• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 4,639 Views, 212 Comments

Zaps Apple - Electuroo

A young colt with no memories of who or what he was, with only the nightmares of the darkness that took everything away, only to find the light of escape to whole new beginning...

  • ...

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Chapter 12: Vinyl and Harmony

Zaps Apple
Chapter 12: Vinyl and Harmony

Author’s Note: This is Vinyl's view of the scene where Zaps passed out and beyond.


Not only did I have to stop my music, but what had just happened was getting out of control fast. I rested my elbow on my DJ station, one hoof resting against the side of the face and tapping the other impatiently against the station. “Great, another disaster... I should have listened to Tavi on this one...”

“But how were we suppose to know that this would happen!?” Rainbow Dash yelled in her defence.

“You should have thought first!!!” Twilight yelled back.

“Ah agree with Twi on this one Rainbow, yer don't just slap on somethin' like that on a colt who has nightmares about darkness,” Applejack joined in.

“Girls maybe we should...” Fluttershy pleaded, trying to break it up.

“Oh yeah, and would you have thought of that before this happened Applejack!?” Rainbow Dash’s snout was pressed right up against Applejack's.

She pushed back “Ah would!”

“No you wouldn't!!!”



I closed my eyes, groaning as more ponies joined in with the argument. The poor colt Zaps was held in Twilight's magic… but then, everything stopped. I opened my eyes, looking through my purple glasses, everypony was frozen in place. “What the?” I pulled my glasses down to get a better look, the silence was creepy. Heck, I wanted out of this place now... “Ok, haha everypony very funny, now stop standing like statues and speak!” I tapped one, and nothing happened. “Oooooookkkaaayyy.... On a scale of one to ten, this reached a creepiness rating of twenty...”

“Depending on the scale, ten could mean ten million,” a voice called out behind me.

I turned around to see an orange unicorn with the most amazing mane and tail I ever seen, red and yellow glinting in the light like sunlight.

I shook my head in awe, taking off my glasses completely. “Who the hay are you? And what’s up with this lot?” I pointed my hoof to some of them. “It’s almost as if time has stopped.”

“Maybe it has,” she replied and I caught sight of her cutie mark, it was a rose with six different colour petals surrounded by six gems. “But it depends on what you do on the rerun Vinyl.” She took a mug of the cider that could be drunk by all ages. “Hmm not bad, a shame it’s not harmony apple made, now that’s a cider everypony can drink.” She smiled warmly at me.

I was still puzzled, heck clueless, at what was happening. “Bud what do you mean by rerun?”

“Oh you will know, just three words... Blindfold and darkness.” Her horn lit up and I covered my face with my hooves.

Suddenly I was looking down at the decking station. The music was playing and I had my glasses back on. “What crazy?” I paused, looking up and saw it...

Spike about to put the blindfold on and I was there in a flash... seriously I just teleported! I didn't even know I could use that spell! No I couldn't! What the heck is going on around here!? Wait Zaps! I’ve got to act fast! I used my magic to take the blindfold right out of his claws. “Hey what...” he looked up to see me looking right down at me, I removed my glasses and glared at him. “Erm... hi?” He gulped.

“Not cool Spike, not cool at all, you were about to give the colt a panic attack!” Zaps looked at me with confusion at this point, and so did so many other ponies, I couldn't blame them, but whatever it was seemed to have done the trick and prevented the all out fight and the fainting of Zaps... “Think about it, blindfold equal black darkness and what’s Zaps been through?”

Spike released and put his claw hands over his snout. “Whoa... how did I miss that...”

Twilight stepped over to me “Viny,l what the hay is going on and when did you learn to use teleport?”

I put my hoof up to her “Not now dude, this is more important then that,” I turned to face her. “I just had some weird deja vu and saw things getting out of hoof that I just prevented, so you should be thanking me.”

“But nothing happened! Apart from you teleporting and snatching that blindfold from Spike!” Twilight protested.

I groaned “I can't explain it ok! First I was standing at my station seeing you all fighting while poor Zaps was out cold from the panic attack after Spike put the blindfold on, and then next thing I know you’re all frozen in time and wham! This mysterious orange mare with the most awesome fiery mane and tail I ever seen told me of some rerun and wham! Here we are on the rerun. Then, somehow, I teleported and stopped Spike from putting the blindfold on, call me crazy but....”

“I believe you” Zaps instantly said and I looked down at the yellow colt in that snazzy suit and hat with a smirk. “I saw her in all my flashbacks... but erm… I’m not really sure who she is...” I noticed he trailed off after this. I knew this kiddo knew her from somewhere, more than just somepony in a flashback... but I had to let this drop for now.

Twilight was about to give another one of her infamous lectures but thankfully Pinkie Pie came to the rescue. “It’s time TO PARTY!!!!!!!” she screamed out. “Come on ponies, let’s get this party going again!!!” She was at my station and started up the music, wow I love that party pony. She’s a life saver! Twilight just sighed and went back off to Applejack and Fluttershy, dropping the matter like a hat, hehe hat, got to use that line sometimes.

I turned my attention to Zaps, lowering to look him in the face and whispered, “she’s more then that isn't she?” He looked right at me, spooked. “Don't worry, you can tell me later.” I winked and put my purple glasses back on over my eyes. “Now ready to play pin the pony?”

Zaps looked unsure this time. Heck I would be too if I was that scared of the darkness. “Buddy, it’s cool, it’s just like when you sleep, but instead of closing them, you keep them open and cover them with this, that’s all.” I held the blindfold up to show him. “Ready to give it a try?”

“S-sure” he replied.

“Ok, relax and breathe easy.” I pulled it over his eyes with my magic, and tied it on. “Ok dude?”

He gulped rather loudly “I-I think so... I don't like this much...”

“Ignore what you see right now and focus on the music and my voice,” I said to him. I got a nod in response. “Now hold this in your mouth,” I placed the tail in his mouth and twisted him around a few times. “Now you’re facing the poster, walk straight forward, and place that tail on the flank!” I pushed him forwards towards the poster.

Zaps hits the mark, and he pulled off the blindfold with a gasp. “I did it! I got the tail where it should be! See that!”

“I do Zaps, that’s awesome!” Scootaloo said with a big smile on her face. I just grinned, I sorted everything with words and was cool all round, now that’s how a DJ does it.

“Nice going Vinyl you really saved the day!” Rainbow Dash nudged me with her elbow and I grinned. “But tell me, did what you described really happen?”

“Sure did Rainbow, it was some crazy wizz and wham, that mare was really weird too, she was all cryptic and stuff, but wonderful too, and she seemed to like your cider.” I’d hit it on the nail with that last comment.

“SAY WHAT!?” Rainbow Dash suddenly put her hooves and I just stood there, laughing at Rainbow’s reaction. Hehe smooth Vinyl, very smooth...

“Just pulling your tail Rainbow” I nudged her.

“Darn it, ya got me good Vinyl, nice one.”

“Anytime,” I slapped my hoof against hers and gave the most awesome pegasus of the sky a wink behind my glasses. Sweet Celestia, I love this town! Never dull and never boring for a second, well, sometimes, but the sweet moments are what count, and this was one of them!

I went back to my station but felt a hoof against my rear leg. I turned to see Zaps looking at me with his big, curious eyes. “You’re Vinyl right? I heard Rainbow Dash call you that.”

“Sure am Zaps, what can I do for an awesome little colt like yourself?”

“Erm I... well, I’m not sure what that thing is, I know it’s music of some sort, but what exactly is it?” He was pointing at my decking system, which Pinkie was busy playing with. I just shook my head at that random pony.

“It’s my decking system, you never seen or heard of one before?”

“I haven't Vinyl... it’s kinda strange looking, I don't see how it’s making all the music...” Zaps definitively was curious colt for sure, but from what Pinkie told me, I had this covered.

I scooped up Zaps and placed him on my back walking over to the station. “Alrighty Zaps, it’s time for DJing 101 with Vinyl Scratch and Pinkie Pie.” I look over at Pinkie with a wink and she got the message.

“Yeah you’re so going to love this!”
Pinkie Pie giggled.

“Now look at the turntable, you see those rods?”

Zaps looked to the rods and back to Pinkie while holding onto the back of my neck for support. He seemed to recognise them. “They read the discs and turn it into sound through these wubs, Vinyl awesome wubs!”

“Erm ok... but how?”

I could have given him an explanation of how the sound got made, but I decided that none of that really mattered.

“Do you need a reason for it to make sense or just love the music it makes?”

Zaps seemed satisfied with what I had told him and asked if he could give it a try.

“Sure bud.” I turned my body around slightly as I guided his hoof to one of the turntables. The bass was turned up a little high. “Place one hoof on the lever there and pull down slightly to number 2” I said to him.

“Ok” he pushed it down and sound was balanced again. “Whoa did I do that!?”

“You sure did bud, pretty rad right?”

He looked at me a little lost by the words I used, but I didn't care. The party was going well. I had this colt sticking to me and watching me do my stuff while Pinkie Pie helped. The others didn’t seem to mind. This was his party, after all, and I certainly wasn’t going to tell him to buzz off.

I gave my station over to the pink mare of parties and took Zaps around, food, drink, games and even tried to get him to dance although I can’t say he was very good. Soon came the awesome second part of the party as the music died down and the lights dimmed. It was time for the birthday colt's cake! And what a cake! Triple layered with chocolate, white chocolate and frosting that made my mouth water. That party pony sure knew how to make them, this was a treat. I counted ten candles, not sure if that was his true age but I don't think he was bothered. All I could see was his stunned look at the cake, I just chuckled at his expression. It was priceless.

Twilight stepped up and used her magic with a flick of her horn. I thought it was showing off I bit but I kept it to myself. “Zaps, all you’ve got to do is blow out the candles and make a wish, make sure not to tell anypony or it might not come true,” she said to him and I rolled my eyes behind my glasses, thankful that nopony could see behind them! “Then we can have some...”

“No way, candles blown out, then PRESENTS!!!!!!!!” Pinkie Pie appeared out the blue behind the cake. I was sure she was right behind me a second ago... “Then we eat cake,” she bounced over to me and stood next to me.


I realised she’d seen me staring but how, I didn't have a clue. I chuckled. “No point trying to solve your randomness.”

“That’s right, ‘cause there’s only one of me!” She tapped her chest with pride. “And don't roll your eyes at me! ” I gulped. Wow she was good...

Big Macintosh stepped up, carrying zaps on his back. The massive stallion moved steadily closer to the cake until Zaps was right up at the ten candles. “Go ahead Zaps, blow them out,” he said to Zaps and I just almost choked on air! The big guy really could say more than 'Eeyup and 'Nnope'... that blew my mind for sure!

Zaps look down at his eyes “Ok Big Mac! Do I blow really hard?”

“Eeyup!” There were the words of the great big stallion I had grown to know. “And don't forget the wish.”

“I won't!” Zaps beamed, took a deep breath and then blew with all his might getting all but three. With another blow he got the last ones. “I did it!”

“Yer did Zaps, and good on ya” Big Mac praised him.

Applejack spoke next “Well done Zaps, yer done good, now let get yer to open all ya presents.”

Zaps tilted his head “Are those the oddly shaped boxes? Are there things inside them?”

The presents came and I stood by my station playing the music as he opened them, I even got a picture taken for him with those fillies, they gave him an awesome cape, it really suited him too. The present opening came to an end and the party carried on, soon it was over everypony went home.

I packed up my stuff, putting it into my wagon, I tapped my hoof against the wheel which was cracked and wobbled as touched it. “Damn, that wheel needs replacing... guess that’s going out of my paycheck.” I shooked my head as I hooked myself up to the wagon. “See ya Mac!”

“Eeyup” he replied as he continued the clean up, I saw the girls with Zaps and that scooter he got from Pinkie Pie, I saw her standing by the door watching, full of smiles.

“See ya pinks”

“Bye Vinyl!” she waved to me and I made my way back home into Ponyville, sighing and hoping tonight would be the night I could get some shut eye! I couldn’t take another 24 hours without sleep! 48 was is bad enough... perhaps that explained why I was seeing strange visions of orange unicorns... I must just be overtired...

I finished putting my turntables and wubs away, yawning, I just wanted to go to sleep... it had been a crazy party but I was exhausted. Those girls have no end of crazy random stuff happen around them, and then there was that crazy mare, what was up with her? Did I really see things that were supposed to happen? Man I need to chill...

I went up to my room with a sigh, I was glad that I had this place to myself, I could do whatever I wanted and needed to do before my next gigs. “Alright Vinyl, it’s time to hit the sack.” I took my glasses off and yawned again. “Man, I'm beat... but I’ve got to say, Applejack sure is doing the right thing taking care of that colt Zaps, he’s one sweet colt.”

I jumped right into bed and lay there with my front hooves behind my head looking, at my ceiling painted with stars and musical notes. Soon my eyes grew heavy and I was out, or so I thought...

“Vinyl!” I instantly opened my eyes, finding myself at the barn again.

I saw her again, that orange unicorn, but that cutie mark I am sure I had seen somewhere else before... “So what the hay’s going on dude and why did ya do what you did back there?”

“I didn't really do anything, you dreamt a possible event, don't you remember snapping awake when our little talk finished?” I thought about it and blinked... she was right, I did doze off, my bad for sure, but I had been up 48 hours straight pulling off all sort of gigs everywhere. Not my problem...

“Let me get this straight, I dreamt a possible outcome!? Seriously ya think I am that dumb missy?” I pointed my hoof right at her.

She turned to the window, “It was the only way I could really talk to somepony, what is said today can't be said when you awake... I am sorry but you can't tell my son any of this no matter how much it pains you.”

“Then why tell me!? Seriously man, are you one whacko mare!?” I snapped at her.

The mare walked over to the doors and I followed her, rolling my eyes, the doors opened and revealed a town I had never seen before. “It’s hard to explain, but you have something that allowed this to work… do you remember the gift your grandmother gave you?”

I thought back and remembered. “Whoa, you mean the crazy crystal rose with the six gems around it sealed in a...” Then it hit me, the rose was the same as her cutie mark. “N-no way... you’re inside that thing!? Bu-but how man!? That’s seriously freaky!!!!” I stepped back a little.

She smiled softly at me. “You are sharp Vinyl, but that’s why you can't say anything to the child, you can be there as a friend but that’s all, don't push the matter about me, he knows I am his mother but the difference in how long he has really been gone is another matter.” She walked through the door and I followed into this nice little town.

“I think I get it... but was that really a dream I saw or events that would have taken place?” I dared ask...

I walked through sets and sets of zap apple trees, down a path into the town with her. “It was a possible hint, it was a chance in a million, also I sort of helped you with the teleporting, I am quite experienced with magic.”

I rolled my eyes “Yes, I noticed dude, but making me teleport in front of the others, seriously... you got Sparkle on my back now... I haven't got a clue how I did it or how to cast the spell...” I turned to her with slight annoyance.

She just smiled. “Since Zaps awoke, I really do like that name by the way” I saw her change topics for a second and I narrowed my eyes at her. “Sorry... when Zaps awoke the rose sort of activated, that was about 48 hours ago.” She gave me a cheeky grin.

I jumped up, hit her hard and pinned her to the floor, looking down at her. “You’re saying you’re the reason why I’ve been up for 48 hours straight and couldn't sleep! For Celestia sack! You were probing my mind weren’t you!!! Not cool dude! It is not cool to mess with somepony’s mind! And I hope we don't keep meeting like this because it is weirding me out completely!!!”

Her eyes turned away from mine and she tilted her head to the side with a heavy sigh. “I had a feeling that might happen... but I hadn’t expected to be out of touch by so many years... I recall only one path that lead the crystal to you Vinyl... but believe me, this wasn't by choice... it was the only option I had left...” she turned her head to me, looking deep into my eyes, I could see tears starting to run down her cheek. “To compensate for what I have done to you I gave you a little magic boost and some new spells.”

I slowly backed off her and helped her up with my hoof. “Teleport is one of them I gather?”

“Yes it is, an advanced spell in these days but back then a simple one, I just gave you the knowledge of the simple one, it doesn’t use much magic and isn’t quite as accurate as the spell Twilight Sparkle knows but then again, her cutie mark is depicted on the tree...” She trailed off at the last part. “Sorry I just haven't spoken to anypony in a long time... I’m just glad to speak to you Vinyl.”

“Ok, that’s seriously bugging me! What the hay is your name!? Seriously! Tell me now! Or this talk is over!” I stomped my hoof on the ground and the ground shook around us. “Whoa what the?”

She giggled “Dream remember, you’re asleep” she tapped my head with her hoof. “But this most likely will be the only time we talk, it’s true that I have looked into your mind, I am sorry for that but I promise not to say to anypony what I saw and felt, you have my word and for that I will tell you my name...” she smiled “My name is Harmony Rose, Zaps is my son.”

My jaw quite literally hit the ground which shocked me a little bit as jaws aren’t usually supposed to move like that. “It’s a dream remember?” I looked at her, sharply. “I knew you were more to him from what he said! But your son!? But that’s not possible. My grandma gave me that when she was in her...” I trailed off, knowing my grandma was an Earth pony, and a long lived one at that.

“As I was saying, this most likely be the only time we can really talk, the Princess of the Night should be a reason enough.”

“Sweet Celestia, you’re right! She can check out dreams, if she’s not here then that must mean you did that 48 hour thing on purpose just for this one visit.” She nodded and I slapped my hoof against my head. “Gah! Magic is not my thing, music is! Man, I can't believe this... you arranged all this, you must have really souped up my magic back there to keep me awake.”

“Yes, that was unexpected, but at least I was able to play around with your dreams to make it interesting and give you that spell at the same time.” I sat on the fountain wall looking out to the water in the middle of this town as she spoke to me, I really liked this town. It had a certain old fashioned charm to it, Tavi would certainly have appreciated it.

I had to ask about the other spells “What other spells did you give me...”

“Let’s see... oh yes, the soundproof spell. It creates a magical layer that sound proofs a building, I created it to block out the noisy practice of the ponies with their musical instruments in the early hours of the morning. It was a lovely piece they was playing, but it was hours before sunrise!!!” Harmony Rose said with a raised voice. “How is a mare to keep her small kingdom running smoothly if she can't get her beauty sleep!”

I laughed at the way she was being a drama queen “You sounded almost like Rarity there.”

“Rarity... oh the white mare with the purple mane? No... I didn't, did I?” I nodded. “I was a bit like that for real... I really hated being woken up in the morning... but back to spells, the last one I gave you is dream walking.”

“WHOA WHAT!?” I fell into the water of the fountain with a splash. Surfacing, I gasped in shock again. “You can't be serious! Dream walking!? That’s Princess Luna's personal spell not...”

“Let’s just say our kingdom was cut off from the rest of the world and that’s where the best thing about the bonus spell comes in. Look down the zap apple path.” I looked and saw what seemed to be a wall of mist so thick I couldn't see beyond it.

I looked at her. “What sort of mist is that?”

“It’s called the ‘Mist of Misdirection,’ a spell created by the united council of harmony.” I gave a frown at, this climbing out of the fountain and shaking the water off my coat, mane and tail.

“Yeah I know it’s sort of dumb now you think about it... but at the time it meant a lot to us... I mean a lot.... our ancestors, generations before left behind a chaos of dread, mistrust, hate and fear... the three tribes of the unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies might have had a very slim treaty to keep the peace amongst their kingdoms but there was so much hate between them...” I knew this story... I’d heard it before. It was the Hearth’s Warming Eve story that was told when Sparkle and the others played those parts...

She continued to speak. “A small group of ponies from each tribe got sick and tired of it. They choose to leave and find a new home, somewhere where all three kinds of pony could live in harmony, and that is when they found this place.” Harmony Rose raised her hoof to the town I was in and the castle in the distance. “They named this place the Kingdom of Harmony, a kingdom in which we could live united and with no mistrust between us, connected by a magic that brought us all together.”

I stepped up next to her, looking to the castle. “I know that tale, that was before Equestria was founded. But if that’s the case, then this kingdom, even though it was so small was kinda the first Equestria, because that what it means to live in Equestria, harmony. Even if some ponies don't get along, most do, and we leave pretty much in peace. So I liven things up with my wubs at parties and I’ve got to say, ponies love it.” I tapped my hoof and found one by me, making me jump in surprise. “Whoa this dream is amazing, I’ve never seen one so clean.”

“That is all I can say Vinyl Scratch. Thank you for believing me and listening to me.” She put her hoof on my side, I just grabbed her and hugged her as she burst into tears from the embrace.

“Let it all out dude, just let it all out and I promise not to say anything about this to anypony and I’ll try try to get Sparkle off my back,” I said to her as she kept crying, I felt for her... Harmony Rose has a lot riding on her back. I wasn't sure what exactly happened to her or her son but I promised to keep an eye on that colt Zaps for her as a friend and that’s what I planned to do... I hated keeping secrets, especially something this big, but Rosey must have a reason... she must...

“Hey Rosey.” She slowly eased her crying as I pulled away from her. “Thanks man.”

“Rosey what a strange name... I like it” She smiled softly. “I hope we get to talk again Vinyl Scratch but remember, try not to, for your princess might become aware of me and that might put things in danger to the likes you have never seen... remember I said this was a last resort...”

I gasped when she said it. “Rosey what do you mean by that... man, stop creeping me out... what out there could be worse than Discord, Nightmare Moon, that king from the Crystal Empire? Seriously, tell me...”

“I can't... the spell not only left me trapped within that crystal but it did more than you know. I can't say anymore than that because the darkness has a face... a face of....” Everything turned pitch black, I felt really cold and cornered as I stood there and saw it come up right behind her.

“Harmony... th-the-there’s something behind you!” I pointed my hoof at it.

“Fear...” she said coldly and the black mare with piecing cold sapphire eyes raced at me.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!” I leaped right out of bed screaming like a filly falling flat on my face. I groaned and quickly looked around for it. I opened the draw to see the crystal rose with the six gems pulsing with magical energy. “Ok, that was a dream I will never forget...” I shivered at the last part. “That fear in the darkness... breeey, that was freaky, I can see why Zaps hates this darkness... that thing was worse than anything I have ever seen or heard...” I closed the draw and looked out of the window. “Morning...” I rubbed my head a little. “Let’s see...” I used my magic and instantly saw the windows covered by a blue aura, I push the window open and screamed my hardest but no pony seem to react.

“Oh sweet this is a cool spell, I put my head through the field of aura and spoke out. “Hey there Derpy how it hanging?”

“Hi Vinyl, morning to you” she beamed in delight, she’s just a great friend. “Would you like to come with me to get some nice muffin treats?”

I looked back to my room and replied with a smile, “Sure, let me turn this soundproofing spell off and I'll be right there, Derps!”

“Soundproofing?” I stepped back and spoke. She couldn't hear me and gasped in surprise, in an instant she was through my window, crashing onto my bed. “Oops... hehe... sorry”

“No harm Derps, like the spell?”

“Yeah it’s cool, so, muffins?” she grinned at me upside down looking right at me with her wall eyed look.

I smiled back putting my hoof out to her. “Of course Derps, what are friends for?” She took my hoof and I helped her up. Turning the spell off, I smirked. “Here’s another trick, ready?” Derpy had no chance to say anything as I used my new found teleport spell and whoa, that was fun! I am going to love these two new spells! Thank you Harmony Rose, you’re a sweet awesome mare... “Sweet Celestia I didn't ask how she did that wicked mane! Darn it!!!”

Author's Note:

Here is a short chapter following the DJ's point of view and also posting it up on my birthday yay! ^_^

This chapter answers some questions but creates many many more ^_^

Hope you all continue to enjoy this story and I can safely say that the next chapter will be Zaps with his first time at school, going to be a interesting chapter for sure, I will figure out what to do with it.

Happy Holidays everypony!

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