• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 12,887 Views, 1,205 Comments

Enchanted - The Whiskey Spirit

An elven mage is shot into Equestria when one of his projects goes wrong. Now this adventurer is opening up an enchanting business. Surely, this could only lead to a normal, stress free life. Right?

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Ch 66: When a Plan Doesn't Come Together

Queen Chrysalis couldn’t help but smile as she stood in front of the mirror. The dress she wore was masterfully made. Fit for a princess, in more ways than one. If she were to be honest with herself, she didn’t think she’d be able to pull it off quite as well in her natural form. It was seemingly made with Cadance’s visage in mind.

She could only think of its beauty as a sign. A sign that her plan would be fruitful for her. That nothing would mess up what she needed to do at the wedding in an hour.

That was when the door behind her decided to burst open, a frantic looking guard on the other side. Chrysalis recognized this stallion, in fact, he was one of her changelings.

This was not a good sign.

Her eyes narrowed, she turned to address the sudden intruder. “What has happened, Palpus?” Her voice demanded an answer, and her underling was more than willing to give it.

“I-It’s the Enchanter!” He cried out. “Alae… He killed Alae in the middle of the street!” When she heard that, a small chill ran down her spine.

He… had killed one of her drones? One of her subordinates. One of her children!?

Her teeth ground together, even as her legs began to tremble in rage.

This beast dared to hurt her children! She should have simply killed him when she had the chance, but no! She had to be greedy! Get more food. The alicorns would have been more than enough, she didn’t need him. Now this mistake had cost the life of one of her changelings.

Alae. She remembered her. Chrysalis had ordered her to keep a watch for that Enchanter just this morning. Now she was dead…

“Where is Luna?” Chrysalis asked, her eyes hard as she glared past Palpus.

“I-I believe she’s in the dining room.” He replied. Chrysalis was not oblivious to how shaken up he was, but she could not spare the time to comfort him. The plan was forfeit, with this enchanter around there was no way her plans could conceivably be salvaged. As much as she hated to admit it, she could not defeat him. She might have been more powerful, but he held more battle experience than she. She would have to retreat and take him out the old way.

“Bring her to me, I have need of her. After you do so, recall all of the changelings I sent out. We must evacuate, we will not be able to succeed like this. Send out the guards under my control to slow him down while we move out.” Palpus swiftly bowed and backed out of the room, sure to complete the orders that she had just given to him.


Princess Luna silently entered the room, her mind still on the situation meant to happen that day. She couldn’t think of anyone that would attack at such a time.

Such thoughts were swiftly purged from her mind as she gazed upon her niece. A smile gracing her lips as she saw just how beautiful she was in her wedding dress. That smile was quick to fade, however, when she noticed the look on her niece’s face.

“What’s wrong, Cadence?” She asked in a soft tone, moving closer to wrap a wing around her in comfort.

“A-Auntie. It… It’s Aurick. He’s back and he… he’s killing ponies and…” She was cut off by a sob.

He was… killing ponies? That didn’t sound like- He was killing ponies! She knew he couldn’t be trusted! She should have pushed to have guards placed on him. She should have done something more to keep this fiend from her little ponies.

Eyes hard and jaw set, she looked down at her niece before pulling her close. “Don’t worry, Cadence, I’ll take care of this. Just worry about your wedding and leave this grim business to me.”

“O-okay.” Cadence replied meekly between her tears. Hugging luna close for a moment. Luna took a moment to reciprocate it, but she felt the need to go and take care of this as swiftly as possible. As such, she did not stay to comfort her niece for as long as she would have liked before she departed.

Cadence watched her leave, tears streaming down her face… until the door closed behind the lunar alicorn. She scowled as her gaze shifted towards a window overlooking the city.

“I must hope my control of her lasts. At least long enough for me to leave the city.” The false Cadence sighed in defeat before turning around, green flames licking at her hooves as her form changed to that of a maid.

She had to get her children out before they were all slaughtered.


Ashwyn silently followed the Alpha, a noticeable space between them. Her mind was only partially focused on what was happening around her, her mind still on the body they had left behind some time ago.

She couldn’t believe he had done something like that. How easy it was for him. It sent a shiver down her spine. The image of the spectral hand closing around the terrified changeling’s head. The sound it made as it crushed its skull. The blood seeping out from within. The sight of the corpse afterwards. All of them burned into her mind.

All caused by the Alpha.

It made her think. About what kind of person the Alpha was. About how little she actually knew about him. She shared so much of her life with him. There have been many nights where they would talk about her, and just as many where she would ask about him, only for him to deflect the topic.

She knew he was an alien. She knew he wasn’t keen on intimacy with her, at least as of yet. She knew that he was well versed in magic. She knew he used to be a mercenary. Beyond that, however… She didn’t know.

This recent event made her look at him from a different perspective, and all she saw was a stranger.

“Aurick!” The shout pulled her from her thoughts as she was forced to turn towards the voice. Behind the pair was a panting Cadence and Carina, who were running towards them.

The Alpha didn’t bother to stop.

Cadence clearly didn’t seem pleased with this, as her horn glowed pink, a similarly coloured force surrounding his midsection. He was forced to stop, and when he turned his head to look at them, it was slow and measured. He didn’t say anything, but his posture communicated his annoyance well enough.

“You can’t just kill someone in the middle of the street like that!” Cadence shouted out, cutting through the silence. It was enough to make him turn fully.

“And why not?” He asked in a voice that bore no emotion. As though he saw nothing wrong with what he had done.

“Because it’s wrong!” Was Cadence’s retort, a scowl deeply ste upon her face.

“Wrong?” The Alpha asked in a level tone. “These bugs invaded your nation. They kidnapped you and threw you in a goo pod to extract energy from you. They replaced ponies in the castle and mind controlled the rest. They even managed to use their mental influence upon the leaders of this nation. Back in my world, we would call that a hostile invasion, and do you know what happened to those that invaded?” One hand pressed against the pink force holding him in place, breaking the magic and taking a step forward, forcing Cadence to retreat a step.

“They would be cut down without mercy.”

“B-but this isn’t your world!” Was Cadence’s hesitant reply.

“Invaders are invaders, there’s no-”

Aurick!” The shout that cut him off was vaguely familiar, and as Ashwyn peered up, it became quite clear to her why that was.

Princess Luna rocketed towards them, coming down from on high. She was garbed in stylish silver armour that looked as though it were forged by the finest of smiths, and the sword she brandished was no different. It took only moments for the princess of the night to close in on the group.

“Explain yourself!” She demanded as she landed, her sword pointing dangerously close to the Alpha’s neck. “Why have you killed one of our ponies!”

“I see you’re still fell to her magicks.” He snorted. “I shall deal with you later.” The Alpha waved at her dismissively before turning around and attempting to walk away. He did not get far, as another force made itself known around his chest, this time it was a dark blue.

“You shall not leave when we have not fin-”

“Auntie?” The voice of Cadence cut her off and made her eyes widen in surprise.

“Cadence?” The Princess asked in shock, evidently not registering that she was here in the first place. “What are you doing here? I was just talking with...” She didn’t finish the sentence, grunting in pain as a hoof clutched at her head.

“Princess?” Ashwyn asked, but did not approach, wary of the blade she still held in her magical grasp.

“I… I don’t…” The sword fell to the ground as her magic died and she fell unconscious.

“Auntie!” Cadence was swift to rush forward, concerned for her aunt’s health. Behind her, Carina tapped a hoof against his chin thoughtfully.

“I think… I think seeing you raised enough questions in her mind to have broken the control on her.” He suggested, poking at the sword on the ground. “When that happens, the victim tends to pass out due to a mental blowback.”

“Wh-what should we do?” Cadence asked in a near panic as she inspected Princess Luna’s unconscious body.

“She should be fine. She just needs to rest for a bit and…” Ashwyn stopped listening around here, as she noticed something was amiss. Rather, someone was missing.

“Where’s the Alpha?”

Author's Note:

Run, Forest, Run!

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