• Published 30th Nov 2018
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Enchanted - The Whiskey Spirit

An elven mage is shot into Equestria when one of his projects goes wrong. Now this adventurer is opening up an enchanting business. Surely, this could only lead to a normal, stress free life. Right?

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Ch 10: Late Night Discussion

A roar of pain filled the air as a blast of flame washed over Agni. Her thick plate armour had been enchanted to absorb the heat from the flames, but it wasn’t enough to nullify dragon’s breath. She rolled to the side, even as Fu ‘Ran hurled a bottle of viscous green liquid down it’s gullet.

The heat of the flame melted the glass bottle in its mouth, causing the acid to coat the inside of its throat.

The dragon howled in pain, a claw reaching up to clutch at its throat. It croaked something in its language before turning to swipe at Fu ‘Ran. He was too busy laughing at the dragon to notice, and received a large gash across the chest. The force of the blow was enough to lift him off his feet and slam him into a wall. When he fell back to the floor he didn’t get up.

Tittering, Runa ran over to the fallen man, ready to cast a healing spell. Shurda ran in to block the way to Fu ‘Ran from the dragon, his massive shield held up. Aurick watched all this and shook his head. Fu ‘Ran should have been more focused on the fight. He just hoped Runa could work fast enough so that he could actually learn the lesson. With a sigh, he activated one of his rings and instantly felt his mind connect with the stone around them. More importantly, he could feel the stone above the dragon’s head.

In an instant, a spear of earth shot down at the dragon from above. It was fast, however, and was able to avoid the instant death the spell promised. It didn’t get away unscathed, however, as the rock shot through the side of its neck. Not enough to kill it, but it was bleeding heavily. Agni took the opportunity to charge it, her two handed blade ready to strike.

Until she stopped. No. She froze. As did everything in the area. Except Aurick.

He looked around in confusion until he heard the sound of hooves on stone. Turning, he was met with the sight of Princess Luna. She looked as stoic as ever, despite the scene behind him.

“Luna?” He couldn’t help but ask. He was a bit confused by this turn of events. Hadn’t he fought the dragon before he met Luna?

“Indeed. You are asleep.” Aurick cocked his head to the side as he thought about that.

“So… this is a dream?”

“Yes. I am not, however.”


“Magic.” She confirmed. The lunar alicorn looked at the wounded dragon that towered above them in the cavern. “Though I assume this dream to be more of a memory.”

“Yeah. Must be because Rainbow asked me to tell her about this.” Aurick nodded, looking back at the scene with a smile.

“That certainly sounds like her. She has always been interested in fighting. I believe she challenged one of my guards to a dual at one point.” The mare smirked at the memory. “She lost, of course.”

“Speaking of your guard, what ever happened to that spy you put on me? I noticed she didn’t follow me to Ponyville. Or is she hiding further away now?” Luna’s smirk turned into a slight frown.

“No. Spying on you is pointless if you know about it.”

“Bah. I’d have continued. The target’s not gonna keep a facade up all day.” He waved at the air. With the knowledge that it was a dream, he made to sit down in a chair, pleased to find an armchair beneath him.

“Perhaps, but there runs the risk that the target grows disdain for the one that is spying on them.” Aurick simply shrugged. “We do not wish you an enemy.”

“And you won’t have one. It takes a lot to make me mad, and a little bit of justified spying isn’t gonna do it. Besides, you bought me a house. I’d say you’re pretty safe right now.”

“Indeed. Which reminds me of why I came here. I wished to discuss with you my first order.” That got Aurick’s interest, and he leaned forward with a smile.

“Then let’s hear it.”

Nodding, the mare summoned a cushion and sat down before speaking. “You mentioned multiple enchantments on the armour. If we used the golden armour of the day guard, how many enchantments would you be able to put on?” Aurick sat up and placed a hand on his chin. If the thing was made entirely of gold, he could do a lot, but the gold was simply a mechanism to transfer magic. It depended on the number of gems that the armour could hold without overloading the thing.

“I assume your going to ask about the other armour next?” The mare nodded. “So long as they’re of good make, both of them should be able to hold six gems. Which means six enchantments. Of course the purple armour might not be able to handle that much magic running through it, even with gold channels placed into it. gold ones would be able to handle the enchantments just fine though.” The mare tapped her chin in thought for a moment before speaking.

“That is far better than I had expected. If that’s the case, my initial request for stronger armour stands.” Aurick nodded.

“Alright, depending on the size and purity of the gem, the armour would be able to absorb the impact of a boulder slamming into them.”

“That would certainly be useful. Is there a possibility to enchant the front hooves to be capable of stunning the target?” Aurick had to think about that one. He hadn’t used a stun spell in a long time.

“I might be able to. Haven’t tried to enchant that spell onto an item before, but it shouldn’t be any different. I assume one on each hoof.” A nod. “Alright, you have three enchantments left.” He wiggled three fingers at her with a smile.

“You mentioned a way to make the enchantments never fade. How do you do that.”

The elf lowered a finger, leaving only two in the air. “That'll cost a gem. It's an enchantment that absorbs mana from the environment. With gold to act as a current, it’s capable of powering gems for an extended period of time. If you want it to make the enchantments we already spoke about to have an unlimited supply of mana, you’ll need two of those. If you only go with one, as well as two more enchantments, it’ll only allow the gems to recharge over time.”

“Interesting.” She tapped her chin again. “I assume you can recharge the gems without that enchantment, yes?”

“Of course. All you gotta do is focus your mana into the gem.” Luna gave him a blank stare for a moment.

“That’s a technique for enchanting, isn’t it?” Aurick’s grin was the only response she needed. “That’s hardly fair.” She frowned.

“Sorry, Lulu. I’ve got a young business that needs to get off the ground. I’m sure you can understand.” He told her with a shit eating grin. She rolled her eyes.

“And how much would a recharge cost me?”

“Like with all things in my business it depends-”

“On the enchantment, yes.” She cut him off.

“Look at you, you’re learning!” He smiled wide and spread his arms out before snapping and pointing at her. “Since it’s to keep people alive, though, I’ll give you one free recharge.”

“Truly you are the most generous.” She deadpanned.

“C’mon. Don’t be like that. You’re asking for some difficult work here. Speaking of, you still have those three gems available.”

The mare sighed and nodded. “Having one that could make the wearer faster would be nice.” He clapped and nodded.

“Always a good choice. Easily done, but will need a gem on each hind leg.”

“That’s fine. I’d like the last one to make them invisible.” Aurick frowned at that one.

“Invisibility is a tricky one. How long do you want to be invisible?” He held up his ring of invisibility. “This one normally would only let me stay invisible for about ten minutes, but I have two gems to recharge it. From a full charge, it’ll now last me an hour with the recharge.” He placed the ring back on and looked back at the princess. “If you want it to last about an hour without one of those enchantments, you’re going to need to find a large gem.”

“Perhaps not the greatest choice then.” She bit her lip as she thought about something else. She must have thought of something, because her eyes lit up and refocused on him. “A spell to silence their hoofsteps?” Cheeky horse. She took that from him.

“It’s possible, but that’d need to be near the hooves. I could set it on the underbelly of the armour, but it won’t completely silence them.”

“Damn.” She frowned as she continued to think about it.

“You know you could just get me to add another enchantment later, right?” Aurick asked with a raised brow. “It’d be easy to add the enchantment after.”

“But will it cost extra to do that?” She asked, getting a grin in response.

“Normally, yes. I’ll give a special deal to the pretty pony princess, though.” The mare was unable to hide her blush, much like how Aurick was unable to hide his smirk. “For this order and this order only, last minute changes will be free.”

“Very well, the armour and some of our best gems shall arrive to your home at noon tomorrow. The repair will be done by then, yes?”

“Should be.” He nodded and scratched at the stubble growing on his face.

“Good. Inform me of the amount I will owe you when you have that figured out.” And with that, the mare disappeared, leaving Aurick alone in his dream. A smile on his face as he reclined in the chair, the dream morphing around him to a room back home.

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