• Published 30th Nov 2018
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Enchanted - The Whiskey Spirit

An elven mage is shot into Equestria when one of his projects goes wrong. Now this adventurer is opening up an enchanting business. Surely, this could only lead to a normal, stress free life. Right?

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Ch 27: Monster

Author's Note:

So I've decided to retcon the last arc and push it back until a later date. Test Tube is still in prison and nothing after his escape has happened. For now I will work on some more character development.

I'm not particularly pleased with this chapter, as the short break seemed to knock me off the train of ideas I was riding. Within the next chapter or two, I should be back to form, though.

Aurick sat on the couch, his eyes closed as he simply enjoyed the quiet for a moment. Ashwyn had decided to be lazy and stayed in bed when they woke up. Aurick decided to let her rest. He had had her running around for most of the previous day. It was probably a bit much for the mare, as she was still weak from her previous starvation. That didn’t mean she was going to get off easy, though. As soon as she was down stairs and he was working, she was going to be there to help.

That would come later, though. Until then, he would simply enjoy a little alone time.

Knock knock knock

A frown formed and a sigh was heard as the elf ran a hand down his face. So much for that. With a small grunt of effort, the man stood up and made his way to the door. On the other side was someone he hadn’t expected to see. Rarity stood there, wearing an expensive looking coat. A pair of saddlebags hung off her flanks.

“Hello, Aurick.” The mare greeted him. “I was told that you might not be able to spare time away from your house due to a, er, house guest, so to say.”

“Yeah. I assume Twilight spilled some of the details?” He asked with a raised brow.

“Only that she is evidently the reason why Zecora and Fluttershy had to move for a time.” Rarity responded with a shake of her head. “I’m not going to question you about it, but I am a little concerned about your health. What if she decides to attack you?”

“Then I fight her.” Rarity blinked at him.

“You’re not worried?” She asked him incredulously.

“Nope. The mare has had a chance to tear my throat out every night for the past week and she hasn’t. I doubt she’d going to try now.”

“Well… if you're sure, then I won’t say any more on the matter. Now then, onto the reason I came here-”

“So you weren’t here because you were concerned about me?” He cut her off, a mock pout on his face.

“Not in the slightest.” Was her snarky response. “Anyways. I mentioned when we met that I had a number of ideas for dresses that your particular talents would be useful for. I was wondering if you would be willing to work on them with me. I have the dresses in my bags, so that we may do them here.”

“Hmm.” He put a hand to his chin before looking to the sky. It was still fairly early, so customers shouldn’t start showing up for a couple hours at the least. “I don’t see why not.” He shrugged and stood aside to let her in. “Let’s go to my temporary work room.”

The duo were swift to enter the basement. Rarity didn’t seem too impressed by it. “Well... it certainly suits you.” Aurick simply shrugged.

“It’s functional. Gonna expand later, but I’ve been busy.” He told her.

“As I’ve been told. What was that saying? Ah, yes. No rest for the weary.” Aurick snorted and shook his head.

“True enough.” He stepped up to his work table and brushed a few gems to the side. “So, what ideas have been running through that mind of yours?” Rarity was all too pleased to talk about it.


Ashwyn awoke with a yawn. She blinked as she found that she wasn’t resting on the pillow she called her Alpha. Then she remembered that she decided to stay in bed when he awoke. After the past week of sleeping so close to him, it felt a little weird to not wake up in his arms. Not that she liked it. It was just that she had gotten used to it. So it was with a minor frown that she rose from bed.

As she made to leave the room, she took a sniff of the air to find where the Alpha was. She froze when she did. He was in the basement with another pony. A mare based on the smell. Her frown deepened as she wondered who it was. She also wondered if she should bother going down there. She didn’t feel too keen about meeting her. She’d prefer it if the Alpha didn’t invite ponies into his home everyday. It’d be so much easier if it was just the two of them.

That way she’d be able to defeat him easier when they inevitably fought over the position of Alpha.

Ashwyn had no doubt that those ponies would take his side over hers and would try to fight her away from their friend. Of course, this meant she’d have to attack after business hours. That way there would be no interruptions.

She shook her head as she refocused on the matter at hoof. The mare with the Alpha. She flexed a leg as she thought about it. She’d probably be able to take the pony on if she turned out to be hostile. She was unsure if the Alpha would help her. She wanted to believe he would, but she could never tell with him. She still wasn’t sure what he thought about her, an issue that still aggravated her.

Deciding that she’d rather get into a fight than sit around in the room for her to leave, she opened the door. She flew down the stairs. Her wings needed to be used too, and seeing as she was confined to the house, she would take every chance she could get. She didn’t fly down the stairs to the basement, though. Instead, she snuck down on silent paws.

At the bottom, she saw the Alpha and a white mare standing over his work bench. To Ashwyn’s bafflement, there was a dress on the bench. She never would have thought that the Alpha would work on a dress. It brought strange images of the large creature wearing one such elaborate piece to mind. She couldn’t help but giggle a little at that. The pair weren’t oblivious, and they turned to find the source. The Alpha had probably assumed it was her, so he had no speed to it. The mare however.

She spun so fast that Ashwyn wasn’t sure that the mare had even moved her legs. Her eyes were wide as she stared at Ashwyn. A reaction that brought a frown to her face. The mare might not have been aggressive, but this fear was irritating. All the ponies from the previous day had the same expression. If ponies were going to be afraid of her, she wanted it to be for a reason. Like threatening to eat them or something. As it was, she had done nothing and the mare was afraid.

No. She had a reason for this. A clear one that Ashwyn knew deep within her mind. She wasn’t a pony anymore.

She was a monster.

A scowl crossed her face as the realization came upon her. She could hear the Alpha saying something, but she paid it no mind. Her focus was entirely on the white mare. After a few more moments, she decided she didn’t want to be in the basement anymore. She didn’t want to be under that mares terrified gaze any longer, lest she do something rash.

She swallowed a lump in her throat. If she did that, then the Alpha would certainly get angry. Possibly angry enough to injure her or remove her from the house. A situation she did not want. Though it wasn’t for the lack of food or the pain. She had grown accustomed to the stone building, as well as the Alpha’s presence.

He had not looked at her in the same light as the ponies did. Despite his clear irritation with her on several occasions, he continued to treat her as a pony instead of the monster she was. Something that she did not wish to change. It would certainly be a benefit when she were to fight him again.


Aurick let out a tired sigh as he closed the door behind the fashionista. He glanced towards the stairs as he thought about Ashwyn. Her arrival downstairs was not unexpected, but the scenes that played out certainly were. Rarity’s fear had been palpable, and the look on Ashwyn’s face… He was certain she was going to pounce on the poor mare.

Despite that, the mare restrained herself. Though whether she feared action from him, or if she didn’t truly want to hurt her was unknown. What mattered was that she didn’t follow through with what had probably run through her mind. He was certain that the mare he encountered in the forest that first day would have done so without hesitation.

He only hoped it actually was progress with her and that he wasn’t reading too deep into it.

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