• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 4,639 Views, 212 Comments

Zaps Apple - Electuroo

A young colt with no memories of who or what he was, with only the nightmares of the darkness that took everything away, only to find the light of escape to whole new beginning...

  • ...

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Chapter 10: A Rare Surprise

Zaps Apple
Chapter 10: A Rare Surprise

“No that won't do... yes that will... hmm... this here and there...” I had my eyes closed, thinking about this party coming up, I wasn't sure how long I had been there but my legs all felt a little sore from standing in one place for so long. Despite the aching though, I kept as still as I possibly could, breathing steadily. I would rather do as Rarity asked and get this over with than complain... “Yes that it!” I felt something land on my head.

“What was that?” I asked, opening my eyes and looking up to see the rim of something. “Is that a hat?”

I turned my gaze to Rarity moving in front of me with a smile. “Oh my stars, you look adorable!” She seemed really happy over the work she’d done. “Darling you can move, I've finished.”

I blinked “Really?”

“Of course Zaps, you allowed me to try over seven different styles, and this one suits you the best, the others I will keep as references for other colts your age. I am really happy with your cooperation!” Rarity said with delight. I tilted my head down looking at my raised front hoof to see a black sleeve with white under it. Wearing these clothes felt really strange, but somehow familiar, as if I had worn something like this before...

I looked at Rarity “Could I see how I look please?”

Rarity's horn lit up and I saw the large mirror roll across until it was directly in front of me. “My best work for the young yet, if I say so! Don't you think?” she praised her own work.

I looked right at the reflection of myself. Suddenly, I was overwhelmed by feelings that made me gasp and I closed my eyes to see an image of myself in another, similar, blackish outfit, without the hat. I had my hoof on the collar, and was pulling at it.

“Big brother, why do I have to wear this again?” I moaned, tugging on it.

The red stallion in a similar black suit put his hoof on mine, pushing it away “You want to look good for your brother's own wedding don't you?”

“Yeah I guess so, but it feels so weird!” I complained.

“I think you two look dashing and my little McApples look cute as ever!”

We turn to see an orange mare with a horn on her head and a red and yellow mane that sparkled in the sunlight.

“Mum!” Both of us yelled at her at the same time and she chuckled.

She was wearing a blue dress and a necklace with a rose on it, with small coloured gems surrounding the bud. “Now Armour McApple, make me a proud mother”.

“I sure will, and my best colt here will make it so.” He tapped me with his hoof on my head and ruffled it.

I grinned, “guess wearing this silly thing was worth it”.

“Harmony Rose?” Our mother turned to a stallion in armour standing before us. “We’re ready, if you would all take your places.”

“Of course, now let’s make this a wedding to remember children.” She smirked and walk on out.

Armour McApple groaned, “Mother! I am not a child!” he yelled back and sighed. “Well ready little brother?”


“Zaps darling are you ok!? ZAPS!” I blinked, seeing Rarity with her hooves on my shoulders, shaking me a little as I blinked a few more times. “Oh my stars! You had me worried... what happened?”

I rubbed my head. “I don't know...” I tried to comprehend what I saw and felt... It made my head feel like it was spinning on the inside out... “It was weird...”

“Weird? Care to explain?”

I lowered my eyes from her’s still trying to comprehend the images I had just seen... “It felt distant... as if it all happened some time ago...”

All I got then was a shriek of happiness, seeing Rarity with a excitable look. “Those are your memories darling! You remembered something from your past! What was it? I do hope it was a pleasant one?”

I rubbed my side of my head again... “Well it felt like a good feeling but... I’m not quite sure how to describe what I saw... I heard two names I think... erm... something McApple.... and Harmony something...”

“Oh my, they must mean something, can you remember the full names, Zaps? It would help me out.” She was writing down the words as I spoke to her.

I started to sob a little, feeling really upset that I couldn't quite remember what I had just seen moments ago... “I’m trying... really, I am... I just can't remember the rest...” As I continued to cry she put her pad down and pulled me over, giving me a hug.

“There there Zaps, it’s ok. I wasn't trying to pressure you darling... I was just trying to help, and what I’ve got will help, so you can keep the suit on, ok?” I nodded silently and stepped out of the hug with a smile. Rarity smiled back at me, wiping my tears away with a cloth “Now go show my sister and her friends your new outfit.”

“Ok, I will Rarity, thank you.” I sniffed a little with a bigger smile and walked over to the door before stopping and looking at it. I felt rather unsure, but looking over to her, Rarity gave me a nod, and I stepped into the room with Rarity behind in tow. “Hi girls... what do you think?” I was standing in front of them and suddenly everything turned dark. A beam of light shone over me from a strange, bright, round object, radiating light from its centre. I looked at them and felt rather warm around my cheeks again. Rubbing my right hoof on my left leg and watching them staring back at me, I felt a little shy...

Sweetie Belle spoke up first, “Whoa Rarity he looks really amazing!” Sweetie Belle beamed at her sister. “You really did great Rarity!”

“Ah think it suits him, ‘specially that hat, and ah’m sure sis will like it too,” Applebloom added, much to Rarity's delight, seeing how two of the fillies liked the outfit she had made for Zaps.

Scootaloo seemed to stare at me and I stared right back at her for what seemed like forever then she snapped out of it. “It suits him and it’s not too sappy too. So I say it’s awesome, wouldn't mind something like that myself, dresses aren’t really my thing.”

Rarity's eyes widen in delight “Oh? Is that so Scootaloo?”

Scootaloo saw that look. “Hey I didn't... let me go! GIRLS ZAPS!!! HELP!” Scootaloo found herself in Rarity's magic being picked up with the lights all coming back on.

“I’ll be right back! Lucky I made an extra part from the hat, with some minor changes you’ll be all done in no time” Rarity said dragging Scootaloo away in her magic.

I turned to chase and the girls did too. We entered the room and within those seconds Scootaloo was standing there in an identical suit to me... I stood there stunned, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle too... Rarity did it so sudden and so fast... “Whoa...” was all I could manage to say.

Rarity added the final touches to it, making it slightly smaller than mine to fit Scootaloo and cutting holes in the sides for her wings to pass through as well. “Now that wasn't too bad was it Scootaloo?”

“I guess not...” she muttered and looked at the mirror, seeing herself “Wow... I look awesome in this! It’s not sappy at all, and it looks great!”

Applebloom giggled “It sure does Scootaloo, yer look great!”

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “You do know you wore a dress for the wedding right? And you liked it too, in fact you kept it right?”

“Yeah that’s true I did, but come on! This look great on me!” Scootaloo jumped up on her hind hooves doing a spin on the spot with one hind hoof in the air, spinning on the other, and landing back on all fours.

Sweetie Belle just kept her smile “Of course you do Scootaloo! It suits you.” She giggled, “Rarity can we get a picture of both of them please!”

Rarity saw what Sweetie Belle meant and looked at both of us “Oh my stars that simply must happen!” Rarity opened a draw and pulled out a camera “Now both of you stand by each other, and don't move,” she added.

I looked at Scootaloo and she looked at me “Let just get this over with...” she grumbled.

“Ok” I stood by her and looked at what they called a camera “What’s a camera do anyway?” I frowned a little.

“Just stand there and smile and I will explain afterwards,” Rarity replied. So I stood next to Scootaloo and smiled when all of a sudden there was a flash. I blinked a few times, trying to shake out the lights in my vision.

“Wh-what was that... why can I see tiny sparkles in my eyes!” I cried out, trying to get rid of them, panicking a little.

Scootaloo put her hoof to me and I stopped panicking and looked right at her, still unsettled with what was in my vision. “It’s normal ok, chill...” I took a deep breath “It’s only the flash from the camera, you get it for a few seconds every time but it’s worth it. I promise.”

I tilted my head a little “Worth it? But I don't know what it does! Other than blinding me with light...”

Rarity giggled “It takes a picture, have a look,” she was carrying something in her magic. “It’s an instant transfer camera, I use it so I don't have to go to the shops all the time to get them developed.” She waved it around for a few seconds then showed me it.

I stared in amazement “It’s a still image of us!”

“Yeah it sure is Zaps, and we’re looking awesome right?” Scootaloo nudged me.

I couldn't help but agree. Then it happened again...

I stood there groaning “Mother how long do I have to stand here! It’s been forever!” I complained standing on the spot in the same outfit as before as the pony I called mother stood with another pony doing something with brushes and colour.

“I know sweetie but it’s nearly finished; my friend Brush Luck is almost done.”. I looked over at the blue pony with a red mane and tail wearing a hat shaped like a leaf, and a cape over her body. The Earth pony’s eyes were filled with concentration as she worked on the board with the paints.

“It’s almost there, Harmony Rose, your son’s just like your eldest in so many ways,” Brush Luck said, moving the brush up and down as she spoke to Harmony Rose.

“I know Brush Luck,” she smiled “They’re both my stars in the sky.”

“And done!”

“Finally!” I moved stretching my limbs feeling some of the muscles pull with soreness. “Can I see?”

“Come over and take a look”, Brush Luck replied and I did. Sitting on the easel was a perfect painting of me sitting there with the different shades of flowers in pots around me and the arch my brother had just got married under. “Whoa that is amazing! It a still image of me!”

“It’s a portrait, my little sunshine, and it’s of the cutest and most adorable little colt I know.” Harmony Rose nuzzled her snout against mine.

“Mother!” I laughed a little and hugged her “It’s coming home with us right?”

“Sure is! As soon as it dries we’ll put it right above the fireplace for all to see when they come over and visit,” she said with pride and we hugged.

I blinked few times and felt a hoof on my back. Scootaloo was looking right at me, a concerned expression on her face. “Are you ok Zaps? You look like you've seen a ghost or something.”

I rubbed the side of my head. “I had another one of those weird things again... this time it was something to do with a portrait and... urg... I can't recall the names I heard... it was so clear a second ago,” I said, hitting my hoof on the ground hard in annoyance. “Why am I getting all these weird images and words appearing in my head... I don't understand it!”

Rarity put a hoof to my chest and I looked up at her. “Calm down and take deep breaths, you’re having what we call flashbacks, memories of the past, but since you can not clearly remember those events you’re trying to understand something that simply wasn't there before, it’s overwhelming and at first it will be hard for you to process, just give it time darling.”

Sweetie Belle seemed stunned by what Rarity had said. “What did you do with my sister!” she yelled at Rarity.

“Nothing Sweetie Belle, Zaps is under a lot of stress, when you work in fashion as much I as I do, you learn to recognise when another pony is stressing out, even if you yourself feel completely relaxed. Why don't you all go to that clubhouse of yours to drop off your things before Zaps’ party over at the farm. I’ll be there in one of my dresses soon. I want to look glamorise for Zaps first party!” Rarity put the photo into my saddle bag and left, humming to herself.

I look to Sweetie Belle “Is she always like that?”

“Weird and crazy sister... yeah...” Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes “Come on, let’s get to the clubhouse quickly!”

I looked at myself, then at Scootaloo “Do you think we’ll be fine wearing these there? And back to the farm?”

“Sure, just make sure not to get it dirty or we’ll be in for a heck of a pain from Rarity's shrieking.” I shuddered at that thought and nodded in agreement. Taking my saddlebag, and the others taking theirs, we set off back to the clubhouse.

On the way we got some looks from the adults, some of whom were saying things about me and Scootaloo... cute, adorable, a cute pair, whatever they meant by that. I saw Scootaloo react with a flush of red under her eyes, I remember feeling warm around the same areas before. I wonder if red appears under those areas too with me...

We soon arrived at the clubhouse. The girls put their gear away and I admired the photo of me and Scootaloo while they finished up. Applebloom stopped what she was doing, stepped back, and looked from their wall to the picture I was holding. “Ah think we should put this right here,” she declared, took it out of my hooves and, with a little help from Sweetie Belle, pinned it up on the wall. “There, that’s a keeper for sure, don't ya think Sweetie?”

“Sure is” Sweetie Belle replied and looked over to Scootaloo “What do you think Scoots?”

Scootaloo stepped up beside me and we all looked at the picture, pinned where it was on the wall. “Sure is” Scootaloo replied. “ But we’d better get going or we’re gonna be late for Zaps’ party.”

We all started to leave and I looked back at the photo again from the doorway; it made me feel very happy inside seeing it there and with a smile I chased after them as we headed back towards Sweet Apple Acres.

I was going the right way or, at least, I thought I was... I galloped around looking left and right, but after the short distraction of looking at the photo, now pinned to the clubhouse wall, I couldn’t find the girls anywhere. 'Where did they go? Where exactly is Sweet Apple Acres... all these trees look the same...' my thoughts were cut short as I ran into something and bounced off heavily.

I quickly shifted my weight and managed to land on all fours, sliding to a stop with a heavy sigh. “That was too close... Rarity just made this for me... last thing I want is to make her upset after her kindness of giving this to me...” I said to myself, feeling relieved that the suit and hat I wore were still pretty much as they were when Rarity had first put them on me.

“Oh my... I am so sorry...” I heard a soft, quiet voice in front of me and my eyes trailed up to its source, a light yellow pegasus with a pink mane and tail. A basket sat by her hooves where she must have put it down. “Are you alright little one?” her soft voice was carrying a hint of concern and worry in it.

I looked over myself and smiled a little “I'm fine miss, sorry I wasn't watching where I was going... I was heading back to Sweet Apple Acres and got turned around by all these trees looking so similar... Applebloom and the girls rushed off ahead of me back there...” I explained and apologized for running into her...

She smiled warmly at me “It’s ok, we’re both still standing.” I nodded in agreement to that. “Are you new to town?” At that I groaned audibly, putting a hoof to the side of my head.

“Di-did I say something wrong...”

I sat on my flank, looking at her “No… It’s just... I’ve been telling everypony the same thing over and over and over and over again... I’m just getting a little frustrated...” I decided I had to try to give her a short version if I could...

“I woke up in the Everfree forest with no memories apart from the darkness and waking up. After running away from some timberwolves I found myself at Sweet Apple Acres. Scootaloo discovered me and gave me my name, Zaps, and Applejack and Big Mac agreed that I could stay with them. Today I have been exploring some of Ponyville with Scoots and the other girls. Rarity’s place was one of them and then we went back to the clubhouse and I got lost after losing the girls and ran into you...” I told her everything in a compacted story, rushing it, I wasn't sure if it was accurate, but at this point I simply didn't care.

“Oh you poor thing... my name is Fluttershy, by the way, and I was heading to Sweet Apple Acres for a party for you,” she raised the invite out of the basket.

I look at Fluttershy, then down at the invite. “Oops, I forgot to mention that part with Pinkie Pie...” I stood up. “Could I come with you to Sweet Apple Acres? I’m still so new to this place...” I started looking around, trying to get a bearing of where I was roughly.

Fluttershy smiled warmly to me “Of course Zaps, follow me... if that’s ok?”

“Sure, and thank you Fluttershy!” I beamed with delight.

“I almost forgot, Rarity made that right?” she looked at me as we slowly trotted back to the farm.

I glanced up at the hat overlapping my mane a little. “She sure did, I really like it. I think I wore something similar once before, but not quite the same... I’m not sure when or where though... I had what Rarity called a 'flashback' and can't quite focus on what I saw in it...”

“You will in time, I am sure of it” she said to me. “I guess the suit and hat is your birthday gift from her?”

I turned my eyes away, thinking about it, then looked back at Fluttershy and replied, “I’m Not sure... I know they were a gift for helping her out with so many outfits but I’m not sure if it was a birthday gift.”

“Either way you look cute Zaps...” she paused putting a hoof to her snout. “Oh my, that came out wrong didn't it?”

I frowned a little over her reaction. “Not sure... but I heard a lot of ponies say that on my way here and just went with what they said, I guess. Why are you unsure of what you said?”

“Oh I don't cope well with new ponies... even the young ones like you Zaps, I am rather shy” she explained to me.

We were approaching the gate to Sweet Apple Acres, “I’m bit unsure what to say to other ponies too, to be blunt” I admitted to her. “I feel closed and tight when some of them are speaking to me... I just feel like hiding behind Scootaloo and the others half the time...” I sighed, feeling a bit silly.

“Well, amnesia does funny things, don't worry Zaps, you will be fine.” She put a hoof to me as we stopped outside the barn. “Applejack wouldn't have taken you in otherwise.”

I looked to her eyes and scraped at the ground, shifting some dirt with my right hoof. “You’re right... that is true” I looked at the doors and began to get nervous, breathing heavily, “I’ve never been to a party before...” I gulped, and started backing away a little. “I don't know if I can do this... I don’t know what happens in a party or what will happen when I open the doors... I mean, I know there’s a party, but what if this party’s a bad thing... what if it...”

“Zaps calm down, you’re hyperventilating.” Fluttershy spoke in a serious tone putting her hooves to my sides and looking into my eyes. “Slow your breathing, relax” she said softly.

I did what she said, slowing my breathing and calming down but the massive sickness in my stomach was still there, I felt it twisting and giving me waves of strange feelings. “I-I thi-think I'm ok...” I replied trying to calm myself...

“We go together, ok?” I nodded silently and stepped up to the door again, both of us put our hooves against it. “On the count of three ok?” I nodded again to Fluttershy. “One... Two...”

“Three!” we said together and pushed our hooves against the doors and they swung open...


Author's Note:

The last of the mane six have been met being Fluttershy ^^ I came up with this idea how he get to meet her before the party and it worked out well. Also Zaps about to have his first birthday slash party! Also thanks to rikusorasephiroth and Vailen for the idea of the flashbacks and they seem to work well in the story so far, specially the ones Zaps had.

Thanks again for Joesephius_Loewe taking his time to proof read this once more!

Now the question I have to bring forwards is how exactly to do this party scene. I am not quite sure how to write parties out in my stories... I want to sound exciting! Fun! and Really enjoyable to read!

"Yeah! Since it a party I made so get your flanks off the ground and give him some pointers! PINKIE PROMISE ME!!!"

Erm...what? O_o

"Bye bye, party time on the next chapter! So I got to hop to it! hehe!"

Sure... erm... what was I saying... oh right... tips and any helpful comments like the last ones be great!

Also like to say I really enjoy working on this and why I been trying to take my time with each chapter to make it good and enjoyable to those to read, try to keep in character and such.

Till next time!

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