• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 4,639 Views, 212 Comments

Zaps Apple - Electuroo

A young colt with no memories of who or what he was, with only the nightmares of the darkness that took everything away, only to find the light of escape to whole new beginning...

  • ...

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Chapter 16: Lost in Canterlot

Zaps Apple
Chapter 16: Lost in Canterlot


I woke up to a bright flash of lightning followed by the rumbling roar of thunder; battered by howling winds and rain I stumbled blindly through the narrow back streets of Canterlot. An icy gust swept across my fur, stood on end, as I huddled close against the cold, hard wall of an alleyway in the depths of the great mountain city.

I shivered, both from the cold and fear of what demons could be lurking around the corner in the dark, damp streets. Ponies, caught in the open, were running to shelter from the sudden downpour. I could only wrap my forelegs tighter around myself in a futile attempt to keep the worst of the wind off my wet, cold and shivering body.

“I want to go home...” I whimpered, tears mixing in with the rush of water already running down my face. Twilight said this place was wonderful... I was looking forward to seeing Princess Luna but I was lost... So lost...

A dark shadow swept across the walls and I heard the sound of hooves echoing down the alley, coming to a stop right next to me. As I slowly turned my gaze towards the dark figure standing above me, a sudden flash of lightning blazed across the face of the navy blue unicorn looking down on my quivering form. “AHHH!” I quickly scrambled to my hooves, trying to run for it but only managed to slip in a puddle, falling over. I pulled away from the unicorn, cowering in fear, eyes slammed shut fearing the worst...

This was the worst day ever!


I sat at the window, looking out of the train as it head to Canterlot, I was really excited at the idea of visiting the huge mountain side city. “Big Mac is this your first time too?”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac sat by me, looking out the window too, Applebloom was bouncing up and down excitedly on the seat. “Easy there Applebloom, yer don't want to break the seat.”

Applebloom stopped giggling. “Ah can't help it Big Mac! Ah'm super excited! We all are!”

“Yeah! How often you get to spend a night at the Canterlot Palace!” Scootaloo joined in with the excitement. I had to admit the ‘palace’, as they called it, was huge, towering over the rest of the city. If you ever got lost that would be best reference to find.

In contrast to the other two, Sweetie Belle was complaining. “Come on sis! I don't want to look like some overly dressed filly! The others aren't wearing anything fancy!”

“Come dear, it’s the princess we’re seeing, it might not be a formal visit, but we still want to look our best.” Rarity said, adjusting Sweetie Belle's dress. Rarity was wearing one too.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “She has a point Rarity, we’re not wearing any fancy dresses.”

Rarity looked at her sister and then back to us. “Urg fine... We will do without the dresses then.” Using her magic, she removed both dresses from herself and Sweetie Belle, placing them back into her case. “I am glad Spike came to help me though, you’re such a gentlecolt.”

“Nothing to it Rarity.” Spike smiled. “Not everyday I get to spend time away from helping at the library. Twilight seemed a bit off though...”

“I think it is something to do with Vinyl darling, ever since she learned those spells, Twilight’s been trying to figure out how she came to know them so fast, and how in Equestria she is able to use them with such little loss of strength.” Rarity explained to Spike. “I’m surprised you didn’t know that.”

Spike sighed. “Yeah I did but she still seemed off.”

“It’s a shame Fluttershy and Applejack couldn't come too. It feels kinda weird, only three of us going.” Rainbow Dash turned to Pinkie Pie who was eating some cake. “So Pinks, what are you going to do at Canterlot?”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “I know what I am going to do Dashie! I am going set up a party for the evening! It’s going to be so super duper! And Luna will enjoy it too!” Pinkie Pie finished off her cake. “Nice...” She rubbed her stomach.

Laughing a little, I turned to Night Light, looking out to the countryside. “Night Spark...”

“Yes what is it?” The bat pony turned to me.

“I heard from Twilight that your kind sleep in the day, I was wondering why you don’t too.”

He smiled at me and rubbed his armoured hoof gently across my mane. “Most of the time I do, but I am a bit of an oddity amongst my kind, which is why Luna likes me to do special assignments. Unlike most of us, I like both the day and the night. I can work in both conditions, so when the need comes for a task in daylight hours, I can do it without much fuss.” Night Spark pointed a hoof at his eyes. “Notice how they’re not as slitted during the daylight?” I nodded in reply. “My eyes are kind of a mix of pegasi and bat pony. My mother was a bat pony and my dad was a pegasus, that’s why I was raised in Cloudsdale.”

Rainbow Dash stepped up to us. “I thought I knew you from somewhere, Night Spark right?” He nodded. She stared at his rounder, daylight eyes for a second. “Yes! I remember now! You were the weather night pony! You got the job on the same day as I got assigned for Ponyville's weather duties! You signed up for your first duties just before me. We clapped hooves and both said...”

“See you around buddy!” Rainbow Dash and Night Spark said together, and both laughed.

“Wow, that brings back memories, I was such a newbie back then.” He chuckled lightly. “But it’s good to meet an old friend again!” He clapped hooves with her. “Element of Loyalty huh?”

Rainbow Dash grinned. “Yep and 120% pure awesome!” Rainbow Dash hugged him and he hugged back. “Still, you deserve this pal.”

“Jeez, you mind the sappiness?” He smirked and got a light punch in the foreleg from Rainbow Dash in return.

“Don't push it, Night!” She smirked back at him and turned to me. “I am glad that Luna picked you out of all those others to keep an eye on Zaps here.”

“I really like it that I got to meet you Night Spark! You’re an awesome bat pony!” I beamed. “That night flight was one of the most amazing things ever!”

“I am honoured.” He nodded his head towards me.

The remainder of the journey passed swiftly by and we soon arrived at Canterlot Station. I stepped off the train with Big Mac and Applebloom into the wondrous city of Canterlot. It was so different to the small, rustic feeling of ponyville. A feeling of grandeur emanated from the station and the other buildings around the city centre as a flood of well dressed unicorns strode assuredly down the paved street.

“Now if you’ll all kindly follow me, I will take you to Canterlot Palace.” Night Spark announced and started to walk, we all followed down the path for a few minutes. Something caught my eye on, glinting in the street. I turned and trotted over to it. “Whoa a bit!” I quickly picked it up and held it in my hoof. “I wonder what I can get with it...” I whispered and looked around, “Erm... Big brother what can I do with a bit?”

No answer. “Big Mac?” I turned and gasped with panic. “Where did you all go!?” I yelped in shock looking around for them. I ran up to a well dressed mare. “Miss! Have you seen a large red stallion? He’s my big brother and...”

She walk by me without taking any notice. “Miss... Sir...” I went to stallion this time.

“A common Earth Pony... How rich... go back to where you came from.” The stallion said to me.


“I’ve got better things to do then chat with some common Earth Pony... Now go!” He waved his hoof, shooing me off.

I sighed heavily looking to the bit in my hoof. “Stupid bit!” I threw it and it smashed through a window. I gulped, seeing what I had just done...

An angry looking stallion glared at me as he ran out of the shop. “Hey, you brat! Look what you did to my window!”

“I-I didn-didn't mean too... I am sorry...” I backed away from him.

“Sorry isn't going to cut it! Now get here!” I shook my head backing up even more from him. “I said get here now!”

I turn and ran for it. “Guards!” The stallion yelled out and I just bolted as fast I could down a street, I didn't know where I was going or where I ended up, I just wanted to get away from the scary stallion!

Shaking with fear I slowly looked over a cart that I had hidden behind as a small group of ponies wearing gold armour ran by, one stopped and looked around. “I am in so much trouble...” I whispered slowly, sliding down against the cart. “What am I going to do?” I looked around, realising I didn't know where I was.

After getting up, I slowly crept away from the cart, hitting my hoof on a block under the wheel, it started to move. “No!” I grabbed the rope with my mouth, pulling on it as hard as I could to try and stop it but my hooves simply slid over the stones, dragging me along behind the cart.

The guard ponies watched it roll by and saw me grabbing onto the end. “Let go of it!” One of them yelled out but I was too afraid to move my jaw. The wagon rolled down the road with me sliding alongside it. My hooves burning from sliding against the stones. I eventually managed to let go of the rope, falling over and rolling into a nearby glass stall, causing some of delicate items to fall and smash around me. I quickly jumped up and as I ran away I heard a smash behind me as the wagon crashing into a shop window.

“Get back here you little pest!” The mare at the stand yelled. “Guards! He ran that way!” She pointed right at me. I turned to look back and saw the unicorn guards, two of them. One brown and the other grey, running after me, yelling out something to me. I darted into a nearby alleyway and leapt up some nearby boxes, over the wall. I landed on the roof of a small shop and slid off it into a fountain. On surfacing, I looked up to see where I fell, before climbing out and running away from accusing calls of nearby ponies, no idea of where I was or where I would end up...

For some time I waited in the alleyway, hiding behind some rubbish cans, shivering a little from the cold breeze. Dark clouds started to be rolled in by pegasus ponies high above me, I remember Rainbow Dash telling me that there was a storm by noon... I slowly walked out of hiding down the street looking around wondering where I was or how I could get back to the train station at least.

I wasn't sure how much time passed. Droplets landed on my head and as I look into the sky a flash of lightning made me yelp and cover my head. Soaked, I ran into a shop as it started to rain heavily. “I am sorry but you young one, cannot stand there.”

I looked up at the stallion, then at the many other ponies in the place at tables eating. “But it’s raining really hard out there! I don't know where I am or where to go... I am lost.”

“It’s not my problem young one, I will have to ask you to leave...” He pointed to the door.

I turned to face the heavy rain, gulping loudly. “Co-could you tel-tell me how to get to the palace?”

“Oh course, just turn right from the door and then left and continue up the steps out of Canterlot.” He said rudely to me.

“Bu-but my big brother will be there worried about me! I am suppose to see Princess Luna! She’s my best friend!”

“Now I am not in the mood for any games from you colt. Get out now!” Holding me up, he used his magic to open the door and threw me outside into the rain. A mare and Stallion looked at me and raised their heads with closed eyes, holding up something that kept them dry. “Welcome sir, madam to the Canterlot Cliff Restaurant, I will take you to the tables.” He took one look at me as I sniffed with my eyes welling with tears as the flood of rain fell on me and the harsh winds of the storm battered against my face. He snorted loudly, and slammed the door shut.

I slowly pulled myself up and walked away through the downpour, each step grew heavier as the rain was soaking into my and through to my skin, I shivered and sneezed. No pony in this town would help me, I was worthless to them, practically invisible. My mane and tail dragged across the ground, soaked through and through... “Big brother... BIG BROTHER! Where are you!?” I cried out but a flash of lightning and rumble of thunder was all I got in response. Yelping in shock I ran for any sort of cover, I found part of the alley was shielded from the wind and rain, not much but it would do...

I sat there shivering and sneezing every so often, I felt so awful and sick to my stomach, my head was pounding from the cold wet droplets hitting it. I felt cold… I felt worthless... I felt alone... So alone... I pulled myself in, huddling close to the wall, crying and crying as no pony came to me... They didn't care. They were mean, very mean... I sobbed and sobbed until the cold and wet faded away to darkness.

I closed my eyes. I just wanted the nightmare to end... I just... Wait the rain! Had it stopped? I slowly turned my head looking up to the navy blue unicorn with yellow mane and green eyes behind the glasses he wore on the end of his snout, a light blue magical aura emanating from his horn holding up a large fabric sheet, keeping the rain from hitting us.

He reached a hoof out to me and I reacted by scrambling a little to back away. “It's ok little guy, I'm not going to hurt you...”

I glanced at his soft smile “Achoo!” I sneezed, still shivering.

He used his magic to take off his own brown jumper and wrapped it around me like a blanket. “Here this will keep you warm.”

“Soulful my friend, what are you doing in the alley?” I heard another voice, my eyes trailed to another unicorn with another one of those funny things hovering over him, he was white with blue mane and tail wearing some sort of suit with a pink bow on his white shirt, with a blue moustache and some sort of glass on a chain over one eye. “This weather might be gloomy but I doubt you will get much shelter here.”

Soulful chuckled lightly. “No nothing like that Fancy Pants, I found this frightened young colt.”

“Oh?” He stepped into the alley way, I noticed his hooves were similar to my big brothers but almost the same colour as his own mane. “My, what happened to you, young stallion?”

I shivered, holding tightly inside the jumper, trying to keep warm. I was afraid to speak, I just turned my eyes away crying a little. “He looks terrified Fancy Pants... Something dreadful must have happened...” Soulful turned to the white unicorn.

Fancy Pants sighed. “Most likely he ran into those most unwelcoming nobles.. Sometimes I wonder why they are so stuck up.” My eyes gazed over to him. “My name is Fancy Pants, what is yours, my delightful young friend?”

I turn my eyes back down to the brown jumper around me. “Z-Zaps...” I replied with a chatter of teeth. “Ap-Apple...”

“Did I just hear right? Zaps Apple? In the delightful Apple clan?” I wasn't sure what a clan was but I guess it was same as family. I nod slightly, “You poor thing, why are you all alone in such dreadful weather?”

Soulful picked me up placing me on his back. “It’s ok Zaps you are with friends. How did you end up here?”

“Achoo!” I sneezed once again, sniffing a little. “I-I... ACHOOO!” I covered myself as much I could with the jumper, trying to keep warm, still soaking wet.

Soulful turned to Fancy Pants from looking at me, feeling sorry for the state I was in. “Fancy Pants I did see a red stallion looking around hollowing that very name, he was huge... I mean from the look of it he works on a farm or something.”

“Big Macintosh! My big brother!” I spoke out over my chattering of teeth.

Fancy Pants smiled to me. “Then why don't we take a walk and find your big brother then?” I nodded happily at that idea, these two unicorns was so kind to me, it made me feel happy. “Which way shall we look first?”

Soulful gazed around then pointed a hoof. “I say this way, I think I saw Big Macintosh there.” He pointed the other way. “I say we might run into him down there.”

“Hmm indeed. Very well. Shall we?” With a nod they made their way down the path with me riding on Soulful. “It seems fate had instilled us this meeting young Zaps. It’s a pleasure to meet another of the Apple clan, Applejack I believe was the other I met before, during a garden party.”

My eyes lit up. “That’s my big sister!”

“Well fate indeed has lent a hoof in this my dear boy. I might say we will have to get you back to your brother then.” Fancy Pants said kindly to me, making me feel better.

“Cutie Mark Finders!” We heard and emerging from the darkness and rain was my sister Applebloom with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo all wearing yellow water proof coats and hats.

“Well it seems we’ve encountered quite a spirited bunch.” Fancy Pants laughed a little. “I gather you’re looking for him.” He nodded his head towards me on Soulful’s back.

“Zaps!” They said together.

“Oh my gosh ah'm so glad we found you! Big Macintosh told us to stay at the palace but we wouldn't leave one of the crusaders lost!” Applebloom said to me. “Yer ok brother?”

I nodded, still keeping as warm as I could with the jumper “Achoo! I'm ok... Soulful and Fancy Pants helped me...”

“Fan-Fancy Pants!?” Sweetie Belle squealed in delight. “Oh my gosh! I heard about you from my big sister!”

“And who might that be my fair young friend?”

“Rarity!” Sweetie Belle beamed.

Fancy Pants laughed. “Now this is getting more interesting by the moment, I’ve not only met more of the Apple clan but Rarity's little sister too. This has became quite the wonderful day in this gloomy weather.”

Scootaloo came up to Soulful looking up at me. “What happened to ya? We’ve been worried like crazy... Princess Celestia and Luna got the guards out to look all over for you.

When she said that I put a hoof to my face groaning. “G-guards... I kinda ran away from them...”

“Why?” Scootaloo asked.

“How about we take shelter at Donut Joe's and get some hot chocolate, it seems we all need it.” Soulful chuckled, looking at each of the girls.

“What about mah... Our brother?” Applebloom asked.

“What about me?” We all turn to see a soaking wet red stallion looking us.

I jumped out of the jumper right into his hooves “Big brother!” I cried out in joy, hugging him as he hugged me. “I am so happy to see you!”

“Ah'm happy to find ya too little brother...” Big Macintosh rubbing his snout against my head. I was so happy... The nightmare was finally over. “Yer safe now...” He raised his head to Fancy Pants and Soulful. “Yer have mah thanks...”

Fancy Pants smiled warmly. “I am delighted to see a family reunion after what Zaps has most likely been through, how about we all get out of the rain and I treat you all to hot chocolate and donuts at Donut Joe's?”

“Ah would rather...”

“Dear friend you need to get somewhere warm and dry. I will inform a guard to let the palace know you all are well, please allow me to gracefully offer my hoof in friendship.” Fancy Pants put his hoof out to Big Macintosh.

Big Macintosh put me on his back and took Fancy Pants' hoof, shaking it. “Very well stranger. Ah owe yer for findin' mah brother.”

“You don't owe me anything. My name is Fancy Pants and may I say it is a pleasure to meet the older brother of not only this young filly and Zaps but Applejack.” Fancy Pants said.

“Ah’ve heard of ya, the voice of Canterlot?”

“Well I wouldn't go that far but I do always have a good word or two here and there. Please follow me.” Fancy Pants turned and walked as we all followed him. “Soulful Haiku, it seem your editing of my article will have to be put on hold, if you do not mind.”

“Of course not, Fancy Pants. It can wait. It’s welcome to get to know such nice ponies. I think the nobles, well most of them just don't take the time to appreciate the fruits of those they call commoners. If they were to ever actually open their eyes to them they might find that they have significantly more character than those snobs.” Soulful said with a warm smile, folding up his jumper and placing it in his saddle bag.

Fancy Pants chuckled softly. “Indeed, you took the words right out of my mouth.”

Scootaloo whispered to me as she walked beside Big Mac. “I like these unicorns, they’re pretty cool.”

“Yeah, that they are,” I replied.

Fancy Pants walked up to a guard. “Good sir, could you please inform the princesses that Zaps Apple is found, he is safe and with Big Macintosh and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. We will all be returning to the palace shortly after we have warmed up in Donut Joe's with some delightful donuts and hot chocolate.”

“Right away sir.” The unicorn guard saluted and ran down the stone path leading to the palace.

“Now that’s sorted, let’s appreciate the joys of Canterlot and hear your tale Zaps.” I nodded to Fancy Pants, knowing one way or another I was going to have to tell Big Macintosh and the others...

It made me feel better to tell them and the donuts were so yummy... I guess there was a bright side to Canterlot.

Author's Note:

After all the amazing work Joe has done for me I kindly added his OC Soulful Haiku into this chapter. If it wasn't for all the amazing help he giving me this story would be still having so much more grammar issues that others would most likely notice already.

Aside from that I like to thank the readers for their support and continue the push of the progress of this story, always willing to listen out to those comments to see what you all think of it as always!

Also this chapter will get a update with a image I want to draw of Zaps in the alley in the rain, just thought I give you the heads up.

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