• Published 30th Nov 2018
  • 12,887 Views, 1,205 Comments

Enchanted - The Whiskey Spirit

An elven mage is shot into Equestria when one of his projects goes wrong. Now this adventurer is opening up an enchanting business. Surely, this could only lead to a normal, stress free life. Right?

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Ch 69: Aftermath

Author's Note:

For those who missed the blog post: I'm redoing the last chapters of this arc, so if you haven't already, re-read the previous chapter. Else some things might not make sense.

Princess Luna couldn’t help the sigh that escaped her lips as she watched the moon peek up above the horizon. The moon now on the right path, she cut off her magic and closed her eyes.

The day had been a long one. Recovering from mental magics was an unnerving experience, and the trouble it caused wasn’t eased by the fact that she had to help her sister clean up the pieces after the Changeling leader had been taken into custody.

She was surprised to find that Aurick had been restrained as well. Celestia said that it was Ashwyn who subdued him, but hadn’t been given much reasoning aside from him not thinking straight. Though Cadence and Carina informed her that he had been seeing red.

Celestia hadn’t seen Ashwyn since then, and Luna had no luck in that aspect either. Then again, they were restrained by their duties, and they had to do their best to recover from the failed invasion.

As per Celestia’s typical wishes, they tried their best to cover up what happened. Aurick, however, had seemingly thrown a large wrench in those plans with the Changeling corpse he had left in the middle of a busy street. The witnesses were many, and Celestia’s irritation at this was boundless. She might have even throttled the elf for his actions if she hadn’t had a thousand years to learn how to keep her temper in check.

Opening her eyes, she gazed down at the garden below her. Another sigh escaping her lips as her mind turned towards the tiring work she would have waiting for her come morning. She was about to turn and retreat from her balcony to rest upon her bed when she caught something out of the corner of her eye. A figure she hadn’t noticed up until that point, as it was obscured by some foliage.

Blinking, she realized it was Ashwyn, sitting alone on one of the benches that littered the gardens. She had her head turned towards the sky, seemingly searching for something in the stars above her. With a tired glance towards her bed, she took a deep breath and spread her wings.

A swift flap of her powerful wings was enough to bring her over the railing of her balcony. Evening them out, she began a gentle glide down to the earth below. She saw Ashwyn’s ear turn in her direction, but she didn’t react otherwise towards Luna’s approach.

As she landed in the gardens, she felt the grass crunch beneath her hooves. With steady steps, she moved up towards Ashwyn and quietly sat on the bench next to her. This close, she could see the tear streaks that ran down the mare’s face.

Luna said nothing, simply reaching out with a wing and hugging the mare close. She resisted for only a moment before burying her face in Luna’s chest. A gentle hoof reached up and slowly began stroking her mane.

She had no clue how long she sat there, silently consoling the mare. It could have been hours, it could have been mere minutes. In the end, it mattered not. When Ashwyn pulled away from Luna’s chest, she sniffled, her eyes avoiding the Princess’.

“Thanks.” Her voice was quiet, barely audible over the nightlife.

“Would you like to speak of what ails you?” Luna asked gently.

“It’s…” She started, before her head lowered. She remained quiet for a time, seemingly unsure of if she wished to talk or not. Of course, if she didn’t want to talk of her issues, then Luna wouldn’t press the matter. She hoped she would, though. She knew first hand how disastrous keeping those emotions bottled up could do to a pony. “It’s the Alph… It’s Aurick.” Luna nodded encouragingly.

“He…” She paused once more letting out a shaky breath as she tried to collect her thoughts. “He hurt them. He go too far.” Luna couldn’t help but agree with the sentiment. She had seen a picture of the corpse he had left in the streets, as well as Chrysalis’ state after their battle. It was extreme. “I ask him to stop. Not kill anymore. He… he no listen! I beg! He…” Her sentences began to become less comprehensive, only to come to an abrupt halt as a shiver ran through her.

“I thought he’d kill me too.” Luna was taken aback by what she just heard, but she did her best to keep the shock from her face. It wouldn’t help this mare.

“What made you think that?” Luna asked, her wing squeezing the mare in what she hoped was a comforting act.

“I don’t know. When he reach for me, it like every part of my body yell ‘danger’.” Her voice was shaky as she spoke, and her eyes clenched shut. “He look at me so cold. Like I not me. Like I was an enemy.” Luna would have liked to suggest that he might have thought she was a changeling, but that probably wouldn’t help the situation.

“How about now? Are you still afraid?” She didn’t receive a vocal answer, but Ashwyn nodded, pressing her head into Luna’s chest once more. Taking a breath, Luna looked towards the sky, towards her beloved moon, in search of how best to help this ailing pony. “Do you still love him?” She didn’t get an answer for some time, and after a minute, she began to think Ashwyn had fallen asleep.

“I don’t know.”

“...I think you should talk to him.” Luna could feel her tense up, her breathing increasing in pace. Luna was swift to place her hooves on the mare’s shoulders and break the hug, holding her apart so that they could meet gazes. “It may not be easy, but do not let these feelings fester within your heart, my little pony. If you wish to move past this, then you must confront it. It need not be today, nor tomorrow, but trust me when I say that things will only worsen should you not speak to him about how you feel. Okay?”

She was unable to hold Luna’s gaze, her eyes lowering to the bench between them. All the same, the princess received a nod from the thestral, swiftly embracing her in a hug once more.

“Do not fear vocalizing your emotions with me, Ashwyn. Should you ever need an ear to listen, I will be glad to lend it.” Patting her on the back, she broke the embrace once more. “Though right now, I believe you should get some rest. It is late, and today has been long enough. No need to extend it further.”

“Thank you, Princess… for listening.” Ashwyn nodded, a small smile on her lips. Though that smile faded once she lowered herself from the bench they shared.

“Anytime, Ashwyn.” Luna replied, standing as well. She watched as the thestral hesitantly turned away from her and began to walk off slowly. A frown spread across the princess’ lips as she watched her subject go. An idea was quick to form in her mind. “Ashwyn.” She called out, making the mare in question turn to face her once more. “Would you like to join me tonight?” She might not be able to help as much as she would like in the coming days, but she could at least try her best to make the mare’s nights more peaceful.

A moment of hesitation passed, as Ashwyn looked between Luna and the entrance into the castle she was headed for. A moment later, Ashwyn was under Luna’s wing.

“Come, I’ll do my best to make sure you are not disturbed this night.”


Morning came with a groggy awakening. Luna, mistress of the night, guardian of dreams, and emissary of sleep, hated mornings. The only reconciliation of the occasion was whichever of the servants brought piping hot coffee for her every morning.

As if on cue, the sound of dishes gently tapping against each other met her ears. Hoofsteps approached, and she blearily turned in her bed to thank whichever kind soul it was that would be delivering her wake up juice.

It was here that she was reminded of the weight at her side, and the pony it belonged to. Blinking, she looked down at the white mare, still curled up at her side. Tears may have still stained her face, but in her rest at least, she was at peace.

A frown worked its way onto Luna’s face as she realized she would have to leave the poor mare. As much as she’d like to help her deal with her feelings, there was a host of things she had to attend to during the day. She doubted there’d be much time to spare for her little pony.

With gentle movements, Luna’s magic surrounded Ashwyn and removed her from the princess, allowing the alicorn to sit up in her bed. The servant had patiently waited at her bedside, a tray with a mug, coffee, creamer, and sugar in his magical grasp.

She smiled at the stallion as she recognized him. Swift Service was his name, and as it implied, he always delivered in a timely manner. Luna had come to truly appreciate the stallion for his quality service.

“Thank you, Swift.” She mumbled, the faintest hints of a smile on her face as she poured herself a cup of coffee from the pot and looked towards the creamer and sugar contemplatively. She liked to mix up her brew from time to time, and she had to wonder what she felt would be best for the day ahead of her. After a moment of thought, she scooped some sugar into her mug and stirred it in.

A single sip later and those hints of a smile came to fruition. “I might be in need of your services more than usual today.” She told the stallion, receiving a nod in answer.

“Of course, Princess. You must have a lot on your plate considering…” His eyes lowered slightly, and she could see a shiver run its course down his spine, “considering the past week.”

“Are you okay?” She asked gently, a hoof reaching out and resting on his shoulder. He smiled at the gesture.

“It certainly wasn’t a pleasant experience, but I was fortunate enough to be out of the thick of the events that transpired. As I have told your sister yesterday, I am fully capable, and willing, to work. I have no doubt you two shall have need of any staff you could get your hooves on during the next few days.” He told her, a warm smile on his face.

“If you are sure. I’m sure I needn’t tell you that I am willing to listen should you have need of an ear.” Luna reminded him, sharing the smile.

“Thank you, Princess, but I don’t believe I will be needing to hold you to that any time soon. Some of the guards, however...”

“I know.” A sigh broke through her smile. “Celestia already called in a number of therapists for those that need them.”

“That is good news.” A moment of silence passed between them before Swift looked towards the balcony. The moon was still out, and she would have to deal with that within the next few minutes. She was merely awaiting her sister’s call. “I should let you enjoy your coffee while you can, Princess. Should you need anything, I shall do my best to serve as swiftly as I can.”

“I know you will.” With a nod, the stallion turned and exited the room, leaving Luna to close her eyes and take a deep breath. Taking another sip of her coffee, she mentally prepared herself for the coming day.

Glancing towards the pony that still rested in her bed, she sighed. She still didn’t want to leave Ashwyn alone to deal with her issues, but she had no choice. It was then, however, that she got an idea. Her horn lit up, sending out a call for one of her servants.

She wouldn’t arrive for some time, though. It wasn’t until Luna forced herself out of bed and onto the balcony where she lowered her moon that her call was answered.

A light thump sounded beside her, but there was no one to be seen. At least, until the spell was dispersed and an armoured thestral appeared before her. She bowed to her princess before rising and standing at attention.

“You called, Princess?” She asked in her typically raspy voice, getting a small smile from Luna.

“Good morning, Light Step. How are you holding up?” Luna asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

“I’m fine, Princess. A little invasion like that isn’t gonna keep me down.” The mare’s voice was dripping with confidence, though Luna could see cracks in the facade. She thought to bring it up, but she knew this mare’s pride too well. She would never admit to such a thing, certainly not to her princess. Luna simply had to hope she would turn to her friends, instead of a bottle.

She would have to keep an eye out for her trusted guard. Of course, she would have to keep an eye out for many others as well.

“So, was this just a checkup, or is there something you’d like me to handle for you?” She continued, a smirk placed upon her lips.

“Yes. If nothing more important comes up today, I’d like you to keep a watch over Ashwyn for me.”

“Wait, wasn’t she one of the ones to stop this whole thing? What happened?” Light step raised a brow inquisitively.

“These events created friction between her and Aurick. I have no doubt he will come to speak with her once he can walk again, and with the aid of some healing spells, I’m sure he’ll be up some time today. I’d prefer it if he held back until she was ready for him, but I doubt he will. I’d just like you to make sure he doesn’t get to do so.”

“Alright, I can do that. Is there anything else?”

“No. That will be all.” Nodding, the mare saluted, then, as swiftly as she appeared, she was gone. Luna couldn’t help but sigh as she drank from her mug once more.

It was time to get to work.

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