• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 12,873 Views, 1,205 Comments

Enchanted - The Whiskey Spirit

An elven mage is shot into Equestria when one of his projects goes wrong. Now this adventurer is opening up an enchanting business. Surely, this could only lead to a normal, stress free life. Right?

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Ch 57: Anxious Nights

Author's Note:

Here's a quick one to keep you going.

Chrysalis returned to her room with a tired sigh, her disguise still held despite it. Closing the door behind her, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

The day had been a long one, and she wanted nothing more than to lie down in bed alongside Shining Armour. He would be sure to tend to her needs this night, though it wasn’t like he could object. Though she had to wonder why he wasn't already within the room awaiting her. He was typically off duty before she returned, so to find him missing was a minor surprise.

At the same time, however, it brought a small amount of relief with it. She didn’t particularly want to talk to anyone at the moment. Of course, she could simply command the fool to leave her be, but that required her to enact upon that which she wished not to. He would arrive at a later time, and that suited her better on this night.

The day had been a long one after her confrontation with that damned elf. His resilience against her mental magic had resulted in her needing to convince Celestia and Luna that he was abducted. Thankfully she had already altered their minds, as slight as it is, so she was never suspected of anything. The true issue was getting them to ask the wrong questions. They would rule her out of being their enemy, but that didn’t protect her soldiers from being discovered.

It was becoming more and more clear to her that mental magic would not solve all of her problems, a fact that irritated her to no end. What use was her talent if she couldn’t rely on it as such?

A sigh escaped her once more as she stepped towards the window. She had to admit that the night sky was truly beautiful. One of the only compliments she would grant to the lunar princess was her craftsmanship. Each night was something to behold, and whilst she held some disdain for the creator, she couldn’t begrudge the work she produced.

It was such a sight that brought a small amount of calm to the changeling queen. The day had been stressful, yes, but she had endured. As she always had, and she always will, as tomorrow will be yet another day. Simply four more of them and her plans will come together. All the pieces will fall in place, and she’ll begin her take over.

Before anyone even knows what’s happening, she’ll have a hoof in every aspect of Equestria. Then abducting ponies for food would be a simple task. If they even needed to at that point. Should she stick Celestia and Luna in a pod as well, she had no doubt that she could sustain the hive for many years to come.

Everything was going according to plan, and nothing could stop her now.

Suddenly, the door opened behind her, revealing Shining Armour. She had to admit that Cadence had truly snagged a good stallion. The colt was built of muscle, rippling just beneath his brilliant white coat. His mane was a shock of dark and light blue that neatly cropped his handsome face. All that on top of what he could to to her…

That, however, didn’t seem to be why he entered the room, much to her chagrin. The stallion had a serious look on his face, and his breath was heavy. A faint green light glowed in his eyes, showing her that his actions were a result of her domination.

“Mistress,” He started out after a moment to catch his breath, “I bring news of Ashwyn’s actions.” Chrysalis couldn’t help but raise a brow. She had commanded the guard under her control to keep an eye on the chimera, sure that she would not take her master’s disappearance lightly. In all honesty, she had anticipated news much sooner than this.

“Tell me, Armour, what has this chimera been up to?” She asked, the magic within Shining Armour’s mind forcing him to answer.

“She has left Canterlot, Mistress. We do not know why, but she was headed east. I had a guard tailing her, but she was too fast for him.” The stallion bowed his head, looking ashamed. Chrysalis paid him no mind as she once more looked out the window, her face twisted in confusion.

What could this chimera possibly be thinking? Why leave Canterlot? Why head east? There was nothing out there of importance besides… Her eyes widened in shock as a thought came upon her.

No, no. This couldn’t be possible! How could she possibly know! But… there’s no other explanation. She couldn’t risk that beast releasing her prisoners!

She quickly rounded on the stallion that had informed her of this, her magic forcing his head up to look at her. “Bring me, Ironhide!” She commanded. The captain of the guard instantly saluted her and retreated out the door, leaving Chrysalis alone to stew in her thoughts.

Thankfully she didn’t have to wait for long, as a large earth pony stallion stepped through the door. The moment the door closed behind him, his disguise faded, revealing a heavily scared changeling. He fell into a bow once he was revealed, staying as such until directed otherwise.

“Stand, Aldrin. We do not have the time for such trivialities.” She growled at him, her magic forcing him into a standing position. Her soldier didn’t even blink as her magic moved him.

“Of course, my Queen. What would you have of me?” The soldier asked obediently.

“You must take some of our best and return to the hive. I have reason to believe they will be under attack soon.” Chrysalis informed him, the soldier showing an ounce of emotion once he heard the news. His lips curled downwards slightly, and his eyes grew ever slightly more narrow.

“I will endeavor to do so post-haste, my Queen. Is there anything I should know of the assailant?”

“We do not know her capabilities, but she is a Chimera with a more beastial appearance than the rest of these ponies. Though the extent she can use these monstrous parts are unknown. Caution is advised.” Chrysalis informed him quickly. “Now go, she is flying faster than the guard. She might reach the hive before you should you not hurry.”

“Understood, my Queen. I will not disappoint you.” With nothing more to say, the changeling dipped his head in respect and left the room, intent to carry out her orders.

For the third time that night, she looked out the window of the room. The sky outside no longer brought a sense of calm to her. In fact, it only furthered her anxiety. Her heart began to pound faster as she stared out. Within the periphery of her vision, she could see a series of dark shapes move out into the sky, blending in with the darkness above.

She could only hope that her fears were baseless, for if they weren’t… she did not wish to think of that.

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