• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 4,639 Views, 212 Comments

Zaps Apple - Electuroo

A young colt with no memories of who or what he was, with only the nightmares of the darkness that took everything away, only to find the light of escape to whole new beginning...

  • ...

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Chapter 13: Zaps First Schoolday Take 1

Zaps Apple
Chapter 13: Zaps first Schoolday Take 1

Turning into the morning light I felt the warmth of the sun heart against my fur, letting out a yawn I opened my eyes to see it appearing as the moon started to dip. It was strange seeing this happening before my eyes... the moon setting and the sun rising... I got up and with the sheets wrapped around me as I watched the two switch places in the sky.

The photo of me and the girls hugging each other with the cape still in my hooves was hung on the wall... “The cape...” I whispered, looking over to it resting on the chair where Applejack had placed it, beside it was the helmet and my scooter... I gazed back to the morning sunrise over Sweet Apple Acres, it was beautiful... but I really liked the stars and moon in the evening. They reminded me of something... something at the back of my mind...

I heard a snort and turned to see Big Macintosh's right hind hoof sticking out of his bed sheets as he slept,causing a shift in the sound he made. “If Applejack’s my sister now, would that make Big Macintosh my big brother?” I whispered and felt a strange sense of mixed feelings swirling around inside...

“Mornin' to yer Zaps, ah was about to wake ya and Big Mac.” Applejack was standing at the doorway. “Watch this.”

I watched and saw what she was planning to do but before I could say something, Big Mac turned over and his snout came really close to Applejack's. His eyes were wide open, looking right at her. “Not this time AJ!” He grabbed her hat with his mouth and got out of the bed, landing on the other side of it with a thud, causing the whole room to shake, my bed included.

“Big Mac, that’s mah hat give it back!” Applejack looked rather annoyed.

Big Mac winked at me and flicked it up, it landed on his head and he push it back a little with his hoof. “Nnope.”

“Big Mac, Ah'm warnin' yer!” All she got was a tongue from him and that was it, she jumped right at him over the bed, but Big Macintosh moved to the side and Applejack crashed next to him with a thud.

“Too slow sis.” He kissed her on the cheek and placed the hat back on her head. “And mornin' to ya.”

Applejack got up, putting the hat back on her head perfectly. “Nice one Big Mac.” With a chuckle, she hit his foreleg with her hoof. “Yer got me good.”


I was blinking and wondering what the heck had just happened... “Am I dreaming still?”

“Nnope!” both said together.

I got out of bed, looking at them “Ok... that was just well… I’m not sure what to say...”

“Nothin' to be said about two elder siblings havin' a little harmless fun.” Applejack chuckled. “Bet ya that ya and Applebloom will get into one of these bits of senseless sibling fun sometime.”

I noticed Big Macintosh turn his head to her with a confused look. “What yer talkin' about AJ?”

“Oh erm... darn ah completely forgot to tell ya last night Big Mac, Zaps and ah were talkin' and till he finds his family, we’ll be his family. So ah said he could call be big sis if he likes and I’ll return it back, right little brother?” I gulped when Big Mac looked at me with a raised eye. I nodded silently, not sure what to say or what I could say.

Big Macintosh stepped up to me and gave me a big hug “Well that means ah have to call yer little brother too.” He grinned and holding onto my forelegs with his, he ruffled his hoof over my head and I just let out a laugh, trying to stop him with one of my hooves.

“Mercy!” I cried out and continued to laugh.

Applebloom stepped into the room rubbing her hoof over her eyes. “What in hay’s goin' on in here?”

“Giving mah brother a nuggy.” Big Macintosh smirked.

Applebloom’s jaw opened with a shocked look. “Wh-what? Zaps... Bro...brother... wh... urg... ah’m goin' back to bed... ah'm hearin' thin's”

Applejack shook her head as Applebloom turned to leave. “It’s true, ah said it was ok. He’ll be with us for Celestia knows how long, and it’s best we give him all the support a family would, so how would yer like him to be part of the Apples, Applebloom?”

Applebloom looked back at me. “Ah don't know...he’s only been here for a few days... it’s kinda weird...”

“I know the feeling” I replied as I got out of Big Mac's foreleg and landed on the wooden floorboards. I sat there thinking about it. “I’ve only known things for a few days now... it’s really weird, things like this happening so fast... but I feel so happy that AJ, Big Mac and everypony here on this farm have given me so much to help me out... I feel happy... I want to play with you and our friends, I want to try that crusading out and even that zip lining thing I read in the book! I want to do what others our age do... I don't even know what they do...” I paused, looking down to the floorboards. “Sorry I'm rabbling...”

“A little Zaps but yer right, yer don't know what it’s like to be somepony young as us, yer only seen pieces of it and mah...” Applebloom smiled at this point. “Our sister and brother are doin' what they think is best to help yer out and ah will too! Zaps... mah brother.” She paused. “Urg that was weird...”

We all just burst out laughing afterwards but stopped, hearing Granny Smith yell out, “Do yer mind youngun's! Ah'm tryin' to sleep! Ah’m not as young as y’all! So keep yer yaps shut and let me sleep!”

“Yes Granny Smith,” we all said together then look at each other, putting our hooves over out snouts, trying not to laugh.

Soon afterwards we were downstairs eating at the table, I felt a little excited over the thought of going to that schoolhouse and wondered what I would experience there. Waking up to them making me part of the Apple Family was all so real... I was wondering now what the following days would bring... I look to my hooves as I at the oatmeal in my mouth thinking about it.

“Somethin' on yer mind Zaps?” I turned to Applebloom as she spoke to me.

“Huh? Yeah a little... just thinking about everything that’s happened and will happen... it feels strange... I am just a colt that happened to appear on your farm and now I am part of it... it I don't know...” I took another mouthful of oatmeal.

Applejack put a hoof to mine, the size of her hoof to mine was huge... I really was small to them. Being a colt meant I still got a lot of growing to go. “Zaps, yer needed help and we gave it, everypony did, even Vinyl Scratch. Yer a young colt that happened to appear on our farm, yes. And now yer part of our family, but it’s our choice to help yer and be there for ya Zaps.” Applejack put her hoof gently on my side of my head. “We’ll be here for yer as a family.”

I nodded with a smile. “Now let’s finish eatin' our breakfast and Applebloom can help yer get ready for school.”

“Ok Applejack” I replied, wiping my eyes a little, feeling tears appear on them.

Applebloom did so, helping me get a few pencils, notebooks and paper put inside my saddlebag. I even had a lunch packed into one of the bags, my last zap apple, daisy sandwiches Big Mac had made and a carton of apple juice. All set, Applebloom and I said our goodbyes to Applejack and Big Macintosh and walked down the dirt road to the schoolhouse. I felt scared, nervous, shy, happy, excited and anxious all at the same time, not sure what to expect...

Applebloom broke the silence as we walked. “What the hay was goin' on in there this mornin'? All ah heard was a mighty thud and next thin' ah heard was AJ yellin' at Big Mac.”

I wasn't sure how to answer it while we walked, I thought about it and just had to tell her. “It was weird... I never knew adults could act like that, well, I’m not sure if they should ... does teasing one another count as normal?”

“With them yes, but yer cannot tell anypony.”

I stopped in my tracks with a frown as she turned around and looked at me. “How come?”

“It’s a family thing, yer wouldn't go around tellin' everypony yer a colt that woke up in the forest with no memories. Some might think yer weird.” Applebloom tried to explain to me.

I tilted my head with a slightly confused look. “Wouldn't telling the truth be better than not telling? It’s not my fault I can't remember anything...”

“No no, it’s not that Zaps, telling the truth is the right thing to do but yer need to think about what yer say. Someponies might well just be darn right rude and use what yer tell them as a tool to pick on ya!” I noticed Applebloom seemed to be very unsettled. I didn't like this and felt rather nervous now. “There are two ponies in our school that pick on us because we don't have our cutie marks and they’ll start taking the mick out of ya too because of it.”

I looked at my blank flank where she pointed her hoof then back to her eyes. “Why?”

“They just would... new student, no cutie mark... they’ll call yer blank flank for sure and maybe use yer memory lose to do worse.” Applebloom was telling me something about somepony but I was not quite sure what she meant...

I walked up to her. “Applebloom, I don't know anything about anywhere apart from here… and the places I’ve read about, but I have no idea what they’re like and such... all I have is the truth...”

“Ah know... but ah have ya back ok?” I nodded to her and we pressed on into the schoolhouse.

We arrived at the Schoolhouse, standing outside were Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, both waiting for us. “Hey Applebloom! Zaps!”

“Hi girls” I beamed with a smile. “You wouldn't...” I got jabbed in the side by Applebloom. “Ow... what...”

“Stay in the family,” she whispered.

“Oh sorry...” I lowered my head... “I didn't mean too...”

Scootaloo looked at Applebloom “What the hay Applebloom! What was that for?”

“Yeah that was kinda of mean,” Sweetie Belle added, putting a hoof over me and so did Scootaloo.

Applebloom grunted “It’s nothin', ok. It’s just Applejack and Big Macintosh acting like foals sometimes, ah told yer about it before...”

“Oh the teasing, I remember, you got us to not tell anypony,” Sweetie Belle looked at me. “Don't worry, you can tell us at the clubhouse later.”

“Yeah, we always like to hear what teasing the adults have pulled this time, especially the crazy pranks Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash do!” Scootaloo pulled me in a little and whispered into my ear. “One time they painted all the apples in one field with washable paints, making them look really funny.”

“Really?” I stared at her.

“Yep sure did, those two are really good at pranks, but they usually only do it to their friends,” Scootaloo chuckled. “Now we better get in before the bell rings.”

“Yeah don't want to be late!” Sweetie Belle replied and we all made our way into the schoolhouse.

I suddenly froze as we entered the classroom... sitting at all but four chairs attached to tables was a bunch all different ponies, colts and fillies... I gulped loudly, feeling that I was boxed in, I backed up a little, whispering to the girls. “I-I th-th-think th-this... wa-was a bad idea...”

“Zaps relax, you'll be fine” Scootaloo whispered back. “Now stop acting like a filly.” I nodded a little, still feeling rather tight and scared. I really wanted out of here and that was...

RIGHT NOW!!!!! I screamed in my head turning around to the door...

The exit was blocked by the teacher... Miss Cheerilee was looking down at me with a warm smile. My only chance to run away was gone and all I could do was smile back nervously with sweat rolling down the sides of my face. “H-hi...” I croaked.

“It’s good to see you made it Zaps, girls, why don't you take your seats?” They nodded in reply, heading over to their seats and placing their saddle bags down by the chairs. I was still standing there, shaking a little. “Zaps, it’s ok, take a steady breath.”

Her voice was calm and clear, I slowly did what she said but my nerves still felt shaky with all the eyes locked on me... I gulped again backing up against her leg getting some laughter from them which made it worse for me. I started to sob and wanted out of this place! This school was horrible! I wanted to go back to the farm!

“Children!” Miss Cheerilee snapped at them. “That is not nice at all! What if you were in his place? Feeling how he feels, what would you think if you were being laughed at for being afraid...”

“Not me!” The pale pink one with a tiara on her purple, white mane announced, waving her hoof dismissively. “He’s just some scared blank flank.” I felt myself sink and wanted out even more...

“Diamond Tiara! That is uncalled for! Apologise at once!”

The pony called Diamond Tiara sighed. “Fine... I am sorry...”

“Very well, but you’re on warning though, one more outburst like that your father will be getting a letter about your poor behaviour towards our new young student, he will be joining us from Monday, today is just to get a feel and what you and the others have done isn't acceptable...” Miss Cheerilee said to her mostly and then to the rest of the class.

I noticed Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom look at me with concern... I couldn't blame them... I was scared stiff of this place... I was still in tears wiping my foreleg to get rid of them from my face. Sniffing a little, I recognised another pony in the class. Tt was the colt with the strange hat, Button Mash I think... he didn't look too pleased by what the others had done either...

“Zaps here is staying with the Apples at Sweet Apple Acres. He’s recently been through a lot, more than any of you could imagine.” Miss Cheerilee put her hoof gently on my back rubbing it. “Zaps will you be alright if I explain to them?”

I looked up then at the other children. I thought about it and decided. “Y-yes...”

“Very well, Zaps take the empty seat between Scootaloo and Button Mash ok?” I nodded and walked up to it, looking at the others staring at me as I walked. My head low and ears flat against my head, I wanted this day to be over instantly... I placed my saddle bag down, taking out the empty note book and pencils from it and placing them on the desk before sitting on the seat.

“I saw you yesterday at the toy store, my name is Button Mash.” He put his hoof out to me from where he sat.

I look at it then him and thought about what would be best to do. I decided to put my hoof out to him, then shook. “I s-saw y-you too... wi-with yo-you mu-mum I th-think...”

“Yep, didn't get what I wanted but will next month! But a whole month! I want to know what happens in the game! I want to finish the story!” He was speaking about something that didn't make any sense.

“Button there a time to talk about video games outside class,” Miss Cheerilee spoke up.

He nodded, “Sorry Miss Cheerilee,” and rubbed his head a little.

“It’s ok.” She smiled. Stepping up to the desk, she sat down behind it, looking at us all. “Now you’ve all only just met Zaps so what you do not know is that what happened to him. What I am going to tell you is the truth and nothing more or less.”

I noticed the colts and fillies looked rather eager to hear this. “Zaps sadly has no memories of the last few days, this is why he rather scared and acted the way he did. What happened to him before is a mystery but why I am telling you this is to see if you or anypony you know has seen him or seen him with anypony.” I was surprised by this but was still scared by the eyes that kept looking at me, I sunk into my seat head and lowered a little, hooves shaking.

“He woke up in the forest we all know as the Everfree, he was chased by Timberwolves for the days he was in there, lucky to escape he found Sweet Apple Acres, Scootaloo found him there. I won't go into the details but thanks to her and those of Sweet Apple Acres, including ponies in Ponyville...” Cheerilee gave them such a short version to my last few days. I was surprised... she summarised it all in such a small way that made sense... even if most of the details was missed out.

The ponies were all looking at me again with sudden sadness, confusion or maybe they just didn't believe it but I felt rather out of place... “I-it... true...” I managed to say. “I don't know who I am really or where I am from... I-I... wa-was.... I...”

“It ok Zaps, you’re in a position that makes you feel frightened, just take some deep breaths, think about what I am saying and also don't mind the other students, you will be fine, trust me.” I nodded to her and she just kept that warm smile. “Now everypony give a warm welcome to Zaps.” They all clapped their hooves around me and I looked at Scootaloo who smiled and winked at me, showing that it was ok. I slowly sat up in my seat, still not wanting to say anything and just sit there but felt a little better...

“See I told ya, you'd be fine” Scootaloo whispered to me.

I smiled weakly at her. “Y-you did... th-thank you Scootaloo...”

“No problem, that’s what friends are for, to help friends out when needed, fun and all that other stuff we do.” She whispered. I nodded in reply and looked ahead to the class with Scootaloo as Miss Cheerilee was about to start her lesson.

“Right class, today I am going to be teaching you about Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, the royal sisters that raise the sun and moon.” As soon as she said that, I was puzzled, then recalled this morning... the moon setting and the sun rising, that was Princess Celestia and Luna? But what did that princess part mean?

I raised my hoof “Yes Zaps?”

“Ho-how do they do it? I did-didn't see them any-anywhere near it” I lowered my hoof and asked the question to the teacher.

She smiled at me and moved to a picture on the wall. “A very good question, Zaps, and one of the subjects I be addressing to you all.” Miss Cheerilee said and pointed a hoof to the picture. “Who can tell me what this place is?”

A hoof raised. “Yes Peppermint Twist”

“Itsh the platshform for the shummer shun shcelebration happened at the shlast one, Princshess Celeshtia and Luna with Prinshess Twilight did together!” Peppermint Twist answered the question to Miss Cheerilee.

“That is correct Peppermint, the platform is mostly used for the Summer Sun Celebration where ponies from far and wide see the princesses fly up high,” Miss Cheerilee point to a photo, “Using their magic to lower the moon and raise the sun at the same time. At the point of their passing Princess Twilight unleashed a magical blast that made it a speculator event.”

I wrote this down using the pencil I held in my mouth, I really didn't understand how their magic could do such a thing. I didn't know my friend Luna could do that. Maybe I could ask her next time I see her in my dreams, I wrote down the notes and put the pencil down. Listening to this almost made me forget about the ponies around me.

That is when I made my mind up and focused on Cheerilee and not around me. Maybe I can get through this day... learn something about the princesses of Equestria too...

As the lesson continued Miss Cheerilee talked about how each princess ruled the day and the night, including the festive events that were held in honour of the princesses, from the Summer Sun Celebration to an evening event called Nightmare Night.

“What can an pony tell about these ponies?” Cheerilee asked, pointing a hoof to the board showing a photo of two ponies, one in gold armour, the other in silver.

Scootaloo raised her hoof. “Yes Scootaloo?”

“The left is Princess Celestia's royal guards, they work day and night shifts. On the right are Princess Luna's personal royal guards that work only for her, they’re the bat ponies,” Scootaloo said with a smile. “And those Bat Ponies are really awesome too! I saw them on Nightmare Night pulling Princess Luna along! They’ve got slitted golden eyes which reflect Luna's moon!”

“That is correct Scootaloo, very well done” Cheerilee saw me raise my hoof. “Yes Zaps?”

“W-wh-what abou-about o-other kingdoms? O-oth-other then Eq-Eq...” I felt shaky asking the question, to the point where I just couldn't get the words out and felt really silly...

Cheerilee raised up a few other images pinning them to the wall. “That is true, you do have others and as you can see here, from Zebra's to Griffins they all each have their own style of royal guards, also ponies from lands outside out kingdom, that was a nice question Zaps, thank you for bring up other nations.” I nodded a little as she continued to talk about them.

She talked about the guards from the different kingdoms which she only could know so much as I listened writing and drawing down the stuff. I wanted to write everything that I learned into this notebook, so I never forget again... I smiled a little knowing that I was making sure that whatever happened to me before won't happen again...

I learned that the royal guards in other countries were similar to that of Equestria where they did duties that fell in line to protecting the kingdom, especially the capital and the royals, from any harm or dangers. She brought up one subject to do with Canterlot and the Wedding Invasion from the Changelings. I was really surprised by this and had never even heard of these Changelings before, they looked kinda creepy and when I heard they could change their appearances it made me shiver a little thinking about it.

Cheerilee look to the time on the wall seeing the hand was almost on 12. “Alright class it’s time for lunch, go outside and enjoy yourselves, remember to play nice and also after lunch we be talking about the Crystal Empire and the current rulers of the land.” Cheerilee explained, and the sound of the bell high above sounded. “Class, enjoy lunch.”

“Yes Miss Cheerilee,” everypony said and quickly took their bags, some leaving right away. Others taking their time.

I slowly got out of my seat when a hoof touched me, making me yelp is surprise before turning to see Scootaloo. “Sorry...” I rubbed my head a little.

“It’s cool Zaps, how did you like school so far?”

I scanned the room after Scootaloo said that and back to her. “I started out wanting to run a mile...” I admitted. “I really felt silly and out of place... you all know so much... while...” I turned way with a sigh. “I know so little... I was trying to ask so many questions... I got annoying looks at me... to the point... I just didn't want to ask anymore and just listen...”

I put on my saddle bag, walking with them slowly as they spoke in turn. “I think the questions were really good, you got us engaged in all sort of things, did you see how strange that griffin armour was? And what the Zebras wear for royal duties? I didn't even know any of that, Rarity would have flipped seeing some of those styles... she would say, 'That is the worst design ever! I must remake them into an image that suits royalty!'” Sweetie Belle spoke and mimicked Rarity’s voice, we all laughed a little in response, it was easing my nervousness a bit more.

“Would she really say that?” I asked.

Sweetie Belle shrugged, “Maybe, but you’ve seen how my sister is, look how many designs she put you through.”

I thought back to it and chuckled, “Yep I remember.”

“Ah agree, but how about we talk more after we eaten?” Applebloom suggested.

“Sure Applebloom” Scootaloo heard her stomach growl. “Hehe...” she shyly rubbed her head.

We all made our way to the door, Miss Cheerilee put a hoof to me, I turn and looked up. “I know I shouldn't eavesdrop on other ponies talking but I heard what you said. All I can say is that being engaged is the best way to learn, you asked very nice questions today and also helped broaden the understanding of other royal cultures, I heard from Applejack that she will be taking you and the fillies to the Crystal Empire in a few weeks. So this second half would be best for you to stick around, so if anything happens at lunch come to me ok? I be inside doing some marking.”

I nod to her “Sure Miss Cheerilee... so-sorry ab-about wh-what I said...”

“It ok, you’ve never experienced school before, this is very new to you and you would rather just forget it and run, but the one thing is best to do Zaps is face your fears rather than run.” Her voice was soft and caring, I thought about what she said and had to agree.

“Thank you...” I gave her a hug and she returned it.

“Now go and enjoy lunch Zaps.” She let go off me and I ran out of the room to find the girls.

I ran outside into the play area and seeing them on a log I rushed over to them until a hoof came in contact with mine causing me to lose my balance, stumbling to keep on my four hooves I fell forwards into a roll, coming to a stop and lying in a way that had my hind quarters over me slightly. The crusaders looked to me but before they could help me, we all heard laughter.

From my view I could see the grey and pink pony come up, still laughing. “Had a nice fall Blank Flank?” Diamond Tiara chuckled pointing her hoof to my flank.

“Hehe yeah, you’re just as clumsy as the rest of the blank flanks and look at you, you’re so scared that you want to go home and cry to your mummy!” the grey one giggled.

“Silver Spoon, he doesn't have one remember, she most likely abandoned him in that forest, ashamed of him being a Blank Flank!” I felt tears well up as they walked by laughing.

I pushed myself over and lay there sobbing about what they had said made me. Scootaloo put a hoof to me as I muttered the words “I hate school...”

Author's Note:

Chapter title Changed: 01/01/2014

There been a change to the title, I just finished typing up chapter 14 and decided to name that something else.

You will see what it comes up

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