• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 4,639 Views, 212 Comments

Zaps Apple - Electuroo

A young colt with no memories of who or what he was, with only the nightmares of the darkness that took everything away, only to find the light of escape to whole new beginning...

  • ...

Chapter 42: A Comical Conclusion Part One

Zaps Apple

Chapter 42: A Comical Conclusion Part One

Zaps Apple...

I held Night Spark's right talon tightly with both of my talon hands, flapping my wings and pulling him from his and the other adults room to the door to our suite. After a little bit of time looking through the comic book, we needed him to come and see it too! It was nothing that any of us had ever seen, or could even understand. No comic could do this, yet it was!

Night Spark tried to free himself from my grip, but failed. “Zaps, quit with the pulling and tell me why after fifteen minutes you're dragging me from our suite to your suite!?”

“You won't believe me; Gallus said it sounded too crazy and you needed to see it for yourself!” I explained as I kept pulling.

“Fine, I will come. Let go please.” I did, and he rubbed his wrist a little with his left talon hand. “Sweet Luna, that strength of yours is incredible. You were not only able to drag me without much effort, but fly at the same time. Zaps, that Earth Pony strength of yours is impressive.” Night Spark stopped the rubbing and noticed everyone gathered around the table, taking turns to look through the comic book.

I turned and flew over to them, landing by Gallus and sitting down. “It's this comic book. Take a look please!”

Night Spark put his right talon hand out to us. “Give it to me and let me look.” The unarmoured griffon had the comic book handed to him by Gallus.

“Bet it won't make sense to you too.” Gallus crossed his forelegs and blew up at his feathers on top of his head. “We've been through it a dozen times and still can't believe it's possible...”

Night Spark opened up the comic book. “Alright little ones, I will entertain you on this.” He flipped through a set of pages. “I don't see anything wrong, it just-” Suddenly he paused, turning to the first set of pages we saw. “What the blazes!?” He flipped through more, glanced to the side of the comic to see not many pages left, then looked back at the pictures and text on the page he was on. “Is this some sort of magical hippogriff joke?”

Sliverstream put her talon hand up. “I don't know magic, but this comic was enhanced with magic by Gruff. He's a griffon.”

He rubbed the underside of his beak thoughtfully. “I've never seen magic like this. It's giving you almost a live play by play of what's going on back at home, comic book style.” He flipped through some of the pages.

“You've calmed down quickly. What gives?” Gallus asked.

“I am a royal guard, Gallus.” He gazed over to Gallus. “This isn't something too crazy for me to believe. Since being assigned as personal guard to Zaps, I've seen and been in many weird things.” Night Spark rubbed the side of his head. “Like the time Applejack knocked me out of an apple tree with a horseshoe all the way from the barn.”

“Ah remember that, yer was keepin' ya distance to keep an eye on Zaps for Princess Luna,” Applebloom recalled, and I nodded as I remembering that.

“I got to fly on your back! That was fun!” I said with my wings spread out. “I can understand why it's so awesome to fly!”

Scootaloo put her talon hand on my shoulder. “You bet Zaps. Now you and everyone that's not really a pegasus gets to feel like one, even if we're griffons at the moment.”

Gallus, Gabby and Sliverstream looked at each other, and Gabby spoke while turning with the others. “There's nothing in the comic books about that!”

“I've read it too and I've never seen any pictures of that!” Sliverstream complained.

“Another awesome thing missed! First the Twilight rainbow mane shock and now that! Seriously!? Why is the best stuff missed out!” Gallus joined in the complaint, grumbling under his breath and lowering his head.

I shrugged. “I don't know. Could it be the same with what we're seeing in the comic book here?”

“Maybe.” Sweetie Belle said thoughtfully. “It's only showing about three to five pictures per page, apart from some of those graphic ones with shock or something.”

Applebloom rolled her eyes. “That doesn't surprise me. A readin' book has more content then a comic book, which has to shove pictures and text together to make it flashy and dramatic while fitting a few slice of life stories to it.”

Night Spark had been looking through the comic book while we were talking. “I believe that is the case. But it is interesting that we're getting a rough idea what's happening at home though.”

“What did you find out?” Gallus asked as Night Spark handed him over the comic book.

“From what I saw and read so far, they discovered that Shadowless was behind the changelings looking like us. She rushed the mind altering magic on them, so they basically didn't know they were changelings. The side effect from their change into us by her magic left each of them a solid eye colour the same shades as ours.” Night Spark described to us.

Gallus pointed to the page Night spoke of. “It's right here: the one with brown eyes asks why the others look so much like him, apart from the eye colours each had. They asked the same thing, and talked to each other to try to understand what it all meant, none knowing what they truly were.”

Sliverstream quickly pointed to a changeling. “Don't forget her, the one with the same eye colour as Daring Do. She's the one that remembered Shadowless' name, because Ahuizotl was there during the mind wipe phase.” She pointed directly to the part of the comic where the female changeling said it. “See!”

“Each fills in the pieces to show that it was all Shadowless' doing, and Celestia decided to help these poor changelings! That is one amazing princess!” Gabby said, taking the comic and flipping a few pages of it. “They go to the stall where the changeling with Scootaloo's eye colour recalled what Shadowless said. Once they got there, Tris and her cousin told them that Luna bought the comic for a extremely high amount of bits, something like 100 bits.”

“That's a lot, right?” Gallus asked us.

I shrugged and Scootaloo answered. “It sure is! Especially for one comic! She must of known something was strange about it!”

“Yer don't think they can see what we're doin' too, right?” Applebloom raised a question that caught all of our attention: if our comic book could do this, does that mean theirs could too?

Sweetie Belle was next to take the comic book, flipping through more pages. “I think they can. We've only read up to the point where the comic was bought, not beyond.” She stopped and pointed to a page. “They are! Our sisters are freaking out because the floating land was falling.”

“Eeyup, Applejack was sent to bed by Big Mac. Ah guess they did see us,” Applebloom said, noticing the part of the comic where Applejack went up to Twilight's room in the library.

I took the comic, looking at the images myself. “They're all worried about us...” I flipped to the next page to see what looked like a sidewards mirror on both pages. “Huh? Why is there a mirror across two pages?”

“Mirror?” they all said in surprise as Gallus took the comic from me.

He opened up his bag to pull out a magnifying glass. We all looked at him. “What!? I always keep a magnifying glass in my bag. It's been a lifesaver for the small prints.”

Gabby giggled. “He's right. There's been some con-artists out there that used fine print to try and rip our parents off but Gallus had his trusty magnifying glass and WHAM! They got caught in the act and never did it again to any griffon after our parents.”

“Why?” I asked, tilting my head.

Gallus looked at the bottom of the mirror drawing through his magnifying glass as he spoke. “Mum called the police, and they arrived before the con-artists could leave.”

“Yeah, we found out they were major con-artists! Been conning others for years! And because of the small print and the fact that others signed it, they couldn't do anything about it,” Gabby explained, pulling out her phone and showing a photo of two griffons in metal braces being led out by two griffons in blue uniforms.

“Wow, that's awesome!” Scootaloo looked at the two griffons, a purple and orange one being taken away. “Are they still in jail?”

“Sure are.” Gallus glanced at Scootaloo. “Ah! Found it!”

“What does it say?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Erm... Should we not read it? It might be like the one Shadowless read that brought us here,” I said warily, thinking about last time.

Gallus rubbed his head with his free talon hand. “Well I read it in my head, and there's nothing about pulling anything out of the comic to here.”

Night Spark took the glass and read it in his mind too. “He's right... It's a rhyme of some kind.”

Gallus took the glass back. “Since I found it and it's my comic book, I get to read it out, ok?”

“Sure.” Night Spark stepped back. “Go ahead kiddo.”

Gallus smiled. “Thanks.”

“Two Mirrors are one.
One mirror is two.
Two worlds are one.
One world is two.
Realms between the looking glass.”

“Wow that sounds really silly...” Scootaloo muttered.

“Ah don't get it.”

“Me neither.”

I stared at my reflection on the page. “So it just some weird words on a mirror that's on a panel of the comic book?”

“I guess so.” Gallus shrugged, putting away the magnifying glass in his bag.

Sliverstream picked up the comic book, noticing the mirror shimmer. “Gallus, it shimmered.”


“The mirror, it-” She dropped the book as it started to glow. “Eep!”

“Wh-what happening!?” Gabby quickly jumped behind a sofa, peering over it as we all took cover too.

Night Spark covered us with his wings. “All of you stay clear of it!”

“What do you think we're trying to do!?” Gallus shouted out, with the magic of the book making loud and windy whistling noises. I covered my feathered ears from the sound.

Suddenly the glow continued, but the wind and whistling windy noises stopped. Slowly we turned to the book to see it hovering halfway in the air, with the mirror glowing like one of those disco lights Vinyl used at my birthday party.

Sliverstream touched the tip of her beak with her talon finger. “Huh? It's an floating glowing book now. Is something supposed to happen other than it floating there like that?”

“Ah was wonderin' the same thin'.”

Both me and Applebloom raised our heads in an instant. “Big Mac!?” We both shouted and turned around.

At the same time he did the same thing. “Applebloom!? Zaps!?” Half the room now was the library in Golden Oaks, and standing there face-to-face with us was our big brother. We flew right to him and he ran to us and we collided. He wrapped his forelegs around us in a hug and nuzzled each of us happily while we did the same with our forelegs, talons and wings.

The rest of the ponies, griffons, dragon and hippogriff turned around and stared at one another while we hugged our big brother happily. “Big brother, ah'm so happy to see ya again!”

“We missed you.” I said as well.

Armour McApple grinned with a tilt of his head. “No hug for your other brother?”

Big Mac let us go. “Go on. Give yer brother and sister a hug too.”

We nodded and both went to Applejack and Armour. “Applejack! Armour!” We both cried, hugging them as they hugged us.

Applejack rubbing the back of Applebloom. “Ah'm so happy to see yer and feel yer erm... Win's, feathers and fur...” Applejack chuckled lightly with tears falling from her face. “It feels weird huggin' ya as a griffon.”

“It feels weird to hug yer too...” They both laughed.

Armour released the hug and ruffled my feathered head. “I wonder what mum would say seeing you like this Zaps. It's not a bad look at all. I like your griffon appearance.”

“How is half of Golden Oaks here?” I asked.

“That I haven't got a clue. I've been trapped for over 1000 years and I've never seen anything like this at all.” Armour turned to Twilight. “Any ideas Twilight?”

Twilight trotted by us and past the book looking out to Celestial City. Luna smiled to me and opened a wing out. “Going to give your sister a hug?”

“Yes!” I flew up to her and hugged her as she returned it with a foreleg and wing. “I missed you, Nighty!”

“Same here,” Luna whispered.

Twilight turned around and walked up to the chair, sitting on it beside Gallus. He stared at her with shock, no words forming from his mouth. The shock turned to excitement as he pointed to her with a wing over his face, mouthing to Gabby who was gigging as his level of excitement was growing.

Twilight tapped a hoof on the tip of her snout. “If I were to guess, the two books created some sort of magical pocket dimension, but kept both worlds apart at the same time. When they close, we'll return to our rightful worlds we currently are in.”

Rainbow Dash flew up to their comic book. “So closing it would return Scootaloo and the others back to us?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, they would return to Celestial City in this very room for a matter of fact.”

Applejack sighed. “Darn, so much for the simple fix.” Applejack looked down at Applebloom. “Got say yer look pretty darn cute as a griffon.”

“Ah do, don't ah!” Applebloom giggled.

Gabby gasped. “Oh, I got the perfect idea! Spike, you can cook right?” She was giddy at the idea of getting her favourite dragon in the comic book series to cook with her.

“Of course! And erm... You're Gabby right? Gallus's sister.” He pointed to her.

“Yep! So...” She hints to the kitchen on our half of the dimension.

Spike smiled. “Me and you cook something awesome?”

“Yes!” Gabby cheered, grabbing him and placing him on her back before running off into the kitchen.

Gallus pulled out another comic book from his bag with a grey and black pen. “Erm... I...” Gallus tried to speak to Twilight, took a deep breath and tried again. “Can I have your autograph Twilight Sparkle? Please!” He put both of them in front of her.

Twilight looked down at the comic book, lifting it up with her magic. “Equis Series Issue One. The Elements of Harmony Part One...” She saw herself, Spike and her friends standing at the entrance of the Everfree Forest, with a dark indigo cloud coming out of it that was Nightmare Moon.

Luna heard this and smiled. “Go ahead Twilight Sparkle. I believe it would be an honour. Even I would gladly sign on it too.”

“Don't forget about me!” Rainbow Dash flew right up to Gallus and only inches away she asked, “Who's your favourite?”

Gallus smiled. “You.”

“Yes! The awesomeness of this Pegasus gets number one!” Rainbow Dash span around in excitement. “Who's your second?”

“The rest of them, I couldn't decide after you.” Gallus answered with a closed fist out to her and she bumped it with her hoof. “I can't believe I got to fist bump Rainbow Dash! This is totally the best day ever!”

Sliverstream giggled. “I am so excited and confused! Can you be both!? Cause I seriously am! Cause I am freaking out! I am now in the same room as the Mane Six! Well half in!” Silverstream put both of her talon hands on Rarity's hoof, shaking it happily.

Rarity raised an eye. “Mane Six? Darling, could you be a dear and explain that to us?”

“Oh of course! It's what we call the main characters to the main Equis comic book series! You, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy and Twilight are the prime focus of that series! You have your moments, but between them there are really big events like Nightmare Moon, the Grand Galloping Gala, King Sombra and the invasion of the changelings at Shining Armor and Cadance's wedding! And my fav of them all, Discord! I love all the comics that focus on him! He's my fav of all time! So is Fluttershy!” Silverstream let go from shaking Rarity's hoof.

Fluttershy put a hoof to her snout. “I am?”

“Mmm hmm!” Sliverstream nods. “I don't care how this magic is working, I am just really glad it is and having the BEST slumber party ever!”

Pinkie Pie gasped. “This a slumber party!?”


“Wooooo hoo! I'm in a cross-dimensional slumber party!” Pinkie Pie pulled out a party cannon and fired it.

Gallus raised an talon finger at her, blinking a few times. “H-how-”

Twilight gave him the comic back after she, Rainbow and Luna signed it. “Don't question it Gallus. If you've read any comics about us with Pinkie Pie you know not to.” Gallus silently nodded, taking in the advice.

Big Mac, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Armour, Applejack and I stood outside one of the balconies, looking out to the Celestial City. Luna stepped up behind us. “Room for one more?”

“Eeyup.” Big Mac answered. Luna stood beside me, looking down slightly with a soft smile before looking out to the city. We could see from where we stood the sight of the moon slowly returning to it fullest before our eyes, the darkness creeping away.

Luna put her wing over me. “I see you and the others have been on quite the adventure today. But tell us what you've been up to between the pages.” Just like us with them, they've only seen parts of what happened.

I tapped my beak a few times. “Erm... Did you see anything about us at the dinner table at Gallus and Gabby's home?”

“We didn't sugarcube. This is the first time we're hearin' or seein' it, right Big Mac?”

“Eeyup. Ah'm certain that a get together isn't really a settin' in comics.” Big Mac replied to Applejack.

Applebloom rubbed her foreleg with her other talon hand. “We sorta ate fish...”

Applejack's face turned slightly green and she put her hoof to her snout quickly. “Yer did what!?” She managed to not throw up and raised her voice.

Armour McApple put his hoof on Applejack's side. “They're griffons at the moment. I've been doing some catch up with Sunny, and one thing that pegasi and griffons need is a form of protien found in fish for their wings.”

Big Mac put his hoof on her other side. She glanced right to left between the two big stallions at mostly equal height to herself. “The pegasi at home once every two weeks have cooked fish. Yer and ah might not like it, but it is as it is. They're griffons, so their type of taste has most likely changed.”

“Are you going to stop being friends with Fluttershy, Twilight and Rainbow Dash because of it?”

“Are ya gonna to stop Applebloom seein' her friend Scootaloo because she eats cooked fish?”

Applejack groaned and hung her head down, pushing her hat down over her face. “Okay ah get it, ah didn't think before ah spoke. Yer two sure know how to gang up on yer sister, don't ya?”

“Yes/Eeyup.” They clapped hooves, laughing slightly.

Applejack chuckled, putting her own hoof on top of theirs. “Boys will be boys, but yer made a good point that ah can not counter, so good on ya bros.”

“Yer not mad at us?”

“Ah don't like it, but the boys made a good point that ah gotta accept. So ah'm not, Applebloom.” Applejack ruffled the feathers on her head with her hoof.

Scootaloo put her talon hands behind the back of her head. “It's cool that your good with it Applejack! I hate trying to hide that from my friends.”

“Yer welcome Scootaloo. But ah would like to know how y'all got out unharmed from that fall.”

Scootaloo looked over to me and Applebloom. “Somehow Applebloom and Zaps got the shield's magic working, and it slowed us down enough for the mages to use their magic to catch us and turn the land the right way up.”

“And land it on top of the palace!” Applebloom finished, flaring her wings out. “This whole palace from what we've seen of it is really amazin'!”

I nodded. “It's like nothing we've ever seen before! It's all made out of some sort of smooth warm marble! I think it's also got magic through it all! The ground feels cool, but also warm to the touch! Not like the concrete back in Griffonstone city in the shade.” I held the plushie close to me. After all this I wanted to take it with me when I go home.

Luna took a good look around. “I can tell. The city looks like nothing I've ever seen before, and the moon... I don't feel any magic from it at all... It's as if it's impossible to grip with my magic...”

“Oh, that because this world's moon moves around the world, and the world moves around the sun while it spins! We all saw the models in Gallus's room!” Scootaloo flew a few feet in front of us and pointed to the moon. “Just a few hours ago the moon moved behind the world and blocked the sun! It turned red because of it!”

Luna blinked and stared as all the other adults. “The moon moves on its own, and the world moves around the sun... This is an odd world...”

“Well not really. Ah believe the world Twilight went to with the human counterparts of us all plays by the same rules as this one,” Applebloom replied.

Luna gasped. “How do you know about the world beyond the mirror!?”

I pulled out the comic I was given by Snowtip. “I got a comic book showing her in that world.”

Applejack took it from my talon hand and flipped through the pages with her hooves, staring at each image. “Equestria Girls, huh? Got a nice ring to it ah say, and the other me looks well... Shoot, ah don't know what to think of it, even Big Mac looks so... Different.”

“Indeed, ah look so young... And granny looks... What in tarnation!?”

“Yer took the worlds out of mah mouth...” Applejack gave it back to me. “Ah think we've seen enough...”


I shrugged and put it back in my bag. “I think the comic is cool.”

“I think all of them are cool from what I've read! Wish I had more time to look at all of them in Gallus's room! He's got soooo many issues! Even the series with Zaps in it are epic! I find it weird looking at myself in it, but they got almost all the good parts,” Scootaloo said with excitement.

“What parts are they missing?” Armour asked.

“Twilight and the mistake she made at the large zap apple tree.” I laughed, and so did the others.

“Oh that's funny, ah think Pinkie got a photo of that.” Applejack turned to Pinkie Pie. “Hey Pinkie! Show the blue griffon Gallus that photo of Twilight!”

Pinkie Pie tilted her head. “Why?”

“Cause the comic didn't show it.”

Twilight gasped. “No! Don't you dare, Pinkie Pie!”

Pinkie pulled out the photo from her mane. Twilight went for it, but Pinkie slipped by and hopped over to Gallus, giving him the photo. “Too slow Twilight!”

“Urg! Why me?!” Twilight groaned, covering her face with her wings.

Gallus took a good look at the photo. “Holy griffon feathers, that's some awesome mane there! Is it also sparking!? How the heck does that work!?”

Gabby came out of the kitchen and took it. “Wow you're right! I like it!”

Silverstream was next to take it, and Twilight raised her head staring at them. “Oooooh, sparkling rainbow mane! Is that a side effect from using magic on the zap apples?”

Gabby flew back into the kitchen.

“Erm... Yes...” Twilight looked between them. “You don't find it funny?”

Gallus shrugged, taking it again to look. “Not really, it looks more cool than anything. You should see what some of the teen dragons wear to make themselves cool.” Gallus gave the photo back to Pinkie Pie.

Silverstream giggled. “I have to agree; some of them go with this rock puck theme, and boy they look really silly when at the islands!”

Rainbow Dash was lying on the sofa with her forelegs behind the back of her head and hind legs crossed over each other as she chuckled. “I only can imagine.” She stared at the TV in the room. “What exactly is that thing? It looks like one of those things Twilight has in her lab.”

“Oh that? It's a TV, short for television. We use it to watch stuff from cartoons, TV shows, films, news and documentaries.” Gallus replied. “Not sure what you can watch from here though...”

Silverstream giggled. “Anything you can see in Griffonstone City, silly! We got dishes and everything we need to watch stuff!” Silverstream took the remote from the side table and pressed the button turning it on.

Rainbow Dash stared as it showed a griffon talking about the weather, with one talon hand out to a map and another talon holding some sort of item and pressing on it at times. “What's with the chance of rain thing there? Don't you control your own weather?”

Gallus raised an eye. “No, we don't mess with nature. A long time ago as the old Griffonstone stories go, we once did so with magic. It led to a real nasty backlash from mother nature.”

“Yep! The storm around this city is magical and it's a real nasty one! None of us can control it now! The only way we get out of the city is via our magic transport gates!” Silverstream pointed to the storm in the distance outside the window.

“Oh my goodness... Do you have animals that come to the city?” Fluttershy asked with concern.

Silverstream tapped her beak with a hum before replying. “Nope, no animals, just us griffons and hippogriffs. Unless...” She giggled. “If you count the bees, bugs and insects, then that's about it!”

Rarity gave a confused look. “How can there be insects this far up the mountain?”

Silverstream shrugged. “Not a clue, my mum or even my aunt might know. This is like, the tallest mountain, and we live almost at its peak. But there's lots of trees, flowers and grass growing mainly in the park around the palace.”

Gallus crossed his forelegs. “Explain Canterlot's gardens. They shouldn't grow where they are either.”

“Good point.” Rarity replied.

Gallus walked up into the Golden Oak's side, looking out the window. “Wow, I never thought I'd get to see Ponyville! It's so colourful and lively!” Pulling out his phone, he aimed it out the window and pressed the button to get some photos. “Sweet! Now I got some awesome photos to keep!” He turned around, looking at each of the ponies. “Can I get a selfie with all of you?”

Silverstream grinned. “I can do one better!” She took the phone off him. “Gabby! Spike! Get in here for a second! Group photo!”

“Cool!” Gabby quickly came in with Spike.

“Not missing this!” Spike also rushed in, wearing an apron as Gabby was too.

Luna stood behind with Armour McApple and Big Mac; in front of them was Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. To either side of them was Gallus and Gabby, and in fron of them were us four griffons. Lying down in front of them with a talon hand against the side of his head was Night Spark, and Spike stood beside me.

“Timer set at ten seconds. When it flashes red, smile!” Silverstream placed the phone down on its side aimed right at us, pressing a button the screen. She quickly flew in and stood beside Gallus with a foreleg around him, and he did the same. With everyone giving a big smile as the light flashed red, the camera flashed a few times and took our picture.

Gallus took the photo from the side to get a good look. “Now that is one awesome photo!” He showed the screen to us all. “I will get a print of that made when I get home and figure out a way to send it to all of you!”

“Ah'm sure we'll figure out a way!”

“Yep, AJ's right, we always do!” Rainbow Dash clapped hooves with Applejack. Spike and Gabby returned to the kitchen. “So... What do we do now?”

I thought about it and came up with something to do. “We could tell them what happened to us since we've been here.”

“Ah like that! Fillin' in the gaps!” Applebloom agreed.

Gallus nodded. “Like we learned, not all things are in the pages of a comic book.”

“I'm game.” Scootaloo also agreed to it.

Sweetie Belle glanced over to her sister. “You're not going to get mad at some of the things that happened to us, right?”

“Not at all Sweetie Belle. I understand you have all been on an adventure and had Daring Do and Night Spark to look over you, so I won't.” Rarity warmly smiled, putting a foreleg around her little sister. “Now tell us please.”

Night Spark sat back on the sofa. “I will let the young ones fill you all in. They will most likely make it epic.” He chuckled.

Gabby walked in with two trays full of cups filled with hot chocolate, a jug of milk and a pot of sugar. “Here's some hot chocolate! Also milk and sugar if you want to add it to your drinks!” She placed the trays down on the table. “Plenty of spoons to use too! Enjoy!” She smiled brightly and walked back to the kitchen.

I looked at the hot brown liquid, taking it and sipping a bit of it, and found the taste to be amazing. “Gallus, is there anything your sister can't do?” I asked.

Gallus glanced over to where Gabby went. “Not that I've found if she puts her mind to it. She just loves being helpful; it's one of her awesome traits! So happy, bouncy, and always feels happy to help others.” He took some milk, pouring and mixing it into his own drink before drinking it. “Ahh that is nice...”

“Well are yer gonna to tell, or are we just gonna drink hot chocolate?” Applejack smirked at us.

Scootaloo was the first to begin. “Alright! I'll begin!” She sipped some of her drink. “It all began with us waking up in the middle of the woods, finding ourselves as griffons...”

We're not sure how much time passed, but each of us told our share of the adventure we had been on since we've arrived in this world. In the span of a day from about mid morning to night time, a lot had happened: everything from arriving, to meeting Snowtip with Gallus, going to his place and running into Gabby there. From the cartoons on the small screen, to the comics we read of Twilight's journey in another world like this one, where entering the world would turn you into the races that existed there. From the festival, to the very moment me and Applebloom slowed the falling land enough to allow the mages of Celestial City to catch us all. And then finally meeting the Queen and King, learning about how a group of griffon and hippogriff mages had the ability to see into the future, to the moment we arrived at the throne room. We came to the end of our tale with Twilight and the others being halfway in the room by the strange magical means of the two books.

Twilight finally spoke after all this with a look directly at Gallus. “Do you have any of these comics to do with my journey to what you call the Equestria Girls reality?”

Gallus smirked and pulled out from his bag issue one of the series, letting her take it with her magic. “Like our day, it likely has things missing here and there that only you can account for.”

Twilight nodded and flipped through the pages, with all of her friends looking over her shoulders and Luna standing over her. “Interesting. I must say that without seeing this, it would be hard to see what many ponies would even look like as one of these human beings.

“Oh my, the scene with you and Spike meeting my counterpart is almost the same as when we first met.” Fluttershy warmly smiled, seeing how her human self met Twilight. “I am happy you managed to befriend her and the others.”

Twilight flipped through a set of pages. “It's interesting to see myself from an outside point of view too. This does get most of the details right: I won't bore you with the minor hiccups, but it's safe to say this is pretty much how my journey through the mirror went.”

Rainbow Dash took the comic and checked out her part in it. “Wow, even without wings I am awesome!”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Indeed darling.” Rarity now asked Gallus something. “Does a comic by any chance show the slumber party Applejack, Twilight and I had during a storm?”

Sliverstream nodded rapidly and spoke before Gallus did. “Oh it does! It's one of my favourites! Twilight was soooooo caught up in the slumber party through that 101 book that things went way out of hand, and she was still checking the book when you two fixed everything with the tree branch.” She giggled with her hand claws over her beak.

Twilight blushed, rubbing one of her forelegs over the other. “Yeah... Thinking about it now, I did get a tiny bit overboard on it.”

“Really?” Applejack raised an eye.

“Okay a lot!” Twilight threw her hooves in the air. “Can't blame a pony having a great evening with her friends can you?”

“Not at all darling.” Rarity drank the last of her hot chocolate. “It's interesting to learn that there is a world almost mirrored to ours that has no ponies in it, but in which almost every race sees us as just characters in a book with pictures and words no less.”

Gallus took back the comic book, putting it away beside the others he brought with him. “I can tell ya for sure there's no minotaurs, ponies or changelings on our world.” He raised one finger each time to show three up in front of them. “Almost everywhere has photos taken from space from our satellite network.”

“Ooooo! So what other lands are there other than the Griffon, Yak, Dragon and Hippogriff's?” Pinkie Pie asked, rubbing her hooves together.

Gallus tapped the tip of his beak. “Well... You have the colony lands owned by all four races throughout the world, apart from huge parts of the northern continent that are mostly in cold conditions, which are owned by the reindeer. In fact, now that I think about it, one of them is blue with wings and has a rainbow mane.” Gallus's eyes glanced at Rainbow Dash.

Silverstream gasped. “I remember her! Her name was Rainbow Dasher! She's one of a few reindeer that has wings and can really fly! She came with her mother and father to the Ares Isles during the summer! They wanted to experience the sunny beaches, waters and so much more! It was a family vacation! I really enjoyed helping mum out that year! No way I could forget those rainbow manes from her or her father!”

Rainbow Dash's jaw just dropped, and Luna was startled too. “Nighty?”

“Zaps, don't be alarmed, I am just surprised. I--well... created a story based on Rainbow Dasher...”

Twilight responded to it. “Oh I know, Princess Luna. I read it with Spike one Hearth Warming night.” Luna giggled nervously. “Learning she's real here means that's a connection both worlds have, and maybe our counterparts here are reindeer.”

“Sugarcube, don't want to burst yer bubble on that, but if that's the case then why are our siblings griffons?” Applejack pointed out.

Twilight looked at all of us and back at Applejack. “Okay, fair point. I guess our counterparts are griffons, or some at least.”

Silver shrugged. “Beats me on that one. Maybe. I haven't met a purple griffon or hippogriff.”

“Might be in the city, there are so many different griffons of different colours and shapes. Way too many to remember, and that's not including all the villages, towns and cities scattered all over the globe. So it could be they all live so far apart that no one knows.” Gallus explained.

“I saw the globe on the ceiling. Waaaay too many land masses to even think about how many live on them!” Scootaloo recalled what she saw back in Gallus's room. “Didn't human Pinkie Pie say there was a Twilight living in the city who had a dog called Spike too?”

Twilight blinked with a gasp. “You're right! I remember that! Oh wow...”

Rainbow Dash grinned. “I bet my reindeer counterpart is super fast and skilled, like me!”

“One can only imagine, Rainbow Dash.” Rarity shook her head slightly.

Sweetie Belle rubbed her feathers on her head. “There are five races across this world?”

“I guess.” Scootaloo responded with a shrug. “Hippogriffs and now Reindeer.”

Gallus confirmed it. “That's right. We do have animals like dogs, cats, birds, tigers and so on. But those that are able to speak, work, and have a specific style of living are our five races. It's just that the alliance between these three nations are the biggest of them all.”

Silverstream nodded. “Oh it is! The hippogriffs mostly live in the Ares Isles and here in Celestial City.”

“Recent news to me.” Gallus glanced at her. “But this is an ancient city with a rich history of griffons and hippogriffs. I've only seen the surface and can only imagine how crazy it is that things can exist on the top of the Celestial Mountains.”

Silver giggled. “Oh Gallus, now that you're here I can share with you EVERYTHING you want to know!”

Gallus chuckled. “I would like that, Silverstream. Give me more excuses to spend time with an awesome friend like you.” Both clapped talon hands together.

“I like that! And we can easily have a blast at the beach!”

“I'm game!”

I looked over to Big Mac. “How many races are in our world?”

“Hmm... Ah'm not sure. Ah know of griffons, minotaurs, diamond dogs, dragons, cows, buffaloes, donkeys, Zebras, Discord and changelings. But other than that ah do not know,” Big Mac told me.

Twilight spoke. “We have Yaks up in the north, and there are deer too. Crystal ponies count as another race of pony as well. We also have breezies too: they are a very tiny sub-race of pony. There could be more beyond Equestria and the lands we know of. We know of very little beyond some of the lands just outside our own lands.”

Gallus stared at Twilight and Big Mac, blinking a few times. “I count fifteen races so far. I am guessing hippogriffs are around too.”

Luna confirmed Gallus' guess. “Indeed, they live far south on an island called Mount Ares. My sister Celestia met the queen about thirty or so years ago. I never personally met them so I can not say.”

Rarity spoke up. “Oh, don't forget the sea serpent Steve Magnet. His hair and moustache is divine!”

Gallus rubbed both talon hands over his feathered head. “Gah! There's way too many types of sapient life on your world! I can't get my head around it all!”

“We're from there and ah'm getting' a headache just thinkin' about it...” Applebloom grumbled. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and I nodded in agreement.

Luckily for us before things got too overwhelming Gabby and Spike entered with big smiles. “It's one in the morning and dinner is ready to eat!” Yay! They saved the day!

“Gabby is an awesome cook!”

“So were you, Spike!”

“Yep! We did awesome!”

“Hehe, we sure did!” They clapped claw and talon hand together.

Spike waved us to follow. “Come on, dinner's not going to wait for you just for you to sit there and wait for it to come to you!”

Gabby giggled. “Imagine that!” Spike laughed too.

We got up and left our cups on the side table, heading inside to find a large table for all of us to sit at with a mix of all kinds of food for ponies, griffons and hippogriffs. We all stared in disbelief, and even Pinkie Pie I saw was surprised by what they pulled off on their own.

Pinkie Pie bounced over to a chair and sat down. “Wow, this all looks amazing! But we're going to have to wait till next chapter to eat! And we got plenty of room for three more to sit with us!”

“What on tarnation are yer speakin' about, Pinkie Pie? We're not in some comic book!” Applejack said.

I tug her tail and she turned to me. “We kinda are...” I point to the two comic books floating in the next room, with part of Golden Oaks and Equestria being there.

“Darn it! Yer right! The one time Pinkie Pie IS makin' sense!” Applejack pushed her hat down over her face.

Author's Note:

Hi guys, girls and all readers.

This was the last one to be proof read at this time. I have about five chapters waiting to be proof read by the awesome Sunflower1414 whom done an amazing and awesome job of the proof reading so far since chapter 34 to present.

Also I never post up any chapter from this without it being proof read and edited first. Chapters 43 to 49 will be up soon as I possibly can get them up. So I do apologise for the delay from this point forward.

On a personal Note: I haven't been able to get in contact with Sunflower1414 and worried. Usually I get a reply pretty quickly but heard nothing since 12th of July. If anyone friends with Sunflower1414 I just like to know if she is okay and everything is fine.

Enjoy reading Chapter 42 and happy holidays!
Hope to see some of ya at Bronycon 2019!


Comments ( 2 )

I haven't been able to get in contact with Sunflower1414 and worried. Usually I get a reply pretty quickly but heard nothing since 12th of July. If anyone friends with Sunflower1414 I just like to know if she is okay and everything is fine.

is everything ok?

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