• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 4,639 Views, 212 Comments

Zaps Apple - Electuroo

A young colt with no memories of who or what he was, with only the nightmares of the darkness that took everything away, only to find the light of escape to whole new beginning...

  • ...

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Chapter 5: True New Beginning

Zaps Apple
Chapter 5: True New Beginning

“That great Zaps!” I been sitting with Applebloom learning a bit more about things on Sweet Apple Acres and Ponyville, she been a real big help through the evening as Big Macintosh had left to take home Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo leaving us in the care of the elderly pony Granny Smith who had fallen asleep in the rocking chair not too far from where we sat.

Applebloom point to the picture before me “Now tell me each of their names and what they do” Applebloom instructed me to do.

I took a good look at the photo before us. “Rainbow Dash, she the weather mare and one that train with her amazing moves over Sweet Apple Acres time and again” I point to the rainbow pony, Applebloom nods “This one is Pinkie Pie, she very random and loves to throw parties.” Then I look to Applebloom “I still don't get what you mean by very random or about parties... what exactly is a party?”

Applebloom giggled “it full of fun, music, games, food and sometimes have gifts. Also friend and families come to...” she trailed off seeing how I looked when she said families. “Ah'm sorry...”

I gave a smile to her “It ok Applebloom.” I decided to move on pointing my hoof to the next “Rarity, a designer in wears and also the older sister to Sweetie Belle, next to her is Fluttershy, she lives near the Everfree Forest in a cottage and looks after animals of many sorts”

“Eeyup that right, ya good at remembering once ya saw something.” Applebloom turns to me.

I rubbed my head a little feeling a little with a sheepish smile “I don't how though that it...” then I look to the photo looking at the next few ponies “That Twilight Sparkle, she got that title of princess right?” I saw Applebloom give a soft nod. “That her brother... erm... erm...” I looked at the white stallion rubbing my head a little. “Shield Shining?”


“Armour Star?”


“Erm... Shining Star?” I said with a big grin.

“Now ya just throwin' random names, but yer was close. That Shining Armour” Applebloom corrected me.

I groaned a little “I almost had it... just didn't put those two words together” then I look to the dragon “Spike right?”


“He is a dragon... are all dragons that small?” I asked with wonder.

She giggled in reply “Nope silly he's only a baby dragon.”

I look to the photo and felt rather sadden when looking at it more closely, they was all together smiling and having a great time at that shining place where ever it was... “I wish I had something like this... maybe it could of help me to remember who I truly am...” I whispered with some tears falling.

Applebloom put a hoof over me “It ok Zaps, ya can make new memories with me and mah friends, mah family and others in Ponyville, ya will have ya own photo like this to keep than”

“You really think so?” I rubbed my eyes a little

“Ah know so!” Applebloom smiled pulling out a book with her mouth placing it on the ground “Shall we continue?”

I nod to her “Sure thing Applebloom” I look to the cover “Crystal Empire?”

“Eeyup that where this here photo was taken” Applebloom point the background in the photo.

I turn over the pages looking at the images and writing “Wow this place sounds like an amazing place and I thought the dreams I had of that town and castle surrounded by zap apple trees was amazing” I said looking at the images of the empire in the book.

Applebloom turn the page “That crystal ponies, they all shiny and such, ah only know it something to do with that here Crystal Heart under the palace. But ah only saw the palace from a distance once from the train station” she gave me a curious look about what I said. “A town with nothing by zap apple trees around it hay?”

“Yeah it kind of been a place in my dreams but the last time I dreamt it Luna was there talking to me and the same events from before played out... it kind of weird place, about twenty or so buildings and some festival happening. Other then that I know nothing of that place or where it is...” I replied trying to figure out why I only see it in my dreams and not my own memories. “Luna told me is a place within my memories... but I don't remember it other then what I see in my dreams...”

Applebloom tapping her hoof on her snout a little “Strange...” suddenly our chat was cut short by the sound of voices outside the house, one I knew instantly it was Applejack's

“Sugarcube ah know Y'all for winnin' but look at what ya did to ya wing Rainbow Dash”

The next voice must be Rainbow Dash's “Hehe yeah I kind of did over do it, but hey we won didn't we? We proved to be the better team over those stallions”

“So true RD, but ya sprained that wing of yer's doing that crazy triple rainbow whatiz” Applejack replied as the voices came clearer and closer to the door of the house both me and Applebloom look to each other and before either of us to react the sound of the door opening came to our ears.

We both saw Applejack walking into the room with Rainbow Dash “Howdy Sis!” Applebloom said in a instant. “How was the bowlin' sis?”

Applejack smiled to her “It was a great game, Rainbow won it for us by a single pin”

“Yep pure awesome all the way” Rainbow grinned with pride “Just cost me a few muscles in the wing though” she look to her bandaged up right wing. “Can't fly for a day or two but totally worth it”

“Ya say that now Rainbow and then by tomorrow ya be whining little a foal” Applejack turn to Rainbow Dash then noticed me “Well nelly who this little guy? A friend of ya Applebloom?”

Applebloom wasn't sure how to answer that “Well...”

Rainbow Dash came eye level with me “That mane really make you look awesome squirt” I didn't get a chance to reply.

“Well ah don't mind ya havin' friends around but with Rainbow off her wings ah goin' to ask for him to go Applebloom” I gulped as she said it. I had no where to go, Big Macintosh said I could stay here... I was sure he said it.

Applebloom saw me turn more into my silence and not reply to this looking to the ground. “Zaps...” she whispered and I heard. “Applejack ya can't just ask him to leave like that! Specially...”

“Applebloom it late, his family is most likely worried about him!” Applejack replied with a deeper tone of voice being serious. “Now young'un it time for ya to leave, pack ya things...” I closed my eyes feeling very alone... I don't know my family... I don't have anything...

Applebloom protested “That it sis! He doesn't know his own family! He hardly knows anything! YA CAN'T THROW HIM OUT!!!!!” She screamed waking Granny Smith in the process.

“Huh? Wha?” she looking around and the sound of thundering hoof steps could be heard.

Rainbow Dash turn and did a jump flipping in a spin three times before landing on her hooves to have Big Macintosh slide to a stop where she was. “Whoa...” Rainbow Dash saw the look Big Mac's eyes “Erm Mac...”

“Applejack what ya doin'!?” he instantly asked as I was behind Applebloom for her protection.

Applejack look to me then back to her brother. “Ah was just saying for him to go home and all the sudden Applebloom... jus... just snapped at me saying he has no idea whom his family is or know much...”

Big Macintosh came up to me putting a hoof on me pushing me close to him a little “That is true, Scootaloo found Zaps in the barn this mornin' and went to find her friends, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle came back to find that ah already found him. From what ah know he awoke in the Everfree Forest with being his first memories. Ah believe him and will do what it takes to keep him safe”

“Say what!?” Rainbow Dash blurted out then put both her hooves over her mouth getting a glare from Big Macintosh. “Sorry big guy but this colt Zaps really have it that bad?” he nods “Whoa... that is not cool...” she turn to me walking up to me and putting a hoof out “Name Rainbow Dash, pleasure to meet ya Zaps”

I put my hoof against hers and shook slowly and removed it. “Ah don't believe this, ya saying this colt staying here under our roof because he said he can't remember anything? Where ya born yesterday?”

Rainbow Dash looks to me in the eyes and I was shaking a little in fear but she blinked a few times and smirked “If he was then he a very good liar because all I can see is one pretty scared colt”

“Rainbow Dash are ya serious?” Applejack looked right at me and I was looking back at her shaking still from her reactions so far. “Unless ya have proof there no way this colt staying here on...”

“Applejack!” we all turn to Granny Smith staring at her granddaughter. “What gotten into ya!? How can ya say such a thing!? Ah believe him so ya saying ah'm gullible!?”

“Yeah and Scootaloo was the one that gave his name! He doesn't even know his own true name!” Applebloom was on my side and glaring at her big sister.

“Eeyup” Big Macintosh confirms it and backs up it up.

Applejack looking back at me “Is this true? Scootaloo gave ya Y'all name?”

I swallowed hard “Y-y-yes...” I managed to say stepping back a little and turn to run for the door but didn't get far when I felt something grab me by the tail and lift me up off my hooves “Please don't hurt me! I don't want to go back to the darkness! I don't want to go back to that scary forest!! Please don't throw me back in there! PLEASE!!!!!” I had my eyes shut screaming out in fear with my words pleading to not go back to the Everfree Forest.

“Ah won't” my heart was raising but when I heard her voice my eyes slowly open to see her still holding my tail by her mouth and I hanging upside down looking right at her as I looked down which was up but... urg my head was hurting a little but I was frozen looking at her eys. “Ah believe ya” she said in a muffled voice and place me down on my hooves.

I quickly scrambled over to the nearest body which was Rainbow Dash and hid behind her from Applejack. “Wow great going AJ, that was a great idea, make me scream out in fear so you get the truth...” Rainbow Dash said to Applejack “Was that really needed?”

“Ah got to agree with ya Applejack... that was a bit OTT” Applebloom added.

Big Macintosh put a hoof to his head “AJ ya own him an apology, a big one as most”

She took her hat off placing it to her chest sitting there “Ah'm really sorry.... ah just went a bit over the top as Applebloom said... ah shouldn't of done that”

Granny Smith look to Big Mac “take Zaps up to ya room, we will sort this out in the mornin' and Applejack can work on her apology for this” she glared at her granddaughter.

Applejack put her hat back on her head with a sigh “That ah will... Rainbow Ah show ya to the guest room”

“Alright Applejack, Zaps don't worry about AJ, she real friendly, you can trust me” she winked at me and walked with Applejack out of the room.

I sat there with Applebloom sitting alongside me. “Wow that was intense”

“It was... I thought my heart was going to jump out the way I felt there... I was so scared... I couldn't control my outburst...” I said thinking about the words I just said shaking a little with fear.

Big Macintosh put his head under me, I was on his back and he looked at me “Alright time for some shut-eye” I nod in acceptance. “Goodnight Y'all”

“Goodnight!” Granny and Applebloom both replied as Big Mac carried me off to his room.

Soon I found myself inside his room and saw sitting in the corner and make shift bed “That be ya bed Zaps, it not much but ah thought it be best if ah watch over ya tonight”

“Thank you Big Maac” I jump off him and onto the bed “It beats sleeping in a log or hay bay”

He chuckled softly “Ah bet it does. Here have this” I saw a soft toy before me.

I took it and it felt soft to the touch but the plushly looked like it had better days “Thank you, Big Mac, it awesome, but why are you giving me it?”

“Smarty Pants ah think would be good with ya. It will help ya sleep” he whispers to me pulling the covers over me as I laid down, he started to hum a tune to me.

I yawned a little “But... I...” I couldn't keep my eyes open the soft tune he was humming was soft and smooth it made me very sleepy... I yawned once more before drifting to sleep holding the doll close to me...

Tonight was sudden and scary with Applejack but things turn around for the better soon afterwards and for the first time as I just about to go to sleep as I look back in my memories this was the first step of a new beginning for me... maybe she won't be so scary tomorrow and maybe get along with her... Maybe things are truly a new start for me...

One question that came to mind was...

'Are they going to be my new family?'

Author's Note:

Well here is the next chapter, it took some working but I found a way around it again and like what I done. Well I also hope you all will keep enjoying the story as it progresses, I had came up with five different ideas but none seem to work till this one and quite happy with it.

Also I took note from what some of ya said and did my best to work out the grammar issues and such.

Happy reading my friends and care to hear from ya!

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