• Published 28th Sep 2013
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Zaps Apple - Electuroo

A young colt with no memories of who or what he was, with only the nightmares of the darkness that took everything away, only to find the light of escape to whole new beginning...

  • ...

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Chapter 14: A Lesson to be Taught

Zaps Apple
Chapter 14: A Lesson to be Taught

I rubbed my hoof gently on Zaps' back, knowing how it felt to be teased that cruelly... That Diamond Tiara had no shame for what she did to Zaps and me. I held back my tears, trying to act brave and help him as he continued to cry. His emotions were so much more out of control compared to any of us. I noticed this the first day I found him.

I had to tell him what she did to me and the girls. It was the only way to break through to him before he did something crazy and foolish...

“Whoa where did that come from!? How the hay am I saying things like that in my head!? Is this what Rainbow Dash has been trying to get through to me? Did it only take seeing that happen to somepony else who is a very close friend to see that? Is this what the talk we had in my room that day, before we made our move to the Crystal Empire, really meant to me? And then the journey, that was the furthest I have ever ridden my scooter, pulling my friends along. That’s the bond we share as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, it’s sappy, but it feels right.”

“Hey, Zaps, I know how you feel right now... I... we girls know what it’s like with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon...” I sighed, thinking about what she and Silver had said. I felt so angry then. I had just wanted to punch the living daylights out of both of them with my front hooves, until they saw black and blue!

Zaps slowly raised his head, looking at me with tears still falling from his eyes, and his snout quivering over the wave of emotions he had exploding out of him... “Y-y-...”

“Shh let us talk ok?” I smirked. He nodded silently and I turned to the girls. “We need to tell him what happened to me... it’s the only way.”

They looked at each other with a smile, then back at me. “Yer right Scoots, ah agree.”

“Yeah! I believe he has the right to know... no way we’re letting her do that again, not to anypony!” Sweetie Belle added and we were together, a team again, standing up for those who needed to get their Cutie Marks like us!

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Rock!” I screamed in my head.

We sat on the log together and as we ate our lunch we started to tell him what had happened. He was taking out a sandwich silently listening to us. I noticed him flinch as he moved, and saw the bruise on his right foreleg. “You see, Zaps, we had prepared this awesome performance for the Running of the Flag, the best team would get to carry the Ponyville flag at the Equestrian Games in the Crystal Empire. We’ll explain the games afterwards, ok?” Zaps gave me a nod.

“We did amazingly well for our first try and Rainbow Dash was almost screaming with joy!”

“As professionally as possible, of course,” Sweetie Belle chimed in.

“Ah thought we did great,” Applebloom continued. “Then Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon showed up after we had started to set up for another try. They started to talk about how good our performance was, and then how...”

I felt a knot in my throat, thinking about what they had said, with a loud swallow I spoke... “They started to talk about me... well, more about the fact that... I... well...” I found it hard to form the words, then let it out it. “Icantflyyet!” I said quickly and he looked at me with confusion. “Sorry... I erm... can't fly yet...” I said, a little calmer. It still felt embarrassing letting him know... “They started talking about me not being able to fly and attacking me about it and hurting me in here...” I put my hooves to my chest. “I decided to do whatever it took to fly, no matter what... that’s when things went sour...”

Applebloom put a hoof around Zaps, “Eeyup... thin's went bad to worse... we started to argue to the point that we almost lost what had made us a team... and friends...”

“We were at the station and we decided to go without Scootaloo to the Crystal Empire to perform without her... she didn’t think she could do it without flying,” Sweetie Belle explained. “It took Rainbow Dash explaining to us what we did wrong and stopping the train... We rushed back with Rainbow Dash after another taunt from those two bullies...”

“I was in my room, broken down... I felt like I had nothing left, no hope, no friends, no awesome joy, nothing. I even threw my scooter in the bin, along with all my posters. My dreams felt crushed.” I felt really sappy at this point but I just didn't care. “Then they came back with Rainbow Dash and she made me understand what was really important. Maybe I can’t fly at the moment, and maybe I never will. What’s important is what I do with who I am and I should never let anypony let me forget that, it took my friends to help me see that.”

“We dashed all the way back to the Crystal Empire with Scootaloo pullin' us on her scooter while we were on skis! It was a lot of fun and we even won!” Applebloom beamed in delight. “But...” She looked him in the eyes. “Yer might not know where or who yer mother is but one thin's for sure, yer got me as a sister and them as yer friends.”

Zaps began to smile, feeling better, then it hit me... did Applebloom just? “Whoa whoa whoa! When did that happen!?”

“What happen?” Applebloom looked at me, confused.

“Yeah when did that happen?”

“What are ya talkin' about?” Applebloom looked from me to Sweetie Belle and back again.

“Zaps being your brother!” We both pointed at Zaps at the same time.

Applebloom giggled. “Oh that... this mornin' Applejack said that since he’s stayin' with us till Celestia knows, he’s part of the family, makin' him mah and an honourary Apple, cool right?”

I couldn't think of what to say... but I could see he was happy with it. “It’s sudden but... Awesome!” I blurted out the last part, hitting him on his right foreleg and causing him to yelp in pain. “Oops, sorry... I was trying to give you a playful punch to say something like, well... good for you Zaps.... hehe, but it kinda backfired.”

“I-it’s ok...” he whispered, rubbing it with his left hoof. “Maybe the zap apples will help me with that...”

“Huh?” We all said, and looked at him with a frown.

He reached into his new saddlebag and pulled out the zap apple. “I don't understand it but I had a really banged up leg and it was all better after eating zap apples.” He sighed as we responded with confused stares.. “I'll show ya...” He bit into the zap apple, getting the attention of none other, than that stuck up, good for nothing Diamond Tiara...

“Gross! That... is... gross! How can you eat a zap apple! Those things are horrible if they’re not made into Zap Apple Jam!” Diamond Tiara was waving her hooves in disgust.

“No wonder he’s a blank flank with no memories...” Silver Spoon added, showing equal disgust.

Zaps finished eating it and licked his snout. “Th-they’re yummy,” he answered.

“Not to a NORMAL pony they’re not! That, is just plain disgusting!” Diamond Tiara snapped at him.

Zaps looked at his foreleg and grinned, “It worked!” He jumped off the log on all fours, stomping his right front hoof on the ground. “See? All better!”

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon jaws dropped before us, they was frozen with shock. I cracked up, and burst out laughing at them. I fell off the log but I didn't care, I just couldn't contain my laughter. It wasn’t long before thee others started laughing at them too.

Silver snapped out of it, seeing them all laughing at her and Diamond Tiara. “Stop laughing! That is just stupid and...” She couldn't get her voice over them. “Stop it!” She yelled and ran back into the schoolhouse, leaving Diamond Tiara alone to be laughed at. I was trying to contain my laughter but seeing her back up and feeling small as we did, I just felt happy. We hadn’t done anything and she had made herself look like a foal...

“SHUT...” WHAM! She turned and walked right into the swing post, falling over into a puddle of mud, holding her head groaning.

I looked at Diamond Tiara sat on the ground, her purple and white mane was turned brown with a layer of mud. A nasty looking bruise had started to show where she had hit her head.

Zaps looked less sure now, he had started backing into me again, and was no longer smiling.

"Are you OK?" I asked Diamond Tiara. I reached out a hoof to try and help her out of the mud.

"I don't need your help, blank flank!" She swatted my hoof away and tried to pull herself off the ground, but only succeeded in slipping and falling into the mud again.

Some of the other ponies started laughing again as she clambered around in the mud.

Zaps took a step towards her “Please let us…”

Diamond Tiara turned around with a glare, mostly ignoring what Zaps just said, yelling out to all those that were laughing, mostly at her. “SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” She ran inside, crying...

The laughter died down and a large group had gathered around Zaps moments later. “That was awesome, how did you do that?” Snips asked, pointing a hoof to Zaps right foreleg.

Zaps looked uncomfortable at the sudden attention he was getting. “Erm... well... I-I... do-do-don't know... I ju-ju-just fo-foun-found out ea-ea...” He quickly backed up, and hid behind us.

I put a hoof out, “Come on guys... give him some space, look at him, you’re scaring him...”

“But how did he do that with the zap apple though?” A filly asked, I wasn’t sure who with them all gathered.

I shrugged “All he told me, he was being chased by some timberwolves, got hurt then ate some zap apples and wham! His hind leg was all better, he doesn't remember much, so it was a surprise to him...”

“Yeah so ease up, ok?” Applebloom stepped in. “Since he’s stayin' with the Apples till his real parents are found, he’s mah brother!”

“What in Equestria is going on out here?” We all turned and saw Miss Cheerilee. Diamond and Silver were stood behind her with dark smirks on their faces... this couldn’t be good. “I heard that Zaps started a fight with Diamond here. Is this true?”

“What!?” I screamed out. “That is a bunch of ponyfeathers!”

“Scootaloo! Language!”

“Sorry miss but that’s not true! She tripped him over then afterwards called him names and said mean things! She told him that his mother abandoned him in the Everfree Forest because of not having a Cutie Mark!!!!” I yelled out at her in an outburst of anger.

Miss Cheerilee looked at Diamond Tiara. “It’s not true!” She lied... gah I hate her!

“Yeah!” Silver Spoon backed up. “Why would she have a bruise and be covered in mud if Zaps hadn’t done anything?”

Applebloom spoke next in defence of Zaps. “Miss Cheerilee, she hit her head on the swing bar and landed in the mud! The only reason Zaps doesn’t have a bruise is he healed thanks to his zap apple!”

“Seriously? Are you going to believe that before the zap apples are even ready to be picked he had one? A story about magical healing zap apples? He’s just making it up! Miss Cheerilee.” Diamond Tiara spoke up.

She sighed “Diamond Tiara has a point, there aren't any...”

“THERE!!!” I pulled one out and showed it to them. “This the one Zaps gave me! It for our project tomorrow!”

Cheerilee took it and looked at me. “The Everfree Forest?”

“Yeah, that’s where he woke up, remember! He took it and put them in Applebloom's back that she left there” Sweetie Belle spoke up. “You can even ask Big Macintosh and Applejack, they were with us when Applebloom lost the bag due to the Timberwolves chasing us!”

“Doesn't mean he had one, for all we know, he could have given you the last one.” Diamond Tiara explained. “Did any other pony see him eat it?”

“I did” Snips answered

“So did I!” Snails joined.

“Me too!” Button Mash put his hoof up, and the others followed.

“Wh-what!? They’re just siding with him!” Diamond Tiara yelled out in protest with what she saw.

“Yeah they’re just being nice to the newcomer, that’s all!” Silver Spoon added.

Cheerilee looked around all of us with a heavy sigh. “I have no idea exactly what’s happened and it seem to be a toss and turn, but she is injured and you’re not, Zaps, care to explain?”

Zaps looked at his foreleg, then back at her. “I-I... can't expl-explain... it. I en-enjoy eatin-eating them... th-the-they have some s-stra-strange... effect on me... I get hurt, and eating th-them ma-makes the injuries d-disapp-appear.”

“There is one way to decide whether you’re telling the truth, Zaps.” Miss Cheerilee looked around. “School dismissed for the rest of the day.”

Most of them cheered and rushed off to get their things and leave. I looked at Zaps, “What’s going on Miss Cheerilee...” I turned to her.

“Only idea I have... Diamond, you and Silver are coming too, we’re going to the hospital and we are going to get to the bottom of this right now.” Miss Cheerilee said, looking to Zaps now. “This will help you prove your innocence.”

Zaps nods “o..okay... I'll do it... can Scootaloo, App-Applebloom and Sweetie Belle come?”

“Yes they can”

Applebloom raised her hoof, “Miss can I go and get mah brother and sister?”

“Sure,” and with that Applebloom took her bag and ran off down the path. Just great! Diamond Tiara and her stupid friend Silver Spoon had not only called him a liar, which he not, and now we have to prove some stupid trick with the zap apple aiding in healing Zaps. I so wanted to hurt her badly! “Get your bags, children.” Miss Cheerilee instructed.

We got our things and all waited for Applebloom to return. Applejack and Big Mac were not looking to happy. “What in tarnation is goin' on Cheerilee?”

“Applejack, there was a slight incident with Zaps and Diamond Tiara, I got two sides of the story and one is stranger than the other.” Cheerilee explained. “I’ve never heard of a zap apple being able to heal a pony before.”

Big Mac looked at Zaps. “Ah never saw it mahself, but ah believe Zaps. Ah look into his eyes and ah know he ain’t lyin’, ah don't even think he knows what lyin' is.”

Diamond Tiara looked over at Zaps and narrowed her eyes making him move slightly towards Big Macintosh. “Really?”

Zaps looked confused. “What does lying mean Big Mac? They keep saying it, and that I am making it up... but I...”

“It’s ok sugarcube, yer sister’s here.” Applejack hugged him slightly as he sobbed.

“Please... he’s just trying to get attention,” Diamond rolled her eyes. “My injury and what’s happened to me is proof enough!”

Big Mac stomped hard, making her yelp “Yer little brat, stop lyin' through yer teeth!”

“Big Mac that’s uncalled her, until we understand this, I have to side with Diamond Tiara...” Miss Cheerilee stated and I groaned. Great... that good for nothing Diamond Tiara’s done it again... “But...” they looked at her. “If the doctor can find evidence to back up what Zaps said then I will be having a very long word with Mr Rich and Silver Spoon's parents.”

Applejack smirked. “Very well sugarcube, then let get goin' and prove that little filly wrong, because ah’ll bet mah hat that he’s not one to just fight! He’s been through a lot already and ah’m not goin' to let some lyin' filly tell me otherwise.”

“I am not lying!”


“Shut ya yap!” Applejack snapped back. “Till we get to the bottom of this yer two ain’t sayin' another word!”

“Bu...” both tried to say.

Miss Cheerilee put a hoof at them “Girls please, now we’re all accounted for let’s go to the hospital. This is sure to be an interesting lesson if it true... in all my years as a teacher I’ve never come across such a thing.”

“Oh it is,” Big Macintosh replied calmly as he picked up Zaps, putting him on his back. “Now if it is true, and ah believe it is, ah want those two to say sorry to Zaps for puttin' him through this and ah expect their parents to be present too...” both of them gulped and I saw it, Big Macintosh saw it too. With a wink to me, he led the way to the hospital.

As we arrived Twilight Sparkle came out of the front door. “What’s going on?” she inquired, seeing our group.

“Oh it’s just that Diamond Tiara lied and now we’re trying to prove that zap apples have magical healing effects on Zaps...” I said in a sarcastic tone, rolling my eyes.

Twilight frowned at this. “I’ve read and done a lot of research around zap apples, and I have never once heard anything about this but even so, there is a great deal of mystery surrounding zap applies and the strange ritual to prepare the jam, that Granny Smith does so well, I might add.” Twilight looked to Cheerilee “Could we join you? I am rather interested in knowing this myself.”

I noticed Spike didn't look too hot, “What the hay happened to you Spike?”

“I ate too much crystal ice cream...” he groaned, holding his stomach.

Twilight shook her head. “Sadly, that’s why I was here... Doctor Stable gave us some medicine that should work on Spike's stomach ache.”

Applejack laughing a little, patting Spike on the back with her hoof. “Trust yer to eat so many treats.” She turned to Twilight. “Twi, we’ll talk about that later, of course, but for now, ah'm here to clear up mah brother’s name.”

“Big Mac? But I thought Zaps was the...” Her eyes suddenly opened wide, “Wh-what!? You can't... you taken Zaps in only a few days now! How did this happen so quickly!?”

“We’ll talk later, sugarcube...”

“Urg... sure...” Twilight put a hoof to her head.

We entered the hospital together and Cheerilee walked up to Doctor Stable and started talking to him, occasionally glancing to Zaps. “Hey it will work out Zaps,” I smiled

“I hope so... I don't know what’s going on anymore... why are there so many injured ponies in here?” Zaps was looking around at the other ponies in the waiting room.

I put a hoof to my head this time. “Right, you’ve never been in a hospital... it’s where they treat sick and injured ponies”

“Like Diamond Tiara?”

“Yeah, but they also do tests too... I think they’re gonna see if what happened to you is true. This really sucks. I hate Diamond Tiara for putting you through this.” I whispered to him so she couldn't hear.

He got the message. “Because I ate a zap apple and it healed me?”

“Yeah pretty much.” I turned away, grumbling a little to myself about how much I really wanted to beat the living hoof out of Diamond Tiara. This was a real low blow for sure, putting Zaps in this situation. It was just not fair on him.

Doctor Stable walked up to us and talked to Zaps, who was resting on Big Mac’s back. “I heard what Cheerilee said. I’ve never come across anything quite like this, so we are just going to check on you ok?” Zaps nodded.“Everypony follow me,” instructed Doctor Stable and he led us into a small room, closing the door behind us.

I look right at those two... Diamond and Silver... I really hoped he could find something for Zaps because their lying could get him in real trouble. “So Doc what ya going to do?”

“A simple few tests, first to see his foreleg.” Doctor Stable’s horn lit up and he used his magic over Zap’s leg. “Strange... I...” he blinked a few times “My word... I’ve never felt internal magic like this before.”

Twilight stepped up beside him as Zaps sat there on the bed looking very nervous. “Let me have a look!” She used her magic and gasped in surprise as well. “That’s not possible. That kind of Earth Pony magic is impossible!”

“Sugarcube what are ya gettin' at?” Applejack frowned.

“I mean... he well... I don't know... but I believe somehow he’s absorbed the magic from the zap apple and it in turn healed him. I believed it was impossible, but there is simply no other explanation for this kind of Earth Pony internal magic, it’s nothing but amazing!” Twilight turned to Applejack and Big Macintosh, “You know the 101 on Earth Pony magic right?”

“Yes Twi... the Earth Pony magic helps thin's to grow... it’s basic stuff but what are ya takin' about with Zaps here?”

We watched Twilight create a chart with her magic. “Here this is a normal Earth Pony magic from you or any other, some have higher or lower than others, depending on diet, lifestyle and such.” We watched her demonstrate this with the bars on the chart. “Now, this is Zaps.” A new bar appeared on the chart and we all looked at it, it was twice as high as the others.

“Oh my...” Cheerilee exclaimed. “But isn't that dangerous!?”

Twilight was looking at Zaps again. “Normally, I would say yes, but Zaps is a mystery. I’ve never seen anypony with that level of internal magic. It’s amazing and just impossible at the same time.”

Doctor Stable looked at the chart. “I’ve seen it.” We all turned to him instantly. “Only once, mind.”

“Please tell sugarcube.”

“It is very rare in Earth Ponies and Pegasi. In fact, I’ve only seen another like this before and that is Rainbow Dash. I should keep this confidential, but well, she is the only pony ever known to perform a Sonic Rainboom, correct?”

“Yes I get what you’re getting at... but what about Pinkie Pie?”

“I don't even want to know about her...” Doctor Stable trailed off slightly. “Her sugar levels are through the roof, any other pony would have diabetes, high blood pressure, serious weight gain, and yet she’s still healthy...”

“What about ya Twi, yer magic isn't average, yer were even able to create that new spell then become an Alicorn because of it.” Applejack stated.

Zaps jumped down looking to me. “Does that mean I am not in trouble?”

“Nope you’re in the clear Zaps and someponies owe you an apology, not only to you, but to the whole class.” I grinned at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. “Right girls?”


“Yes! They should!”

“Grrr....” Diamond Tiara looked really unhappy and I was happy to see that.

Miss Cheerilee looked down at the two troublemakers. “Indeed that is true, what the girls said. I believe you two do owe the whole class and Zaps an apology for what you had done, not only have we violated poor Zaps’ personal space trying to clear his name, but you ruined this afternoons lesson which I will have to teach on Monday.”

Cheerilee turned to Twilight, “I bid you all a good day, I’ve got two children to take home to their parents, and on Monday they will be apologizing for all of this mess they’ve caused.”

“But miss...”

“No buts! Now it’s time for you two to go home... I got a lot of explaining to do now...” Cheerilee walked them out of the room.

Big Macintosh put a hoof to Zaps, breaking his silence. “Zaps, ya’ll ok?”

“uh huh...” he replied, rubbing his hoof against his other front leg. “Feels weird knowing that I got some crazy internal magic thing inside me...”

Twilight was about to speak but Big Mac put a hoof up stopping her. “Twilight, ah will tell him about his internal magic, it’s best if ah do, he trusts me a lot more than yer... no offence.”

“None taken, it’s just amazing to know that there are quite a few ponies out there with this level of internal magic. I always knew that Rainbow Dash had a little more than normal, especially after seeing that Sonic Rainboom and how fast she can move." Twilight smiled at Big Mac. “ I would like permission to inform the princesses of this. It might give us leads to finding his parents.”

Big Mac looked to Applejack who nodded, he turned to Twilight, “Yer have permission, just make sure Zaps doesn’t suffer because of this. He is only a colt. He doesn't need this kind of attention. He should be free to do what youngun' do.”

Twilight put her hoof to her chest. “I promise Big Macintosh.” Twilight looked at Spike “Let’s go home and get this letter made and sent, then you can have all the rest you need.”

“That’d be great Twilight... I feel like I...”

Twilight gasped “Ah!” she picked him by her magic. “Got to get home fast before he throws up!” in a flash they were gone.

“Well...” Doctor Stable blinked a few times... “This has been an interesting day... well, if there is nothing more to be done, you’re all free to go.”

“Thank ya Doctor Stable, one for clearing Zaps’ name for somethin' he did not do and for givin' him a clean bill of health,” Applejack smiled.

“No trouble at all Applejack, have a nice day.” We all left the hospital.

I stood with Zaps and the girls. “Now what do we do?”

Applejack smirked. “How about yer children against us at bowlin'?”

Applebloom gasped “Wh-what!? Yer serious!?”

“Bet ah am!” Applejack grinned. “So yer up for a game or two? Or yer afraid getting whipped by us adults.”

I put my hoof at her. “Not a chance! I'm in!”

“Yeah, me too!” Sweetie Belle beamed.

“Count me in!” Applebloom put her hoof out against mine and Sweetie's.

Zaps placed his on ours. “We a team right?” He smiled and that was it, we got him back! “Just one question...”

“What’s bowling?” We all started to laugh as we made our way down the road back to Ponyville.

“You're going to find it awesome Zaps! It really is an easy game to play! And we Cutie Mark Crusaders are going to win!” I beamed in delight, I guess Diamond Tiara had done us a favour, no lessons after lunch and having an afternoon out with my friends and two awesome Earth Ponies, Applejack and Big Macintosh.

“Did somepony say bowling?” We turned to see Rainbow Dash standing there against the wall of a building with her hooves crossed over her other legs and a grin on her face. “Care if I join?”

“OH MY GOSH THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!!” I burst out flapping my wings in a buzz of excitement.

“I take that as a yes, and I'll be siding with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” Rainbow Dash walked up to us. I was over the moon at this! She was not only going to play with us, but on our team too!

“Cool, can I play?” Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared beside Applejack causing her to yelp in surprise. “I am reeeeaaaaalllly bored!”

“Yeah, sure, Pinkie.”


“Alright, off to the Bowling Alley! Me and the Cutie Mark Crusaders versus you three!” Rainbow Dash pumped her hooves into the air.

“Sure thing sugarcube, and may the best team win!” Applejack put her hoof out and Rainbow Dash took it with a smirk on both of their faces, looking into their eyes.

“Best day ever!” I cried out and nudged Zaps “Right Zaps?”

“I'm not sure...” he shrugged. “But it looks like it is going to be if this bowling game is fun.”

“Oh it will be!” I beamed. “Together crusaders!”

“Cutie Mark Crusaders! Yay!” We cheered and raced for the bowling alley with the adults running just behind.

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