• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 12,873 Views, 1,205 Comments

Enchanted - The Whiskey Spirit

An elven mage is shot into Equestria when one of his projects goes wrong. Now this adventurer is opening up an enchanting business. Surely, this could only lead to a normal, stress free life. Right?

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Ch 16: Making My Way Downtown

Aurick huffed in annoyance as he left the cold room. He only hoped that the offering would get the mare off his back. He’d rather not have to fight her again. Rubbing the back of his neck, he looked over to his temporary work station. The gems he needed to enchant were still sitting on the desk, with the six sets of armour neatly piled beside it. A groan rose out of him as he looked at it. He would have to worry about her until he finished those, and that would take a while. A week or two at the least.

Perhaps he shouldn’t have told Luna how many enchantments it could have held? No. No, then the soldiers would not be as prepared to face that mare. They would need the help, and he wasn’t going to shirk their defence just because he was feeling a bit lazy. Though he still had a couple things to do before he drained his mana on that task.

The first was obvious. He’d need to see Twilight. Primarily because he still didn’t know how to use the kitchen, so he couldn’t cook the meat. However, he planned to ask about getting meat shipped in while there. His jaunt through the forest had proven just how scarce the hunting would be. If it had taken him that long to find a single predator, he wondered how hard it would be for that mare. Then again, she managed to track him down both times he had entered the forest.

Perhaps she had a den of some kind close to his house?

It didn’t matter. She would be at a heavy disadvantage if she attempted to attack him in his home. The confined space would not be suitable for the hit and run tactics she had used before. Then again, she might be able to adapt to the situation. It would be another thing on the list that he would have to think over. For now, he had to focus on the task at hand, and that meant going into town.

A single look down at his blood stained clothing told him all he needed to know about how that would go.


Aurick was glad that his cloak was made out of a hydrophobic material. He didn’t have to wash the blood off it, as it would simply slip off. It was a parting gift from his parents, before he left to explore the world. There hadn’t been a single day that he hadn’t worn it since.

He was also wearing one of the sets of clothing that Rarity had made, and he couldn’t help but be impressed by the pony’s craft. The clothing was extremely comfortable and fit him perfectly. He had expected a couple minor mistakes in the product, but the mare had exceeded his expectations. Not to mention, as promised, it wasn’t flashy at all. His shirt was a light grey that contrasted nicely against his white cloak. The pants were of a darker colour, but not quite black.

It was with this set that he had walked into town with, freshly showered after the hunt. He made his way to Twilight’s in short order, knocking once before allowing himself into the library. What he was met with was mildly unexpected. The library was a mess. Books all over the floor, the couch flipped over, a trio of unconscious foals in the corner and a frowning Spike sitting on the upturned couch.

Said dragon’s deadpan gaze moved to Aurick, who was still standing in the doorway questioning if he should just walk away from the scenario. “She’s at Sugar Cube Corner.” Spike said, before his gaze fell off the confused elf and settled on nothing. With nothing to say, Aurick simple closed the door and walked away from the library.

Sugar Cube Corner was more tame, despite the strange pink mare manning the counter. As soon as he entered she waved at him and tossed him a cupcake and a wink. He was delighted by that. The cupcake was as good as the ones before. Perhaps even better.

It was only a moment before he saw Twilight sitting at a booth. That yellow pegasus that he didn’t get the name of was across from her. As he approached, he could hear her soft voice carry a sense of worry.

“-know what to do. Even Harry’s a little afraid of it now. I’m trying my best to calm them down, but some are afraid to even hibernate.”

“What’s happening?” Aurick asked as he walked up, the yellow mare jumped in surprise, having not seen his approach despite facing him.

“Fluttershy’s worried about the animals in the forest. Apparently something moved in that’s been hunting anything that moves. A lot of them have left the forest and are finding refuge at her cottage.” Aurick’s calm face grew hard at that, and his eyes locked onto Fluttershy’s. The meek mare shrunk under his gaze, but didn’t avert her eyes.

“How close do you live to the forest?” He asked sternly. The mare didn’t answer, the purple unicorn doing so in her stead.

“She lives about as close as you do, why?” Aurick groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“This is bad. If she finds out…” He mumbled, making the pair look up at him with confusion and worry.

“If who finds out?” Twilight asked.

“That’s...” He sighed, “that’s classified. If you really want to know, ask one of the princesses, it’s not my place to tell. What I can say is that something dangerous has moved into the forest, and if she finds out where your cottage is, she will probably kill them all.” He sighed again and looked away. “And if you get in the way she might go after you too.” The mare looked terrified. Her eyes were wide and her whole body was shaking so much that the table vibrated.

“What would do something like that.” She asked in terror.

He gave the only answer he could. “A starving predator. With the animals going into hibernation or hiding from her, she’s not eating enough.”

“Is… is there anything we can do?”

“No. The best you can do right now, Fluttershy, is to get away from the forest.”

“What about the animals?”

Aurick frowned in annoyance. “Leave them.” She gasped at that.

“I can’t do that! What if that thing eats them?”

“That’s nature. I would think that a mare that would be friends with animals would know what the circle of life is.”

“Aurick…” Twilight said quietly, placing a hoof on his side. He glanced down at the frowning mare and sighed.

“Take them away from the forest. If someone can help you take care of them, fine, but if they stay there they will be eaten.” The mare nodded silently.

“I’ll talk to Applejack.” Twilight told her. “I bet she’d be willing to help out.” The shy mare nodded, the smallest traces of a smile on her lips.

“Okay, Twilight. I should go back to the cottage and check on them… just in case.” She said, getting up and slowly walking away.

“Be careful.” He called after her.

“Aurick.” He looked down at the mare, a serious frown on her face. “Can I ask a favor of you?”

“Depends on the favor. Let’s hear it.” He said, taking the seat that Fluttershy previously occupied.

“Remember how I told you about Zecora?” He vaguely remembered the name, so he nodded. “She still lives in the Everfree. If this creature is as dangerous and desperate as you say, could you make sure she’s alright and find a way to make her move out of there until you and the princesses deal with it?”

“Yeah. I can do that. Though it might be dangerous. That creature has picked up the habit of following me around.” He scratched at his growing beard for a moment. “Which reminds me, with all the animals hibernating or hiding, I can’t hunt either.” Twilight’s eyes widened. “Is there a way for me to get meat shipped in?”

“Er, yes. Yes that’s possible. I’ll need to send a letter to the princesses, though. I don’t know what company it would be.” She told him awkwardly.

“That’s fine. One more thing?” She looked at him with uncertainty, obviously questioning if his next request was going to be as awkward. “Could you teach me how to use my kitchen?” That’s why when he said that, she let out a sigh of relief.

“Oh. I never really cook, so I barely know how to use it either. If you really want to learn about that, you’d want to ask Spike or Pinkie.”

“You rang?” The pink mare’s head popped out from under Aurick’s cloak. His mouth was agape as he stared down at the strange mare. How she had gotten in there he’d never know.

“Yeah, Aurick needs some help learning to use a kitchen.” Twilight said casually, not even blinking at the mare’s strange antics. Said mare was in the process of gasping, as she twirled her body to face the elf.

“That’s terrible! How would you make cakes!?” She shouted in hyperbolic horror.

“I can’t?” She gasped again. She pulled a thermometer from somewhere and stuck it in his mouth before instantly taking it out. She looked shocked by the results.

“You’re party levels are deficient!” She exclaimed, suddenly having a doctor’s coat on. “Fear not, Doctor Pinkie shall fix this!” With that, the thoroughly confused elf was dragged away by the pink menace, leaving a smirking unicorn behind. She let out a short giggle at the scene before sighing. She pulled out a scroll and began to write to the princess.


Dear Princess Celestia,

Something has come to my attention that I must ask you about...

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