her much larger griffon wings. “First we turned into adults, than we had this weird light magic that helped us stop that creep in the temple, and now we're griffons?” She rose her claw hand up to her eyes, opening and closing them. “Wow, these talons really feel weird... I never felt having so many digits at the end of my forelegs. Is this what Spike feels with his claw hands?”

Sweetie Belle rubbed her head. “I don't have my horn! Where is it!?” She screeched and suddenly out of her claw hand a burst of magic came out. It was brief but there, with the same greenish aura. “Wh-what...” She stared at the talon in disbelief. “I felt my magic but it-”

“Now that's something you do not see everyday...” Daring Do stared at Sweetie Belle as we did. “It seems your magic from your horn can now be cast out of your talons as if you was focusing on your magic through your horn.” Daring Do did her best to explain it to her. “So be careful okay?”

“Okay...” Sweetie answered.

Applebloom looked over her back, flexing her wings a little. “Ah have wings!? This is nuts! Ah'm an Earth Pony! Ah do not like feelin' these thin's on mah back!” Applebloom went to grab one with her right talon to only be stopped by Night Spark. The dark griffon looked her in the eyes. “Ni-Night Spark?”

“If Sweetie has her magic still in her that means you have yours. Think about it. If you grab that wing of yours and pulled, what would have happened, Applebloom?” he said in a really serious tone of voice with a very flat expression on his face.

Applebloom gulped as he let go and decided to take a rock and squeeze it, to only have it crushed by her talons to dust. “Epp!” She let go, letting it shower the ground. “T-that was mah Earth Pony magic!?”

“It was...” Night Spark stated and turned to me. “That includes you. Be careful okay?” I nod, feeling a bit scared at my own strength now. “We're in a comic book and somehow we need to complete the adventure to get home, so we should stop worrying about us not being ponies and figure out how to get out of this fantasy.”

Scootaloo walked over to me with a playful nudge. “Like to try and fly? I sure would! These wings are awesome! Look how big they are!” She opened up her wings with glee. “Come on, open them!”

“I am not sure how...” I look at the wings on my back and back at Scootaloo.

“It's simple really. Think of them as two extra arms but they're just around your shoulder blades, think of moving them to open.” Scootaloo explained.

I nodded and focused on the weird feeling on my back and I felt them open up. Gasping, I quickly look back at them, noticing the lion tail I had too shifting around. “Is that what you feel with your wings all the time?”

“Sure do! But this first time I can really feel that I can fly!” She took a few flaps and got off her paws and talons. She hovered with a squeal. “Oh this is so awesome! I can fly! YES!” She flipped around and landed on all fours with pride. “I haven't forgot that from last time! It's so amazing to fly!”

Something caught my attention when she landed: it sounded like something crunched under her right hind paw. “Scootaloo lift your right paw up,” I asked.

“Hmm?” She rose it and I took what looked like something shiny and silvery. “What is that?”

I tilted my head and looked at it and inside it. The nostrils on my beak picked up a smell of really sweet onions. “It's silvery, shiny, and smells like something made of onions was in it.” That's when I saw the writing on it. “Cheese and Onions Crisps. Gricals full of flavour.” I read out loud. Turning it around, I saw all sorts of writing and numbers on it.

Scootaloo looked over my shoulder to take a look at it too. “Wow, it tells you what's in it too. What are these line things with the numbers under it?”

“Never seen anything like it.” I said. I turned to Daring Do, the larger tan griffon to us but slightly shorter than Night Spark. “Daring Do, we found some weird package that held something called crisps in it.”

Daring Do came over and took it from us. “I've seen foil before, but never seen it used to store food like this.” She turned it around, looking at what we had seen too. “Not sure what to make of these lines and numbers though. But it also shows a chart of some kind.” She put a talon point to it. “Griffon daily amount for females and males... Wow, it's showing how much salt, fat, and protein is in this per 100 grams.”

“So it tells how healthy something is before you even buy it and eat it?” Night Spark questioned, taking it from Daring to look over it himself. “It even gives you a tale of how it was made too, how they improved upon it over the years to give it great taste with less of the bad stuff in it.” He turned to Daring Do. “What kind of comic book takes us to a fictional landscape with this much detail?”

“I haven't got a clue...”

Scootaloo and I walked over to Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. “How you girls faring?” Scootaloo asked.

“Ah don't like these wings much but ah'll be okay, just weird havin' a beak and not a muzzle.” Applebloom tapped it a few times with a talon tip. “It feel like it works like mah muzzle, but it also feels strange havin' teeth too in it. Ah seen griffons with teeth in their beaks but never thought I'd get to feel what it's like...”

“Yeah, it's just strange that I can do magic still.” She rose her talon up, and from the tip a glow came and a stone floated between us. “I can levitate still. It's like my horn is not really gone and erm...” She twisted her tail around and now held it. “I like what I look like so far, these white wings, the tail. It just so adorable. I really look adorable don't I?”

“I think we all do.” Scootaloo crossed her forelegs, sitting on her flank. “We need to get back and stop those fakes...”

“Ah am with yer on that.” Applebloom nodded.

“Same here!” Sweetie Belle put her talon out and the others placed theirs on it.

I placed mine on top of Scootaloo's. “I think we can do it. When working together we always did good.” I smiled warmly to them, and they did so as well.

“Together!” We said, rising our talons up with a cheer.

Scootaloo felt something against her left paw this time. Lifting it she noticed a book lying on the ground. Picking it up she instantly gasped. “What is it?” Sweetie Belle asked, quickly seeing Scootaloo freak out a little.

“It's Zaps!”

I blinked. “What?”

“Look!” She turned it to us all and we all stared dumbfounded at what was before us. On the cover was Canterlot's festival, and there was me posing for some reason in that batstallion costume. Across the cover it said: 'Zaps Apple – Canterlot Festive Fresco issue #37'. “It's got us in it too!” She pointed to each pony in the background around me. “What the hay is this!?”

“Daring Do!” Applebloom called out. “Ah think we got a bigger problem!”

“What do you-” She saw what was shoved into her view by Scootaloo. Taking it, she stared at the cover. “I have seen really weird crazy stuff over the years but this...”

“Now that's something you do not see...” Night Spark rubbed his feathered head. “I mean we were pulled into a comic book, but to find a comic book that says we are the fictional ones...”

Sweetie Belle took it and opened up the front page. “Wow, it's Daring Do dressed up with a cloak, funny big hat and glasses. She's doing research, and then Princess Celestia and Armour McApple shows up.”

“It shows our brother pullin' one with the Princess to get her to foalsit us at the convention.” Applebloom and us all turned to Daring Do.

“Wow, you were afraid to foalsit us after all the stuff you've done?” Scootaloo chuckled a little.

Daring Do swiped it from Scootaloo and flipped through the pages. “It's not important, Scootaloo.” She quickly changed the subject. “What is important is that the moment this comic book ends is the moment we arrive here.” She flipped it around and showed us all being pulled in screaming and the words under it – To be Continued. “Somehow and some way we have not only been pulled into a comic book, but it pulled us into another universe where we're seen as fictional, but in fact we are very much real.”

“I am confused...”

“Ah agree...”

“I don't get it...”

Scootaloo, the last to speak out of us four, quickly took to the air above us with talons out. “Hold on a second! If this is here and we arrived through it, doesn't that mean something was reading this before we arrived?”

Daring Do quickly looked around, moving her body in turn to take a good look around. “She's right, and there are a lot of bushes and tree cover around here to hide someone.”

“All in a circle now!” We did as Night Spark told and gathered with backs to each other. “Stay on your guard, we will deal with this.”

Suddenly a voice called out. “Wait!” We all turned our heads to see a blue and cream griffon step out with a bag strapped over his right side, and dark blue wings fluttering from his back. “The joke is over! Come on out with those cameras already! Laugh it up, you got me good!”

“Cameras?” I didn't see any at all.

Scootaloo frowned at this blue griffon. “What the heck does he mean a joke?”

“I think it's because of our arrival.” Daring Do held up the book. “Kid, there no cameras here.” She walked over to him, handing over the comic book.

The blue griffon took it from her and rolled his eyes. “Please.” He didn't seem convinced. “This is all smoke and mirrors. A good laugh to trick me, make me a laughing fool for all of PlayTube!” He was in her face, poking her chest with the tip of his talon. “Come on just cough it up! I bet it's a head cam!”

“What is he talking about?” Sweetie Belle asked, rather lost as we all were I think.

Daring Do looked down at him and took off her pitch helmet, turning it over to him and showing it was hollow. “Not sure what's this head cam you speak of, feather brains, but as you can see it's just a pitch helmet.” She put it back on top of her head.

He put his talon over his forehead shaking it. “Oh this is good, you all good! Keeping up the act.”

“Ah don't get it. Why would we act? And don't we have some weird task to fulfill to get back before those changelin's do who knows what damage to everypony?” Applebloom brought up a valid point and I wanted to get back home.

I turned to the blue griffon. “We're not playing games, we want to go home! Please help us!” I pleaded.

“Yeah as if I will fall for that!” My eyes started to water, and tears rolled over my face down my beak. “Okay that too-” He paused, looking right into my eyes. “N-no way... This-” He took a good look at each of us. “You're those ponies in the comic but as griffons!? HOW!?” He stepped back a few paces. “This isn't some smoke and mirror trick! My comic... That was real magic!? Not some illusion!?”

Night Spark put his talon on my side. I leaned into him, crying into his wing as he wrapped it around me slightly. “Yes, it was a form of Equestrian magic. Now I, being a guard of Princess Luna, demand to know your name young one. You've pretty much blamed us for something we do not even understand.”

He rubbed his talon through the feathers on his head. “This is unreal. I can't believe this. I just got the comic book a few hours ago from the vendor where I get all my Equis series comics. Every griffon that loves the comic book series gets it from Snowtip! There's no way that the latest issue is some magical gateway like in the Equestria Girls Issues 1 through 4. That was a mirror with Princess Twilight getting her crown back after Sunset Shimmer stole-” He was rambling on and noticed silence from all of us staring right at him.

“Right sorry... Nervous habit. I ramble when I am nervous and try to get a grip on reality!” He hovered a few feet off the ground, flapping his wings and putting out his talons to us. “You're all real! I mean that's awesome but how can you be!? Magic can just simply explain it right?”

“It can.” Daring Do stated. “It's rather annoying for a short answer the to things I do, but it happens. Now I believe Night Spark asked for your name.”

“Oh right. Names Gallus. Just chilling but now slightly freaked out that you all are very much real!” He looked around at each of us while still in the air, and came to a landing right in front of me. “So not to sound uncool, you're really Zaps Apple?” I nod, sniffing a little. “Whoa this is cool! Can I get a selfie with you?”

I tilted my head slightly. “What's a selfie?”

He grinned and pulled out a weird flat object, tapping on it with one talon while holding it with the other. Then he stood next to me with a wing over me and foreleg over the back of the neck, with a big smile towards the weird flat thing now turned with the front at us. “Now this is a selfie. Smile and say apples!”

I smiled. “Apples!” I saw a moving image of us on it, but as I smiled it smiled. And before I could react a sound of a camera came from it and a photo was on the object. “Ho-how did it show moving pictures and show me and you on it? And did it also take a photo?”

“It sure did!” He looked at it, staring at the image I think. “Not only are you an awesome looking griffon Zaps, but this photo is pure awesome! Thank you!”

“You're welcome I think...” I rubbed my feathers on my head, trying to understand everything that just happened. “Erm... Where are we?”

“Ah'd like to know too, and is that weird flat photo thin' a camera too?” Applebloom came up beside me. “Ah never saw anythin' like it before. Unless yer count the crazy thin' Vinyl Scratch comes up with her sound sets.”

Gallus showed pride with that weird object. “It is, and it also does long distance calls, texting, you name it. This beauty even got GPS too, so I know exactly where we are at this very minute.” He turned it to us after pressing on it again, and we looked to see what appeared to be a map.

Daring Do took a good look at it. “Are we in a park?”

“Yep, this here is Pride Park, close to Gorge Distinct of our prideful city Griffonstone, home to 27 million, mostly griffons apart from a few hundred thousand others from different races. But still the prideful capital of our country.” He noticed our silent stares again. “Oh come on! You're not on Equis, you're in my world! And also I know how you became griffons!”

“Please tell...” Daring Do crossed her forelegs.

Gallus showed pride as he brought up the subject of his rambling from before. “The same way Twilight turned from pony to human in the Equestria Girls comic when she had to go through a magical dimension mirror. Just with comic books, one here and one back in your world.” He put the object away and brought out the comic book. “My comic is like the mirror, but how that magic applies to this I haven't got a clue.”

“Could be something to do with what Shadowless did?” Sweetie Belle suggested, flapping her wings a little. “She did say she made it herself. Boasted about it too. What if something went wrong with it, and instead of just sending us to the pages it somehow linked to this book?”

“Quite the theory Sweetie Belle, and one I have to go with.” Daring Do rubbed the underside of her beak. “Going with what Gallus just said about the magic mirror, it sounds plausible.” She lowered her talon back on the ground. “The big question is, how do we fulfil the task? I am to guess that will reopen the portal.” Daring's eyes moved to the book in Gallus's talon hand.

Gallus clicked his talons. “I got it! We can go see Snowtip! She's this pure white griffon with really sharp blue eyes. She always seems to be cryptic when speaking, and I bet my flight feathers that she's somehow behind this too!”

“Why do you think that?” Scootaloo frowned.

“Because one: she gave me the comic for free, not asking for any quid. And two: it's the one thing I can think of at this moment as a good lead to helping all of you.” He cheered afterwards. “I get to help ponies from Equestria! I can't believe this is really happening!”

“Oh it is...” Scootaloo muttered. “I've seen one or two griffons and they're not as bouncy as you are.”

“That? Well I was just really freaked out, and now really excited, knowing you're all real and not some fiction characters and-”

Daring Do put her talon around his beak, shutting him up. “Just take us to Snowtip...”

She let go and he saluted with his talon. “Right away Daring Do!” Gallus put the book away and took the foil before placing it in a bin close by. “Follow me.” He waved for us to follow. “When we clear the trees you're going to get mind blown! You will never see a city quite like this! We griffons pride ourselves on the capital that stood the test of time and flourished into the city it is today.”

We got up and followed the blue griffon to a stone path that led out of the set of trees and bushes we were at towards a field with paths between them. What stunned all of us was the cliff walls on either side of us that had buildings against them and pathways leading up.

I looked up at the sun directly overhead, shielding my eyes slightly with a wing without even thinking about it, it just happened. I noticed there was a wall and buildings above too. The place he called Pride Park seemed to go on from one side to the other between the two cliff sides. Many griffons flew in one direction, and another lot on the other side, seeming to fly between many little things blinking on and off.

“That's the skyway, flight paths for griffons to come and go through a given route. If you plan on landing you have to leave the skyway lanes through those slipways where you can see griffons getting on and off. Pretty neat right?” He turned around to us, still very proud to show it off to us.

“I got to admit this city is pretty impressive. The map showed Pride Park cut right through Gorge District from end to the other.” Daring Do marvelled in what she saw. “Still we'll admire this a bit more later. First we best get to Snowtip.”

Scootaloo watched a few griffons using scooters and skateboards on some sort of place with ramps, slops and bars. They was doing all sort of stunts on it. “That's so awesome! They have a skatepark here! Look at them go! I only heard there was a few in Equestria, like in Manehatten and Baltimare.” Scootaloo watched in awe as one red griffon on a scooter did a few flips and landed on the wheels, with sparks hitting and sliding across the bars till all wheels touched the surface. “Sweet move!” Scooatloo called out.

The griffon turned to us and put a talon up with an short wave. “That's awesome to hear! I bet you've got some sweet moves, if you like what I can do!”

“I sure do! But I just haven't got my scooter at the moment. Kinda left it at home.” Scootaloo kept quiet about being from another universe, and I stepped up beside her. “Maybe when I get my wheels I can show ya!”

“Sweet! Well I'm here everyday after school so see ya around!” He closed his talon into a fist and Scootaloo did the same, bumping each others talons.

“Name's Scootaloo.”

“I'm Nitro.”

“Zaps.” I spoke in turn. “Scootaloo's been giving me lessons to ride my scooter, but I'm not so great on it as she is.”

“He, don't worry. We all fall off some way or the other. Well I got my wheels to burn!” He put two talon fingers to his forehead and pushed them away before taking off on his scooter to rejoin his friends.

Night Spark stepped over us, looking down. “Come on you two.” With a push of his wing behind us we walked on with him to catch up with the others. “So this is what a griffon is like when not so mean and selfish. It really is a different griffon land.”

“It sure is.” Scootaloo and I continued to get distracted by every little thing that we got to notice about the city.

After rejoining the others, we all soon came up to what seemed to be tents scattered around a large circle bricked floor with a large tower in the middle. The tower had four clock faces on it showing the time. All around it griffons were selling things to others that were looking around and buying their goods.

“This is Pride Market. Here the saying goes: What you can not find you will find at Pride Market.” He put his talons out to the market. “Also this is where you find the undercover police too. They make sure all trades are fair, that everyone abides by the law, and that every single being that comes here is safe too.” Gallus stated as he put his talon on the underside of the beak rubbed it.

Night Spark took a good look around, noticing families shopping and spending time with their young ones, others chatting away with those that were selling, and others just wandering and taking a good look around. “I see the pure white griffon. Snowtip, correct?”

“Yeah that's her.” Gallus saw her too at a stall selling some comics to a few griffons about our age and size.

I blinked a few times seeing her. She had a white beak, talons, feathers and fur. “Wow, she's really white...”

Snowtip turned her head, blue eyes locked on us. “Is she lookin' at us?” Applebloom asked. Snowtip rose her right talon up and waved for us to come over to her stall. “Ah think she wants us to come to her.”

“Why do I get the sneaky feeling she was expecting us...” Daring Do raised a brow.

I turn and looked up at Daring Do. “How can Snowtip be expecting us if we didn't know about her till Gallus told us, and we just got here because of what Shadowless did with the comic book?” It confused me when Daring Do said that.

Gallus put his talon on my shoulder. “Just go with it. So far it's been a bit beyond normal for me.”

“Because of the comic book portal thing?”

“Yeah. And till that moment all I did was chill out there in that exact place, reading my comics and minding my own business when I wasn't at school.” Gallus stated and let go, walking to Snowtip with us following close behind.

Snowtip finished handing out a comic book to a light grey and white griffon as we arrived. “There you go little one. I hope you enjoy this as much as you enjoyed the last one,” she said with a kind and gentle voice. “Each comic is as a breeze in the wind: it can easily change directions and the whole meaning can change.”

The female griffon giggled. “I sure will Snowtip! And not sure what you mean, but I'll be back the same time next week!” She turn and flies off with the comic held tight against her chest, beaming with happiness.

“Felchlings, they're so adorable and so full of imagination. It always warms my heart to see those happy smiles on their beaks.” Snowtip turned her gaze to the group before her. “Welcome to Griffonstone City, Zaps Apple, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Daring Do and Night Spark. I hope your arrival wasn't too unpleasant; dimensional trips through objective portals can be a bit hazardous on arrival.” She warmly smiled at us.

“Called it...” Daring Do muttered.

Gallus held up the comic book to her. “I'm just the griffon that brought them here, that's it?”

“Not at all Gallus, you are very much part of these string of events as each one of them and I. Haven't you all noticed no griffons are looking at us?”

Scootaloo took a good look around. “Why has every griffon seemed to just stop?”

Snowtip lowered her right talon under the table and rose it back up, placing what looked like an hourglass before us, with sand falling upwards into it. “Gallus, you should know of this.”

Gallus stared in shock pointing at it. “Tha-that not possible! That's the Sand Glass of Uptempical! It's just a myth! It can't be real!”

“Okay you got my attention. That's a magical ancient artefact from a temple or ruins right?” said Daring Do, taking a good look at it.

Snowtip placed her talon over the top of it. “It is. Before selling comics I travelled a lot and found a lot about the past of our world. Artefacts that showed magic was used in plenty back in the day, but slowly phased out for science and technological discoveries. This is why we can talk about what I have to say so casually.”

“A chain of events set in motion that leads to this moment and this time, a point where we meet that's fiction to one but reality to another. Once fulfilled your task and the way home returns.”

Gallus now crossed his forelegs as he hovered, with a very unhappy look upon his face. “How about you stop being so cryptic and get to the point already.”

“She just-”

“Zaps I can see how one thing she just said might be true or not, but behind it she's being cryptic.” He put both talons out to Snowtip. “Just get on with it Snowtip. It's been crazy since they arrived. I want straight answers!”

Snowtip put her talons together calmly, looking at the impatient griffon. “Very well Gallus. If you wish for me to be direct then I shall be, my young impatient blue feathered friend.” Snowtip opened her wings up fully before us.

“To fulfil the task at claw you shall have to enter the Griftir Pass, and there what waits will test all seven of you. The wind sheers will be the first test. No griffon has entered the pass in over 1000 years, even though it sits directly under the old kingdom palace of Griffonstone.”

Gallus blinked few times in shock. “The pass has high wind sheers! No griffon can fly in those conditions! It's a no-fly zone and the old palace is a ruined no-go site! Closest thing you can do is just look at it from the observation deck for tourism! If we go there and get caught we'll all be plucked up by the police and serve jail time!” He flew around us, waving his forelegs around.

Night Spark understood this very well. Being a royal guard at Canterlot, there were similar rules in place, but jail time wasn't one of the punishments. “I remember you telling me this Night Spark, when we were star gazing at Sweet Apple Acres.”

Night sighed from what I said. “It's true, we have areas in Canterlot that are a big no-fly zone and any that break it well end up doing community service as punishment. Usually to do with helping ponies that really need help without pay. They still get a meal break paid for but that's about it.” Night sat down with his forelegs crossed, tapping his right talon tip on his other foreleg. “That's something we will have to think about, Daring Do. One thing is adventure in a forest but-”

Daring Do cut in. “A ruins within city bounders and with such penalties for breaking the law, the risk for us we understand, but putting the youngsters in that position is not acceptable.” Daring glanced at us four for a second. “But the question is... Why the ruins and this Griftir Pass?” Daring Do turned her attention to Snowtip.

“A very good question Daring Do, one that with the help of Gallus will provide. And you already know where to start. Am I right Zaps Apple?” She gracefully turned to me, looking into my own eyes with her blue ones.

I felt my wings ruffle an odd feeling again. “Erm... It's to do with why the palace has been a ruins for over 1000 years, isn't it? And that pass, why there are very strong wind sheers there and no where else, right? I think...”

Snowtip tapped my beak with her talon finger tip. “Very good Zaps. Here's something for you and your friends to have. Think of it a welcome gift to Griffonstone.” With a tap of the hour glass everything became noisy again. She gave each of us a sealed comic book, but we couldn't see what was inside the wrapping. “Open it after Gallus takes you all back to his home.”

Gallus gasped. “What!? You can't be serious!? I-”

“Gallus, over the last two years since you been buying comics from my stall, have I ever steered you wrong? Have I ever gave you bad advice?” Snowtip warmly smiled at him, placing her talon under his beak and lifting his head to meet her eyes. “All I ask is to do whatever in your heart to help them.” She placed her talon on his chest.

He looked down and back at her, putting his own talon on hers. “Fine, you win Snowtip, you got me good. I'll help but next time you try the guilt trip on me I'll be long gone, got it?”

“Indeed Gallus, indeed.” Snowtip moved her talon away. “One last tip, Daring Do. All beginnings catch up with us.”

Daring raised a brow. “What is that supposed to mean?” Snowtip didn't reply; she just had that warm smile. “Fine! Leave me in the damn dark!”

“Thanks for the gift Snowtip!” Scootaloo said, holding onto her gift.

“Yeah! We'll open them soon we get to Gallus' home!”

“Ah can't wait to see what comic we each got!”

I stared at it and looked over to Gallus. “Erm... where do you live?”

Gallus pointed up and we all looked to where he was pointing. “I live on the edge of the Gorge District, right at the top. Usually it takes about a few minutes on the skyway but...” He turned to each of us. “About three of you just got your wings, right?” We didn't have wings before now. “This going to be tough...”

Snowtip giggled, getting all of our attention. “What happened when Twilight first came to the human world? How long did it take the human Rainbow Dash to learn to fly with wings?”

Gallus blinked. “You can't be serious, that comic book logic can't work here. That's just crazy!”

Snowtip pointed to me. “Go on, flap your wings.”


Author's Note:

The start of an Griffon adventure for our friends!

Also like to say thanks to my friend Sunflower1414 for proof reading this for me.

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