• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 12,887 Views, 1,205 Comments

Enchanted - The Whiskey Spirit

An elven mage is shot into Equestria when one of his projects goes wrong. Now this adventurer is opening up an enchanting business. Surely, this could only lead to a normal, stress free life. Right?

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Ch 13: Close Encounters

Author's Note:

Technically, I'm not wrong. It is longer.

Aurick wasn’t having any luck. Any time he found a rabbit or squirrel, they would bolt before he could cast a spell. A strange lack of birds meant none of them, and he hadn’t even run into any of the Everfree’s famous monsters.

He was starting to think about turning back and just buying some food. It was better than wandering the forest for the next hour. He had jobs to complete after all. With a sigh, the man turned back and headed down the path he came. He briefly thought about using his one teleport, but decided against it. He may have plenty of gems, but he didn’t have enough bands to graft them onto.

As he walked, he briefly wondered where the birds went. The forest was pretty quite without their song. In fact, the forest was down right silent.

Something wasn’t right.

A rustle above him was his only warning, and he reacted on instinct. A swift roll to the side saw him safe from harm, as the dirt where he was exploded. He was quick to survey his surroundings, but he couldn’t see an attacker. All that remained was a massive gash in the ground that he once stood.

Whatever was attacking him, it didn’t line up with anything he had read about. That meant he was dealing with an unknown. The first step was being able to see his attacker. He would base his next actions on what he could learn about it.

A swift bout of magic, and he was able to see through invisibility. It turned out to be for naught. He had to avoid another attack after that. It was as fast as before, and he barely got out of the way in time. Deciding to play it safe, he cast a spell to increase his speed. So long as he could tell it was coming, he should be able to dodge it. He then started summoning small globules of light and spreading them through his immediate surroundings. He was able to catch a glimpse of something white dash away from one of the lights.

His focused on one of his rings as he looked around, trying to see where the next attack would come from. After a moment, he could hear something flying at him from his right. Instantly, he turned and used the spell in his ring.

A wall of earth shot up, blocking the attack. A heavy thud sounded when his assailant slammed into the wall. As fast as it went up, the wall came down, only to reveal a white form trying to fly away. Aurick wasn’t having that.

A spectral hand appeared in the air above the creature and slammed down faster than it could react. The white form slammed into the ground with enough force to send up a cloud of dust. It bounced on impact, but was quick to get to its feet.

“Strong prey.” The voice that came out was rough and animalistic. The owner stood there, ready to attack and was growling at the elf.

He was surprised to see a mare standing there. Or rather, something that resembled one. Instead of a pony’s hooves, she had paws. The claws sticking out of them probably capable of rending him in half. Her teeth were looked sharper than a knife and were revealed by her manic grin. She had wings, but they were similar to that spy's, as were her eyes. Perhaps she was a strange cross breed?

Her coat was white, though it was a bit harder to see with all the dirt that was now in it. If that weren’t there, the only obstruction to the colour the fact that the fur on her chest was an inky black. Her hair was a similarly dark colour, and had grown into a wild mess.

“Good meal.” She finished, her wings flapping as she launched herself forward. Her teeth parted as she came in with blinding speed. It was only thanks to his earlier spell that he was able to avoid her. Though it was a close call. She was able to swipe at him, despite missing with the bite, and was able to leave a shallow cut across his shoulder.

It knocked him off balance and he found himself with his back on the ground. That was never a good position to be in when fighting. The strange mare seemed all too eager to prove that, as before he could even attempt to get up, he was pinned to the ground.

He felt her claws sink into his shoulders, holding him in place. Grunting in pain, he looked up into the eyes of the mare on top of him. She was staring down at him with glee, a rumbling sounding from her. It took a moment for him to realize it was her stomach. In fact, with the closer view point, he could see she was starving. She was incredibly thin. She probably hasn’t had a good meal in days.

“Good prey.” She said, licking her lips. “Feed.”

He had been close to starving before, so he could sympathise with the mare. Sadly, he wasn’t nice enough to let himself get eaten.

“Not gonna happen.” He told her bluntly, before activating his ring. The elf disappeared from the forest, leaving the starving mare alone and without food.


Aurick landed in his living room with a thud. A groan escaped him as he lied there. He could feel the holes in his shoulders bleeding and he knew he should do something about that. At least the blood would blend into the carpet.

With experimental movement, he was able to find that he could move his shoulders with minimal pain. That was a bonus. The limited healing magic he knew healed it as well. As far as accelerating the process so that it had scabbed over was healing. Still, a plus.

On the negative spectrum, there was a carnivorous mare in the forest that he knew nothing about. He would rather avoid fighting her if he could. He was confidant in his ability to kill her, but he wasn’t so confident about not getting hit in the process. If she god one good hit in, he’d probably be as good as dead. He’d need to make more gear tailored to avoid her. At least if he wanted to get some meat. Which he did, and there was no way that a half starved mare was gonna keep him from his meal.

Though she would today. As Aurick was not about to step foot into that forest until he was prepared. So it was with great annoyance that he grabbed another pouch of bits that he had earned and set out for town.

At least the ponies already avoided the Everfree like the plague. He didn’t want to hear about that mare resorting to cannibalism to feed herself.


She still hungered. Her prey escaped her. He used magic. Annoying. He was not worth hunting unless she could catch him off guard. He knows of her now. He’d be prepared for an attack.

She rolled her shoulder, the pain in it flaring up. It’d probably bruise from the impact with the ground. He could escape easy and he was dangerous. Not worth it. But when stronger. When no longer hunger.

Then she hunt. His flesh would be delicious.

First, she had to find new prey though. She sniffed the environment again. She caught the tall creatures scent. The fragrant smell of his blood told her where he was. A stone house just outside the forest. Beyond it, she could smell ponies. They would be easy prey, but she decided against it. If she ate the ponies, the princess ponies would kill her. Not worth it.

After a moment she picked up the scent of manticores. She did not expect the monster to taste good, but she didn’t have many options. Flapping her wings, she flew off in their direction.

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