• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 12,873 Views, 1,205 Comments

Enchanted - The Whiskey Spirit

An elven mage is shot into Equestria when one of his projects goes wrong. Now this adventurer is opening up an enchanting business. Surely, this could only lead to a normal, stress free life. Right?

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Ch 15: Back Into the Breach

The next morning, Aurick decided to return to Rarity’s. He hadn’t been aware of winter being so close, so he had not been prepared. He’d need to ask the dressmaker if she could make him a scarf. One that he would enchant later to keep him at a comfortable temperature.

Surprisingly enough, he found that the mare had already made him one. Along with three sets of clothes. To say Aurick was impressed was an understatement. The mare had only taken his measurements the day before. Did she work on nothing else? She even offered to repair the shirt he was wearing while he was there. Aurick, the customer that he was, of course attempted to pay her, but she flatly refused. She said that Twilight had already slipped her a few coins. Though she was more happy with the fact that he provided a challenge to the mare. She hadn’t designed clothes for anyone of his body type before, so the experience was worth it. It was clear to him that he wouldn’t be able to change her mind, so he shrugged and thanked her.

He returned home after stopping by Gemstone’s to pick up a couple more gems. His first task of the day was to set up the cold room. That mare wasn’t the only one who needed meat, and he’d need to get a supply for the winter. He briefly wondered if there was a way for it to be shipped to him. It’d make it easier than hunting in the forest. Not to mention he didn’t want to take too much food away from the mare in there. Perhaps he’d ask Twilight about it later.
Lest he run the risk of her attacking ponies.

A sigh escaped him as he thought of her. The fact that he couldn’t kill her was a bit irritating. It meant more risk to his life, but it wasn’t something he hadn’t dealt with before. He’d rather keep Luna’s favor. Sure he felt bad for the mare. What that scientist did to her was unforgivable, but she had tried to hunt him, and he doubted that she would stop. He was a food source that she knew about. She probably knew where he lived. The only thing that would stop her from attacking him would be if she was smart enough to be cautious of him.

That meant he’d have to show no weakness while near the forest. If she was watching him, and saw an opportunity, she probably wouldn’t hesitate to attack. Then he’d have to flee. He hated fleeing.

He just hoped he wouldn’t have to deal with her for too long.


A smaller number of ponies came for business that day, but it was still a sizable number. It ended with Aurick standing another two hundred bits richer and holding promises to go into town within the next couple days to help the ponies who had items too large to bring to his home. It was a productive day for him, and he couldn’t help but smile as he closed the door behind his last customer. He placed the makeshift ‘Closed’ sign on the door that Spike had made the day prior. He’d have to invest in a real one at some point, but this one would suffice until he was in stable living conditions. There were plenty of things he had to do first.

The growl of his stomach reminded him of one such thing he had to do.

He grabbed the necklace of rings from in his room and double checked the enchantments on them. Making sure he was prepared before he dared step into the forest again. Once satisfied, he took a step outside, only to be blasted by a particularly cold gust. With a small groan of annoyance, he grabbed the black scarf Rarity had given him and put it on. He hadn’t had the time to enchant it yet, so it’s help was no more than an ordinary scarf. It would have to do.

He didn’t hesitate to step beyond the boundaries of his home and into the darkened area beyond. His desire was too strong to be dissuaded by the threat that the dark trees may hide. He was determined.

He would not leave this forest without getting some meat.


She stood over the carcase of the manticore. It was mostly bones at this point, but that mattered not. She would eat as much as she could. She knew that food would be harder to find, and she could not waste any. Sadly the carcass didn’t have enough meat to make a decent lunch.

Her hunger had lessened since the previous day. Having hunted such large prey had given her plenty to eat, but she knew it would not last long. She could already feel the first cold breeze of winter coming. She knew if she didn’t starve, then the cold might.

Her mind drifted to the tall creature that lived on the edge of the forest. Perhaps if she killed him? He wore clothes. Granted not ones that’s likely fit her, but it would suffice. She’d get food in the process too.

A small thought in the back of her mind told that eating a sapient creature was wrong. It was not her thought, but Inkhearts. She promptly ignored it. It mattered not who she ate. If it kept her alive, she’d eat the pony princesses. With a snort, the mare began to search the surrounding area with her scent.

As if summoned by her thoughts, she smelled the creature in her forest. She felt stronger, now that she had eaten, but she wouldn’t blindly attack him again. No. She would watch for now.

Watch and wait.


As predicted, he was having a hard time finding food.

He wasn’t sure how long he had been walking, but it couldn’t have been much more than an hour. All the while, he hadn’t seen anything worth his time.

Sure, he had heard the sounds of large creatures in the forest. Everytime he would go towards one, however, he’d find only tracks and some blood. He mentally kicked himself for not asking Trane to teach him how to track. A sigh escaped him as he ran a hand through his hair. There was no point complaining about it. He would deal with it.

He treked on for even longer. He began losing track of time.

Eventually, whether through sheer luck or something else, he heard a roar up ahead. It was close.

Getting low to the ground, he checked which way the wind was blowing. He was downwind of his target. Good.

He moved forward with silent steps, not even disturbing the leaves below him. The sound of the creatures steps were loud enough to lead him towards it. It hadn’t taken long to find the source. A large manticore stood with its back turned to him.

A wicked grin spread across his face as he stared at it. It was about time.

A simple spell was prepared and released. The beast never had a chance.

Aurick had pulled water from the ground and had formed a lance with it. A lance that shot out and ran through the beast’s brain, killing it instantly. Satisfied with the results, he stood up and approached the corpse.


She watched as the creature killed the manticore in only a single blow. As she stared at him, she felt something grip her heart. Something she hadn’t felt before in her form. Fear.

She knew she could kill him. Her claws could cut through his flesh with ease. And yet, if he got the drop on her, she’d be dead before she knew it. She clenched her teeth, her claws digging into the bark on the branch. She’d have to be careful around him.

Then the branch she was standing on cracked. She was gripping it too hard. The creature instantly shot behind the corpse of the creature, looking directly at her. She was found out. Now it would be who attacked first. That fear that gripped her heart remained as the two stared each other down. In the end it was the creature who acted first. The water he used to kill the beast was brought up again. Though it wasn’t aimed at her.

Instead, he used it to cut the beast in half. Once he was done, he grabbed one half of it and disappeared. Leaving her alone with half his catch.

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