• Published 30th Nov 2018
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Enchanted - The Whiskey Spirit

An elven mage is shot into Equestria when one of his projects goes wrong. Now this adventurer is opening up an enchanting business. Surely, this could only lead to a normal, stress free life. Right?

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Ch 52: The Hills Have Eyes

Ashwyn placed the book down with a sigh. There wasn’t nearly as much information as she had hoped to find. She couldn’t even find any mention of a hive mind, as the Alpha had thought of. She didn’t know if it was because it was because they didn’t have such an ability, or because it wasn’t something that the writer knew.

Either way, the half hour she had spent pouring through the book to find the section she needed, as well as the time it took to read it, was all fruitless. She couldn’t help but close her eyes and pinch the bridge of her snout. A movement she had seen the Alpha perform on occasion. She didn’t fully understand the reasoning behind it, but performing it felt right for some reason.

When she opened her eyes again, she went to pick up the book, only to pause as she noticed something.

A piece of paper sat atop the book she had put down. A piece of paper that certainly wasn’t there before. Peering around, she couldn’t see anyone. Her nose, however, was able to pick up the scent clear as day. A paw met her forehead as she realized there was someone that was nearby, the entire time she was reading. She was too focused on the research to have noticed, but she wished she had.

The scent was very similar to the one that Princess Cadance carried with her, though it was certainly different. It didn’t smell as… dominant. She was certain that it was a different changeling. Though the question was, what did it want with her?

It was already gone, if the scent trail was anything to go by. So the only clue was the paper it had left behind.

Cautiously, Ashwyn lifted the paper in a paw. Treating it like it was a fragile weapon that could explode at any moment, she unfolded it to reveal a message.

They have eyes everywhere. Be careful.

She blinked at it. She had no idea what that meant. Was it referring to the changelings? But why would it be a changeling to give it to her? Maybe they though she was a changeling for some reason?

She couldn’t tell, but she was willing to bet that the Alpha could. He was more accustomed to these things. Sniffing the air once more, she folded the paper up and slipped it into her thick mane.

A feeling of unease slowly creeped over her as she lifted the book once more. Deciding to take the note’s advice and be careful, she made a swift exit of the library. After returning the book, of course. The moment she stepped out into the hall, she noticed a guard passing by.

With a cautious glance, she breathed in through her nose. Only for her eyes to widen before she began to step in the opposite direction. That guard was one of them.

Swallowing a lump in her throat, she decided to head back to the Alpha. He would know what to do.


Aurick let out a tired sigh. At the insistence of the ponies that were working with him, he was taking a short break to eat. Not like he brought much with him. Wasn’t many meats he could eat without cooking first, and he wasn’t going to take the time to head to the kitchen and cook.

Instead, he chewed on some jerky he had brought with him. It was intended to be snacked on while he worked, but he didn’t care too much.

He was about to rip another piece off when Ashwyn entered the hall. Aurick could instantly tell that something was wrong, as her eyes started darting around, and she glared at the workers with clear distrust in her eyes.

She wasted no time in making her way towards him. Though, as she did so, she paused with a frown and glared at one of the workers. A light yellow unicorn with a grey mane. She continued walking after a moment, but didn’t take her eyes off the unicorn.

Frowning, Aurick placed a hand on her cheek the moment she got close enough. It succeeded in getting her to do what he wanted, and have her meet his gaze.

“What’d you find?” He asked, taking a single glance at the yellow unicorn. He was staring back, but swiftly averted his gaze.

“Not find anything in book, but they everywhere.” She said, the faintest hint of fear and uncertainty tingeing her voice. “Smelled seven on way here.”

“That means we probably found our culprits.” He stated in a quiet voice.

Ashwyn nodded, before seemingly remembering something. A paw reached into her mane and pulled out a piece of paper, which was swiftly handed off to Aurick. “Was given this.” She told him. “From changeling. Not know why.”

Aurick swiftly read over the letter, a slight frown on his face. The meaning behind the letter was clear. A simple warning to tell them that they were likely always being watched. A swift glance to the yellow unicorn made that frown deeper.

The question was why would a changeling be the one to give it? He scratched at his beard as he handed the note back to Ashwyn. Thoughts ran through his head, but one stuck out to him, making a small grin cross his face.

“I think you met Celestia’s informant.” He told her, his grin spreading. It made sense. Celestia must have trusted whoever this informant was in order to take their advice this seriously. The informant easily could have informed her of the Changelings, but that would have blown their own cover as a changeling, making them untrustworthy. Instead, they gave her a vague warning, and would probably try to steer things in Celestia’s favour from the inside.

It was a flawed plan, certainly, but he didn’t think the informant a mastermind in the first place. The question now became, what would they do with this information. They knew who the attackers would be, but they didn’t exactly have proof aside from Ashwyn smells a lot of them. That wouldn’t hold up in a court, and he doubted it would hold up with Celestia.

“Alpha.” Ashwyn said, getting his attention by poking him in the side. “What thinking?”

“I don’t know.” He admitted with a sigh. “I was never much of a planner. That was Shurda’s job.”

“Maybe…” She glanced back towards the changeling amongst the workers. “Should talk to Princess? I not think we can handle on our own. We must tell them.” The pair’s eyes met and a short staring match occurred. For once in their relationship, it was Aurick to relent, a sigh escaping him.

“Fine. I’ll see if I can’t pull Luna into my dream tonight.” He told her.

“Good.” A proud look crossed her features at getting him to do as she bid. That proud look changed when an arm shot out and pulled her close. A smile splayed across her face as she rested her head against his chest, even as he offered her some of his jerky.

Author's Note:

A quick one before work.

Not the greatest chapter, but it's something.

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