• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 4,639 Views, 212 Comments

Zaps Apple - Electuroo

A young colt with no memories of who or what he was, with only the nightmares of the darkness that took everything away, only to find the light of escape to whole new beginning...

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Chapter 1 - Forgotten and Lost

Zaps Apple
Chapter 1: Forgotten and Lost

The darkness, it was coming for me... I ran again, as fast as I could. Suddenly I gasped as I felt something and that’s when I woke. My eyes snap open looking to the sky again, feeling the droplets of water hitting my face as I blinked. I slowly pushed myself up into a sitting position rubbing my head feeling a bit stiff and a little cold as I took in the sights around me. It was dark but I could still see and make out things.

I saw trees all around me with some strange colourful fruit that looked a lot like apples, but I also wasn't sure how I knew they were apples. Still, I guess if my mind was saying they were then they were... I can't argue with my own head I guess. I look down to my… hoof? I twist the foreleg around a little to look at the underside of my front hooves; I guessed if they were attached there then they were mine. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to have hooves though, or if something else was supposed to be there...

“Wow my head is in a mess... I can't seem to remember anything.” I spoke out to myself hearing my voice, it seemed to be young I thought... “Guess I am a child or was I an adult? Or a child... or both... Could it be possible to be both?” I whispered to myself and then pushed myself up on my hind legs, wobbling a little. I fell over on my rump. “Ouch... wait a second!” I paused looking to my hind legs waving my tail left and right a little in my own commands it was cream and black and my fur was yellow.

“Hind legs and forelegs... I should walk on fours I think... or is it two’s?” I grumbled trying to figure out what happened or what is happening. I only remember the darkness chasing me and I shivered at that thought. “Ok no thinking about bad dreams...” I slowly pushed myself back onto my hind legs, holding out my forelegs for balance. “No this isn't going to work... I guess four legs it is.” I fell forwards on my front hooves with a 'clop' and glanced around, trying to understand where I was...

I looked on to the rainbow apples feeling a pain in my stomach that knotted, I was starving. So I moved my legs and almost fell instantly and started to stumble a little bit more. I eventually came to one that hung low enough for me. I jumped up on my hind legs and tried not to stumble as I took it with both front hooves and pulled it off before landing on my rump again. This time I didn't care, I simply licked my snout at the sight of something to eat.

I took a whole bite out of the apple and chewing it felt wonderful, the taste, the texture, the electrical flow and the spicy taste with a bit of sweetness to it. “Yummy!” I took another bite with my eyes closing, enjoying my apple. It might be a strange color but I didn't care, food was food. Soon it was all gone, even the core. I looked back to the tree and walked up to it while looking up. “How am I going to get this down?” I pondered. Then I looked to my hooves and back to the tree. “Maybe I could try and hit it to shake a few down?” I hit it with my front right hoof hard and I could only to yelp in pain. “Bad idea!” I shook my hoof a few times and placed it gently on the ground. I cringed in pain a little. “Ouch... stupid tree...” I turn away and started limping a little and then I smacked it with my right hind hoof which did not hurt as much as before, but the tree barely even moved. “Come on! I want another of those apples!”


My ears perked up to the rumbling sound that was clearly a growl of some kind. I twisted my ears instinctively to track the sound. “He-hell-hello?” I slowly turn, looking around for the source of the voice. “I-is som-some-somepony there?” I heard what I said and it didn't seem strange, but it felt off. I guess it one of those things I forgot like everything else...

Wait what was my name?

I forgot about the growling, trying to desperately figure out something so important. “My Name is... My name is...” I muttered trying to remember tapping my head a few times with my right hoof, I cringed on the second touch. Then the growl came again which made me jump.

I turn to face the source of the voice this time. “He-hello?” I stepped back with my heart racing as I try to locate whatever was making the noises... I was scared of it... “The darkness... th...” I turned and galloped away from it fast as I could. I wasn't sure what I could do or where to go, but I wasn’t about to stick around!

I tripped on a root and tumbled down into some mud, causing me to stop in my tracks. As I felt the rain fall, I held myself against the cliff side. I had fallen into a pool of watery mud. I felt it dripping in large clumps off my fur and hair... Or was it mane? I think. Right, I am a small pony, that’s why I said 'somepony...'. That’s what I was before I think... I forget that for moment.

Something was chasing me... oh right the darkness... “Please don't find me... please don't find me...” I whispering to myself over and over again, hearing my child like voice that I had gotten used to hearing and I suppose that it had always been mine... Of course I could be wrong… My thoughts were shaken aside when the sound came again and ducked lower into the muddy pool, sadly it was shallow but I was hoping to submerge myself in it to hide from whatever that voice or the darkness was.

I raised my head to the sound, seeing what looked like a wooden snout of sorts, which I decided was weird. I saw the wooden teeth then heard another growl which made me yelp in shock. Another one appeared, their glowing green eyes started to scan near the mud pool. I had my hooves over my snout trying not to make a sound with tears falling in the mix of rain and mud. I was terrified that they would see or hear me.

I heard the sound of them moving away and looked up to confirm this. I let out a sigh of relief. “That was too close... I need to keep my head focused. No distractions!” I whispered harshly to myself. Getting up was slow going as I worked through the muck. I made my way out. “Eep!” I slipped and fell to a stop. I saw the mud pouring into a large river. My eyes shrunk since the height of the potential drop seemed crazy. “Why am I even here?!” I screamed into the distance. “I don’t even know where here is, or who I am!” I cried out into the rain and instantly regretted being so loud. I heard the snarling from above and looked up seeing the wooden creatures again only this time they were looking directly at me. I laughed nervously. “Nice wood things...” I stepped back and slipped. I fell down into the waterfall of mud splashing into the raging river.

Struggling to get to the surface, I coughed and tried to kick at the water like crazy and the white tip of the waves hit me and I went under again. I hit the bottom and held onto a rock looking around at the force of the water surrounding me. I was holding my breath as long I could and then I kicked off with my hind legs to the surface gasping for air. The waters continued to drag me along. Then I hit my head and everything went dark once more.

Run, run, run! “Please help me!” I was running from the darkness again. I couldn't believe that this was happening again. I then turned to face the darkness. “Go away!” I screamed, not even sure if it was another living creature or not. Tears started falling from my eyes. “Leave me alone!” I yelled at again, standing my ground.

With a gasp I coughed and coughed opening my eyes to see I was on some sort of shore line of the river. I wasn't aware of how much time had passed since I was knocked out or where I was.

I tried to stand but felt a surge of pain through my hind leg. Looking to my leg I saw a bruise that was clearly seen through the fur. I glanced around, trying to figure out where I was now. I felt a sense of familiarity from the last time this had happened. There wasn't any direction I could point to and not know where it would lead. Those things made out of wood... they were wolves of sorts, I think. “Timber and wolves... I guess they were Timberwolves?” I muttered trying to ignore the pain through my hind leg. I hopped onto my three good hooves, trying my best to put no weight on my bad one.

The growls and barks of those Timberwolves came and I turned seeing them on the edge across the fast flower river. They seemed to be scouting out the best way to cross. I could guess how they were going to get to me and was correct in my assumptions. I felt fear as they starred right at me and then they ran up the river. “Oh no, the river thins out as it goes up... oh where to go... where to go!” I was in a panic mode looking around for a way to get away from them and lose them before they found a way to cross.

I looked at the darkest part of the woods before I had to squint my eyes. The trees were thick causing hardly any light to shine through. My heart was racing and the pain surging through me did nothing to calm me down. I had wolves closing in on me and the dark and foreboding nature of the woods. I was petrified of both! I couldn't move a muscle... darkness and strange wolves were racing through my mind. “Darkness already took everything from me, what’s the worse it can do now?” I whispered to myself and gulped and did my best to make a quick escape into the darkness. It was slow going through the forest as it got darker and darker; I could hardly see any fine detailed. My heart, I could feel was racing. Why am I in this mess? What happened to me? What is going on!? I want answers! I yelled in my mind with tears falling while I walked on my three good legs at my best possibly speeds.

I turned around, finding it difficult to see in any direction. I hope they have a hard time seeing as I do... I thought and wondered deeper in the thick brush trying to go where ever I could to make sure to lose them.

Wait a second! My nightmares I had, something was there. Something that felt pleasant and welcomed and safe... but what was it?! What was it that helped me out of the darkness and into the forest? And why put me in that crazy and scary place anyway?! I thought to myself trying to work out why I am in this forest as I trotted slowly glancing around for a possible way out. Was the darkness really harmful? Was it after me still? Why was I running from it in the first place? I was petrified of it.. I just didn't think of what would happen if it got me...

The sound of something moving caught my attention. Something has to be following me! I quickly found a place to hide, it was a very large log with an opening. I quickly gathered some littered branches and leaves to cover up the whole and jumped inside. “Why don't those things give me a break...” I muttered feeling rather frightened again. I looked through the gaps in the leaves and sighed quietly when I saw the wooden leg of one those beasts. Please don't find me! I said in my mind, not moving a muscle and breathing slowly. I just couldn’t get a break.

Time past as I waited and waited. I wasn't sure how long I was hiding in this log but I was glad they didn't find me. I felt rather tired at this point and the pain from my leg was hurting more than ever. “Maybe I should rest here for now...” I whispered and cuddled a little up into the log lying there looking to the little light I had. I felt frightened to death of both the Timberwolves finding me and the nightmares of the darkness.

I yawned and press my head against my forelegs and slowly closed my eyes allowing me to drift on wards to sleep. I was at least safe for now, and that was all that mattered.


Author's Note:

I was planning to post chapter one after a week but due to the lack of detail of whom or what Zaps was chapter one posted alongside the prologue.

As I said in the previous notes any comments not flaming and keeping comment clean if you please. Also anyone up to proof read my chapters for me be more then welcomed as again.

Hope you enjoy the beginning two pieces of my new story.

Edited by: Cold Spike

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