• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 12,887 Views, 1,205 Comments

Enchanted - The Whiskey Spirit

An elven mage is shot into Equestria when one of his projects goes wrong. Now this adventurer is opening up an enchanting business. Surely, this could only lead to a normal, stress free life. Right?

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Ch 63: Now We Wait

Aurick watched as Cadence approached two of the guards that were patrolling the streets a slight frown on his face. She hadn’t listened to him. Not that he was surprised. He could see it in her eyes as he had spoke with her. She was already set on her path, he would not be able to change it.

Not that he particularly cared. He didn’t have to escort her. the only reason he traveled so far with her was because they were simply heading to the nearest location. Now that he was in Fillydelphia, he could get on one of those train things, and return to Canterlot swiftly.

Turning away from the sight of the princess, he walked off towards the direction of the train tracks. He had seen them on their way into the city, having noted their location for just such a purpose.

None of the rescued prisoners followed him, choosing to stick close to their princess. The only one who followed was Ashwyn and, surprisingly, Carina. Though the changeling had a quick word with Cadence before following.

The bug had disguised himself before they had entered the city. Choosing to don the appearance of a yellow unicorn with a short cropped orange mane. He didn’t pay the changeling any mind as he continued his trek.

The ponies of Fillydelphia reacted similarly to Ponyville’s residents when he first moved there. Many moving out of his way, fear and uncertainty in their eyes. Though a couple seemed to recognize him in some form. No doubt the stories of the strange enchanter and his mutated girlfriend had traveled.

The guards seemed well enough informed to not stop him in the street, giving him small nods as he passed. Because of this, the trip to the train station was a swift one.

It wasn’t nearly as impressive as Canterlot’s, though not as bare bones as Ponyville’s. It seemed to serve its purpose, and though some effort was put into beautifying it, there wasn’t much heart placed in the work.

He was quick to find the ticket booth. The pony manning the booth looked tired, being caught in the middle of a yawn as Aurick approached. Not that the elf could blame him as night was almost upon them. That didn’t change the fact that his eyes went as wide as saucers when he noticed the elf standing before him.

“Uhhhh…” The stallion let out, his mouth agape as he was faced with what was no doubt a strange creature to him.

“I need tickets to Canterlot.” Aurick told him firmly. The pony merely nodded, scrambling to acquire three of what he desired. “When shall the train arrive?” Aurick continued to question the poor pony as he pulled out a small sack of coins, paying for the tickets.

“Sh-should arrive around noon tomorrow.” He nervously replied, shaking slightly. “B-beds are supplied in a separate cart.” From Aurick’s perspective, it looked as though a gentle breeze could knock him over, but he didn’t pay it much attention.

Having acquired the tickets and the information he needed, his business there was finished. Walking away, the elf made his way towards the train. It was only a short time later, that Aurick sat within the train. Where all he could do was wait.

And try not to let his thoughts consume him.


Ashwyn was silent as she leaned against the Alpha’s tense form. He seemed to relax slightly at her touch, but not by much. An arm wrapped around her withers, pulling her close as he stared off into space.

The train car was mostly empty, the ponies that were in it before having moved to seperate cars. They didn’t seem comfortable being so close to the Alpha, so they were left with themselves, Carina, and a couple nervous ponies at the edges of the car.

The conductor had come through to inspect the car before departure. He seemed nonplussed by the Alpha’s appearance, and informed them that the train would be heading out in five minutes.

Once the conductor had moved on, silence returned to them. Thicker than any syrup, Ashwyn couldn’t help but feeling a little anxious.

The Alpha’s current state was distressing, to say the least. She had managed to rescue him, and now they were together again, but at the same time… the Alpha was distant. They had barely spoken to each other since he emerged from that pod. In fact, the Alpha hadn’t really said much at all.

He wore this false mask of calm, but Ashwyn knew better. She had lived with the Alpha long enough, studied his face enough times to gauge his emotions. She could tell when he was hiding something, and the look in his eyes was enough to inform her what was probably happening.

Carina had said the pods made you remember the time you most felt love. Ashwyn would have liked to believe it had involved her, but she knew better. The Alpha likely had someone before her. Someone he cared for deeply. Whether they were seperated by his transfer to this world, or something else, she couldn’t know. What she did know, however, was that he was shaken up about it.

She wanted to be there for him. To comfort him, and hold him, and tell him everything would be alright. Like he had done for her. She just… didn’t know how. She didn’t want to say the wrong things. To say something that could hurt him more, but… she knew she couldn’t just sit there and do nothing either.

This conflict was what consumed the time before the train departed. Only broken from her thoughts by the heavy sound of hoof falls as someone rushed into the car.

Panting, the pony that had so swiftly entered, was Princess Cadence. Ashwyn couldn’t help but raise a brow at the sudden appearance of the princess, who swiftly wiped her brow.

“Almost didn’t make it.” Ashwyn heard her whisper to herself before she sat down on one of the many seats. As she did so, the doors of the train slid shut, firmly locking out any late passengers.

It was only moments later that the train lurched forwards, beginning the long wait until they arrived in Canterlot.


Cadence couldn’t help but frown as she watched the land outside the window slip past. She would have remained in such a state, if someone hadn’t tapped upon her shoulder.

Turning in her seat, she found Carina had been the one to do so. A little surprised, she looked up to find that Aurick and Ashwyn were seated nearby as well. She had assumed they had gotten on the train, but didn’t realize she had entered the same car.

A nice coincidence.

“Where are the guards?” Carina asked, his brow furrowed.

His question served to deepen the frown on the princess’ face. “They are not coming.” She stated. She wasn’t oblivious to the fact that Ashwyn’s ear turned in their direction, nor the rolling of Aurick’s eyes.

“N-not coming!?” Carina gasped. “B-but, you’re their princess, right? Shouldn’t they listen to you?”

“Seemingly not.” Cadence huffed, crossing her forelegs as she did. “They claimed that I couldn’t just gather a contingent of guards and bring them to Canterlot. Not without solid proof that something was happening.”

“I told you.” Aurick told her from across the car. She chose to ignore him.

“At least they are taking care of the people we rescued.” Cadence continued with a sigh.

“Good.” Carina confirmed, nodding his head, before the pair faded into silence.

The only sound being that of the train’s movement as they moved towards their destination.

Author's Note:

Once more, I feel dissatisfied with this chapter. I don't know if it's because it's actually bad, or if I'm just being hard on myself.

Lemme know how you guys have been feeling about it.

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