• Published 30th Nov 2018
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Enchanted - The Whiskey Spirit

An elven mage is shot into Equestria when one of his projects goes wrong. Now this adventurer is opening up an enchanting business. Surely, this could only lead to a normal, stress free life. Right?

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Ch 17: The Same Old Song and Dance

The kitchen was a mess. Batter was plastering the walls, icing all over the counter top, and Aurick was certain he had sprinkles in his hair. In the middle of the cooking war zone stood a cake. A perfect double decker covered with icing and sprinkles. It soon disappeared as the pink monster inhaled it, swallowing without even chewing. Aurick’s eye twitched, but the mare could only smile.

“That was great!” She exclaimed, throwing her hooves in the air. “I’ll make a baker out of you yet!” He simply groaned and ran a hand through his hair. A couple sprinkles impacted the ground.

“That’s great.” He deadpanned.

“I know, right!?”

“Look, Pinkie. As much as I appreciate the help, I have to do some work.” He told her.

“Okie dokie loki!” She said with a salute. “I’ll be out of your mane right quick!” Suddenly her tongue shot out of her mouth and washed over the room. She licked up the batter, the icing… the sprinkles in Aurick’s hair, returning to her mouth with a pop. She smacked her lips and smiled at Aurick, who was surprisingly dry despite the tongue that had gone over him. He simply stood there, staring into nothing. “Bye!” And with that she disappeared.

As Aurick stood there, alone in the room, a shiver came over him. He felt violated in some way that he couldn’t put his finger on. It was then that he vowed to never learn anything from that mare ever again.

It was another couple minutes before he moved downstairs to his temporary work station. With a sigh, he took off scarf and laid it down on the table, moving the gems for Luna’s project further away. He pulled out his small sack of gems for personal use and removed two golden beryls. He enchanted both to absorb mana. In truth, he’d only need one to be sufficient, but he wanted the scarf to still look remotely nice.

Once he was done he enchanted the scarf itself. It was a simple enchantment that would regulate body heat. No matter what weather the wearer would be in, it would keep them at a comfortable temperature. After he finished that, he placed a gem at each end of the scarf and melted them into it. When he was finished the black scarf came to a golden colour at the ends. That task completed, he returned the scarf to his neck and went back upstairs.

He had a favor to fulfill.


Twenty minutes into the forest and he realized he had no idea where this Zecora lived. He wasn’t even sure what she looked like. He felt like a fool for not asking for more detail. He briefly considered going back, but he squashed that thought down. He would find her. Just like he found that manticore.

As his mind turned to that, he wondered if that mare was watching him again. He didn’t know how much she needed to eat, but he doubted she’d be attempting to hunt him again so soon. If only Luna had given him more information on the mare. She mentioned that she was experimented on, but had failed to mention the results.

Or perhaps she didn’t know the results?

It was possible that the pony responsible had destroyed the evidence of his experiments before he was captured. If so, then they were all dealing with a serious threat blindly. Either that, or she still didn’t trust him. It could be either, and he didn’t know which one he liked better.

What really mattered was how he would deal with her in the future. Their goal was to capture her, so they could potentially revert the experiments. If he was to do that for them, then he’d get her out of his hair and gain Luna’s trust. Though if he did that, he’d be putting himself at risk. The mare was strong, he couldn’t ignore that, and without his team to protect him, he feared he would be on the losing end of the battle. The only way he’d win was if he caught her off guard, but she had proven to be better at that so far.

On the other hand, if he allowed Luna’s plan to run like she wanted, he’d probably still gain some trust for his help, on top of the money he’d receive from the enchantments. On the downside, however, that would be putting some soldiers at risk, and though they were likely trained, he doubted they were on the same level as adventurers. On top of that, he’d have to deal with the possibility of the mare attempting to eat him again.

As he scratched his chin, he realized that it was likely going to come down to the money that he’d receive for his work. Would it be worth it? The amount he would get would go a long way to remodeling his house in the way that he’d want it. Certainly, he could do a lot with that money.

A sigh escaped him as he continued on. It was something he could think about later. He still had to find this Zecora.


“Who is it that knocks? Don’t you know I have no lock?” A rhyming voice emerged from the shack as he knocked. Of course the hermit would rhyme. Why wouldn’t she?

“I assume you’re Zecora?” He asked as he entered. The inside wasn’t all that large, though it fit with what he expected. Voodoo masks covered the walls and various ingredients stood on shelves. A large cauldron sat in the center, an unknown liquid bubbling inside.

“I am she, but who might you be?” Responded a Zebra that was wearing various gold rings, her mane done up in a mohawk.

“The name’s Aurick. I recently moved into a building just outside the Everfree. That’s not why I’m here though. A new predator has moved into the forest. With winter closing in, we fear she’d not going to get enough to eat while the forest creatures hibernate, and that she’ll attempt to eat anything she can get her paws on.”

“I have sensed this presence, though I have not seen the nuisance.” The mare said, a hoof to her chin.

“You might live a bit out of the way of her usual hunting grounds. From what I can tell, she lives closer to me. Still, Twilight asked me to come out and make sure she hadn’t attacked you.”

“I am perfectly fine, as though I was in my prime. Twilight’s concerns are welcome, but I have not reached that outcome.” The mare told him as she stepped over to the cauldron. She took a whiff of the concoction and smiled. With a wave of her hoof, the blazing logs beneath relented and merely smoldered.

“That may be, but that might not last. Twilight was wondering if you’d be willing to leave the Everfree until the situation has been dealt with.”

She turned to look at him with an unamused gaze. Clearly the prospect did not appeal to her. “And if I may inquire, how long would that require?”

“A week, maybe two at the most. It depends how long it takes for me to get the armor ready for the guards and for them to capture her.” Her gaze stayed on him as she scratched her chin.

“I will think on the subject, though what happens if I object?”

“Then I’ll leave you be. Though you can’t say I didn’t warn you. I’m certain she could split you in half with a single swipe.” That seemed to get the mare’s attention.

“Indeed? It would seem that I am in need. Very well, if I may live elsewhere, that would be swell. For a time, at least, I would return after the departure of this beast.” She said sternly.

“Of course. I… I just realized she didn’t say who would take you in, but I’d assume Twilight would take responsibility.” The mare nodded and started collecting ingredients. “Here, let me help.”

Author's Note:

Have I ever told you I hate writing dialogue for Zecora? She's a great character, but I can't rhyme for shit. If something seems off with her speech, let me know.

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